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Moving To Chaing Mai


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:o Well I think it is abount time to make the break.

37 yo and sick and tired of having nothing left every month after tony gats his pay......

I have been married (to a Thai) for the last 14 years.She is also sick of the UK.

We have a bungalow in sankampaeng,chaing mai and plan to live there.

All is going well except she is now in the family way,######!!!!

Anyway to pose a question.

I/We will have in the region of £100,000-£110,000 to live out our days in Thailand.

We both have pensions that we can`t get untill we are 50.

So what do you think???

I am living in a dream world or would I live on this amount of money.

Feel free to email me ([email protected]) with any advice,good or bad.

I have absolutely no interest to buy a car,but a motorbike would be a necessity for where we will live. (20 mins to chaing mai)

Thanks for any comments.

ps first time I have used this forum.I found it by accident!!!!!!!

Comments from anyone in Chaing Mai would be most welcome....


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Hi Paul,

Since you have digs already, assuming a non-extravagant lifestyle, you could easily and comfortably live just on the interest, never touching your principal.

Also, depending on your visa status, there are lots of ways you could pick up some extra cash with some kind of small business (or in any case I guess the business could be in your wife's name, again depending on her legal status).

I don't know how much time you've spent in Thailand in the rainy season, but if you are out away from decent public transport, I think you will be changing your mind on having an enclosed vehicle soon after the next rainy season starts, if not sooner.

Take the time while it is still dry and find yourself a good, used vehicle. You will appreciate having it also when it is hot enough outside to fry an egg (make sure the aircon works well). Not to mention the frequency of fatal and near fatal motorcycle accidents being a factor. Sure, have a bike for local shopping or fun trips in the country but I recommend a car or pickup for trips in to the city, if you do not have convenient public transport.

Check out the "Have You Bought A Pick Up Truck In Chiang Mai?" thread for pros an cons on various vehicle issues.

Good Luck!



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Thanks for advice.

I Have been to Chaing Mai many times,usaully for between 2 to 4 weeks at atime.

Most of my wifes family live locally so if I have ever needed to get to the city I have paid 400-500 for the journey.

As I do not plan to go the Chaing Mai that often I figured that it would be cheaper to buy a bike and communute this way.

You are correct in thinking that I have never been to Chaing Mai in the rainy season (however once in Phuket).

I was planning to basically be a hermit during this time and maybe enter quite a few new posts to see how I am getting on!!!!!!!

Any information that anyone supplys me is much appreciated.


Could not work out how to change original post,kept being asked for admistrater password....

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