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Police Prepare For Election Day Expat Sobriety Riots


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Very good....;)

The extra 20.000 police is for the Thai's but the Red Shirts are so sensitive to this type of news that

they have to say that it is for foreigners who cannot drink and will therefore become reckless.

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What is really sad is they think the only reason people come to Thailand is for alcohol and women. Doesn't say much for there life. The article may have been written with satire in mind but there is all to many here who think it is the way things really are.<img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/angry.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':realangry:' /><br />
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Um, it was not written with "satire in mind." It was written completely as satire. It is a joke, for goodness' sake.

I am not so much amazed at the number of people who didn't realize this was a joke at first, but rather as with the April Fools thread, how many people, when confronted that it was a joke, can't seem to accept it as such and seem to keep insisting that the article is true.

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So, if the content of this jape were true, then no rented Thai lady company for a whole 36 hours. This means that because of the election there will be no erection.

I wonder if the travel agencies around the World advised their sex tourist clients to avoid this encumbrance to their annual bean feast holidays?

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"Major grocery chains such as Tops have also joined in the campaign, touting 12-packs of Chang and Singha at their outlets with offers of free coolers as part of their “Stay Home, Stay Wasted” promotion."

I actually laughed out loud when I read that. It made my day!

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Although clearly labeled as "satire", several posters apparently do not know what the definition of that word.

Yes I took the artical for real becose I fort it ment saturated which actually means full or somfink so I fort it wer real, o-man i look stupid now donte I!!!

(Actually people dont seem to "read" much these days they skim over the text without taking it in or understanding what is being said, sort of like a zombie walking streight past you, as they do in Central Festival soon after payday.

I made a totaly funy reply in answer the original one and got totaly ignored perhaps because everyone presumed my reply was serious as well.

I made some later very funny comments that got deleted !!!! but thats just sad.

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The only sad thing is that people come for 3 weeks, they loose 3 Saturdays of their holiday.


Ya... because who could possibly have a holiday without booze and rented girls, right?? rolleyes.gif

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Yes, we've all read about the riots farangs cause because their favorite bars are closed. :huh: Was this actually printed in a newspaper in Thailand. Wow. I'm just embarressed for Thai people. They all can't be this ignorant.

The article is clearly marked "satire".

Can we be embarrassed for all of the people from YOUR country now? They all can't be this ignorant.

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<<"For many of these men, 36 hours without a drink and the company of a rented Asian female represents something unacceptable, terrifying even," said Noppawan Rangkulan, sociology professor at Thammasat University. "Sobering up means becoming momentarily aware of their graying bodies and emotionally hollow lives. What we think of as an alcohol-free night represents an existential crisis for them.">>

The sad thing is that this is not really satire is it? I made my first ever trip to Pattaya last weekend for a diving trip with a friend. (I know it's not the best place, but it was a day trip from BKK where we both work.) After about 10 minutes walking around there I told my friend, "Well, I finally understand why Thailand doesn't have a retirement visa."

Edited by moto77
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Only in Thailand would this article have to be explicitly labeled 'Satire' at the top. :lol:

It's only "believable" if you're a complete moron.

...and it takes a frigging genius to hurl insults in a humorous thread...

Yes, this is supposed to be a humorous thread...but have you read some of these boneheaded responses? This article was written by a farang to make fun of farangs who would get bent because of the alcohol-ban-during-elections. And guess what? We've got a bunch of schmucks getting upset because of the alcohol-ban-during-elections. But even more than that, we've got farangs getting offended because of what the "Thais think about us." &lt;deleted&gt;? The satire was written by a farang from a farang perspective. I'm sorry, but the moron comment stands.

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Well , that is what Thais think of farangs .. If farangs were poor you would really see what Thais think you ..

It is what they think of a certain type of visitor. But then again, many of us expats think exactly the same thing...

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Only in Thailand would this article have to be explicitly labeled 'Satire' at the top. :lol:

It's only "believable" if you're a complete moron.

...and it takes a frigging genius to hurl insults in a humorous thread...

Yes, this is supposed to be a humorous thread...but have you read some of these boneheaded responses? This article was written by a farang to make fun of farangs who would get bent because of the alcohol-ban-during-elections. And guess what? We've got a bunch of schmucks getting upset because of the alcohol-ban-during-elections. But even more than that, we've got farangs getting offended because of what the "Thais think about us." &lt;deleted&gt;? The satire was written by a farang from a farang perspective. I'm sorry, but the moron comment stands.

Excellent comments.

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What the h***. Is all of Thailand this ignorant? Who are these people? "36 hours without a drink and the company of a rented Asian female represents something unacceptable, terrifying even."

Yes, we've all read about the riots farangs cause because their favorite bars are closed. :huh: Was this actually printed in a newspaper in Thailand. Wow. I'm just embarressed for Thai people. They all can't be this ignorant.

Dude, did you misplace your brain cells at the local pub? True ignorance is not being able to recognize satire, even after being told repeatedly. Get a grip!

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Only in Thailand would this article have to be explicitly labeled 'Satire' at the top. :lol:

This is an excellant example of mixed emotions;

The satire is hilarious

The fact that all the real news is as absurd and unbelievabe as George's satire is frightening

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I guess that the Thai economy, to a large extent, does depend on the debauchery of the Western tourist.

Maybe this will become a permanent ban and the nasty Farangs will stay home and mail their money to their favorite politician.

I highly doubt Thailand relies on farangs debauchery. Yes there is certainly a lot of it but most expats are not that involved in it. There money goes else where into the economy.

It never ceases to amaze me how people can sit on a bar stool hours on end pay a girl to be nice to them and still think they know all about every one else.

Reminds me of a college instructor who said most people think the whole world is like there back yard. SAD :(

Glad to see some posts here that are not completely brainless. After 7 years in Thailand, I can say that I've been treated badly by a Thai maybe 5 times. That is a far better ratio than, say AMERICA where I am from.

And for people that complain about their posts being removed: Try the Bangkok Post's forum. You can make any racist remark you like there. They will only remove your posts if you complain about the racists.

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What the h***. Is all of Thailand this ignorant? Who are these people? "36 hours without a drink and the company of a rented Asian female represents something unacceptable, terrifying even."

Yes, we've all read about the riots farangs cause because their favorite bars are closed. :huh: Was this actually printed in a newspaper in Thailand. Wow. I'm just embarressed for Thai people. They all can't be this ignorant.

Dude, did you misplace your brain cells at the local pub? True ignorance is not being able to recognize satire, even after being told repeatedly. Get a grip!

No, no, you are mistaken, this article is the real deal man.

I am sitting next to the Captain at the CSI headquarters using his computer to write this, he has confirmed they have made some early arrests already.

Captain Boonsomtumchy said "the police often take instructions and follow to the the letter and enact on articles written in Thai Visa", He also said "my English is not good but I understand the article so we are presuming it to be correct", he went on to say "We care about our image so don't presume all police are stupid". :ermm:

Edited by newermonkey
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Nah, didn't need the 'Satire' label - no Thai would ever go on about an "Existential crisis" - except for meaning the challenge of getting the truck and occupants home in one piece with the contents of a bottle of scotch swilling around the driver's guts ! :whistling:

It's interesting to see how people expose themselves with their comments... and more interesting that they don't even realize that fact.

Expats that work with the vast majority of "normal" Thai citizens will instantly recognize comments such as the one above as coming from someone who has never met a Thai person that did not work in a go go bar (or formerly work in a go go bar)... and in that case--what, exactly, were you expecting to find in there? Enlightenment?

(PS: Talking to the clerk at the hotel or waitress in the restaurant near your favorite go go bar does not count as "meeting" a Thai.)

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Nah, didn't need the 'Satire' label - no Thai would ever go on about an "Existential crisis" - except for meaning the challenge of getting the truck and occupants home in one piece with the contents of a bottle of scotch swilling around the driver's guts ! :whistling:

It's interesting to see how people expose themselves with their comments... and more interesting that they don't even realize that fact.

Expats that work with the vast majority of "normal" Thai citizens will instantly recognize comments such as the one above as coming from someone who has never met a Thai person that did not work in a go go bar (or formerly work in a go go bar)... and in that case--what, exactly, were you expecting to find in there? Enlightenment?

(PS: Talking to the clerk at the hotel or waitress in the restaurant near your favorite go go bar does not count as "meeting" a Thai.)

Astute observation.

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Does anyone at TV critique these posts before they are made public ? - What an inept and substandard article - its obvious the composer is a "Farang Hater" and just simply a "Hater" in general. The writers fabrication due to lack of real content in this article certainly makes it a fictional piece of writing - I would not go any further into the articles state of literature which would dignify it - not to give the article too much praise which it certainly does not deserve.

I take strong offense to the content of this article and "spin" pieces of writing such as this - the author not having enough true content or literary writing abilities to produce an unbiased and resourceful article - resorts to filling the pages with garbage. The TV community deserves better than this and this writer should find another profession. I have not seen this many abuses of an article on TV before.

It seems the composer is the same typical person - anyone can meet - on any given day - which simply has their sights set on undermining the "Farang" community. Most likely the same person who directly or indirectly draws a paycheck from a "Farang" source of revenue each and every month - thus "Bite The Hand That Feeds You" is most likely the case.

The very small percentage of "Farangs" that are visiting for 15 to 30 days would be cheering over this article - however - those of us who live here - support the economy more than 10 times that of an average Thai per month - despise random thinking such as the content of this article being publicized. If this is the trend for TV to support random writing like this - I will certainly being changing the channel to a better quality of life resource for news and tid-bits.

You "Farang Haters" can simply walk away - stay away from all Farangs and their money - don't have anything to do with us - and I bet your pockets will be empty and you will want once again to walk beside us and give those fake superficial smiles while you hold your hand out to collect a paycheck.

I despise articles such as this and everything they stand for (which is literally nothing). "Farangs " are here to stay - if you don't like it - contact your public officials (LOL - who represents you - LOL)

GET A LIFE - OPEN YOUR EYES - THERE IS A REAL WORLD OUT THEIR COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM YOUR MAKE BELIEVE ONE - the same one that obviously functions quite well without "YOU" contributing any real value as you have expressed in this article.

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GET A LIFE - OPEN YOUR EYES - THERE IS A REAL WORLD OUT THEIR COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM YOUR MAKE BELIEVE ONE - the same one that obviously functions quite well without "YOU" contributing any real value as you have expressed in this article.


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<snipped rant>

GET A LIFE - OPEN YOUR EYES - THERE IS A REAL WORLD OUT THEIR COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM YOUR MAKE BELIEVE ONE - the same one that obviously functions quite well without "YOU" contributing any real value as you have expressed in this article.


I'll double that. :cheesy: :cheesy:

It's amazing someone goes to that much effort to rant over Satire.

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At the risk of being pedantic and too large.


brought to you by,

Notthenation.com 2011-07-01

' Not The Nation '

is a regularly produced WEBSITE PARODY

of 'The Nation' newspaper.

It's trademark is ABSURDITY, with enough smidgeon of truth to draw you in. If you are actually taking it seriously, you may likely have had a humor-ectomy in your earlier years. Bike accident, pre-frontal lobotomy, extreme sports mishap, excessive substance abuse (alcohol especially), extensive theological fervor, or long lasting curmudgeon injection.

If you are now taking extreme umbrage at my comments, then they STILL apply, but doubled. rolleyes.gif

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"Dumfarang" do you want to tell "Siamjimi" or can I ?......suspect he is going to feel a real silly billy very shortly...:whistling:

Cant wait for his retraction...:rolleyes: ...but must say one of the better rants I have read in the last few weeks

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"Dumfarang" do you want to tell "Siamjimi" or can I ?......suspect he is going to feel a real silly billy very shortly...:whistling:

Cant wait for his retraction...:rolleyes: ...but must say one of the better rants I have read in the last few weeks

Oh just let him sweat it out till dawn breaks over Marblehead and the ships come back from sea.

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