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Police Prepare For Election Day Expat Sobriety Riots


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Why do expats put up with this xenophobic, racist BS written and commented upon by a professor with the insight of a five year old. Oh must be for the beer and bar girls.

See my post above. That's YOU I'm talking about, my friend.

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Why do expats put up with this xenophobic, racist BS written and commented upon by a professor with the insight of a five year old. Oh must be for the beer and bar girls.

Speaking of "the insight of a five year old"... :whistling:

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This thread's like a fine wine, as it keeps breathing it keeps improving.


Notthenation articles the gift that keeps giving and giving...:lol:

This thread's like a fine wine, as it keeps breathing it keeps improving.


Post #243 certainly proves your point.:licklips:

Hehehe. I amend the last statement. It's the Dom Perignon of TV threads!


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Does anyone at TV critique these posts before they are made public ? - What an inept and substandard article - its obvious the composer is a "Farang Hater" and just simply a "Hater" in general. The writers fabrication due to lack of real content in this article certainly makes it a fictional piece of writing - I would not go any further into the articles state of literature which would dignify it - not to give the article too much praise which it certainly does not deserve.

I take strong offense to the content of this article and "spin" pieces of writing such as this - the author not having enough true content or literary writing abilities to produce an unbiased and resourceful article - resorts to filling the pages with garbage. The TV community deserves better than this and this writer should find another profession. I have not seen this many abuses of an article on TV before.

It seems the composer is the same typical person - anyone can meet - on any given day - which simply has their sights set on undermining the "Farang" community. Most likely the same person who directly or indirectly draws a paycheck from a "Farang" source of revenue each and every month - thus "Bite The Hand That Feeds You" is most likely the case.

The very small percentage of "Farangs" that are visiting for 15 to 30 days would be cheering over this article - however - those of us who live here - support the economy more than 10 times that of an average Thai per month - despise random thinking such as the content of this article being publicized. If this is the trend for TV to support random writing like this - I will certainly being changing the channel to a better quality of life resource for news and tid-bits.

You "Farang Haters" can simply walk away - stay away from all Farangs and their money - don't have anything to do with us - and I bet your pockets will be empty and you will want once again to walk beside us and give those fake superficial smiles while you hold your hand out to collect a paycheck.

I despise articles such as this and everything they stand for (which is literally nothing). "Farangs " are here to stay - if you don't like it - contact your public officials (LOL - who represents you - LOL)

GET A LIFE - OPEN YOUR EYES - THERE IS A REAL WORLD OUT THEIR COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM YOUR MAKE BELIEVE ONE - the same one that obviously functions quite well without "YOU" contributing any real value as you have expressed in this article.

Some people live for the attention and strive for the limelight. I'm not sure that jimiboy is enjoying that right now!!!

Probably took him a good 30 minutes to compose it as well looking for the most hateful words and expressions in the dictionary.

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Probably took him a good 30 minutes to compose it as well looking for the most hateful words and expressions in the dictionary.

Pity he didnt spend another 5 seconds and look up the word "Satire" while he was at it...:whistling:

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Probably took him a good 30 minutes to compose it as well looking for the most hateful words and expressions in the dictionary.

Pity he didnt spend another 5 seconds and look up the word "Satire" while he was at it...:whistling:


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i just wanred to add my congrats to the list. this was probably the best post I have read on any board for ages. and the responses, to date, have contributed greatly to its going down in the anals of chatroom history. pointed out to us yesterday we even featured it on 105 FM, giving your board the credit for it of course and recommending folk visit you to get a full read.

TV is a constant source of good info.. and of course satire



Were you actually trying to say annals, as in record or events or did you really mean anals?

Some TV members have been accused of that.:rolleyes:

I think he got it right the 1st time....

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Probably took him a good 30 minutes to compose it as well looking for the most hateful words and expressions in the dictionary.

Pity he didnt spend another 5 seconds and look up the word "Satire" while he was at it...:whistling:

One things for certain, if he had of done then this thread wouldn't have stretched to 11 pages as he has attained celebrity status - almost legendary, although that may just be going a bit too far!!!

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Does anyone at TV critique these posts before they are made public ? - What an inept and substandard article - its obvious the composer is a "Farang Hater" and just simply a "Hater" in general. The writers fabrication due to lack of real content in this article certainly makes it a fictional piece of writing - I would not go any further into the articles state of literature which would dignify it - not to give the article too much praise which it certainly does not deserve.

I take strong offense to the content of this article and "spin" pieces of writing such as this - the author not having enough true content or literary writing abilities to produce an unbiased and resourceful article - resorts to filling the pages with garbage. The TV community deserves better than this and this writer should find another profession. I have not seen this many abuses of an article on TV before.

It seems the composer is the same typical person - anyone can meet - on any given day - which simply has their sights set on undermining the "Farang" community. Most likely the same person who directly or indirectly draws a paycheck from a "Farang" source of revenue each and every month - thus "Bite The Hand That Feeds You" is most likely the case.

The very small percentage of "Farangs" that are visiting for 15 to 30 days would be cheering over this article - however - those of us who live here - support the economy more than 10 times that of an average Thai per month - despise random thinking such as the content of this article being publicized. If this is the trend for TV to support random writing like this - I will certainly being changing the channel to a better quality of life resource for news and tid-bits.

You "Farang Haters" can simply walk away - stay away from all Farangs and their money - don't have anything to do with us - and I bet your pockets will be empty and you will want once again to walk beside us and give those fake superficial smiles while you hold your hand out to collect a paycheck.

I despise articles such as this and everything they stand for (which is literally nothing). "Farangs " are here to stay - if you don't like it - contact your public officials (LOL - who represents you - LOL)

GET A LIFE - OPEN YOUR EYES - THERE IS A REAL WORLD OUT THEIR COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM YOUR MAKE BELIEVE ONE - the same one that obviously functions quite well without "YOU" contributing any real value as you have expressed in this article.

Some people live for the attention and strive for the limelight. I'm not sure that jimiboy is enjoying that right now!!!

Probably took him a good 30 minutes to compose it as well looking for the most hateful words and expressions in the dictionary.

I decided to take the charitable view and concluded it was satire on satire. Otherwise I'd be thinking Immigration regulations aren't tough enough and I really don't want to go there.

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Does anyone at TV critique these posts before they are made public ? - What an inept and substandard article - its obvious the composer is a "Farang Hater" and just simply a "Hater" in general. The writers fabrication due to lack of real content in this article certainly makes it a fictional piece of writing - I would not go any further into the articles state of literature which would dignify it - not to give the article too much praise which it certainly does not deserve.

I take strong offense to the content of this article and "spin" pieces of writing such as this - the author not having enough true content or literary writing abilities to produce an unbiased and resourceful article - resorts to filling the pages with garbage. The TV community deserves better than this and this writer should find another profession. I have not seen this many abuses of an article on TV before.

It seems the composer is the same typical person - anyone can meet - on any given day - which simply has their sights set on undermining the "Farang" community. Most likely the same person who directly or indirectly draws a paycheck from a "Farang" source of revenue each and every month - thus "Bite The Hand That Feeds You" is most likely the case.

The very small percentage of "Farangs" that are visiting for 15 to 30 days would be cheering over this article - however - those of us who live here - support the economy more than 10 times that of an average Thai per month - despise random thinking such as the content of this article being publicized. If this is the trend for TV to support random writing like this - I will certainly being changing the channel to a better quality of life resource for news and tid-bits.

You "Farang Haters" can simply walk away - stay away from all Farangs and their money - don't have anything to do with us - and I bet your pockets will be empty and you will want once again to walk beside us and give those fake superficial smiles while you hold your hand out to collect a paycheck.

I despise articles such as this and everything they stand for (which is literally nothing). "Farangs " are here to stay - if you don't like it - contact your public officials (LOL - who represents you - LOL)

GET A LIFE - OPEN YOUR EYES - THERE IS A REAL WORLD OUT THEIR COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM YOUR MAKE BELIEVE ONE - the same one that obviously functions quite well without "YOU" contributing any real value as you have expressed in this article.

Some people live for the attention and strive for the limelight. I'm not sure that jimiboy is enjoying that right now!!!

Probably took him a good 30 minutes to compose it as well looking for the most hateful words and expressions in the dictionary.

I decided to take the charitable view and concluded it was satire on satire. Otherwise I'd be thinking Immigration regulations aren't tough enough and I really don't want to go there.

Just think, you may be right and dear jimi might be having the mother of all laughs at the whole lot of us - me included!! Now wouldn't that be something!!:blink:

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Does anyone at TV critique these posts before they are made public ? - What an inept and substandard article - its obvious the composer is a "Farang Hater" and just simply a "Hater" in general. The writers fabrication due to lack of real content in this article certainly makes it a fictional piece of writing - I would not go any further into the articles state of literature which would dignify it - not to give the article too much praise which it certainly does not deserve.

I take strong offense to the content of this article and "spin" pieces of writing such as this - the author not having enough true content or literary writing abilities to produce an unbiased and resourceful article - resorts to filling the pages with garbage. The TV community deserves better than this and this writer should find another profession. I have not seen this many abuses of an article on TV before.

It seems the composer is the same typical person - anyone can meet - on any given day - which simply has their sights set on undermining the "Farang" community. Most likely the same person who directly or indirectly draws a paycheck from a "Farang" source of revenue each and every month - thus "Bite The Hand That Feeds You" is most likely the case.

The very small percentage of "Farangs" that are visiting for 15 to 30 days would be cheering over this article - however - those of us who live here - support the economy more than 10 times that of an average Thai per month - despise random thinking such as the content of this article being publicized. If this is the trend for TV to support random writing like this - I will certainly being changing the channel to a better quality of life resource for news and tid-bits.

You "Farang Haters" can simply walk away - stay away from all Farangs and their money - don't have anything to do with us - and I bet your pockets will be empty and you will want once again to walk beside us and give those fake superficial smiles while you hold your hand out to collect a paycheck.

I despise articles such as this and everything they stand for (which is literally nothing). "Farangs " are here to stay - if you don't like it - contact your public officials (LOL - who represents you - LOL)

GET A LIFE - OPEN YOUR EYES - THERE IS A REAL WORLD OUT THEIR COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM YOUR MAKE BELIEVE ONE - the same one that obviously functions quite well without "YOU" contributing any real value as you have expressed in this article.

Some people live for the attention and strive for the limelight. I'm not sure that jimiboy is enjoying that right now!!!

Probably took him a good 30 minutes to compose it as well looking for the most hateful words and expressions in the dictionary.

I decided to take the charitable view and concluded it was satire on satire. Otherwise I'd be thinking Immigration regulations aren't tough enough and I really don't want to go there.

Just think, you may be right and dear jimi might be having the mother of all laughs at the whole lot of us - me included!! Now wouldn't that be something!!:blink:

Having commented, almost seriously on jimi's article, how brilliant it would be if it is satire on satire and it has certainly stimulated "a few" (sarcasm folks) additional postings. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt - well done jimi, I think. Time for a beer anyone?

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Just think, you may be right and dear jimi might be having the mother of all laughs at the whole lot of us - me included!! Now wouldn't that be something!!:blink:

I think if that was truely the case dear jimi would have been back on TV to gloat...:rolleyes:

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Does anyone at TV critique these posts before they are made public ? - What an inept and substandard article - its obvious the composer is a "Farang Hater" and just simply a "Hater" in general. The writers fabrication due to lack of real content in this article certainly makes it a fictional piece of writing - I would not go any further into the articles state of literature which would dignify it - not to give the article too much praise which it certainly does not deserve.

I take strong offense to the content of this article and "spin" pieces of writing such as this - the author not having enough true content or literary writing abilities to produce an unbiased and resourceful article - resorts to filling the pages with garbage. The TV community deserves better than this and this writer should find another profession. I have not seen this many abuses of an article on TV before.

It seems the composer is the same typical person - anyone can meet - on any given day - which simply has their sights set on undermining the "Farang" community. Most likely the same person who directly or indirectly draws a paycheck from a "Farang" source of revenue each and every month - thus "Bite The Hand That Feeds You" is most likely the case.

The very small percentage of "Farangs" that are visiting for 15 to 30 days would be cheering over this article - however - those of us who live here - support the economy more than 10 times that of an average Thai per month - despise random thinking such as the content of this article being publicized. If this is the trend for TV to support random writing like this - I will certainly being changing the channel to a better quality of life resource for news and tid-bits.

You "Farang Haters" can simply walk away - stay away from all Farangs and their money - don't have anything to do with us - and I bet your pockets will be empty and you will want once again to walk beside us and give those fake superficial smiles while you hold your hand out to collect a paycheck.

I despise articles such as this and everything they stand for (which is literally nothing). "Farangs " are here to stay - if you don't like it - contact your public officials (LOL - who represents you - LOL)

GET A LIFE - OPEN YOUR EYES - THERE IS A REAL WORLD OUT THEIR COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM YOUR MAKE BELIEVE ONE - the same one that obviously functions quite well without "YOU" contributing any real value as you have expressed in this article.

Some people live for the attention and strive for the limelight. I'm not sure that jimiboy is enjoying that right now!!!

Probably took him a good 30 minutes to compose it as well looking for the most hateful words and expressions in the dictionary.

I decided to take the charitable view and concluded it was satire on satire. Otherwise I'd be thinking Immigration regulations aren't tough enough and I really don't want to go there.

Just think, you may be right and dear jimi might be having the mother of all laughs at the whole lot of us - me included!! Now wouldn't that be something!!:blink:

Having commented, almost seriously on jimi's article, how brilliant it would be if it is satire on satire and it has certainly stimulated "a few" (sarcasm folks) additional postings. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt - well done jimi, I think. Time for a beer anyone?

A few!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's monopolised it :)

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What a low and arrogant opinion some Thais have of us. I wonder how they would feel if we all just left and took our money with us.

If, Bedouin1990 and others, you cannot appreciate and enjoy this excellent and hilarious piece of writing you must be wearing a hat that fits you far too well!

I knew from the Thai Visa email title that this was a piss-take (satire) without ever needing to read it. I suppose this is because I am British and we have no problem in laughing at ourselves. It is so innate and natural, I can never understand how so many other citizens of this World cannot.

OK, before some wise-ass cracks that they don't have trouble laughing at the Brits either, you KNOW what I mean :) !!!

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What a low and arrogant opinion some Thais have of us. I wonder how they would feel if we all just left and took our money with us.

If, Bedouin1990 and others, you cannot appreciate and enjoy this excellent and hilarious piece of writing you must be wearing a hat that fits you far too well!

I knew from the Thai Visa email title that this was a piss-take (satire) without ever needing to read it. I suppose this is because I am British and we have no problem in laughing at ourselves. It is so innate and natural, I can never understand how so many other citizens of this World cannot.

OK, before some wise-ass cracks that they don't have trouble laughing at the Brits either, you KNOW what I mean :) !!!

Well said!.

For many years, the British have made a business out of being able to laugh at themselves and not take themselves too seriously.

Where would we be without TWTWTW, Monty Python’s Flying Circus, Blackadder, Fawlty Towers, Spitting Image and many others ; all, or most of them, taking the Mickey Bliss out of government, politicians, religion and people full of their own self-importance.

It is a pity that there is no show on TV that approximates this type of humour, but I am sure the Thais know how to do it.

We live in a politically correct world now and so must rely on the wit of the likes of Not The Nation.

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What a low and arrogant opinion some Thais have of us. I wonder how they would feel if we all just left and took our money with us.

If, Bedouin1990 and others, you cannot appreciate and enjoy this excellent and hilarious piece of writing you must be wearing a hat that fits you far too well!

I knew from the Thai Visa email title that this was a piss-take (satire) without ever needing to read it. I suppose this is because I am British and we have no problem in laughing at ourselves. It is so innate and natural, I can never understand how so many other citizens of this World cannot.

OK, before some wise-ass cracks that they don't have trouble laughing at the Brits either, you KNOW what I mean :) !!!

Well said!.

For many years, the British have made a business out of being able to laugh at themselves and not take themselves too seriously.

Where would we be without TWTWTW, Monty Python’s Flying Circus, Blackadder, Fawlty Towers, Spitting Image and many others ; all, or most of them, taking the Mickey Bliss out of government, politicians, religion and people full of their own self-importance.

It is a pity that there is no show on TV that approximates this type of humour, but I am sure the Thais know how to do it.

We live in a politically correct world now and so must rely on the wit of the likes of Not The Nation.

You forgot my all-time favorite Yes, Minister :)

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Why do expats put up with this xenophobic, racist BS written and commented upon by a professor with the insight of a five year old. Oh must be for the beer and bar girls.

Some days are good days, some are bad ..... today is a great day ;)

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yes, pure enlightenment! Now I know why Rowan Atkinson has so many fans here, cause his humor is genuinely blissful, of buddha nature, something to howl about for hours the very simplistic mind... muhahahahahaha... sometimes I get the feeling that the whole thing here is not much else than a cheap slapstick comedy show, only that the foggy, grey, cold, rainy background is missing completely, where one would feel depressed and down enough to have to enrich ones life with such high scoring quality entertainment out of the goggle box.

fully agree...


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What a low and arrogant opinion some Thais have of us. I wonder how they would feel if we all just left and took our money with us.

If, Bedouin1990 and others, you cannot appreciate and enjoy this excellent and hilarious piece of writing you must be wearing a hat that fits you far too well!

I knew from the Thai Visa email title that this was a piss-take (satire) without ever needing to read it. I suppose this is because I am British and we have no problem in laughing at ourselves. It is so innate and natural, I can never understand how so many other citizens of this World cannot.

OK, before some wise-ass cracks that they don't have trouble laughing at the Brits either, you KNOW what I mean :) !!!

Well said!.

For many years, the British have made a business out of being able to laugh at themselves and not take themselves too seriously.

Where would we be without TWTWTW, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Blackadder, Fawlty Towers, Spitting Image and many others ; all, or most of them, taking the Mickey Bliss out of government, politicians, religion and people full of their own self-importance.

It is a pity that there is no show on TV that approximates this type of humour, but I am sure the Thais know how to do it.

We live in a politically correct world now and so must rely on the wit of the likes of Not The Nation.

You forgot my all-time favorite Yes, Minister :)

....Just a little aside for you 'Wandering Type' , with this screen name you must have something in common with 'Bedouin1990!

..........Oh! Sorry! I see It's 'Wondering type'!

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What a low and arrogant opinion some Thais have of us. I wonder how they would feel if we all just left and took our money with us.

If, Bedouin1990 and others, you cannot appreciate and enjoy this excellent and hilarious piece of writing you must be wearing a hat that fits you far too well!

I knew from the Thai Visa email title that this was a piss-take (satire) without ever needing to read it. I suppose this is because I am British and we have no problem in laughing at ourselves. It is so innate and natural, I can never understand how so many other citizens of this World cannot.

OK, before some wise-ass cracks that they don't have trouble laughing at the Brits either, you KNOW what I mean :) !!!

Well said!.

For many years, the British have made a business out of being able to laugh at themselves and not take themselves too seriously.

Where would we be without TWTWTW, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Blackadder, Fawlty Towers, Spitting Image and many others ; all, or most of them, taking the Mickey Bliss out of government, politicians, religion and people full of their own self-importance.

It is a pity that there is no show on TV that approximates this type of humour, but I am sure the Thais know how to do it.

We live in a politically correct world now and so must rely on the wit of the likes of Not The Nation.

You forgot my all-time favorite Yes, Minister :)

Yes. Miss Prime Minister????

With Jatuporn playing Sir Humphrey....


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What a low and arrogant opinion some Thais have of us. I wonder how they would feel if we all just left and took our money with us.

If, Bedouin1990 and others, you cannot appreciate and enjoy this excellent and hilarious piece of writing you must be wearing a hat that fits you far too well!

I knew from the Thai Visa email title that this was a piss-take (satire) without ever needing to read it. I suppose this is because I am British and we have no problem in laughing at ourselves. It is so innate and natural, I can never understand how so many other citizens of this World cannot.

OK, before some wise-ass cracks that they don't have trouble laughing at the Brits either, you KNOW what I mean :) !!!

Well said!.

For many years, the British have made a business out of being able to laugh at themselves and not take themselves too seriously.

Where would we be without TWTWTW, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Blackadder, Fawlty Towers, Spitting Image and many others ; all, or most of them, taking the Mickey Bliss out of government, politicians, religion and people full of their own self-importance.

It is a pity that there is no show on TV that approximates this type of humour, but I am sure the Thais know how to do it.

We live in a politically correct world now and so must rely on the wit of the likes of Not The Nation.

You forgot my all-time favorite Yes, Minister :)

Not the nine O'clock News.......My favourite sketches ....Gerald the Gorillia, the Parody of "The Life of Brian" and how to solve the football hooligan problem.......:lol:

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