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Who Check Validity Of Foreign Teacher’S B.A Degree& Transcript ?


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If a high school hires native English teachers through a teacher agency , I am wondering who has responsibility for checking the validity of their B.A degree& academic record , the school, the agency or Ministry of Educaiton.

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Normally the agency. That's why the schools use agencies, it's easier to pass the buck.

Many agencies do not give a rats whisker if you have credentials as long as your white, speak some form of English and are breathing. And most will NOT get you a WP so beware.

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Normally the agency. That's why the schools use agencies, it's easier to pass the buck.

Many agencies do not give a rats whisker if you have credentials as long as your white, speak some form of English and are breathing. And most will NOT get you a WP so beware.

Here Here i worked for a agent once they had no intention of doing paperwork.

Good way to be if you want to stay in a school for a short period of time.

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Before the coming of the TCT (see the pinned thread at the top of the subforum on the Teacher's Council of Thailand and their somewhat inconsistent approach to qualifications and licensing), the last thing I remember being said on the subject at the government level was that the individual schools were supposed to be responsible for vetting their candidates, but I believe the TCT makes that whole thing moot. Since they are an organization under the MOE, I guess that's the answer to OP's question- though of course, to get your school or agency to hire you, you would have to satisfy them as well.

I think at the moment the ONLY people who can give permission (licensing) either temporary or permanent for being a foreign teacher here are the TCT. Of course, though they may have been happy at the prospect of juicy license, 'class' and 'test' fees, this also makes them responsible for actually doing the vetting, and doing it consistently and in a timely, professional, and transparent way. It is far from certain that they have shouldered this responsibility well- it is not unusual for licenses to be issued after significant periods of time have passed from their starting validity dates, for example.

Of course, there is the grey area of the period of time from when you are hired to when you receive approval, because very few people who start working here have planned 1-2 years in advance to apply for those credentials.

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The TCT does not verify the authenticity of a degree. The responsibility for submitting the paper work, and the verification is on the school.

They want a copy of the degree and the transcript. We have gotten approval with the transcript only. I have not tried with a degree only and no transcript.

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Actually, the verification of the degree is done for the Ministry of Education. The degree, the transcript and other documents, including the verification, are reviewed by the MOE. The MOE then writes a letter to the embassy/consulate where the person plans to get the non-immigrant visa. Without the letter from the MOE, the visa isn't (usually) given.

Next, if I recall correctly, is the application for a Work Permit which must be completed before the non-immigrant visa expires. After that is the Teacher's License and the TCT nonsense.

As near as I can tell, the TCT doesn't really DO anything. They just tell others what to do.

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Actually, the verification of the degree is done for the Ministry of Education. The degree, the transcript and other documents, including the verification, are reviewed by the MOE. The MOE then writes a letter to the embassy/consulate where the person plans to get the non-immigrant visa. Without the letter from the MOE, the visa isn't (usually) given.

Next, if I recall correctly, is the application for a Work Permit which must be completed before the non-immigrant visa expires. After that is the Teacher's License and the TCT nonsense.

As near as I can tell, the TCT doesn't really DO anything. They just tell others what to do.

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Actually, the verification of the degree is done for the Ministry of Education. The degree, the transcript and other documents, including the verification, are reviewed by the MOE. The MOE then writes a letter to the embassy/consulate where the person plans to get the non-immigrant visa. Without the letter from the MOE, the visa isn't (usually) given.

Next, if I recall correctly, is the application for a Work Permit which must be completed before the non-immigrant visa expires. After that is the Teacher's License and the TCT nonsense.

As near as I can tell, the TCT doesn't really DO anything. They just tell others what to do.

And amazingly they don't even do that very well 555

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