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Yingluck Shinawatra Voted In As First Female Thai Prime Minister


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Frank Oz brought us characters such as Kermit and Miss Piggy who became household names worldwide. Frank was a master puppeteer.

I fear that his ability as a puppetteer will be eclipsed by Thaksin and his new puppet.:ph34r:

Looking forward to seeing the Thaippets at a parliament near you.:lol:

apisit no puppet?

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The Thais finally got the government they deserve.

Oh God, pls save this country...:(

Dead right mate....They got the government they well and truly deserve..!! Greed and corruption thrive in this Banana Republic. The next year is gonna be a barrel of laughs....... can,t wait to have to pay my staff 300bahts per day... but easy solution... cut from 5 girls to 2 girls, and make them work for a change..! no phones at work, no using internet, and no smoking and eating in working hours..... Thanks PTP.. saved my bacon...

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Thai political analyst Pavin Chachavalpongpun said so far she appears to be a "charismatic leader".

"We underestimated her before... During this tough first month (since the election) she has handled the situation really well, so I think we are looking perhaps at a very capable prime minister," said Pavin, of Singapore's Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.

Mr. Pavin, you must surely be talking out of your behind. Have you not learned anything from our political experts on TV?

k.Pavin is a known PTP sycophant. Since you seem to agree with him, could you please tell me what she has handled really well in the last month EXCEPT issue statements about her brother's non-involvement which are universally accepted as lies.:(

I don't know what she has handled well, nor for that matter, what she has handled badly (with regards to issuing statements about her brother, I believe these were responses to heavily loaded and inane questions by this country's highly professional journalists).

However, I would wager that lots of posters here also do not know her, that the majority would never have had the opportunity to even say sawasdee to her (even before she got involved in politics) so it bemuses me that they can pass such judgements. Fact of the matter is that she is from a level of society that that most posters here would not even get a whiff of.

Sorry, I didn't know that I had to be on first name terms with a politician to criticize them. Probably my weird western values - I was brought up to believe that "class" and "hi-so" are merely airs and pretension adopted by some so that they can feel "better" than others. We have a history of electing tradesmen and train drivers to be PM, as they seem a little more in touch with us "common" people, our needs and aspirations. Velly strange!

You should study Anatomy 101 - it will teach you something about the "upper crust" that you don't need a whiff to know.

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I wish the lady and Thailand good luck.

Whatever Thaksin's sins, the majority of people seem to want him, or his representative. Thailand is still a democracy remember, where as a famous man once said, "You get the politicians you deserve". If it brings stability and the military stays out of politics some good may come of it.

We shall see.

Where did you garn that information,, The majority of Thai people Do not want Thaksin.. they only gleaned around 32% of the total vote... but same as the UK its not by proportional representation... its by wards... many of the wards in the North East have very small amounts of voters but PTP still won the seat. If you come into Bangkok where the wards have many many peoples, the Dems swept Bangkok 23 wards to 10... and we know where the smart people are at... but I do wish Thailand good luck with this government, God knows they need it.... and 300bahts per day starting soon...

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Yingluck Shinawatra Voted Thailand's 28th Prime Minister

Pheu Thai Party's number one party-list candidate Yingluck Shinawatra is voted as Thailand's 28th prime minister. She is also the Kingdom's first female leader.

296 Members of Parliament voted in favor of Yingluck while three voted against her. 197 MP's abstained, including major opposition parties such as the Democrat and Bhum Jai Thai parties.


-- Tan Network 2011-08-05


If its not a vote in favor then its a vote against, abstaining is a political way of saying NO.

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Good luck to Yingluck, and good luck to Thailand.

Let's hope that this "fresh face", in spite of her ties to her brother, is able to do something good and positive for Thailand as a whole, and not just a few select. I say we give her a chance and see what she can do. If she fails, well, there's always the next election to get rid of her. Providing the military doesn't intervene in the meantime.

Did i read correctly in the main article that Thailand has only had one Prime Minister complete a full term in office without being removed?????????????

Someone needs to fix whats broken there.

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Being an astute political commentator, I'd like to add that I'm very proud of Thailand. They now have the only PM ever, in the history of world politics, that I want to f*^k.

Abhisit is MUCH prettier.

Next ...

I think shes a lovely girl.

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k.Pavin is a known PTP sycophant. Since you seem to agree with him, could you please tell me what she has handled really well in the last month EXCEPT issue statements about her brother's non-involvement which are universally accepted as lies.:(

I don't know what she has handled well, nor for that matter, what she has handled badly (with regards to issuing statements about her brother, I believe these were responses to heavily loaded and inane questions by this country's highly professional journalists).

However, I would wager that lots of posters here also do not know her, that the majority would never have had the opportunity to even say sawasdee to her (even before she got involved in politics) so it bemuses me that they can pass such judgements. Fact of the matter is that she is from a level of society that that most posters here would not even get a whiff of.

Sorry, I didn't know that I had to be on first name terms with a politician to criticize them. Probably my weird western values - I was brought up to believe that "class" and "hi-so" are merely airs and pretension adopted by some so that they can feel "better" than others. We have a history of electing tradesmen and train drivers to be PM, as they seem a little more in touch with us "common" people, our needs and aspirations. Velly strange!

You should study Anatomy 101 - it will teach you something about the "upper crust" that you don't need a whiff to know.

You don't have to be on a first name basis with anyone before you can criticize them but you should at least know what they are or aren't capable of before you do, lest you be labelled "judgemental". Let's face it, you have no clue whatsoever as to what Yingluck is or isn't capable off so merely criticizing her without any basis or first hand knowledge just smacks of narrow mindedness.

Yes, Oz has a history of electing tradesmen and train drivers - I didn't realise there were any other sorts of people down under biggrin.gif

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... Fact of the matter is that she is from a level of society that that most posters here would not even get a whiff of.

Bang go all your previous posts about her understanding the poor then. Now you're saying she wouldn't even condescend to fart in their direction.

Edited by ballpoint
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Can we all stop saying that Margaret Thatcher is a woman?

Yes in fact she is a LADY and a bloody great Prime Minister. :jap:

Could I interest you in a copy of `Socialist Worker`?

Socialist worker bit like effective trade union --- oxymorons :o

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... Fact of the matter is that she is from a level of society that that most posters here would not even get a whiff of.

Bang go all your previous posts about her understanding the poor then. Now you're saying she wouldn't even condescend to fart in their direction.

Strange.... looking at where she went to school in the US and the demographics there ........

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There are some great female leaders around the world who would be more than willing to give her good advice, if she's willing to take it. Good luck to her. She ceretainly can't be any worse than some of the P.M.'s Thailand has had.

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Dead right mate....They got the government they well and truly deserve..!!

as do we all; why should this country be any different?

Bush Snr, Clinton, Bush, Obama

Thatcher, Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron


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Good luck to Yingluck, and good luck to Thailand.

Let's hope that this "fresh face", in spite of her ties to her brother, is able to do something good and positive for Thailand as a whole, and not just a few select. I say we give her a chance and see what she can do. If she fails, well, there's always the next election to get rid of her. Providing the military doesn't intervene in the meantime.

Are you kidding us with this statement, "do something good and positive for Thailand as a whole, and not just a few select"?

As if Thaksin is going to spread the wealth amongst ALL Thais? You need to learn the history of the world, my friend. And the history

of capitalists. If Thaksin was truly a populist, in the regards that he wants equality, you are greatly mistaken. I am not condoning

those in power today, for I believe that they are corrupt as well. But DO NOT fool yourself that you might see even a glimpse of

change in the "right" direction. Look at Obama, he came in with the false sense of "Hope", and he is simply bowing to the REAL

power......the bankers! Expect the same for Thailand. It's a whole new ballgame, people.

No millions or billions to play ball, then step aside and collect trash. I have one more chance to make a big stash.

By the way, my name is Thaksin, and I offer nothing but toxins.

PS....If admin deletes this post, then they ARE WEAK. I will not put up with the censoring of expression on this post. Is this Burma?

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Congratulations to Khun Yingluck. I'm so excited and hoped that she can bring peace and stability to Thailand and bring the Thais together, regardless of social status.

People, stop being such a skeptic and pessimist. We'll know whether she is capable of doing her job. Since she is voted in by the citizens of Thailand, she is responsible for any events that happens under her reign. If she fails, the people will act accordingly and I believe that she will make the appropriate decision.

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I am amazed at all of the 'falongs' who have posted such negative comments. Thailand is, and always will be, a country for the Thais. As guests in their country, you should just be grateful that they allow you to live there.

The Thai people (not just the elite few) made their voice clear when they elected Thaksin. They made their voice clear when they elected his replacement. Only by brute force (or a coerced legal ruling) was both elected PMs removed from their legally-held office. Now once again, the Thai people have elected their choice.

I say give her a chance. Regardless of what your personal opinion might be as to which Thai political party is best for Thailand, remember "A BELIEF IS JUST A THOUGHT YOU THINK!" and what Thais' think is what determine's Thailand's future.

I personally pray that Yingluck will be allowed to manage Thailand for the entire duration of her term, and not be removed by "mob rule" instigated by the UDD, or removed by force of military (coup or assinnation) or by legal cooercion.

Yingluck is the PM, not Taksin, and trying to reguritate the "clone/puppet" connection is doing a disservice to both her and the Thai people.

I wish both success and happiness in the coming years.


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Congratulations Yingluck Shinawatra ! Congratulations Thailand !

Dear Sir,

in my opinion it's a mistake for us foreigners and guests in Thailand, to make comments about the domestical politics. We have to accept everybody and we can just hope, that he/she doesn't take some stupid comments seriously.

Beside the intern troubles Thailand make since more than 100 years a good and wise politic. We westerners could learn from them a lot.

What? I can't make sense of your post. Besides that, why do you belittle someone as a "guest" or a "foreigner" here? We might

be people who live and work here, as in paying tax......which most Thais don't do. Therefore, a bit of expression about

Thai politics should be accepted, since it has been paid for with tax money. If Thailand wants to be part of a global community,

then it must learn to accept viewpoints from all, not just a "respectful" few.

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Congratulations Yingluck Shinawatra ! Congratulations Thailand !

Dear Sir,

in my opinion it's a mistake for us foreigners and guests in Thailand, to make comments about the domestical politics. We have to accept everybody and we can just hope, that he/she doesn't take some stupid comments seriously.

Beside the intern troubles Thailand make since more than 100 years a good and wise politic. We westerners could learn from them a lot.

What? I can't make sense of your post. Besides that, why do you belittle someone as a "guest" or a "foreigner" here? We might

be people who live and work here, as in paying tax......which most Thais don't do. Therefore, a bit of expression about

Thai politics should be accepted, since it has been paid for with tax money. If Thailand wants to be part of a global community,

then it must learn to accept viewpoints from all, not just a "respectful" few.

I like the 100yrs of good politic; the axis membership with Nippon & the Nazi's are included in that then?

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Congratulations Yingluck Shinawatra ! Congratulations Thailand !

Dear Sir,

in my opinion it's a mistake for us foreigners and guests in Thailand, to make comments about the domestical politics. We have to accept everybody and we can just hope, that he/she doesn't take some stupid comments seriously.

Beside the intern troubles Thailand make since more than 100 years a good and wise politic. We westerners could learn from them a lot.

What? I can't make sense of your post. Besides that, why do you belittle someone as a "guest" or a "foreigner" here? We might

be people who live and work here, as in paying tax......which most Thais don't do. Therefore, a bit of expression about

Thai politics should be accepted, since it has been paid for with tax money. If Thailand wants to be part of a global community,

then it must learn to accept viewpoints from all, not just a "respectful" few.

I like the 100yrs of good politic; the axis membership with Nippon & the Nazi's are included in that then?


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Being an astute political commentator, I'd like to add that I'm very proud of Thailand. They now have the only PM ever, in the history of world politics, that I want to f*^k.

Abhisit is MUCH prettier.

Next ...

I think shes a lovely girl.

Personally, I find her looking more like her brother every time I see her. She's got the same square features behind that curtain of hair. But I guess that's what turns the Thaksin lovers on so much.

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k.Pavin is a known PTP sycophant. Since you seem to agree with him, could you please tell me what she has handled really well in the last month EXCEPT issue statements about her brother's non-involvement which are universally accepted as lies.:(

I don't know what she has handled well, nor for that matter, what she has handled badly (with regards to issuing statements about her brother, I believe these were responses to heavily loaded and inane questions by this country's highly professional journalists).

However, I would wager that lots of posters here also do not know her, that the majority would never have had the opportunity to even say sawasdee to her (even before she got involved in politics) so it bemuses me that they can pass such judgements. Fact of the matter is that she is from a level of society that that most posters here would not even get a whiff of.

Sorry, I didn't know that I had to be on first name terms with a politician to criticize them. Probably my weird western values - I was brought up to believe that "class" and "hi-so" are merely airs and pretension adopted by some so that they can feel "better" than others. We have a history of electing tradesmen and train drivers to be PM, as they seem a little more in touch with us "common" people, our needs and aspirations. Velly strange!

You should study Anatomy 101 - it will teach you something about the "upper crust" that you don't need a whiff to know.

You don't have to be on a first name basis with anyone before you can criticize them but you should at least know what they are or aren't capable of before you do, lest you be labelled "judgemental". Let's face it, you have no clue whatsoever as to what Yingluck is or isn't capable off so merely criticizing her without any basis or first hand knowledge just smacks of narrow mindedness.

Yes, Oz has a history of electing tradesmen and train drivers - I didn't realise there were any other sorts of people down under biggrin.gif

Personal I feel that having no clue of what she is or is not capable is a good reason to be criticizing her. She was seeking the top spot in Thailand those attributes should not be kept a secret.

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I am amazed at all of the 'falongs' who have posted such negative comments. Thailand is, and always will be, a country for the Thais. As guests in their country, you should just be grateful that they allow you to live there.

The Thai people (not just the elite few) made their voice clear when they elected Thaksin. They made their voice clear when they elected his replacement. Only by brute force (or a coerced legal ruling) was both elected PMs removed from their legally-held office. Now once again, the Thai people have elected their choice.

I say give her a chance. Regardless of what your personal opinion might be as to which Thai political party is best for Thailand, remember "A BELIEF IS JUST A THOUGHT YOU THINK!" and what Thais' think is what determine's Thailand's future.

I personally pray that Yingluck will be allowed to manage Thailand for the entire duration of her term, and not be removed by "mob rule" instigated by the UDD, or removed by force of military (coup or assinnation) or by legal cooercion.

Yingluck is the PM, not Taksin, and trying to reguritate the "clone/puppet" connection is doing a disservice to both her and the Thai people.

I wish both success and happiness in the coming years.


You are welcome to hold your 'guest in their country' view, but do you mind not inflicting it on others? If you want to turn a blind eye to corruption good for you, but some people are not quite so accepting. The 'will of the Thai people' thing is a political fantasy. And - god help me - she's not a puppet? Really? Do you have any independent thought processes at all?

It was actually Thaksin who said "She is my clone". That's where it comes from. Turn your TV on or read the papers or something will you? Jeez...

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