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Yingluck Shinawatra Voted In As First Female Thai Prime Minister


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... Fact of the matter is that she is from a level of society that that most posters here would not even get a whiff of.

Bang go all your previous posts about her understanding the poor then. Now you're saying she wouldn't even condescend to fart in their direction.

Another deliberate mis-interpretation by this particular poster. Btw, Abhisit is from a similar social level to Yingluk, so bang go all Ballpoint's posts about Abhisit understanding the isuues wrt the poor :blink: .

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I am amazed at all of the 'falongs' who have posted such negative comments. Thailand is, and always will be, a country for the Thais. As guests in their country, you should just be grateful that they allow you to live there.

The Thai people (not just the elite few) made their voice clear when they elected Thaksin. They made their voice clear when they elected his replacement. Only by brute force (or a coerced legal ruling) was both elected PMs removed from their legally-held office. Now once again, the Thai people have elected their choice.

I say give her a chance. Regardless of what your personal opinion might be as to which Thai political party is best for Thailand, remember "A BELIEF IS JUST A THOUGHT YOU THINK!" and what Thais' think is what determine's Thailand's future.

I personally pray that Yingluck will be allowed to manage Thailand for the entire duration of her term, and not be removed by "mob rule" instigated by the UDD, or removed by force of military (coup or assinnation) or by legal cooercion.

Yingluck is the PM, not Taksin, and trying to reguritate the "clone/puppet" connection is doing a disservice to both her and the Thai people.

I wish both success and happiness in the coming years.


You are welcome to hold your 'guest in their country' view, but do you mind not inflicting it on others? If you want to turn a blind eye to corruption good for you, but some people are not quite so accepting. The 'will of the Thai people' thing is a political fantasy. And - god help me - she's not a puppet? Really? Do you have any independent thought processes at all?

It was actually Thaksin who said "She is my clone". That's where it comes from. Turn your TV on or read the papers or something will you? Jeez...

You clearly want to turn a blind eye to corruption. It was rampant under the outgoing government, worse than it's ever been. Didn't see one post by you flagging up said corruption. In fact, you made a personal attack on me in another thread when I flagged up corruption over a piece of junk in a plastic box that was purchased as a 'bomb detector' in bulk by the Thai military for around a million baht per unit. So much for your forum record on exposing corruption. <_< .

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There are some great female leaders around the world who would be more than willing to give her good advice, if she's willing to take it. Good luck to her. She ceretainly can't be any worse than some of the P.M.'s Thailand has had.

Sadly Baroness Thatcher is not well and is unable to offer her support. In her place, I offer this memorable moment to assist PM Yingluck as she suffers the attacks of the misogynists and nasty folk;

Congratulations Madame Prime Minister and I look forward to you leading the people of Thailand to prosperity and opportunity.

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I am amazed at all of the 'falongs' who have posted such negative comments. Thailand is, and always will be, a country for the Thais. As guests in their country, you should just be grateful that they allow you to live there.

Yay for Freedom-of-Speech and Human-Rights ! <_<

Congrats to the new PM and to her many supporters

Especially all the ones who joined TV over the past few months ! :whistling:

She may do suprisingly well...A very well organized and managed campaign...irrespective whether her criminal brother on the run helped her or not...Best luck to her. I bkk elite will just have to swallow it...

Yep, the Chiang Mai elite made a successful move on the Bangkok elite, Yay for Change & Progress ! B)

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Congrats to the new PM and to her many supporters

You mean PM Thaksin and his close supporter Yingluck? :(

Alzheimers? Mr. Thaksin is the former PM that was overthrown by an illegal military coup.

Madame Yingluck is the new PM. She won an election in July and received a healthy majority.

Perhaps you are confused. The former PM is a close supporter of the new PM, sort of like General Prem was a close supporter of the former PM Abhisit.

I recommend that your wife sew your name and telephone number into your tunic sleeve in case you become disoriented whilst on a walkabout. :whistling:

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Congrats to the new PM and to her many supporters

You mean PM Thaksin and his close supporter Yingluck? :(

Alzheimers? Mr. Thaksin is the former PM that was overthrown by an illegal military coup.

Madame Yingluck is the new PM. She won an election in July and received a healthy majority.

Perhaps you are confused. The former PM is a close supporter of the new PM, sort of like General Prem was a close supporter of the former PM Abhisit.

I recommend that your wife sew your name and telephone number into your tunic sleeve in case you become disoriented whilst on a walkabout. :whistling:

Bad post on my part. Sorry! It was meant as a joke....

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With the bar being so fantastically low, how cold anyone worry if she will be good or bad. In Thailand it is difficult to tell the difference.

I am sure she will be just as excellent at the job as all of her predecessors have been.

At least she is much easier on the eyes than the whole lot of them, and Thailand can pretend to be progressive by electing a female.

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You clearly want to turn a blind eye to corruption. It was rampant under the outgoing government, worse than it's ever been. Didn't see one post by you flagging up said corruption. In fact, you made a personal attack on me in another thread when I flagged up corruption over a piece of junk in a plastic box that was purchased as a 'bomb detector' in bulk by the Thai military for around a million baht per unit. So much for your forum record on exposing corruption. <_< .

It was rampant under the outgoing government, worse than it's ever been.

And you know this as a fact how exactly?

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... Fact of the matter is that she is from a level of society that that most posters here would not even get a whiff of.

Bang go all your previous posts about her understanding the poor then. Now you're saying she wouldn't even condescend to fart in their direction.

Another deliberate mis-interpretation by this particular poster. Btw, Abhisit is from a similar social level to Yingluk, so bang go all Ballpoint's posts about Abhisit understanding the isuues wrt the poor :blink: .

Good for you. I gather the treatment is working and you're finally coming to terms with being a red. At least the denial has stopped.

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Madame Yingluck is the new PM. She won an election in July and received a healthy majority.

If 3% is a healthy majority, what would you describe as being unhealthy?

Seems to me to be more like a "skin of our teeth" majority, that more than likely would not have been achieved were not for campaigning with blatant lies.

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... Fact of the matter is that she is from a level of society that that most posters here would not even get a whiff of.

Bang go all your previous posts about her understanding the poor then. Now you're saying she wouldn't even condescend to fart in their direction.

Another deliberate mis-interpretation by this particular poster. Btw, Abhisit is from a similar social level to Yingluk, so bang go all Ballpoint's posts about Abhisit understanding the isuues wrt the poor :blink: .

What was the mis-interpretation? Bkkorupcountry was clearly implying that because the people of this forum are not from the same rich upper class elite as Yingluck, they are in no position to speak bad of the lady, was he not?

As for Abhisit and Yingluck both being equally distant from understanding the plight of the poor, as you imply, perhaps the fact that Abhisit has to actually work for a living and does not have a bank balance that could keep him and several generations going without ever having to lift a finger, does give him a slightly better appreciation.

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As for Abhisit and Yingluck both being equally distant from understanding the plight of the poor, as you imply, perhaps the fact that Abhisit has to actually work for a living and does not have a bank balance that could keep him and several generations going without ever having to lift a finger, does give him a slightly better appreciation.

You are clearly very unfamiliar with the financial background of the Vejjajiva clan which is extremely wealthy.If Abhisit was of a mind to he could easily live an extravagant life without working.The point is rather that given his upbringing (particularly excellent hardworking parents) and education, it is inconceivable he would want to live an unproductive life.However whichever way you look at it the Vejjajiva family is among the country's best off.As to Abhisit's and Yingluck's empathy with ordinary people, haven't we just had a national verdict on that?

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Madame Yingluck is the new PM. She won an election in July and received a healthy majority.

If 3% is a healthy majority, what would you describe as being unhealthy?

Seems to me to be more like a "skin of our teeth" majority, that more than likely would not have been achieved were not for campaigning with blatant lies.

Frankly you are becoming a bore (and a pooly informed one to boot) on this matter.It was a very comfortable victory which isn't denied by any of the leading Democrats, and gives Khun Yingluck a strong mandate.

In the USA the national vote is almost roughly split 50:50 as makes no difference but few question after the election whether the winners have a mandate.

Here in Thailand the PTP were very close to the Democrats in Bangkok in the last election, but under the rules the Democrats cleaned up in the capital.One doesn't hear pitiful and ignorant whining on the subject from the PTP.

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You are clearly very unfamiliar with the financial background of the Vejjajiva clan which is extremely wealthy.

They must do a good job of hiding all that wealth. Where are the billionaire baht bank accounts? Where are the multi-million dollar villas dotted around the globe? Where are the massive corporations in their name?

However whichever way you look at it the Vejjajiva family is among the country's best off.

Can you quantify that statement?

As to Abhisit's and Yingluck's empathy with ordinary people, haven't we just had a national verdict on that?

People vote the way they do for all sorts of different reasons. I don't think we can say the general election was specifically a verdict on anyone's empathy. Perhaps more to do with who they think can do the better job. Does that require empathy? Possibly yes, possibly no.

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What was the mis-interpretation? Bkkorupcountry was clearly implying that because the people of this forum are not from the same rich upper class elite as Yingluck, they are in no position to speak bad of the lady, was he not?

As for Abhisit and Yingluck both being equally distant from understanding the plight of the poor, as you imply, perhaps the fact that Abhisit has to actually work for a living and does not have a bank balance that could keep him and several generations going without ever having to lift a finger, does give him a slightly better appreciation.

For the record, former PM Abhisit came from a wealthy connected family. His father owned a hospital and was appointed by the military junta in 1991 to serve as a DM in the ministry of health. I'm sure the procurement contracts were overseen very nicely.

What job did Mr. Abhisit have in the real working world before he became an MP at the age of 27? Whatever faults former Thaksin may have, he at elast was able to buiild a large well regarded and profitable firm. I believe that you are mixed up. The new PM has had actual work experience and I don't care if she was a senior executivve, she still knows what workplace stress is and still had to deal with employee personal problems every day. By all accounts the new PM was a good manager. Good managers also have to be babysitters and provide the shoulder for employees to cry on and to act as a resource for solving problems. I don't think Mr. Abhisit ever understood the concept of empathy for the workers.

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For the record, former PM Abhisit came from a wealthy connected family. His father owned a hospital and was appointed by the military junta in 1991 to serve as a DM in the ministry of health. I'm sure the procurement contracts were overseen very nicely.

No that last sentence is unfair but I accept you might have not meant it seriously.The Vejjajiva clan is extremely wealthy but also has a deserved reputation for financial rectitude.I'm ignoring Rixalex who is obviously not well infomed about these matters, ie wealthy Sino Thai fanilies - origins and nature of wealth.

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Frankly you are becoming a bore (and a pooly informed one to boot) on this matter.

I'm sorry you feel compelled to resort to insults. I thought of late you had been doing a better job of cutting out the flaming. Old habits and all that i guess...

It was a very comfortable victory which isn't denied by any of the leading Democrats, and gives Khun Yingluck a strong mandate.

Nobody is questioning who won. I am questioning how comfortable a 3% margin is. You think it is very. I think it is slim.

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k.Pavin is a known PTP sycophant. Since you seem to agree with him, could you please tell me what she has handled really well in the last month EXCEPT issue statements about her brother's non-involvement which are universally accepted as lies.:(

I don't know what she has handled well, nor for that matter, what she has handled badly (with regards to issuing statements about her brother, I believe these were responses to heavily loaded and inane questions by this country's highly professional journalists).

However, I would wager that lots of posters here also do not know her, that the majority would never have had the opportunity to even say sawasdee to her (even before she got involved in politics) so it bemuses me that they can pass such judgements. Fact of the matter is that she is from a level of society that that most posters here would not even get a whiff of.

Sorry, I didn't know that I had to be on first name terms with a politician to criticize them. Probably my weird western values - I was brought up to believe that "class" and "hi-so" are merely airs and pretension adopted by some so that they can feel "better" than others. We have a history of electing tradesmen and train drivers to be PM, as they seem a little more in touch with us "common" people, our needs and aspirations. Velly strange!

You should study Anatomy 101 - it will teach you something about the "upper crust" that you don't need a whiff to know.

You don't have to be on a first name basis with anyone before you can criticize them but you should at least know what they are or aren't capable of before you do, lest you be labelled "judgemental". Let's face it, you have no clue whatsoever as to what Yingluck is or isn't capable off so merely criticizing her without any basis or first hand knowledge just smacks of narrow mindedness.

Yes, Oz has a history of electing tradesmen and train drivers - I didn't realise there were any other sorts of people down under biggrin.gif

You are right, neither of us knows what she is capable of, that is why I was criticizing the original Pavin statement - that she has handled the first month well and may be quite capable - a typical suck-up to the ruling class. When Thailand can have a PM that is NOT a multi-millionaire hi-so, it may start to approach a real democracy, like Australia.

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The reference was related to PM's of the world, as I asked another poster, who would you consider to being a better looking PM (Female)) than Yingluck ?

Moronic... I don't think she's good looking at all so you are saying simply by being a woman she's the best looking one? Plus I am sure women's groups around the globe are excited that you believe in some odd way that her looks have something or anything to do with being a worthy leader...

I guess we are allowed to consider her looks as apart from the daunting task ahead of her of pulling together a very fragmented country she will also be the international face of Thailand in many arenas, can't hurt that she is not too shabby can it?

Sure if you want to be a sexist pig you can consider her looks for any reason you want.. I can just see it now down to the wire in some huge international deal and the other side caves in because gosh that yingluck is so hot ...good lord...

Good luck in what is likely to be a thankless and frustrating task ahead. But she certainly deserves a chance, the people said so I believe.

Did the people say so? Are you another one of those head in the sand guys that doesn't get she would not have even been considered for any election anywhere without the last name and connection to the dear leader... goodness its tiresome watching some of you people fall all over yourself trying to promote an amazingly unqualified person to the position of PM.

I hope the country does well before and after her, but I am not so blind as to understand how and why she got the job... I hope you aren't either.

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What was the mis-interpretation? Bkkorupcountry was clearly implying that because the people of this forum are not from the same rich upper class elite as Yingluck, they are in no position to speak bad of the lady, was he not?

As for Abhisit and Yingluck both being equally distant from understanding the plight of the poor, as you imply, perhaps the fact that Abhisit has to actually work for a living and does not have a bank balance that could keep him and several generations going without ever having to lift a finger, does give him a slightly better appreciation.

For the record, former PM Abhisit came from a wealthy connected family. His father owned a hospital and was appointed by the military junta in 1991 to serve as a DM in the ministry of health. I'm sure the procurement contracts were overseen very nicely.

What job did Mr. Abhisit have in the real working world before he became an MP at the age of 27? Whatever faults former Thaksin may have, he at elast was able to buiild a large well regarded and profitable firm. I believe that you are mixed up. The new PM has had actual work experience and I don't care if she was a senior executivve, she still knows what workplace stress is and still had to deal with employee personal problems every day. By all accounts the new PM was a good manager. Good managers also have to be babysitters and provide the shoulder for employees to cry on and to act as a resource for solving problems. I don't think Mr. Abhisit ever understood the concept of empathy for the workers.

"The new PM has had actual work experience and I don't care if she was a senior executivve, she still knows what workplace stress is and still had to deal with employee personal problems every day. By all accounts the new PM was a good manager. Good managers also have to be babysitters and provide the shoulder for employees to cry on and to act as a resource for solving problems"

Do you have any proof of this, or is it all in your sycophantic imagination? If Bkkorupcountry is correct, and the peasants can't even get a whiff of her perfume, do only senior managers with the right breeding get to be touchy-feelly? IMHO opinion she probably worked a 5-hour day, 3 hours of which were lunch, and the rest coffee breaks. Oh the pressures of being a multi-billionaire working mother!

" His father owned a hospital..........." Only ONE? So what percentage of Shin Corp would that add up to?

Edited by OzMick
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A derogatory post and the reply to it deleted.

I apologise to any offended members if the notion that Thaksin is running the country from abroad is deemed derogatory but all the evidence and his own comments suggest that he is picking the team and pulling the strings.

Edited by bigbamboo
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Large parts of Yingluck's base would be very displeased if Thaksin wasn't running the show. Her honeymoon period in office? About three hours.

Exactly........ let's be honest here, Yingluck is only the PM now because Thaksin decided she would be his nominee and his supporters agreed. Now Yingluck can say she is the boss but it would help if her big brother didn't give the totally opposite impression in the media.

One good sign is that Thaksin seems to want to select people who are actually qualified for the key positions this time. We can but hope.

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