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Well-Known Australian Body Builder Dies In Thailand Sauna


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This story undermines the reliability of post mortem investigations conducted in Thailand. The cursory post mort mortem performed at Chulangkorn hspital was never intended to be a definitive analysis. The initial post mortem was to determine if their were signs of foul play which would have necessitated a murder investigation. Unfortuately, the newspapers took it as a proper autopsy claiming an underlying cause of death for which there was no evidence. The onus was upon the family to request a full autopsy, which I doubt they would request. This is one of the reasons why foreigners develop misunderstandings. The initial news reports presented unsubstantiated conclusions. keep this in mind when there are discussions of evidence gathered in Thailand. Often the newspapers discussing the "evidence" do not fully comprehend what the evidence is.

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This story undermines the reliability of post mortem investigations conducted in Thailand. The cursory post mort mortem performed at Chulangkorn hspital was never intended to be a definitive analysis. The initial post mortem was to determine if their were signs of foul play which would have necessitated a murder investigation. Unfortuately, the newspapers took it as a proper autopsy claiming an underlying cause of death for which there was no evidence. The onus was upon the family to request a full autopsy, which I doubt they would request. This is one of the reasons why foreigners develop misunderstandings. The initial news reports presented unsubstantiated conclusions. keep this in mind when there are discussions of evidence gathered in Thailand. Often the newspapers discussing the "evidence" do not fully comprehend what the evidence is.

You are not an Aussie are you Giatrickid?

"The onus was upon the family to request a full autopsy, which I doubt they would request."

The onus is not upon the family to request a full autopsy. The State Cononer will determine that. In such a case in Australia it is a given that a full autopsy will be conducted unless the family objects on religious grounds or what ever but the Coroner has the final say if it will go ahead. There are two things in Australia, A Death Certificate and a Certificate of Death. Both very different. A death certificate can be issued by a G.P when a patient has a history, say lung cancer and dies. A certificate of death is when it is in the case of this guy and is issued after the coroner has reviewed the circunstances.

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The name of the sauna should be revealed because certain saunas are known to be gathering places for gay people engaging in certain activities. Some of these saunas from what i hear are pitch black when you walk in. (im straight)

So KRS1 why don't you list the one's you think are suspect. Sounds as though you have some knowledge?

But a very sad loss of a young life. I have a few friends into this type of sport and also seen a few lose their life's via the juice. Couldn't care if friends are gay or straight; as this young mans death appears to be from what he loved to do, shape his body.

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Babylon Sauna, as people seem to be interested. ( From a Thai friend who was there at the time. ) Lot of gossip about what was going on there - but not for repetition here.

I don't believe that.

Why would they send him to Camillian Hospital (Soi Thonglor) from Babylon Sauna (Sathorn). That's half way across the city!

Sounds like a silly rumor to me.

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The name of the sauna should be revealed because certain saunas are known to be gathering places for gay people engaging in certain activities. Some of these saunas from what i hear are pitch black when you walk in. (im straight)

So KRS1 why don't you list the one's you think are suspect. Sounds as though you have some knowledge?

But a very sad loss of a young life. I have a few friends into this type of sport and also seen a few lose their life's via the juice. Couldn't care if friends are gay or straight; as this young mans death appears to be from what he loved to do, shape his body.

This young man's death has not been shown to be connected with "juicing" in anyway and probably never will be. As soon as a guy with some muscle dies young everyone immediately jumps to the conclusion that it must be his "juicing" habits which did him in.

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This story undermines the reliability of post mortem investigations conducted in Thailand. The cursory post mort mortem performed at Chulangkorn hspital was never intended to be a definitive analysis. The initial post mortem was to determine if their were signs of foul play which would have necessitated a murder investigation. Unfortuately, the newspapers took it as a proper autopsy claiming an underlying cause of death for which there was no evidence. The onus was upon the family to request a full autopsy, which I doubt they would request. This is one of the reasons why foreigners develop misunderstandings. The initial news reports presented unsubstantiated conclusions. keep this in mind when there are discussions of evidence gathered in Thailand. Often the newspapers discussing the "evidence" do not fully comprehend what the evidence is.

You are not an Aussie are you Giatrickid?

"The onus was upon the family to request a full autopsy, which I doubt they would request."

The onus is not upon the family to request a full autopsy. The State Cononer will determine that. In such a case in Australia it is a given that a full autopsy will be conducted unless the family objects on religious grounds or what ever but the Coroner has the final say if it will go ahead. There are two things in Australia, A Death Certificate and a Certificate of Death. Both very different. A death certificate can be issued by a G.P when a patient has a history, say lung cancer and dies. A certificate of death is when it is in the case of this guy and is issued after the coroner has reviewed the circunstances.

The are two classes of postmortems; 1) Voluntary and 2) Investigative on the order of the Coroner,

1. The voluntary is often called the hospital autopsy where a body is examined as a means to unerstand the reason(s) for death. The autopsy must be requested either by hospital or family members.

2. The coronial class of autopsy you refer to is when there is a death of unknown cause or the circumstances are deemed "unnatural" such as in an accident, or as a potential victim of crime.

In this specific case the post mortem was conducted at Chulangkorn Hospital. There was no evidence of a crime. The immediate cause of death was cardiopulmonary failure. This finding is sufficient to allow the repatriation of the deceased back to Australia either in whole or cremated. Unless, there is a suspicion of a crime, the Chulangkorn report will be accepted and the Coroner will not undertake another expensive invasive procedure. Every year, Australians die outside of Australia and the bodies are sent back to Australia. The coroner does not usually undertake autopsies. In this case, I don't think a coroner is going to bother with an more extensive post mortem exam and the thousands of dollars of costs as there is no reason for one. However the amily can request the coroner to investigate. I doubt that the family will want anyone doing a complete autopsy as the results may cause embarrassment.


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"is a warning for any of you boys coming to Thailand. Thailand is a country with it all.. girls, steroids, growth hormone, it's all here and it's all cheap."

Growth hormone is not cheap its very expensive, i

It's cheap in Thailand but very expensive in Australia.

If its cheap I doubt its HGH - only a few companies make it due to its complex structure. It needs to be kept under refrigeration at all times incl. during transportation. The side affects of taking too much is only Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - because its bio-identical to the naturally occurring hormone.

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"is a warning for any of you boys coming to Thailand. Thailand is a country with it all.. girls, steroids, growth hormone, it's all here and it's all cheap."

Growth hormone is not cheap its very expensive, i

It's cheap in Thailand but very expensive in Australia.

If its cheap I doubt its HGH - only a few companies make it due to its complex structure. It needs to be kept under refrigeration at all times incl. during transportation. The side affects of taking too much is only Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - because its bio-identical to the naturally occurring hormone.

You have a lot to learn about HGH, but here is not the place.

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Hopefully the government will launch a crackdown on these drug users

Anyone doubting the dangers should google lyle alzado

maybe a sweep of the local gyms would be a start

Lyle Alzado died of brain cancer, and there is no medical link between Steroids and brain cancer.

Why not a crackdown on alcohol abusers. Oh, because that's deemed legal...

Edited by lennois
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In an interview with him he said he did no Cardio workouts at all and suggested it wasn't required and it could cause muscles to become smaller.

And? That's certainly not unusual with bodybuilders, or a massive percentage of the worlds population.

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In an interview with him he said he did no Cardio workouts at all and suggested it wasn't required and it could cause muscles to become smaller.

What's your point? There's no need to do cardio workouts if you're hitting the weights 6 times per week and controlling calories. In fact it would ridiculous to add extra cardio workouts on such a regime. Extra cardio would indeed eat into his recovery and cause his body to go catabolic. He already had an ectomorphic, hard gaining type of physique.

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You have a lot to learn about HGH, but here is not the place.

Hopefully you've learned something and thats HGH is unlikely to be the thing that killed him.

HGH is a surefire way to increase water retention and increase blood pressure. High doses are a sure way to put extra strain on a heart, so yes, it could have been a contributing factor, but not the route cause.

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  • 9 months later...

Zyzz, the late bodybuilder who gets Googled as much as Gillard

AZIZ SHAVERSIAN, better known as the idolised amateur bodybuilder Zyzz, is searched online as often as Julia Gillard. Millions have viewed him on YouTube. And since his death at 22 in a Bangkok sauna last August, his online presence has become only more stratospheric. The Sun-Herald first profiled Zyzz last July. He was already a celebrity within social media and the "pin-up boy" in the online bodybuilding community. Followers admired the thousands of photos and videos he posted of his Adonis-like body. At the time, Zyzz had 52,000 Facebook followers.

The Sun-Herald understands Zyzz travelled to Thailand to buy cheap steroids on a "roid holiday". He reportedly suffered a cardiac arrest in a sauna.

When Google released its overall search results for last year, Zyzz's death was the sixth-most-rated celebrity death in Australia. Amy Winehouse topped the list. Over the past 12 months, Google Insights shows Zyzz has been searched on Google as many times as Julia Gillard and three times more than Tony Abbott. On Facebook there are six tribute pages to Zyzz, with more than 350,000 "likes". In April, brother Said released "Zyzz - the Legacy", a 19-minute tribute on YouTube. It has already had more than 1.3 million views. There are also more than 100 videos dedicated to Zyzz on YouTube, viewed by millions.

Read more:


Brisbane Times - May 27, 2012


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  • 4 months later...

"R.I.P Zyzz… This is a warning for any of you boys coming to Thailand. Thailand is a country with it all.. girls, steroids, growth hormone, it's all here and it's all cheap. I spoke to him the other day and he looked like a kid in a candy shop..

So the guy comes to Thailand takes to many drugs and dies? How is he NOT another dead idiot. Just because he goes to the gym he is still taking illegal substances. Tough luck. As for the heart condition? Please, give me a break. Of course he did. We all would have heart conditions if we took steroids and growth hormones. Where is the consistency?

This. Doubt the reports of a undisclosed congenital defect. That would gave taken him down early with the stress a body builder on huge doses of roids and GH put their body through.

High blood pressure and shortness of breathe can also be sides of juicing with large GH doses. All of these guys are pinning hefty doses of crap that can lead to enlarged hearts and potential right side valve regurgitation sufficient to lead to congestive heart failure.

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Well, first of all - a bodybuilder? He's got the "Fitness model" look, more than the bodybuilder look...If he went on stage, he would be put in the fitness category.

I don't think roids or GH killed this dude - if you google him, he talks about cycles with: Test A, Tren A, T3 and clenbuterol.

The last two compounds are a bitch, when it comes to heart related diseases. They elevate the blood pressure(The Tren does the same) significant and the heart rate to an extreme level. ( i did a checkup once, on a guy who had asynchronous heart rhythm, when he took T3, i think that says it all rolleyes.gif )

So the guy would be running around with a blood pressure like a Saudi oil pipe, and a constant heart rate over 150bpm - combine that with a sauna and congenital disorder -. you got yourself a winner.....

Normaly "normal" steroids do not kill people. All steroids are received and treated, by our body as testosterone(no matter what your local "big dude" tell's you), and we all produce it, males and females. It is not toxic, even in extreme dosages.

Many of the "fitness model" types, that use steroids. Has a better health than a average western male, who consumes alcohol and normal western food, with to many carbs and to much fat.

Most writing and discussions about steroids are not based on facts - but is conducted by people that doesn't have any relevant education on the subject - that goes for normal doctors as well, hormonology is not something you go in depth with at most western medicine faculties....

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Normaly "normal" steroids do not kill people. All steroids are received and treated, by our body as testosterone(no matter what your local "big dude" tell's you), and we all produce it, males and females. It is not toxic, even in extreme dosages


It is my considered opinion that "normal" steroids, as you like to call them, can result in the user's death. I have heard cortisone referred to as the stress hormone. Produced by by the adrenal gland, cortisone output is increased substantially within seconds in case of a stress situation, eg an accident or other life-threatening situation, to prevent the body from going into shock. External administration of cortisone or any derivative thereof invariably results in a depression of the adrenal gland, ie of its ability to increase its output of cortisone at a moment's notice when required, and this can result in death.

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Well, first of all - a bodybuilder? He's got the "Fitness model" look, more than the bodybuilder look...If he went on stage, he would be put in the fitness category.

I don't think roids or GH killed this dude - if you google him, he talks about cycles with: Test A, Tren A, T3 and clenbuterol.

The last two compounds are a bitch, when it comes to heart related diseases. They elevate the blood pressure(The Tren does the same) significant and the heart rate to an extreme level. ( i did a checkup once, on a guy who had asynchronous heart rhythm, when he took T3, i think that says it all rolleyes.gif )

So the guy would be running around with a blood pressure like a Saudi oil pipe, and a constant heart rate over 150bpm - combine that with a sauna and congenital disorder -. you got yourself a winner.....

Normaly "normal" steroids do not kill people. All steroids are received and treated, by our body as testosterone(no matter what your local "big dude" tell's you), and we all produce it, males and females. It is not toxic, even in extreme dosages.

Many of the "fitness model" types, that use steroids. Has a better health than a average western male, who consumes alcohol and normal western food, with to many carbs and to much fat.

Most writing and discussions about steroids are not based on facts - but is conducted by people that doesn't have any relevant education on the subject - that goes for normal doctors as well, hormonology is not something you go in depth with at most western medicine faculties....

He could be doing dbol, superd, Anadrol, halo, winny or something similar. Guys like that rarely just do test and start pretty serious stacks. All of these guys exceed safe dosages and I guarantee you at 45, natural and 9/10 percent bf I am way more healthy than anybody you can point out doing enough roids to make any change in their physique.

That said, yeah clean can cause tach. I doubt he was cutting in his steroid vacation though.

Edited by ttelise
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"Heart failure" has been mentioned as a possible cause of death. This may be news to some, but death is invariably accompanied by the failure of the heart to beat, ie heart failure. Heart disease is, of course, another matter, but an enlarged myocardium, ie the muscle that is the heart, sometimes the result of strenuous athletic exercise or bodybuilding, is not necessarily a heart disease.

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Everyones an expert huh? With the exception of a few well informed comments and heart felt sympathies, most of the drivel here which is passed off as commentary/fact is nothing less than gossip trash. Moreover, the misshapen bigotry demonstrated by some here masks the real lesson-this obsession with body image driven by multi national advertisers trying to make a few bucks for shareholders. It is killing our young people... THAT should be the target of your anger and dismay.

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Everyones an expert huh? With the exception of a few well informed comments and heart felt sympathies, most of the drivel here which is passed off as commentary/fact is nothing less than gossip trash. Moreover, the misshapen bigotry demonstrated by some here masks the real lesson-this obsession with body image driven by multi national advertisers trying to make a few bucks for shareholders. It is killing our young people... THAT should be the target of your anger and dismay.

Haha, want some creme cheese to go with that bagel for those man boobs. Seriously, most doctors I know are completely ignorant about hormone issues. Even endocrinologists thousand are clueless about HRT, TRT issues. They are perhaps good at diabetic and thyroid issues. Bout all for most part.

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