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Driving In Los

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In March im meeting my TGF in BKK,after 4 days i plan to hire a car and drive to Korat for the week.

Can i hire a car on just a full UK licence?

Im a very good driver so the Thai traffic doesnt put me off. :o

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Legally, you will need an international driving licence.

Im a very good driver so the Thai traffic doesnt put me off

Yes, of course you are a good driver. The problem, in thailand more than in any other country, is that the road are filled with amazing drivers...

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you can obtain an i/d/ licence from any main branch post office. you need some passport size photos. make sure your covered by insurance -read the small print !some arnt worth the paper their written on !hire from avis or a reputable company-good luck youll need it ! :o

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32X;;If you are a very good driver then you will be right in your element here in Thailand,,the country is full of good drivers,,My wife and I went up to Lom Sak today,which is about 30 kilometers,and we were only ran off of the road by cars crossing the solid double line 4 times on the way up and forced off by a van passing without room and forced us over on the shoulder on the way back.

There is no Thai that will understand or obey any traffic laws and they are very unpredictable drivers,so you never know what they are going to do,just think what you would do in the situation and then do the opposite and you will most likely be right.

Due to the fact that there is no hyway patrols or police on the roads,it is a free for all out there,so if you really want to be safe ,then rent a bus ,as they seem to get by with more than anything else cause they are the biggest,trucks are next,then pickups and cars,,if you ride a motorcycle then you are invisible and do not even count,so you ride on the shoulder and always be ready to give that to a car.

but Yea do get an international license before you leave as the one you get here will not be any good to drive here with.and make sure you have ###### good insurance as when you kill someone,you will have to pay their family their worth,what ever that may be.and in a wreck,you are bound to be at fault,as if you were home where you belonged,then you wouldn't have been here to be in the wreck.

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......but Yea do get an international license before you leave as the one you get here will not be any good to drive here with.and make sure you have ###### good insurance as when you kill someone,you will have to pay their family their worth,what ever that may be.....

Road signs and painted lines are a waste of paint and money in Thailand, as well as here in the Middle East and the blood money issue is more so here in camel jockey country.......roads rules are for other people, not me type of scenario...!!!

But they say life is a challenge, I just didn't think it was driving with my heart in my mouth at times.... :o

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:D wot i ment by good is ive driven in some of the worse places for ignoring road sighs and traffic lights in Europe ie = Naples,Rome,Palermo in the rush hour!!.

Ive also riden a motorbike for 2 weeks in pattaya during songkran and lived.


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:D wot i ment by good is ive driven in some of the worse places for ignoring road sighs and traffic lights in Europe ie = Naples,Rome,Palermo in the rush hour!!.

If you drove in those cities, driving in Bangkok/Thailand will be a piece of cake B)

Still, watch out for those big trucks :o

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Im a very good driver so the Thai traffic doesnt put me off.

With the best will in the world I don't know anyone who admits to being anything else but a good driver,including me as I am one of the best.

However when you get your international drivers license you might consider getting some form of religion at the same time as we don't take prisoners here and also seeing a lawyer about making a will.

Only 600 bumped off on the roads this holiday period and the best part of 40,000 in hospital and every man, woman and child a good driver.

You have to hand it to the road users here,they break the record every year.

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:o tank,Ducati916,Ferrari Testa rossa,BmwM3 DOES IT MATTER?

I know i wont have problems with my driving its the other drivers you have to watch out for.

Im looking to hire a 5 door saloon..

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:D Andy no probs!!.It is a great feeling riding a motor bike in LOS,especially along the sea,all those great views.

One day i would love to hire a motor bike and take a tour around issan. :o

Only problem is my TGF hates motorbikes B)

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