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2000 Dogs Saved In Nakhon Phanom From Dinner Tables


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i don't see why it is a bad thing to sell this dogs to Vietnam, here in bangkok, there are thousands of street dogs, this animals in many cases get sick with rabics and can infect another people, in my neighborhood one litle guirl died last month because of that, bisides this animals are extreamly dangereous for the traffic of people and cars on the streets etc, i would like to see the eliminination of all the street-dogs numbers or at least a decreae in the number of it.

The answer is spay/neuter programs. It is not expensive. It will help control the animal population. AND they wont have to end up in someones stew pot.

If you dont see why its a bad thing for these dogs to go to Vietnam then i guess you dont own any dogs as pets? If you have one as a pet, you consider it a part of the family, not something to eat for lunch.

I used to have a pet buffalo and I have eaten buffalo.

I used to have a pet cow and i have eaten cow.

We have pet fish and we eat fish.

I used to have a pet rabbit and i have eaten rabbit.

get over it.

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I live in a village where dogs are bartered for a bucket and the trucks come all the time. Until Thailand gets serious about controlling the dog population which appears will be never then the current system of a villager getting a household good in exchange, the exporter making a profit, and protein for dinner seems more optimal than wasting tax money to create a bureaucracy to round them up, euthanize them, and dispose of the remains like other countries do. Legalize the current practice and put in measures to assure transport is safe and humane. And if you think that is a disturbing photo then brace yourself when you see photos of how chickens are raised.

If people have to trade their dog for a bucket, that is pretty dam_n sad!!! I heard on the news that the economy is in very good shape there. So why do people have to trade live animals for a household item??????

Still people seem to resist the idea of " population control" by sterilization. Getting dogs and cats spay/neutered is the best solution to this problem. AND if people need to trade a dog for a bucket, they need to speak to the government about some public assistance.

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It must be a slow news day with the Dow levelling out.

The most notorious province for dog eaters is Sakhon Nakhon in the top of isan -laos. Not all that far from dog meat heaven city Hanoi. VN. As much as 8 dollars per kilo in Vietnam.

90 % of the strays in Bangkok have disappeared over the past 10 years.. Not hard to guess where.

Thats the price of having communism ,having to eat dogs to survive. Maybe one day those people will wake up.

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It must be a slow news day with the Dow levelling out.

The most notorious province for dog eaters is Sakhon Nakhon in the top of isan -laos. Not all that far from dog meat heaven city Hanoi. VN. As much as 8 dollars per kilo in Vietnam.

90 % of the strays in Bangkok have disappeared over the past 10 years.. Not hard to guess where.

90%? Are you suggesting that 10 years ago, the dog population of Bangkok was larger than human?

I understand the Buddhist logic behind not controlling dog populations properly here, but in all honesty, stray dogs are a blight on a community. I have learnt to not let it get to me, but it really would be a pleasure to not worry about getting bitten or stepping in poop in front of my house?

I understand and respect that logic too, but , sometimes you have to make an exception, especially in this case.

I think that people would feel more enlightened if they have a dog sterilization program, instead of hearing about these dogs being massacred for someones dinner!

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I live in a village where dogs are bartered for a bucket and the trucks come all the time. Until Thailand gets serious about controlling the dog population which appears will be never then the current system of a villager getting a household good in exchange, the exporter making a profit, and protein for dinner seems more optimal than wasting tax money to create a bureaucracy to round them up, euthanize them, and dispose of the remains like other countries do. Legalize the current practice and put in measures to assure transport is safe and humane. And if you think that is a disturbing photo then brace yourself when you see photos of how chickens are raised.

„Rerngsak said police were told that Noppadon had earlier released 600 other dogs into a forest."

The guy should be heavily punished for that alone! Anyone ever faced a pack of 6 to 8 hungry dogs after dark on your way home? Sooner or later they will leave the forest, that's when you definitely have a serious problem. What about kids on their way to school in the early morning in remote areas? Who knows how many of these creatures are infected with rabies?

Edited by TackyToo
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What's your favourite dog book ?

I like , "City" , by Clifford D Simak .

In this book dog's sit around camp fires and tell tales of the mythical or real humans who used to inhabit the earth before the age of the ants .

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During the Chosun dynasty, dog meat was consumed in soup, steamed,

roasted or fried, with added spice, in sausage, as wine, as a cane, as a jerky

and boiled. When Gaejangkuk is boiled, perilla purple are put in, not leaves of

perilla. Dongahgaezim is made by cutting off the top of a wax gourd and

scooping out its contents. Then dog meat is put into it, the top is put back on,

and then its wrapped with a straw rope, and rubbed with mud sprinkled with

salt. After the mud hardens, it's roasted over night.

Dog meat contains high-quality protein. When dog meat is boiled, its fiber

becomes loose, which is good for digestion. So eating pork in summer season

sometimes causes digestive problems, but dog meat doesn't do any harm, and

its fat can be digested severaltimes more easily than beef. The fat contains a

lot of unsaturated fatty acid with little cholesterol, which is preventive for high

blood pressure and arteriosclerosis :jap:

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i don't see why it is a bad thing to sell this dogs to Vietnam, here in bangkok, there are thousands of street dogs, this animals in many cases get sick with rabics and can infect another people, in my neighborhood one litle guirl died last month because of that, bisides this animals are extreamly dangereous for the traffic of people and cars on the streets etc, i would like to see the eliminination of all the street-dogs numbers or at least a decreae in the number of it.

So in your mind serving up animals with parasites and infectious diseases is appropriate?

For once I agree with you.

How F'ing sick is this?

Dose anyone have a contact for donations or something? I'll try and find out if no one knows.

*edit* found it http://www.thaiaga.org a couple of bucks isn't gonna hurt anyone guys, just sayin.

Personally if they choose to eat dogs i dont give a dam_n if they contract parasites and diseases!!!!

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So what's the real difference between a dog and a cow - apart from the endearing expression? and that's a real question...

if you genuinely think that way and you have failed to marvel at the wonders and intelligence of service dogs that can do so many things such asdetecting diabetes and cancer in humans then I feel very sorry for you.

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in our developed countrys strays are taken and put to sleep if they have now home.

so whats the problem with them being killed off here (in a county with more strays than others) and at least feeding people.

stolen pets are one thing and i pitty the dog and the owner .. but if the homeless strays that run wild can feed someone who is willign to eat it then thats one less stray dog .

i must admit i'm sorry to say i hate the stray dogs here having been knocked off a motorbike by them before so feel no sorrow for there fate..

The problem is population control in order to prevent such incidents. And law enforcement to prevent thefts. Until both problems are serioulsy addressed ,this crap will go on and on.

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Nice if they can actually step up this trade and rid the streets of these lurking vermin. If they can be transported humanely, I don't see a problem at all. Better than leaving them to be hit by cars or die of disease.

Tired of whimpering dog lovers - they deserve no better treatment than pigs. (n saying that, I actually mean the dogs).

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From a food point of view...the main difference between most cows, chickens, goats, pigs sheep, dogs, is that all but the dogs are bred for the sole purpose of food consumption or producing food (eggs milk etc).

Whether or not you find eating dog meat acceptable is really a side issue.

If there is to be a legitimate market for dog meat, and the soi dogs rounded up, it would be nice to see some compassion shown. The slaughter of animals might be a necessary thing for food consumption, but the pre slaughter confinement of the animal doesn't have to be so cruel.

I'm sure more than a few of the dogs were someones much loved pet.

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Dogs saved from dinner tables: Thai authorities

BANGKOK, August 13, 2011 (AFP) - Thai authorities have rescued more than a thousand dogs, which were found stuffed into tiny cages and being smuggled out of the country to be cooked and eaten in Vietnam, officials said Saturday.

Police intercepted four trucks stacked high with crates packed with the animals in an operation on Thursday evening in Nakhon Phanom province in northeastern Thailand near the border with Laos.

A Nakhon Phanom livestock development official said 1,011 dogs were being held in a government shelter after two separate raids in Nathom and Si Songkhram districts.

She said an additional 119 had died either through suffocation in the cramped cages or when they were thrown from the back of the trucks as the alleged traffickers sped away from arresting officers.

Two Thai men and a Vietnamese man have been charged with trafficking and the illegal transportation of animals, police case officer Captain Prawat Pholsuwan told AFP.

"The maximum punishment is a one year jail term and a fine of up to 20,000 baht ($670)," he said.

The dogs were transported from nearby Sakon Nakhon province and were destined to be taken across the Mekong river in Laos and into Vietnam, Prawat added.

Traffickers, who round up stray dogs and barter for pets in rural Thai villages, can receive up to $33 per dog in Vietnam, police said.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2011-08-13

$670 ? our monthly house mortgage is more than that!!! and 1 year in jail???????????

Thats like a slap on the wrist, what a waste of time.

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So what's the real difference between a dog and a cow - apart from the endearing expression? and that's a real question...

Duh mate! Dogs can't fly.

HaHa. Apart from not being able to fly, you find a lot less resistance putting your arm up a cow's arse

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That's a very sad photo, seeing all those dogs kept like that

seeing any animal is such bad conditions is sad, so maybe the cooking pot is the best place for em.

lets be honest most of these Doggies have a terrible existance anyway, their so called owners only have any interest if a farang runs one over and they want

5000 baht for their loss, the fact that they have not fed it, wormed it or ever taken it to a vet never comes into it.

I tried eatin dog in Bangkok a few months ago but when I went to the restaurant in Sukhumvit the following day they had sold out.

So you are saying that the best solution to reduce overpopulation is sending them off to slaughter for food?

Hey maybe your idea would work in countries with overpopulation disease and starvation,,,,,, and instead of seeing all the people starve, they could do the same with half the people so the other half doesnt starve ? Is that your logic?

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What a delightful impression Thailand creates to the civilised world. Amazing Thailand! a blazing dog bar-b-cue!

Really quite charming. A 101 dalmations beneath a fluffy pastry crust. A hot-dog anyone?

Such compassion for dogs [which I agree with] but the human trafficking, the enslavement, the prostitution, the desperate realities of desperate people living in desperate conditions continues unchecked, un-cared for. Don't expect 1000 girls to be liberated any time soon.

Thailand. the Land of Smiles. And Pattaya. That wonderful City where flesh is traded to those wonderful vest wearing, bar-stool bums who breakfast on beer and trade in sexual exploitation of the young and preferably too young. Pattaya a palace to pedophilia. A place of pimps. A posnet of prostitution.

The dogs ................................. in my part of Thailand the Nakhom Pathon pick-up tours the back roads collecting dogs. No one does anything about it.

Whatever your views consider the damage it does to the International standing of Thailand.

When the Football World Cup visited Korea there was hell on about the dog reatuarants.

The thought of what happened was enough to cause an international incident. Photos were something the locals sought to prevent.

But Thailand, with all the competency of a drunk walking a tightrope, manages to put a picture of hundreds of starved, emaciated family pets caged on their way to slaughter.

Odd. Thailand displays the truth only to hurt itself.

Not so odd then that the truth so rarely ever emerges. And Thailand needs no international assistance when it comes to self-destruction.

The truth then. Well not all of it. The bit they left out was that they traded the dogs for 2000 cats.

The meat should be a bit more chewy but no one will notice the difference. They'll pass it off as Spring Chicken.

Oh, and lets not forget while thinking it's the bad Vietnamese that eat the stuff, that the Bkk Post has featured the old girl in Chiang Mai who sells dog meat. When asked if any anyone enquired what it was, she tells them it's chicken. At least it's not just foreigners who get lied to.

Apparently, black dog is the best as it 'keeps you warm'. More local wisdom there then. I suppose it explains fire-eaters.

The best advice for Thailand and in particular Pattaya would be to lock up your daughters.

Add to that, lock up your Labra-daughters.

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I think it depends on how the animals are killed.

Many years ago I was sent photos of a family pet (dog) being SLOWLY hanged in the Phillipines for the family BBQ. The dog had been raised as a pet and had trusted his 'family' implicitly.

It horrified me - I still have nightmares about it. If it had been a quick death I would have understood and thought that at least the dog had a good life before being eaten.

Sorry state of "human" affairs. no sense of compassion for another creatures suffering. like they say, a society is only as good as it treats its animals and children.

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One thing I find really sickening is the way that Buddhists protest about dogs being put down - ie. stray, diseased, injured dogs wandering unhappily and unloved around the streets. This whole thing is a farce - the same pious people are the same ones who buy them as cute puppies from the market and dump them when they are not cute any more.

BBQ the healthy ones and shoot the sick ones, I say (the dogs I was meaning).

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I bet I could guess the age, sex and marital status of every person saying "eat them." I bet they all fit into the exact same group. I bet I could guess how old your wives are and where you met them too.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of westerners who end up in Thailand are not the brightest people out there.

It's just too easy, so I'm not even going to try.

For those who have a problem with stray dogs, maybe you could get up your ass and do something?

Who died and made you God to judge everyone with such a sweeping statement?

What an ignorant stuck up idiot !!!!! (I suppose your wife is from Bangkok and you think that makes you superior to others)

It is ironic really Dog is a delicacy in poorer countries but the price of the meat is very expensive.

So people can't keep saying oh the strays feed the poor peasants because on the whole the peasants can't afford the meat.

Thailand does need to address the Feral dog population though it is reaching dangerous proportions. We live on a nice estate in Pattaya and there are getting to be more and more strays.

Funny when I lived with the ex gf's family in Sakhon Nakon there were no stray dogs.......

I had no idea trucks were going around buying and stealing them though.

Something humane needs to be done, dogs are our friends and some of the most intelligent creatures around. Even more intelligent than Mr God at the top of this post.

I agree, to a certain extent.

The only way the feral dog population can be reduced is for wealthy Westerners to put their hands in their pockets and support those organisations that are dedicated to neutering the stray dog population.

The thing I find most upsetting about stray dogs is that they are generally friendly, timid and desperate to be 'nice' so that people give them food.... Needless to say, most feel sorry for them but do nothing to help.

Wealthy Westerners??? why do wealthy westerners have to do it??????????????? Whats wrong with the local population doing it ? why does some foreigner have to clean up the mess?

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Stray dogs are troublesome, and an eye sore. There is not enough neutering here. Stray dogs, and even owned dogs, wander the streets eating trash, pissing and shitting everywhere, spreading disease, barking at night, etc.. One reason I like visiting Isaan is because there are no stray dogs on the streets. Why? Because they eat them. Would I eat dog? No, but I didn't grow up eating dog, and if I had I would without any thought. I say let the dog eaters eat dog and be merry. If a stray dog can fill a belly, good.

Nearly half the Thai population lives around Issan, --you visit??? where???? I live here and dogs are everywhere-towns villages-many dead on the roadside,rotting, the others are free range and really not owned, once were when puppies =toys for the kids=I have 7 and are fantastic pets, before emancipated now loving, if I can fence mine in the Thais can, and back to the point of it's how you clean and maintain your home your kids your motor/bike on average nothing here is respected. Gardens the same, This is rural Thailand. (90% of Issan people DO NOT eat dogs, for starters they are too expensive, this food is a middle class delight. .....................rural villages and areas it's impossible, but cities and towns regulation and keeping of dogs fenced in the house/land area is possible with will.

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I live in a village where dogs are bartered for a bucket and the trucks come all the time. Until Thailand gets serious about controlling the dog population which appears will be never then the current system of a villager getting a household good in exchange, the exporter making a profit, and protein for dinner seems more optimal than wasting tax money to create a bureaucracy to round them up, euthanize them, and dispose of the remains like other countries do. Legalize the current practice and put in measures to assure transport is safe and humane. And if you think that is a disturbing photo then brace yourself when you see photos of how chickens are raised.

If people have to trade their dog for a bucket, that is pretty dam_n sad!!! I heard on the news that the economy is in very good shape there. So why do people have to trade live animals for a household item??????

Still people seem to resist the idea of " population control" by sterilization. Getting dogs and cats spay/neutered is the best solution to this problem. AND if people need to trade a dog for a bucket, they need to speak to the government about some public assistance.

Youve obviosuly never seen the buckets then???

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Why are some people so disgusted with others eating dog? It's just the culture at play. Indians would say the same about us eating beef. As for humanely killing them, is there such a way other than injecting some form of poison which would deem them unfit for consumption. As for those complaining about how the dogs were transported, you guys don't eat fish? You think the fishes are shipped individually in deluxe crates filled with water? So, would someone like to complain now about how inhumane their fish dinner arrived?

No one seems to get the point. its not about how the dogs were being transported, its about them being transported AT ALL. It is ILLEGAL. thats why those guys were arrested. It is a criminal offense. If people would just look at the legal aspect of this, maybe they would understand, that this is unacceptable within that country. The law is the law!!! If no one has respect for the law, then you have anarchy.

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I think it depends on how the animals are killed.

Many years ago I was sent photos of a family pet (dog) being SLOWLY hanged in the Phillipines for the family BBQ. The dog had been raised as a pet and had trusted his 'family' implicitly.

It horrified me - I still have nightmares about it. If it had been a quick death I would have understood and thought that at least the dog had a good life before being eaten.

Sorry state of "human" affairs. no sense of compassion for another creatures suffering. like they say, a society is only as good as it treats its animals and children.

and yet you chose to lve here???

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So what's the real difference between a dog and a cow - apart from the endearing expression? and that's a real question...

A cow is a farm animal raised for food consumption. a dog is a PET!! not lunch.

In India cows are pets dogs are protien. So if we farmed dogs it would be ok to eat rhem ????

yes, as long as its done in a humane way, to minimize suffering. Look up Dr. Temple Grandin. She is responsible for designing slaughterhouses that minimize an animals trauma.Very interesting article.

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i don't see why it is a bad thing to sell this dogs to Vietnam, here in bangkok, there are thousands of street dogs, this animals in many cases get sick with rabics and can infect another people, in my neighborhood one litle guirl died last month because of that, bisides this animals are extreamly dangereous for the traffic of people and cars on the streets etc, i would like to see the eliminination of all the street-dogs numbers or at least a decreae in the number of it.

The answer is spay/neuter programs. It is not expensive. It will help control the animal population. AND they wont have to end up in someones stew pot.

If you dont see why its a bad thing for these dogs to go to Vietnam then i guess you dont own any dogs as pets? If you have one as a pet, you consider it a part of the family, not something to eat for lunch.

I used to have a pet buffalo and I have eaten buffalo.

I used to have a pet cow and i have eaten cow.

We have pet fish and we eat fish.

I used to have a pet rabbit and i have eaten rabbit.

get over it.

i dont have anything to "get over"

by the way i didnt see you say that you used to have a pet dog ,and have eaten dog [curious] did you?

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I think it depends on how the animals are killed.

Many years ago I was sent photos of a family pet (dog) being SLOWLY hanged in the Phillipines for the family BBQ. The dog had been raised as a pet and had trusted his 'family' implicitly.

It horrified me - I still have nightmares about it. If it had been a quick death I would have understood and thought that at least the dog had a good life before being eaten.

Sorry state of "human" affairs. no sense of compassion for another creatures suffering. like they say, a society is only as good as it treats its animals and children.

and yet you chose to lve here???

nope, but i know people that do, and i intend to relocate to Thailand in the future... And i have a great affection for Thailand , just disturbed about the appathetic response to this problem.

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