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"Coffee" The Young Pit/Lab Needs A Home...


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"Coffee" a pit/lab cross needs a home – a handyman of a condo complex got her when she was very young - she rode with him onhis motorbike wherever he went for errands and slept in his room through thenight on his bed - was bathed regularly - played with neighborhood dogs always happy to see people -he was given an ultimatum to get rid of her by an uncompassionate resident -quite unrealistically because she never bothered anyone and the man’s room isseparate from the other buildings - now that she's gone neighbors wonder why and a good dog-owner is very distraught!

“Coffee” is an exceedingly friendly - she looks like a pitbull but has the disposition of a lab - she's less than one year of age and hasbeen spayed - that's how I got to know her – this was done at my charity clinic andshe loved every dog and human present 'no questions asked’ - she's a very stronggirl though and needs lots of exercise in a responsible manner (treadmill wouldwork and am happy to advise on that) - she's rambunctious and jumps up onpeople which needs to be changed with tender-loving discipline – she’s NOT analpha-type dog. Have started hervaccinations and will also blood-test her but obviously she looks great as youcan see on her picture.

“Coffee” is in a safe place now – doing well, mixing withother dogs…waiting for her new home and her new best friends!

Please send me a personal message or email if you can help!



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Saw your post, Unfortunately I cant have coffee as I have three dogs already... I would love to but three is enough for me !!

But was interested in your sentence about treadmill as I need to get my three fit etc, I am not lazy but i live on small village and the dogs need more exercise than i could possibly give.

I have a Doberman, GSD, and small Thai Street Dog

Any tips on treadmill would be great, The two dogs are 8 months old, the Thai dog is a 15 week old puppy i rescued ( maybe a bit young for treadmill?)

Is it easy to get a dog on a treadmill and to enjoy it ? I am looking for a treadmill as we speak

Looking forward in hearing from you

Kindest Regards


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Introduce the treadmill early in the dog's life is a good idea. The primary issue of a new item is smell, that factory fresh smell, allow the dog get used to it. You need to associate the treadmill with something good, a 1/2cm cube of cooked liver maybe. Encourage the dog to climb on/across the treadmill with the bribe. If the dog gets the reward when facing the right way and the treadmill is at a very slight incline so is feels "right". Repeat a few times during the day, then turn on the machine so the dog is used to the noise it makes at a slow walking pace.

Then the next stage is get the dog to walk on to the machine, bait in hand and turn on, first time the dog will probably jump off so being on a lead and repeated calm encouragement throughout is required.

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Hello Paul -- send me a private message with your email and I'll get in touch with you -- happy to give advice,



Saw your post, Unfortunately I cant have coffee as I have three dogs already... I would love to but three is enough for me !!

But was interested in your sentence about treadmill as I need to get my three fit etc, I am not lazy but i live on small village and the dogs need more exercise than i could possibly give.

I have a Doberman, GSD, and small Thai Street Dog

Any tips on treadmill would be great, The two dogs are 8 months old, the Thai dog is a 15 week old puppy i rescued ( maybe a bit young for treadmill?)

Is it easy to get a dog on a treadmill and to enjoy it ? I am looking for a treadmill as we speak

Looking forward in hearing from you

Kindest Regards


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I live in an apartment and dogs are not allowed off lead in the grounds. If you live in a small village I am guessing there is somewhere near that has a quiet road with no cars or dogs? Try Going there and letting them run there. You can go at 10km/h and they should follow you. 30 minutes should be enough every other day or every day if you have time. That is what I do.

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