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Urgent Need B Negative Blood


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An American expat is in distress and needs your help. Anyone of you happen to have B Neg Type blood. He is in the hospital with severe internal bleeding. He has lost a large amount of blood. Chiang Mai Ram1 does not have this blood in stock. It will be tomorrow before they will get it from BKK. If anyone has B Neg blood and can donate to him, it will be greatly appreciated. Call 083 201 1062 or email me back. Please email or call your friends and ask for their help.

Larry Edmonds Senior Vice Commander VFW Post 12074

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My blood group is B-ve and I believe I am healthy enough to donate blood, having done so several times in the past (but not in this year, so am eligible to donate again now since its more than a year since my last blood donation). However, I live in Bangkok and would need blood collected in Bangkok ideally. I can travel to a local hospital in Bangkok to donate blood if needed and then the same can be shipped to you under preserved conditions. Ideally, I would not want to have to travel out of town to donate blood, but in a life and death / emergency situation, I am more than willing to do even this -travel to Chiang Mai.


Sandeep Baldota

PS: I tried calling, but nobody answered the phone. I can be reached on 0814845816 - you can call me any time - even in the middle of the night if this can save a life.

Edited by CiscoThailand
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I have just been informed that Ram Hospital found 1 unit of blood for Mr. Webb. Ram does not have the staff available on the night shift to take blood donations. They will begin taking donations in the morning. What time I do not know but as soon as I find out I will post it on TV. Thank all of you for the concern you have shown for Patrick Webb. My phone has been ring off the hook, so to speak, from concerned Ex-Pats and Thai Nationals from Udon to Bangkok and beyond. I may have missed several call while talking to others and I apoligize.

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My phone has been ring off the hook, so to speak, from concerned Ex-Pats and Thai Nationals from Udon to Bangkok and beyond. I may have missed several call while talking to others and I apoligize.

So good to hear! Was going to offer to come get typed as I have no idea what blood type I am but it sounds like you are getting plenty of offers from ready and willing donors. Best of luck to Mr. Webb...

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According to the Australian Red Cross website patients with B- blood can accept blood from donors that are B- as well as donors who are O-.

As O- is nearly 5 times more common I think it is highly important to also request donations from people of this blood type.

Here is the Australian Red Cross website link:


My best wishes to the patient concerned.

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Urgent update, BKK now said they do not have B Negative blood so now it may be days before they can find it now. Please call tonight if you or anyone have and can donate B negative blood.

I checked at Chiang Mai Ram now they are giving him one unit blood and tomorrow red cross in Bangkok will tell them if they can find B- blood group or not , if good luck tomorrow evening they will have it and in case nescessary can give O - too.

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Urgent update, BKK now said they do not have B Negative blood so now it may be days before they can find it now. Please call tonight if you or anyone have and can donate B negative blood.

sorry edit, thought you were after b+

Edited by chooka
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This has prompted me to promise to donate blood on my next vacation to Chiang Mai or any foreign country for that matter. I recall seeing a Red Cross Blood donation office on my daily walks last year in CM. It would be so helpful and actually quite a neat vacation memory and experience to see how blood banks work in other countries.

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I have just been informed that Ram Hospital found 1 unit of blood for Mr. Webb. Ram does not have the staff available on the night shift to take blood donations. They will begin taking donations in the morning. What time I do not know but as soon as I find out I will post it on TV. Thank all of you for the concern you have shown for ............ . My phone has been ring off the hook, so to speak, from concerned Ex-Pats and Thai Nationals from Udon to Bangkok and beyond. I may have missed several call while talking to others and I apoligize.

Glad to hear it and all of the positive responses from members, it's heart warming to see what people will do for a stranger. I think it may be ill advised to have mentioned the persons name though as he is obviously critical still and finding his name associated with a serious incident might upset someone close to him who doesn't know yet, not to mention maybe it isn't a good thing for him to have his name openly publicized for personal reasons.. I'm going to edit it out of this quote so the post may stand in case the mods see fit to edit it from your post..

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On behalf of the patient's family. I would like to thank each and everyone for your offers to help. Last night at 11:00 pm his and my wife were told that the hospital had enough blood. At 05:10 am I received a call from his wife that he had lost more blood last night and some of the blood on hand was used. Therefore his need for more blood has risen. I wish I were a blood expert and could tell you which blood is compatible with his.

UPDATE: My wife just talked to the Lab at Chiang Mai Ram. The nurse there is aware of our need for blood. She says they will start drawing blood about 8 am this morning. To donate, go to the Lab on the first floor. Entering the front door and going straight back. Getting of the elevators, its straight ahead to your right, just past the cashiers The lab is next to the cashiers. Tell the nurse there that you are want to donate blood for Patrick Webb. Hopefully, they will have enough staff there to assist everyone.

If your in the Chiang Mai area and have B Neg. blood and can donate. Please go to Ram1 and do so.

Edited by retiredaamt
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UPDATE: Pat Webb is now in need of blood ASAP. This is due to his unexpected loss of blood during the night. His wife just called and his BP is very low and must have blood. The lab is now open for donations. The hospital is asking that donors please come to the lab on the first floor, tell them you are donating for Patrick Webb. Thank you all in advance.

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I have A neg blood, and my husband A pos or we'd be happy to come in to help.

Ideally, the patient should have his own blood type - B neg. O neg (universal donor, as stated) will also work in a pinch but isn't seen as ideal. A person who is a positive RH type can receive negative blood (which is missing the RH factor) but a negative RH blood type (like this man) cannot receive any positive type blood. Similarly, for the A, B factors. A person who is type B cannot receive blood with type A in it - not A, not AB. But O simply means neither A nor B is present, and can be given..

Hm, doctors and medical types could have written that better, but I hope that was a little helpful. For this poor man, B- and O- are his only options.

We should perhaps have a running list of emergency blood donors by type up here perhaps, if the local blood banks frequently run short of certain types?

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I am B- but in Bangkok and also lived in the UK during the mad cow period, sometimes the Red Cross take my blood if it's urgent.

I hope you have contacted the Red Cross, they have a club for negative blood donors and I often get text messages and phone calls asking for urgent donations.

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My blood group is B-ve and I believe I am healthy enough to donate blood, having done so several times in the past (but not in this year, so am eligible to donate again now since its more than a year since my last blood donation). However, I live in Bangkok and would need blood collected in Bangkok ideally. I can travel to a local hospital in Bangkok to donate blood if needed and then the same can be shipped to you under preserved conditions. Ideally, I would not want to have to travel out of town to donate blood, but in a life and death / emergency situation, I am more than willing to do even this -travel to Chiang Mai.


Sandeep Baldota

PS: I tried calling, but nobody answered the phone. I can be reached on 0814845816 - you can call me any time - even in the middle of the night if this can save a life.


That's a very noble gesture. Hope there are a few more TV members of your caliber. Edit: ... and reading further on down the page, I see there's plenty of people here willing to donate. Shows that we, as a race, are not as callous as we seem.... Good luck Mr. Webb!

Edited by scotbeve
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