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US Embassy Warns Of Possible Terrorist Attack In Bangkok


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Just saw this in the Bloomberg story on the warning.

Thai government spokesman Thitima Chaisang had no immediate comment when reached by phone. Police spokesman Prawut Thavornsiri and Army spokesman Sansern Kaewkamnerd didn’t answer calls to their mobile phones. [Editorial note: yes, but it's Friday afternoon!]

The threat is “generic” and likely related to U.S. moves to sanction Iran over its nuclear weapons program, according to Anthony Davis, a Bangkok-based analyst at IHS Jane’s.

The U.S. is “looking at pro-Iranian groups that might possibly react to what may very well go down in the Straits of Hormuz and possibly beyond,” Davis said. “It seems unlikely that terrorist attacks would be launched before the situation in the Middle East has escalated significantly.”


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CNN just said embassy warning of an imminent attack. Security is tighter at the airport, especially on US bound airlines.

Again, they are saying imminent.

Oh, did they pick up the story from TV and see the original headline of this thread?

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Embassies don't put out these warnings without good reason. I think we should take note and act accordingly.

Back before Terriorists were used to scare people into submission only 70 people per year died through "terriorist" vilolence. Even these days the only people dying through Terrorism are those invading and occupying their countries.

Terriorists treats are used to manipulate your thinking in so many ways. And it's working. The number of rights and freedoms you have given up over the last 10 years is amazing. The trillions of dollars lost to your ecomony through this false threat. And you are still listening to your government about terriorist threats. It's just designed to hold you in fear. Do you walk around in fear of Mosquitos? Statistics say you should be 1000x more scared of mosquitos than "terrorists". If you want to avoid all treats just dig a hole and bury yourself.

There have been hundreds, maybe thousands, killed in India by terrorist bombs & I do not recall that it has been invaded

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US advisory is real and Bangkok is specific


US Ambassador to Thailand Kristie Kenney on Friday said the alert to US citizens of foreign terrorist attacks in Bangkok is real.

She said in her twitter;@KristieKenney that "Our advisory to US citizens is real and BKK is specific."

The US Embassy in Bangkok on Friday issued an urgent alert for its citizens in Bangkok of poosible terrorist attack.

The alert said foreign terrorists may be currently looking to conduct attacks against tourist areas in Bangkok in the near future.

US citizens are urged to exercise caution when visiting public areas where large groups of Western tourists gather in Bangkok.

U.S. citizens are encouraged to maintain a heightened awareness when out in public; be alert for unattended packages/bags in public/crowded places and report any suspicious behavior to the nearest law enforcement personnel.

"We also encourage you to keep a low profile in public areas, particularly areas frequented by foreign tourists."


-- The Nation 2012-01-13

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All this talk about which areas of BKK would be good targets. Smart. Help the crazies focus on the "best" places. Yeah, keep adding to their "intelligence" or confirming it for them. clap2.gif

"They" can use Google too. wink.png

Do you seriously believe that potential inernational terrorists would not know where to hit westerners in BKK without this board? Are you joking?

Do you know what the word "confirming" means. You're extrapolating.

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Just saw this in the Bloomberg story on the warning.

Thai government spokesman Thitima Chaisang had no immediate comment when reached by phone. Police spokesman Prawut Thavornsiri and Army spokesman Sansern Kaewkamnerd didn’t answer calls to their mobile phones. [Editorial note: yes, but it's Friday afternoon!]

The threat is “generic” and likely related to U.S. moves to sanction Iran over its nuclear weapons program, according to Anthony Davis, a Bangkok-based analyst at IHS Jane’s.

The U.S. is “looking at pro-Iranian groups that might possibly react to what may very well go down in the Straits of Hormuz and possibly beyond,” Davis said. “It seems unlikely that terrorist attacks would be launched before the situation in the Middle East has escalated significantly.”


"[Editorial note: yes, but it's Friday afternoon!]" That is priceless!

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According to the defence minister it's apparently two terrorists that have entered Thailand and they know who they are and they are likely to be arrested soon..

Edit: Was defence minister, not the polic or police.. :/

Ok case closed. We all believe anything any minster says, they never speak untruths whistling.gif

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It is hardly surprising the yanks are targets (if it isn't just another BS alarm), pi^sing on dead Muslims ain't going to endear you to folks. It is about time the rest of the world put some distance between them and us, as they have a stockpile of bombs now ready to drop on someone. Who will be next? SE Asia hasn't been blessed for while.

What a pile of BS.

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Go and complain to CNN now.

(CNN) -- The United States on Friday warned its citizens in Thailand of the possibility of imminent terrorist attacks in busy tourist areas of Bangkok.

"U.S. citizens are urged to exercise caution when visiting public areas where large groups of Western tourists gather in Bangkok," a statement on the website of the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok said.

"Foreign terrorists" may be planning attacks "in the near future," the statement said.

Thailand is a highly popular tourist destination and Bangkok serves as a major transport hub for the Southeast Asian region.


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Embassies don't put out these warnings without good reason. I think we should take note and act accordingly.

Back before Terriorists were used to scare people into submission only 70 people per year died through "terriorist" vilolence. Even these days the only people dying through Terrorism are those invading and occupying their countries.

Terriorists treats are used to manipulate your thinking in so many ways. And it's working. The number of rights and freedoms you have given up over the last 10 years is amazing. The trillions of dollars lost to your ecomony through this false threat. And you are still listening to your government about terriorist threats. It's just designed to hold you in fear. Do you walk around in fear of Mosquitos? Statistics say you should be 1000x more scared of mosquitos than "terrorists". If you want to avoid all treats just dig a hole and bury yourself.

There have been hundreds, maybe thousands, killed in India by terrorist bombs & I do not recall that it has been invaded

Funny how many posts pointing blame, but how few mention the religion of "peace".

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Today is Friday 13th, perhaps terrorists want to make a day we won't forget. We ought to take these warnings seriously.

friggatriskaidekaphobia or fear of Friday 13th is almost exclusively restricted to English speaking countries. Spanish speaking countries fear Tuesday 13th.

It means nothing to most people around the world. I know my students, who are 10 year old Koreans, knew nothing of it until I told them.

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I have always thought the odds of a terrorist attack on Thailand carried out by groups from outside of Thailand to be relatively small, mainly because in the past, and probably still today, it is easy to 'get things done' here, such as fake passports, as well as the capacity for corruption and bribery and the ease with which people can stay hidden here.

I also think you have to be pretty unlucky to get caught in any attack, and those odds wouldn't change very much if you alter your behaviour because of such a warning; the sheer number of places in Bangkok that attract large numbers of Westerners makes it ridiculous to do so, not least in that the 'terrorists' whoever they are, win as they have created an element of terror. I also agree that there is a big element of 'covering their backs' when Embassies issue such warnings, much more so in the aftermath of 9/11.

As far as 'false flag' attacks go, they have been used by governments of every hue since the concept of government first came about, including the US, so to think that any government would neither carry out such an attack, nor want to spread fear amongst it's citizens to justify something (e.g. military action, taxes or spending) to me is extremely naive; that isn't to say that this pronouncement is such a tactic, but it equally could be. It is time for all citizens, even those in New Zealand and Tuva (wherever that is!) to have a healthy mistrust of all actions carried out by governments, as there is normally an ulterior motive than the one presented.

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I really have a hard time believing the folks on this list. The US intelligence community develops intelligence that indicates a terrorist attack affecting US interests may be planned or considered by any number of criminal elements in the Bangkok area. That information is conveyed to the Embassy. The decision is made that the information is credible enough to issue a warning to US nationals to heighten your awareness. And, your paranoia begins -- against the very folks trying to offer you some words of caution.

Really folks. If the Embassy held this close and didn't notify US nationals, how would you be reacting if something happened? You would be demanding Congressional hearings on what State knew and when and why didn't they issue warnings if they had credible intelligence about a threat!

Come on already. Give the State Department some credit. They issued a warning for which the Thai government could very well issue a diplomatic protest if not well reasoned -- such a warning having an adverse impact on Thai national interests (economic, tourism, business development). Take it for what it is -- a warning/caution that if in Bangkok in areas in which tourists gather, be vigiliant. Folks like me -- a US tourist -- don't know what is out of the ordinary and are typically too swept up with our new surroundings to be properly aware of our surroundings. So, you experts/expats in Thailand need to be vigiliant -- you might just save a life or two.

There was simply no mention of US interests in the warning. It only mentions places that are frequented by western tourists..

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US Embassy in Bangkok warns of possible terrorist attack

The US Embassy in Bangkok on Friday issued an urgent alert for its citizens in Thailand of possible terrorist attack.

Red Shirts?


I was going to say that but I was afraid my post would be deleted.

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According to the defence minister it's apparently two terrorists that have entered Thailand and they know who they are and they are likely to be arrested soon..

Edit: Was defence minister, not the polic or police.. :/

He had to be told they had entered the country, immigration didn't flag them.

]Thai Defence Minister General Yutthasak Sasiprapha said the US had warned Thai authorities that two suspected Muslim "terrorists" had entered the country.
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A thread about an emailed warning to US citizens turns into this? I am once again, very amused by some of Thaivisa's members. Anytime there is a topic that says anything about the US there are US bashers. Anytime there is a topic on a Australian, there will be Aussie bashers. Anything bad about Phuket, Phuket bashers! Amazing farang!

election time in the US. Santorum even uses "to eredicate all Muslims" in his campaigns. There are probably attempts to start a massive war just before the election to keep Dictator Obama in office for one purpose only, to serve the NWO schemes. Check out what laws have been changed in the last couple of weeks.

I also suspect that the video of the marines recently (http://westminsterjournal.com/en/politics/world/item/196-alleged-us-marines-video-sparks-outrage scroll down) was staged to heat up the atmosphere.

Please people, do your home work.

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why only American warning , any other embassies sent their warning ? soundds strange !

Good embassy service?

Not really, it's the Americans who are the world's bad guys.

Glad they were the bad guys in 1941. Cos l am here. jap.gif

I'm with you, So quickly many forget

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I find it very interesting to read so many anti-American comments on this thread but the posters will not state their own nationality.

Why is that?

OK, I'm a Dutch citizen and I'm sick of the US N**zi government. There it is ...

You mean the country that liberated (along with the Brits) your country from ACTUAL Nazis?

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The big state terrorists are obsessed with terrorism. It's their war, why do they have to impinge on other countries so much? They go to other countries, bomb the shit out of them, and then tell their citizens terrorists are out to get them. What a joke.

Regular warnings keeps the fear level going. That's all it is. If terrorists are out to get american citizens, easier to con the american citizens that their government need to fight all these 'wars'. And if the american government don't want citizen terrorists to attack american citizens, then they should stop attacking other countries. Then there'd be no reason to attack americans. Easy enough no?

Blowback anyone?

Of course you have inside information that this could not possibly have anything to do with the southern provinces. Please share.

I don't have any inside info. I"m just stating a fact that america the nation are the biggest terrorists on the block, and correctly referred to them as state terrorists, and furthermore correctly identified why citizens from other nations might want to commit civilian terrorist attacks, because they themselves are the targets of the american nation.

But you're not engaging in any debate at all. Wonder why?

Femi, m'lad, if you want people to take your statements seriously, then you need to seem like you're serious. You don't. In fact, for more than one reason you come across as trolling. I believe you would benefit by going back and asking yourself what the definition of terrorism is. For examples: in general, a war is not a terrorist act and an assassination may or may not be a terrorist act. This is because the INTENT of the act is what defines terrorism. So just as a gentle guide, I'd suggest getting a grip on what terrorism IS, and then re-evaluate all the violent acts you have in mind as to whether or not the intent was to spread terror or merely to coerce. Once you have that distinction in mind I'd love to read your posts because I have the feeling that you maight actually have something worthwhile to say.

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why only American warning , any other embassies sent their warning ? soundds strange !

The Americans looking after themselves as usual! What's that saying again......"When the going gets tough, screw you"..

Why is it wrong for America to warn it's citizens of a potential threat? Isn't that what governments are suppose to do? What would you have them do? Say noting? Ignore the threat? Maybe they should just let their citizens be attacked and killed as punishment for perceived past transgressions and crimes of the United States? Would that please you? Why do you have such a visceral immediate hate for America? What do you mean by, "When the going gets tough, screw you".? How is that statement relevant in this context? How, by issuing this warning is America screwing others? You know if America came out and demanded that other Countries issue a similar warning based on it's intelligence or if America came out and issued a blanket warning itself to "all people" in Bangkok, America would be accused of meddling in the affairs of another sovereign nation.

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Just saw this in the Bloomberg story on the warning.

Thai government spokesman Thitima Chaisang had no immediate comment when reached by phone. Police spokesman Prawut Thavornsiri and Army spokesman Sansern Kaewkamnerd didn’t answer calls to their mobile phones. [Editorial note: yes, but it's Friday afternoon!]

The threat is “generic” and likely related to U.S. moves to sanction Iran over its nuclear weapons program, according to Anthony Davis, a Bangkok-based analyst at IHS Jane’s.

The U.S. is “looking at pro-Iranian groups that might possibly react to what may very well go down in the Straits of Hormuz and possibly beyond,” Davis said. “It seems unlikely that terrorist attacks would be launched before the situation in the Middle East has escalated significantly.”


Hmmm.... Intersting. I guess pro-Iranian terrorist group is different from Iran itself. But Iran has good relations with Thailand. I doubt they would be happy with a terrorist attack here.

On a side note, some people mentioned Mumbai and Bali but those were domestic terrorists, not foreign, and they had a domestic agenda. That's not the same as this.

On an additional sidenote, both my Fireforx and IE froze as soon as I opened the US Embassy link. Coincidence or no?

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"We encourage you notify us of your presence in Thailand by enrolling in the Department of State’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)."

The British Embassy tried this dodge a couple of years ago, we didn't fall for it.laugh.png

Think state pensions, National Health, income tax, then check your home country's regulations for expat citizens.

I'll give two examples, if you live more than 6 months in the year abroad, other than the EU or Commonwealth, your State Pension is frozen, no annual increments. If you live more than 6 months in the year abroad, you are not automatically eligible for National Health treatment, you may be charged.

Both America and Britain are looking for ways to save money!

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maybe it's this JT - We encourage you notify us of your presence in Thailand by enrolling in the Department of State’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP).

But seriously, no notifications from other western embassies, one might think they would share such important info?

Interesting to note that I am signed up with STEP but Thai Visa notified me first. angry.png

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I really have a hard time believing the folks on this list. The US intelligence community develops intelligence that indicates a terrorist attack affecting US interests may be planned or considered by any number of criminal elements in the Bangkok area. That information is conveyed to the Embassy. The decision is made that the information is credible enough to issue a warning to US nationals to heighten your awareness. And, your paranoia begins -- against the very folks trying to offer you some words of caution.

Really folks. If the Embassy held this close and didn't notify US nationals, how would you be reacting if something happened? You would be demanding Congressional hearings on what State knew and when and why didn't they issue warnings if they had credible intelligence about a threat!

Come on already. Give the State Department some credit. They issued a warning for which the Thai government could very well issue a diplomatic protest if not well reasoned -- such a warning having an adverse impact on Thai national interests (economic, tourism, business development). Take it for what it is -- a warning/caution that if in Bangkok in areas in which tourists gather, be vigiliant. Folks like me -- a US tourist -- don't know what is out of the ordinary and are typically too swept up with our new surroundings to be properly aware of our surroundings. So, you experts/expats in Thailand need to be vigiliant -- you might just save a life or two.

+1 thumbsup.gif

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"We also encourage you to keep a low profile in public areas, particularly areas frequented by foreign tourists."


While westerners in general are potential targets, it can't be denied that Americans are extra bonus point targets as are Jews and Israelis. For Americans, this means thinking about de-Americanizing your wardrobe choices. Perhaps pass on the baseball hats, etc.

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