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International Driving License

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I've used a Thai license in Australia and New Zealand, and I have hired cars with it in those countries. An International Licence is not anything other than evidence that you do in fact have a drivers license. I have hired cars in Thailand with a foreign license, and I have produced that license to Thai police without any problem at all

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I have hired cars in Thailand with a foreign license in Thailand and I have produced that license to Thai police without any problem at all

Believe the large rental outfits probably have agreement with insurance company to pay out claims but would not trust at a small outfit. It used to be that Thailand was happy with any license in Thai or English language but they seem to insist on International more and more now. Which makes sense as from the USA alone there are 50 different formats of license - no police should be expected to remember that number.

As for a translation, that is all an IDP is - but in a set format and multi language. I doubt that many rentals places in the US would accept it - they will not even accept an overseas license/IDP if you are American!

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An International Licence is not anything other than evidence that you do in fact have a drivers license. I have hired cars in Thailand with a foreign license, and I have produced that license to Thai police without any problem at all

I've got an international driving licence from France which date has expired but I still have a European driving licence which doesn't have any expiry date (hopefully!!!!).

As usual, the French Embassy refuse to renew it....already brought to justice by another French citizen......waiting for the decision...

In any case, this european driving licence definitely prove that I have licences for all kind of motorbikes and cars but if it works with the police my question is would it work in case of accident ?

Thanks for any information.

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As I have said several times before

AND Capo has mentioned

The IMPORTANT matter to consder is

"Am I covered by an Insurance Policy?"

Insurance Policies can be very Precise

about the Licence you need to hold

in order for you to be covered.

If you were to injure or kill someone

while driving Uninsured - which you would

be without the Licence required by the Policy

- you would be Committing a Criminal Offence

AND the Relatives could sue you for all that

you have (Unless you are Bill Gates).

Whether any licence is "Valid" or acceptable to

the Police in any given Country is of course

important also - but by ignoring vailidity of

Insurance cover you risk ending up a pauper.


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Thank Roger

Sorry but as I haven't followed what was going on about that before (just new member).....I don't wan't to bother you but what about a tourist running a 30 day visa ? A tourist....

I pay my motobike insurance every years and the shop which sold me the brand new motorbike and where I pay the insurance have never asked me for the driving licence.......

Which is the legal licence in that case ? Do you think I'm not cover at all ?


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Here's my experience..........

I'm from Florida, USA, and have a valid Florida license.

I have an International Driving Permit (to which Thailand is a signatory), that must be renewed annually.

Cost is $10. You can get one (if you're a US citizen) from AAA.

Go to http://www.csaa.com/travel/internationaldr...3040700,00.html and you can print the applicattion & send it off to AAA.

I've been caught once without it in BKK & the crooked-assed cop nailed me for 1500 baht. Wasn't that I didn't have a valid one, just left it at home that day. No accident, he just wanted to screw with the farang that day for improper lane change or some other excuse.

My wife was with me & said just pay the <deleted>, so I did.

Here's the conondrum--------I drive a rental always, from Budget which is a huge International chain. Budget has never asked me to show them my international license & are quite happy to keep a copy of my Florida license on file along with a copy of my passport.

Budget has a 5,000 baht deductible, no matter how bad you trash their car.

I had a cow appear in the road quite magically in Surin last September & I chose to sideswipe a concrete pole at 80km/50mph & totally trashed the entire left hand side of the car I was driving, as opposed to having uncooked beef for dinner.

The car was still driveable, so I drove it back to Pattaya 2 days later & filed an accident report & was given a new car----with 5,000 baht added onto my final bill.

No, I'm no legal expert, just my experience shared with you here.......

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From previous International Business travel experience, it make sense to be covered for any eventuality... Have license from home country + International Driver's License -> convert to Thai license if stay for more than 1 year - before IDL expires...

Far less hassles & stress all round - play safe...

Diaw... :o

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I was refused car hire in the UK with a Thai Licence (I'd left my UK one at home), not just because it was in Thai, and I didn't have a translation, but because it doesn't classify vehicles in the way that european/international licences do, i.e. Category A B C D etc. The friend I was with had to use his Italian licence instead :o

On another matter, someone earlier said you can get an international licence at the "main post office". I assume this means Charoen Krung. Does it still require the (very expensive!!) letter from the embassy?


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On another matter, someone earlier said you can get an international licence at the "main post office".  I assume this means Charoen Krung.  Does it still require the (very expensive!!) letter from the embassy?

you can NOT obtain any kind of driver's licence at any post office.

what you can do is to submit all required documents a any post office, pay a fee and they will forward the paperwork to the relevant land transport department. once application has been approved you will get the DL by mail.

for a foreigner I strongly suggest to visit the nearest branch of the land transport department for any kind of application!

post office staff usually don't have a clue about what documents are required for an application by a foreigner.


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