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Nakhon Sawan News


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Not to bothered about MK what about Mcdonalds would not a burger every now and then, so we just have to wait and see, bit like a christmas present, prepare to be disappointed!

Harry, you can cross the road there, if you are quick and lucky, well do you feel lucky?

Lots of extra stalls going down the sides of the roads clost to the PO could be the run up to Christmas and New Year but to early for the Chinese New Year which is Feb 10th. A lot of that goes on down riverside and there is a lot of work to finish there on the flood wall and the road, well it was aroad its now like a hard mud track and not suitable for the CNY so they had better get their skates on, action seems to have been scarce of late!

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We wish the traveller well and hope that he has the right sort of sandwiches in his luggauge, preferably not strawberry jam, can cause a terrible mess.

I hear ( from an 12 year old boy ) that there will be a Macdonalds in the new BIG C centre and that it will certainly be open in time for the festivities. It may turn out to be a dream but not long to find out.

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We wish the traveller well and hope that he has the right sort of sandwiches in his luggauge, preferably not strawberry jam, can cause a terrible mess.

I hear ( from an 12 year old boy ) that there will be a Macdonalds in the new BIG C centre and that it will certainly be open in time for the festivities. It may turn out to be a dream but not long to find out.

Thank's for the good wishes orrrf to BKK today fly out tomorrow.

Look's like N/S is on the up a Big Mc A say no more. H/M had one once that was in London many year's ago, only tried it to see how the lower class's lived. If I remember right coffee served in a cardboard cup, a polystyrene tepid berger and pappy bun rapped in more polystyrene, and half a dozen so called chip's in yet another cardboard thingy, and to top it all you had to get it yourself and it cost over £5.

Look's like your Chrissy dinner is sorted anyway Exeter enjoy.

I see that 3G has been given the go ahead by the middle of 14 it might even be in N/S then what lark's A.

Orrf now to sort out a few thing's and await the arrival of the BKK Hotel Limo.




Just looked up weather for London and by Sat it could be down to anything between -2-9 night time and only 5c during the day Even N/S seem's a better bet, 'only joking'

Edited by fredob43
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Tea in N/S is something of luxury these days as a new place will soon open to serve the so called Hi So's that live north of the border! I am told the menu is bit like Ryanhair and H/M teashed rolled into one.

Tea 10bts, cup 25bts, mug 50bts, sugar 20 bts, creamer 10bts, milk 15bts, spoon 10bts, knapkin 10bts, chair 25bts, luxury seating 50bts, table 15bts, table with cloth 25bts, use of toilet 20bts, toilet paper 10bts, service charge 10%, if using cash add another 10%. Free donation to charity 50bts ( poor local foreigner's private swimming pool society).

Coming soon...........saucers 15bts.

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Saw this on other forum, but where is it? Tesco Nakhon Sawan, ready in February?


My guess is on the southbound carriageway of the road from Tak/KPP, route 1.

I think the Toyota garage is where you can off for Dreamland and cut across to 117 to Pitsanoluk, so its on the other side of the road to Dreamland if that makes sense, Toyota on one corner and Tesco on the other with the road to Dreamland in between.

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My wife says she has read Big C posters declaring the new Big C Nakhon Sawan open from today with special promotions today and tomorrow. I’m heading over tomorrow.

I hope it has a bigger and better car park than the on in the town centre.

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Having lunch in old Big C. New store opens 24-25th December.

Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Thaivisa Connect App

Any news yet on if it's a Big C extra seems a bit pointless to have two B/C.

As you will all see H/M is back up and running. New comp: dongle the work's.

But it doesn't help much with the temp: here Bloody cold even had snow on the ground when I arrived EEEEEEEEEEEK next week told it will get even colder cant wait. You lot enjoy the heat if you can send a bit over H/M would be much obliged.




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Having lunch in old Big C. New store opens 24-25th December.

Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Thaivisa Connect App

Any news yet on if it's a Big C extra seems a bit pointless to have two B/C.

As you will all see H/M is back up and running. New comp: dongle the work's.

But it doesn't help much with the temp: here Bloody cold even had snow on the ground when I arrived EEEEEEEEEEEK next week told it will get even colder cant wait. You lot enjoy the heat if you can send a bit over H/M would be much obliged.




It's not a Big C Extra, it's a Big C Superstore!

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Just what I've been dreaming of, a day of shopping and having Christmas dinner in the food court of the new Big C! NOT!

But it opens on the 24th and it will be massive, I understand that trains have already left Bangkok loaded with happy shoppers, no news yet on whether there will be a Lovin it shop built in. Well its not on my route anyway so they will have to send a taxi!

What sort of christmas dinner were you hoping to miss, noodles with a drumstici in it?

Edited by nong38
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Having lunch in old Big C. New store opens 24-25th December.

Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Thaivisa Connect App

Any news yet on if it's a Big C extra seems a bit pointless to have two B/C.

As you will all see H/M is back up and running. New comp: dongle the work's.

But it doesn't help much with the temp: here Bloody cold even had snow on the ground when I arrived EEEEEEEEEEEK next week told it will get even colder cant wait. You lot enjoy the heat if you can send a bit over H/M would be much obliged.




It's not a Big C Extra, it's a Big C Superstore!

Sorry, I was wrong, it's a Big C Super Center.

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Well whatever it will add to the traffic in Matulee Road, I suppose we have a run along there in the new year see how big it is and what they giving away...............not holding my breath on that one, but, shopping in BIG C on 31st is usually a good idea as they seem to be paying you back with a discount for your year's spending on that day, nothing to lose if you have a bit of time and see if it works or not, did for me last year!

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Well whatever it will add to the traffic in Matulee Road, I suppose we have a run along there in the new year see how big it is and what they giving away...............not holding my breath on that one, but, shopping in BIG C on 31st is usually a good idea as they seem to be paying you back with a discount for your year's spending on that day, nothing to lose if you have a bit of time and see if it works or not, did for me last year!

Yes, that road junction is busy at the best of times so what's it going to be like when Big C opens, we can only wait and see!

Thanks for the nod about the 31st, I'll try to get there!!!thumbsup.gif

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Well whatever it will add to the traffic in Matulee Road, I suppose we have a run along there in the new year see how big it is and what they giving away...............not holding my breath on that one, but, shopping in BIG C on 31st is usually a good idea as they seem to be paying you back with a discount for your year's spending on that day, nothing to lose if you have a bit of time and see if it works or not, did for me last year!

Yes, that road junction is busy at the best of times so what's it going to be like when Big C opens, we can only wait and see!

Thanks for the nod about the 31st, I'll try to get there!!!thumbsup.gif

Yes we will also be there to see what happens.

The whole place is decked out already fo the Chinese New Year which is still over 6 weeks away. Usually a lot of the action takes place down by the riverside but at the moment is like a building site, many traders are not open, the road is just a mud track like a roller coaster, dont try and drive down there! If they want to use the beach as usual they are going to have to get cracking but there seems little urgency in that department, its certainly not fit to trade, drive, walk or put stages up. The only other place they might stage it would be on the other side of the Bangkok road along the river there.

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Hard to say, Bill – being the first day, it was jam-packed.

No McDonalds, Wayne; just the same restaurants as at the old store. There is, however, a 4-D cinema for only 80 baht that should be worth visiting.

I bought a 15.6” Acer laptop (with number-pad) for only 11,900 baht for my eldest daughter from Banana IT there.

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No Mcdonalds and horrific transport problems getting in and out from what I heard, no planning on how to deal with extra volumes.

Tesco due to open I think Feb 10th and it will fine if you coming from the north but going back will need some thought and patience, looks like a u turn just past the shell garage on the north bound carriageway. If you are coming from the south you will have to do a u turn to get to it and with the extra traffic it will not be easy. Local planners dont seem to think that there will be a lot heavier traffic with these new large shops and what will they do help the roads run more smoothly, it is after all for the benefit of everyone that a solution is found to the traffic problems.

I await developments with anticipation as I am sure you all do to we may have to be patient.

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Hard to say, Bill – being the first day, it was jam-packed.

No McDonalds, Wayne; just the same restaurants as at the old store. There is, however, a 4-D cinema for only 80 baht that should be worth visiting.

I bought a 15.6” Acer laptop (with number-pad) for only 11,900 baht for my eldest daughter from Banana IT there.

I can understand the jam packed bit as the BigC in KPP was the same when it opened but the BigC carpark in NakWan has always been crap.

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Re. new Big C again.: A couple of poor design issues in the car park that first day caused difficulties for the shopping trollies: impassible rubber “sleeping policemen” (speed humps) stretched fully across the road at the store entrance/exit, and impassible storm drains at the bottom of two concrete ramps near the entrance of the covered car park. I’m sure they’ll be fixed quickly though.

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Went past the new Big C on wednesday afternoo about 415pm no traffic problems, no traffic in or out of the centre, not many people about either. There is a Bank of Ayudyah there, otherwise seems to the same bedfellows, nice cosy arrangement.

Went on the u turn under the Bangkok Road south of BIG C, it is not possible to access it from the Bangkok Road but it is possible from the 'city' side of Sawantvittee, its a still a poor surface so be warned. Looks like it was bridge support work, but no sign of more lanes on the bridge.

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