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Kidnapped American Girl Found In Thailand 5 Years Later


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At one of the local home front shops where I buy beer there is this girl, probably about 7 or 8 who is definitely farang. It's possible she's a rukung abandoned by her father, but having seen a few I'd say she is almost certainly full farang, dirty blonde hair, green brown eyes. I've never seen any other farang around. She speaks only Thai and seems pretty underdeveloped mentally and cognitively for her age, I often she her wallowing around in food stuffs she has knocked off shelves. I've always wondered about her situation so one day, starting casually, I asked if she spoke English, trying to start a conversation with the woman who runs the shop. After discovering she couldn't say anything in English I said some filler crap before going for the jugular and asking where her parents were. Up to this point the conversation had been only in Thai, but after asking about her parents I received a harsh "no! I!" from the woman and a fistful of my change. They disappeared indoors and I decided to keep my nose out of potentially troublesome business. Still, I always wonder.

Edited by Esoterik
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. Sheriff Kevin Walsh said he did not know how the FBI tracked them down in Thailand.

a law enforcement sheriff has no idea how to track a kidnapper who has been identified to the authorities ?

first ,they check his passport number in the central database,then they know the last time he flew and into which city

then ,check his atm .credit cards and see where he has been withdrawing cash ,then you have his neighbourhood /areas he frequents (say sukhumvit rd etc )

then you check how many farangs are in rented homes and guesthouses in this area (you cant rent anything anymore without your passport copy and landlord must sent that to immigration ,even if u only stay a night ) ,talk to locals about seeing a man with a little farang girl etc and show pictures of him to all the thais in that vicinity

and you will probably have him arrested within 24 -48hrs

how can a "sheriff" go in the media and say silly things "well,i dont know how ,but they found him etc "

its like homer simpson policework licklips.gif

I'm sorry to say I don't agree with you, you can easyly rent a room or condo without showing any ID. Most rooms occupied by farang are rented in their girlfriends name, i'm one of them

speak for yourself.

Neither myself nor any of my friends would be stupid enough to risk all their possessions and home to the foibles of a girlfriend.

A few friends of mine co-lease with their very long term mates, however they are the exception.

its irrelevant to the topic i know, but it irks me when people who make questionable blanket statements assume that their mistakes and thailand experience are universal. They are not.

Edited by nocturn
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. Sheriff Kevin Walsh said he did not know how the FBI tracked them down in Thailand.

a law enforcement sheriff has no idea how to track a kidnapper who has been identified to the authorities ?

first ,they check his passport number in the central database,then they know the last time he flew and into which city

then ,check his atm .credit cards and see where he has been withdrawing cash ,then you have his neighbourhood /areas he frequents (say sukhumvit rd etc )

then you check how many farangs are in rented homes and guesthouses in this area (you cant rent anything anymore without your passport copy and landlord must sent that to immigration ,even if u only stay a night ) ,talk to locals about seeing a man with a little farang girl etc and show pictures of him to all the thais in that vicinity

and you will probably have him arrested within 24 -48hrs

how can a "sheriff" go in the media and say silly things "well,i dont know how ,but they found him etc "

its like homer simpson policework licklips.gif

lets just say he had planned this and had a different name on his passport and atm cards ,what yer gonna do , call the ghost busters

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This reminds me of the Australian who 'kidnapped' his daughter in 2007 and was located in Phuket. The girl was in very good health and clearly loved her father. The problem was his ex-wife, an American, whose 'mafia' father had enough contacts to arrange an Australian police team just to look for the little girl. The Australian had fled his own country because his ex-father in law had put a price on his head. All is not always as it seems.

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whatever happended before , its never good to use a child for personal vendetta specially after a louzy divorce ... not to mention that this little girl needs her mother as well .... I dont know all the details of the story and have no idea about their life but to fleed your country with your kid is never the best solution.

Courts always favour the wife, no matter the circumstances. It is always the father that has to fight hand over fist, even if the mother is not mentally stable or has other issues drugs, etc. In the end, this guy might have decided as a caring father the best solution to be with his daughter was the course of action he took. We don't know the details, but the way this is written leaves a lot of suspicion that the legal system is much to blame for what has happened. Often is..

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I hope Thai Visa posts the results of what happens to this poor girl and her father. It sounds like a strange story really. The mother is returning FROM Russia to the USA? Did she lose her grean card, sell the house that the father probably worked hard to buy and then move back to Russia as a "rich woman"?

Will this poor child end up in the custody of social services while she watches her poor father go to jail then just to have her Russian mother get her from SS and take her back to Russia where she won't even know the language?

POOR POOR LITTLE GIRL. I hope W5 or 60 Minutes gets a hold of this story and does the investigation and the little girl ends up in the right arms. So sad.

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At one of the local home front shops where I buy beer there is this girl, probably about 7 or 8 who is definitely farang. It's possible she's a rukung abandoned by her father, but having seen a few I'd say she is almost certainly full farang, dirty blonde hair, green brown eyes. I've never seen any other farang around. She speaks only Thai and seems pretty underdeveloped mentally and cognitively for her age, I often she her wallowing around in food stuffs she has knocked off shelves. I've always wondered about her situation so one day, starting casually, I asked if she spoke English, trying to start a conversation with the woman who runs the shop. After discovering she couldn't say anything in English I said some filler crap before going for the jugular and asking where her parents were. Up to this point the conversation had been only in Thai, but after asking about her parents I received a harsh "no! I!" from the woman and a fistful of my change. They disappeared indoors and I decided to keep my nose out of potentially troublesome business. Still, I always wonder.

I would ask questions with a translating Thai person I trust, I not care if the shop owner lady, caretaker of the girl you mentioned, likes this or not!

If this caretaker is so unfriendly and does not like answer questions, she probably has something to hide!

I know an English guy, who came with his adult English son in his 20is and his young English-Thai mixing boy, 2 1/2 years old to a beach resort in

Cambodia and opened a small business there.

He took care very well his youngster and told me, that his wife? GF? was living with him in England, but the relationship got in trouble.

On the end she should have stolen money from him. Whatever, he decided to take his small son and together with his adult son left the country to Cambodia.

Similar to your thread here. It did not sound that he had the lone custody right, but did not care.

Maybe the USA guy fled to the wrong country?cowboy.gif

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. Sheriff Kevin Walsh said he did not know how the FBI tracked them down in Thailand.

a law enforcement sheriff has no idea how to track a kidnapper who has been identified to the authorities ?

first ,they check his passport number in the central database,then they know the last time he flew and into which city

then ,check his atm .credit cards and see where he has been withdrawing cash ,then you have his neighbourhood /areas he frequents (say sukhumvit rd etc )

then you check how many farangs are in rented homes and guesthouses in this area (you cant rent anything anymore without your passport copy and landlord must sent that to immigration ,even if u only stay a night ) ,talk to locals about seeing a man with a little farang girl etc and show pictures of him to all the thais in that vicinity

and you will probably have him arrested within 24 -48hrs

how can a "sheriff" go in the media and say silly things "well,i dont know how ,but they found him etc "

its like homer simpson policework licklips.gif

I'm sorry to say I don't agree with you, you can easyly rent a room or condo without showing any ID. Most rooms occupied by farang are rented in their girlfriends name, i'm one of them

you cannot in most of bkk anymore ,immigration laws says the owner of the premises will be punished or fined if a farang stays there unreported

and most places are asking for id ,certaintly the better places ,you might get a run down old dump whose owner is old and just likes the cash

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. Sheriff Kevin Walsh said he did not know how the FBI tracked them down in Thailand.

a law enforcement sheriff has no idea how to track a kidnapper who has been identified to the authorities ?

first ,they check his passport number in the central database,then they know the last time he flew and into which city

then ,check his atm .credit cards and see where he has been withdrawing cash ,then you have his neighbourhood /areas he frequents (say sukhumvit rd etc )

then you check how many farangs are in rented homes and guesthouses in this area (you cant rent anything anymore without your passport copy and landlord must sent that to immigration ,even if u only stay a night ) ,talk to locals about seeing a man with a little farang girl etc and show pictures of him to all the thais in that vicinity

and you will probably have him arrested within 24 -48hrs

how can a "sheriff" go in the media and say silly things "well,i dont know how ,but they found him etc "

its like homer simpson policework licklips.gif

lets just say he had planned this and had a different name on his passport and atm cards ,what yer gonna do , call the ghost busters

i dont think the guy is jason bourne or james bond

he hardly has a collection of passports and credit cards with differnt names on them to use :)

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I in no way condone this mans action but I can understand his reasons. A lot of people think that a woman/mother has the strong emotional ties to child and a father has less, this is a myth. The man obviously loved his daughter very much given that she was well cared for. The child is going to suffer emotionally losing her father with whom I am sure she has a strong attachment. She will be reunited with her mother and a woman she will possibly have very little memory of (a stranger) The father will feel the full brunt of the law and be punished severly doing time for loving his daughter. Without knowing the full background story as to why he took the action he did it is hard to have a real opinion.

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I hope in the hearing trial that 'THE CHILD' is asked about her wants and her requirements and her thoughts. The child is always ignored in these events, when in fact at the age of 8 she isn't dumb, has feelings, and is able to express her own opinion, contrary to social services' dogma and opinion and beliefs in what they do is always best. It is the interests of the child that come first, so why not simply ask her aside, whilst the lawyist groups have the own adult battles? The child will be in total shock at being removed from what she knows and, by the sounds of it, having lived with a doting father.

The child's opinion is so often missed out in these issues, as the adults seem to think a child is incapable of rational decisions until they are 16 or 18, pending country.

Argue about how and the tactics used to find him until the cows come home. What are more important are the true needs of the CHILD. If she is Thai cultured, which is highly likely, bi-lingual in English and Thai, which is likely, and doesn't speak a word of Russian, which is likely; then God help her if she is left with her mother! The child's speak is as important as the adults' in this case, IMHO.


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Problem is, they are gonna crucify this guy, regardless of what the child feels or thinks or what is best for her,,other wise they will have a exodus of fathers and children on their hands...

Edited by yummypizza
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If the law is about doing what is best for the child why not ask her what she wants. I think most kids would want to be with there family, and I would think the last thing a child would want is one or both parents locking up. Just who will benefit from this? What about some humanity it could cost less and be good for the child too.

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. Sheriff Kevin Walsh said he did not know how the FBI tracked them down in Thailand.

a law enforcement sheriff has no idea how to track a kidnapper who has been identified to the authorities ?

first ,they check his passport number in the central database,then they know the last time he flew and into which city

then ,check his atm .credit cards and see where he has been withdrawing cash ,then you have his neighbourhood /areas he frequents (say sukhumvit rd etc )

then you check how many farangs are in rented homes and guesthouses in this area (you cant rent anything anymore without your passport copy and landlord must sent that to immigration ,even if u only stay a night ) ,talk to locals about seeing a man with a little farang girl etc and show pictures of him to all the thais in that vicinity

and you will probably have him arrested within 24 -48hrs

how can a "sheriff" go in the media and say silly things "well,i dont know how ,but they found him etc "

its like homer simpson policework licklips.gif

He didn't say he didn't know how to find a kidnapper.

He said "He didn't know how the FBI trcked them down".

Get your head out of the sand and stop being so critical od U.S. law enforcement and READ the article.

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If the law is about doing what is best for the child why not ask her what she wants. I think most kids would want to be with there family, and I would think the last thing a child would want is one or both parents locking up. Just who will benefit from this? What about some humanity it could cost less and be good for the child too.

Here, here !!!

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. Sheriff Kevin Walsh said he did not know how the FBI tracked them down in Thailand.

a law enforcement sheriff has no idea how to track a kidnapper who has been identified to the authorities ?

first ,they check his passport number in the central database,then they know the last time he flew and into which city

then ,check his atm .credit cards and see where he has been withdrawing cash ,then you have his neighbourhood /areas he frequents (say sukhumvit rd etc )

then you check how many farangs are in rented homes and guesthouses in this area (you cant rent anything anymore without your passport copy and landlord must sent that to immigration ,even if u only stay a night ) ,talk to locals about seeing a man with a little farang girl etc and show pictures of him to all the thais in that vicinity

and you will probably have him arrested within 24 -48hrs

how can a "sheriff" go in the media and say silly things "well,i dont know how ,but they found him etc "

its like homer simpson policework licklips.gif

Maybe he didn't want to seem like a pompous know-it-all by saying all that. Maybe he didn't have authorization to give away details of the case and said that instead of "No comment." Maybe what you wrote is how they found him but, maybe not. The report didn't ask how the girl could have been tracked down. They asked how. There are many techniques the authorities may have used besides the above. Giving an detailed answer off the top of your head when you don't have the actual facts, especially to a report, is foolish.

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. Sheriff Kevin Walsh said he did not know how the FBI tracked them down in Thailand.

a law enforcement sheriff has no idea how to track a kidnapper who has been identified to the authorities ?

first ,they check his passport number in the central database,then they know the last time he flew and into which city

then ,check his atm .credit cards and see where he has been withdrawing cash ,then you have his neighbourhood /areas he frequents (say sukhumvit rd etc )

then you check how many farangs are in rented homes and guesthouses in this area (you cant rent anything anymore without your passport copy and landlord must sent that to immigration ,even if u only stay a night ) ,talk to locals about seeing a man with a little farang girl etc and show pictures of him to all the thais in that vicinity

and you will probably have him arrested within 24 -48hrs

how can a "sheriff" go in the media and say silly things "well,i dont know how ,but they found him etc "

its like homer simpson policework licklips.gif

Maybe he didn't want to seem like a pompous know-it-all by saying all that. Maybe he didn't have authorization to give away details of the case and said that instead of "No comment." Maybe what you wrote is how they found him but, maybe not. The report didn't ask how the girl could have been tracked down. They asked how. There are many techniques the authorities may have used besides the above. Giving an detailed answer off the top of your head when you don't have the actual facts, especially to a report, is foolish.

Obviously somebody who will never become a TV-member. ;-)

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The information given is thin at best.

Anyways, I pity the poor bastard, as well as the child.

If, as the report indicates, the child was healthy and happy upon being found, he was obviously doing something right, however misguided.

She certainly wont be happy once he gets banged up. I know my daughter would be gutted if i were to suddenly be removed from her life.

We will never know what motivated him, though if someone tried to take my child, i would be off like a shot. however if the direction is reversed the crime is significantly lessened

So do I.

I wonder how much the Thai authorties were paid by the mother`s lawyers?

What a shame they caught up with him. If I had known this guy, I would have no hesitation of giving him a safe house to stay.

The problem is that the children often become pawns in these cases. The mother obviously hates her EX more than she loves the child.

Now he is going to pay the ultimate penalties for the sin of loving his own child.

Justice; like hell it is.

You wrote this - "I wonder how much the Thai authorties were paid by the mother`s lawyers?"

How on earth did you come up with this, I haven't seen anything about the Thai authorities being up to any tricks?

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. Sheriff Kevin Walsh said he did not know how the FBI tracked them down in Thailand.

a law enforcement sheriff has no idea how to track a kidnapper who has been identified to the authorities ?

first ,they check his passport number in the central database,then they know the last time he flew and into which city

then ,check his atm .credit cards and see where he has been withdrawing cash ,then you have his neighbourhood /areas he frequents (say sukhumvit rd etc )

then you check how many farangs are in rented homes and guesthouses in this area (you cant rent anything anymore without your passport copy and landlord must sent that to immigration ,even if u only stay a night ) ,talk to locals about seeing a man with a little farang girl etc and show pictures of him to all the thais in that vicinity

and you will probably have him arrested within 24 -48hrs

how can a "sheriff" go in the media and say silly things "well,i dont know how ,but they found him etc "

its like homer simpson policework licklips.gif

You ought to apply for the job, pays pretty well when exchanged to thai baht too! Show Homer and Mr.Bean how it's done!

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. Sheriff Kevin Walsh said he did not know how the FBI tracked them down in Thailand.

a law enforcement sheriff has no idea how to track a kidnapper who has been identified to the authorities ?

first ,they check his passport number in the central database,then they know the last time he flew and into which city

then ,check his atm .credit cards and see where he has been withdrawing cash ,then you have his neighbourhood /areas he frequents (say sukhumvit rd etc )

then you check how many farangs are in rented homes and guesthouses in this area (you cant rent anything anymore without your passport copy and landlord must sent that to immigration ,even if u only stay a night ) ,talk to locals about seeing a man with a little farang girl etc and show pictures of him to all the thais in that vicinity

and you will probably have him arrested within 24 -48hrs

how can a "sheriff" go in the media and say silly things "well,i dont know how ,but they found him etc "

its like homer simpson policework licklips.gif

He didn't say he didn't know how to find a kidnapper.

He said "He didn't know how the FBI trcked them down".

Get your head out of the sand and stop being so critical od U.S. law enforcement and READ the article.

But it is true that if he was not in the LEIN database as a fugitive of justice, it could take be more homework to track him. Not a lot of details here....say, surrounding his passport nor the full story. If his daughter enrolled in school and money was being transferred in and out of american, and one is checking in at immigration, not too hard to track down I wouldn't suppose. Depends on how high priority in the database (NCIC or LEIN networks).

Edited by gemini81
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