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Friend Busted With Marijuana On Khao San

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I was just going add the same thing. Or alternately, lay low and just apply for a lost passport and get out. If this was a deal carried out by a couple cops outside of legal police channels, no arrest report and no evidence and no bail - then I dont know why he could not claim that the dope was planted on him at the bar and he was scammed, in which the embassy would probably help him --- if they dont see this thread................... (but if they did see the thread he could always cop-out that this must have been a different set up- same bar but 'not me' - mine was planted on me)

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I would get the transaction on video and post it on youtube

Not very wise if you value your safety.

This is a business for them. How much profit in selling a bag of dope versus scamming a tourist for 20K baht, plus getting the bag of dope back too? It's been going on a long time and they are good at it, much like the jet ski scammers. Remember where you are.

Um, Thailand?? Best way to catch the crooks is with video proof

Ummm...does the dope buyer want to get off or does he want to go to the big house? That's the bottom line. He can ring the bell on the cops, but where do you think that will leave him?


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Here's the deal.

I agree with the poster that said that the buyer made the mistake and is getting off easy for 20 k (that is since he has NO power here).

If he did, then he should call that 'power'.

But obviously he does not.

He goofed.

He is lucky that he can pay.

Do it.

Have it done.

Learn and never let it happen again.

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Here's the deal.

I agree with the poster that said that the buyer made the mistake and is getting off easy for 20 k (that is since he has NO power here).

If he did, then he should call that 'power'.

But obviously he does not.

He goofed.

He is lucky that he can pay.

Do it.

Have it done.

Learn and never let it happen again.

This is actually (for this person, in this situation) one of the bright sides of Thai corruption.

Ever been in a Thai jail ?

Need I say more kap ?

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OK, so he was foolish and broke the law, but so are the police breaking the law in their attempt to extort him.

His options are:

1) Pay up the 20,000B.

2) Go with less money and sob stroy, negotiate i.e. down to 5,000B or 10,000B (have 20,000B just incase they refuse to negotiate).

3) Report the passport lost / stolen at police station (on the other side of town) and get a police report. Re-apply for passport at his embassy. Go out to the airport (his port of entry) and get re-stamped (he'll need to remember the day he arrived).

The risk with option 3 is that they might have already alerted the authorities that your friend is facing charges, but unlikely if they are trying to extort him.

In his shoes I would not be willing to go to the police station. For options 1 and 2 he should send a friend to arrange a meeting place (i.e. the first restaurant you met them in).

i would go for option 2@5000 baht cash and no story/embassy involvement.

at the same time, prepare option 3.

option unspoken is when you have left Thailand, tell your friends to go to cambodia or myanmar instead of Thailand.

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I would get the transaction on video and post it on youtube

Not very wise if you value your safety.

This is a business for them. How much profit in selling a bag of dope versus scamming a tourist for 20K baht, plus getting the bag of dope back too? It's been going on a long time and they are good at it, much like the jet ski scammers. Remember where you are.

Not QUITE like the jet ski scam, in which the victims are totally innocent. Let's not lose sight if the fact that the guy was BUYING DRUGS. He should feel lucky that he's being given a chance to buy his way out of it rather than doing hard time. No sympathy at all from me.

You obviously know NOTHING about marijuana and have an extremely unhealthy attitude to those who smoke it, not to mention a primitive attitude towards the whole matter of drugs. Go and educate yourself about the qualities of different drugs and the history of mankind using them since the year dot, then come back and comment.

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This is similar to a case that was shown on Sky a couple of years ago where an 18yr old English girl was arrested on Koh Samui at a full moon party after her 21yr old boyfriend passed her a joint. She was interviewed with her mother and all she did was complain that she didn't have enough money to pay the bribe to the police but no apology for using weed. Her boyfriend had bought the joint and he scappered from Thailand leaving her alone and the girl said in the interview that she didn't blame him for doing it. I presume she must have been released from prison when that episode was shown otherwise she would have dug the hole deeper by some of the comments she made.

I have a some sympathy for the people involved but we naively assume 'Western' morals when we come to countries in SE Asia and make judgements about the locals when we don't understand or like the culture.

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I just love situations like these.. especially if they happen on KSR.

If people does some research or at least uses their brain for one second things like these would not happen..

Unless you run into some officers that has been drinking for free all night.. Sees a drunk boy and uses the opportunity to get some cash for a new bag of ice (if the previous loot has already been either smoked, sold or both).

Thailand (KSR esp.) = fun, but very umsafe.

Btw, I love first time backpackers that are all white or red, drunk as hell and then acts rude/cool and think they can do whatever they would like to do in "LOS" and then they get punished

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He has two options.

1: pay the 20,000 Bt and hope the problem goes away.

2: Don't pay and be certain of getting arrested. That will lead to many years in prison.

Trying to get a new passport means reporting his passport lost or stoleen to the police. That would be a fraudulent report as it hasn;t been lost. He knows where it is. This potentially will cause him more problems.

Talking here about the police actions, videotaping the habdover of cash, police extortion, the people he bought the stuff from etc etc won't help him.

Bottom line is, he is stupid for buying drugs here in Thailand. Now he has time to think about it, possibly more time than he would like.

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He could (very very risky) contact the DSI or counter corruption beureau and ask if a sting can be implemented or get the media (TV, newspaper) to secretly video/record the transaction etc, or all 3 and not tell the other 2 parties about the fact you've done all 3.

Yes I know these are all very risky but they are still options.

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He could (very very risky) contact the DSI or counter corruption beureau and ask if a sting can be implemented or get the media (TV, newspaper) to secretly video/record the transaction etc, or all 3 and not tell the other 2 parties about the fact you've done all 3.

Yes I know these are all very risky but they are still options.

Horrible idea. Corruption is endemic here. His best option is to QUICKLY pay the "fine" and move on. Once you get into jail, the "fines" increase as there are more to share the wealth with.

Chalk it up to a cheap lesson...and avoid doing this again here in the Kingdom.

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He could (very very risky) contact the DSI or counter corruption beureau and ask if a sting can be implemented or get the media (TV, newspaper) to secretly video/record the transaction etc, or all 3 and not tell the other 2 parties about the fact you've done all 3.

Yes I know these are all very risky but they are still options.

You are completely out of your mind.

Do you think the DSI would then forgive the kid's crime of buying pot?

Pay the money and live the rest of your life happily.

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He could (very very risky) contact the DSI or counter corruption beureau and ask if a sting can be implemented or get the media (TV, newspaper) to secretly video/record the transaction etc, or all 3 and not tell the other 2 parties about the fact you've done all 3.

Yes I know these are all very risky but they are still options.

Horrible idea. Corruption is endemic here. His best option is to QUICKLY pay the "fine" and move on. Once you get into jail, the "fines" increase as there are more to share the wealth with.

Chalk it up to a cheap lesson...and avoid doing this again here in the Kingdom.

I agree, don't dig the hole deeper and the longer he waits the worse it could be.

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I have sympathy for the kid. I was 20 once, and wasn't perfect.

Pay the 20K (offer 10K, but have 20) before they get pissed, and go through the process of taking him to the police station, as the price will go up considerably with that move. Don't videotape it! Lesson learned: if you are in the wrong, and given the opportunity to make it go away, do it! Remember where you are.

Edited by LPCustom69
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Ashamed by some of these unsympathetic posts. None of you have very been 20? It's weed not smack you turds. You're not a junky for smoking some herbs. Go back to your hookers and beer hypocrites. + more BS text.

I like weed. Thai law does'nt. It is up to you to use your own brain and do some research on what to do, what not to do and where. If you are unable to do so as a 20-year old - you would be better of staying at home with your parents.

Thai law, police, court system etc is a joke. If you are stupid, the system wins. If you are smart/know the ways of how it works, you win. There is no such thing as justice in "LOS".

Ps, I love Thailand, not the bars and the whores tho.

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sorry for that, i just hate junkies, Thailand is a no drug zone, you can see what happens with junkies in prison, dont fuc_k around here with drugs

Where does it say he's a junkie?

He bought a small bag of weed in the same way that a drinker might buy a six pack.

Of course he was stupid as everybody knows the potential punishments in Thailand are out of all proportion when it comes to drugs but, don't you think it's a bit strong to call someone a junkie just because they smoke a bit of weed?

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Normally if caught with a small amount of weed it's just best to go to court. You're not gonna get prison for just a joint, you'll get a small fine and probation. I'm not sure what to do in this situation though...the cops are already proven to be corrupt.

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Here's the deal.

I agree with the poster that said that the buyer made the mistake and is getting off easy for 20 k (that is since he has NO power here).

If he did, then he should call that 'power'.

But obviously he does not.

He goofed.

He is lucky that he can pay.

Do it.

Have it done.

Learn and never let it happen again.

This is actually (for this person, in this situation) one of the bright sides of Thai corruption.

Ever been in a Thai jail ?

Need I say more kap ?

Agree 1.000%.......20K is not that much money in US dollars.....true, he's lucky he can pay.....

I think many people here do not realize what going to jail in Thailand might be.

He made a mistake('cause buying weed in Thailand in a bar in my opinion is a BIG mistake)....so, now, he better pay and get over it.


I just wonder......are those cops really cops???????????????

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Normally if caught with a small amount of weed it's just best to go to court. You're not gonna get prison for just a joint, you'll get a small fine and probation. I'm not sure what to do in this situation though...the cops are already proven to be corrupt.

It's easy to talk without being the 1 who is running the risk to go to prison.....would you run that risk if it was your own ass at stake?

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I have sympathy for the kid. I was 20 once, and wasn't perfect.

Pay the 20K (offer 10K, but have 20) before they get pissed, and go through the process of taking him to the police station, as the price will go up considerably with that move. Don't videotape it! Lesson learned: if you are in the wrong, and given the opportunity to make it go away, do it! Remember where you are.

Holy words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!clap2.gif

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I did not read the posts so maybe mine is now useless.

Anyway, please don't joke with this story.

I visit / help prisoners since years. Don't try to find any logic in the Thai judicial system. You can be sentenced to death for a single gram of ice. It depends how it's presented by the prosecutor and police. If the court pretends this guy IMPORTED the drug (no need to be true), he'll have a very harsh sentence.

Usually this is the maximum trouble, here. He can have

- lost 20,000 THB, probably more as at the last moment the cops will ask an extension of credit.

- lost his passport (it's not because he'll give the money, he'll have the passport back)

- a sentence for the small amount of weed he had on him

- a sentence for an additional amount someone will pretend he had.

My advice: if the US embassy officers are usually helpful, go there directly and they'll find the solution, probably they'll exfiltrate him.

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