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Quitting Smoking, Difficult


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Hi There,

I'm a serial quitter, and already have quitted for the periods of 5,2,1 years numerous times. not so difficult. The problem starts when I become a serial eater. which means eat many hours a day. on occasions like that i become very depressed and decides that it would be better off smoking than eating. Both come from lack of control but at least when smoking I'm not as depressed.

I read Allan Carr's book. It did help for a while, but as I mentioned quitting was not the main issue.

So, my question to you all is: are there any solutions, methods, maybe hypnosis? and if so, does anybody know a good one here in Bangkok?

I'd appreciate any kind of help. Now, after 3 week abstaining, already eating a lot!!!! got back to smoking again!!

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I hear you my friend. Had the same issues. Quit smoking last year and still going strong. I highly recommend a book called "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" by Alan Carr. I think this was the sole reason for me to quit after having tried several techniques and quitting off and on.

The other thing I would recommend to you is a book called "The End of Overeating" by Dr David Kessler. I'm making my way through this book right now and it's really been helping me out.

Do some research on exercise programs because if you start exercising and taking care of your health, your desire to smoke and eat junk will go down as well.

Knowledge and information will help you out more than any voodoo crap out there.

Good luck!

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I hear you my friend. Had the same issues. Quit smoking last year and still going strong. I highly recommend a book called "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" by Alan Carr. I think this was the sole reason for me to quit after having tried several techniques and quitting off and on.

The other thing I would recommend to you is a book called "The End of Overeating" by Dr David Kessler. I'm making my way through this book right now and it's really been helping me out.

Do some research on exercise programs because if you start exercising and taking care of your health, your desire to smoke and eat junk will go down as well.

Knowledge and information will help you out more than any voodoo crap out there.

Good luck!

Can you get "The End of Overeating" here in thailand? asia books maybe?

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Im in the same boat, I gave up, one year and one week ago, I don't even think aboout smoking, even when I'm drinking~~~~~as long as I can eat instead, but it has only lasted until recently, I don't feel the need to eat as much now and thats just evolved naturally. put on over 10Kg in that year and I think my weight is stable but will only decrease with a bit of cardio. Once it has decresed it should'nt be so hard to keep there as I have balanced my eating now.

One of the best things in my life is have I have given up the cigarettes.

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I hear you my friend. Had the same issues. Quit smoking last year and still going strong. I highly recommend a book called "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" by Alan Carr. I think this was the sole reason for me to quit after having tried several techniques and quitting off and on.

The other thing I would recommend to you is a book called "The End of Overeating" by Dr David Kessler. I'm making my way through this book right now and it's really been helping me out.

Do some research on exercise programs because if you start exercising and taking care of your health, your desire to smoke and eat junk will go down as well.

Knowledge and information will help you out more than any voodoo crap out there.

Good luck!

Can you get "The End of Overeating" here in thailand? asia books maybe?

I don't know, never bought English books in Thailand.

I have a digital copy of both the books, if you want to borrow them.

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I hear you my friend. Had the same issues. Quit smoking last year and still going strong. I highly recommend a book called "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" by Alan Carr. I think this was the sole reason for me to quit after having tried several techniques and quitting off and on.

The other thing I would recommend to you is a book called "The End of Overeating" by Dr David Kessler. I'm making my way through this book right now and it's really been helping me out.

Do some research on exercise programs because if you start exercising and taking care of your health, your desire to smoke and eat junk will go down as well.

Knowledge and information will help you out more than any voodoo crap out there.

Good luck!

Can you get "The End of Overeating" here in thailand? asia books maybe?

I don't know, never bought English books in Thailand.

I have a digital copy of both the books, if you want to borrow them.

I didn't know borrowing a digital book was an option. How do you practically do it?

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I hear you my friend. Had the same issues. Quit smoking last year and still going strong. I highly recommend a book called "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" by Alan Carr. I think this was the sole reason for me to quit after having tried several techniques and quitting off and on.

The other thing I would recommend to you is a book called "The End of Overeating" by Dr David Kessler. I'm making my way through this book right now and it's really been helping me out.

Do some research on exercise programs because if you start exercising and taking care of your health, your desire to smoke and eat junk will go down as well.

Knowledge and information will help you out more than any voodoo crap out there.

Good luck!

Can you get "The End of Overeating" here in thailand? asia books maybe?

I don't know, never bought English books in Thailand.

I have a digital copy of both the books, if you want to borrow them.

I didn't know borrowing a digital book was an option. How do you practically do it?

Well, you would PM me your email address and I would email you the PDF file of the book (The End of Over-eating). The other book is an audio file which I can also send. Of course if you have moral/ethical issues with copyright infringement, then good luck looking for the book at local bookstores. The way I see it, I own a copy and I'm free to lend it to a friend if I so wish.


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  • 1 month later...

Maybe you could extract some help from my experiences.

I was a heavy smoker for about 10 years. It helped in the bars in various parts of the world when I was alone, travelling on business. I found that my smoking was linked to (moderate) beer drinking. I became very concerned about the health issues, particularly as my hobby was flying and I needed annual medicals the results of which went off to Gatwick Medical Crew Centre. The checks were more regular when I obtained a professional ticket and became very stressed way before my medicals.

On one trip to Turkey about 20 years ago I caught a cold and it went on to my chest. I thought I was going to die, alone in an hotel room. I picked up an unfinished pack of 200 and straight into the bin it went. From that day on I never handled a fag or lit one for someone else, or indeed bought any 'duty free' for anyone. It worked, not because I was particularly self disciplined but because I wanted to get my sense of taste back, I didn't want crinkly skin through lack of oxygen, I hated the feeling of that heavy chest, and it made me cut down drastically on my visits to smokey bars. It boiled down to how healthy I wanted to feel and not wanting to abuse my body any longer.

Was it easy? Not particularly but boy! After a couple of months I felt so much better as my lungs started to take in more oxygen and I knew that my heart was also benefitting. After about 7 years the damage I had done to my heart and lungs as a smoker had been eradicated. My advice is to focus on the health issues i.e really understand to what extent your smoking is damaging your internal organs and your appearance. Do some research

on it. Try and see some organs extracted from a smoker, then compare them with those of a non smoker. Not easy to arrange but the shock factor was extra proof that I needed to pack it in, not cut down, but pack it in completely from that day onwards. It also helped me to cut down on my drinking because I no longer wanted to stand in a smokey bar for hours at a stretch. Crucially, get to know your body.

Will I live longer than you? Maybe not but for sure my basic health and quality of life will be far better for feeling well and fighting infections. Hope this helps in some way. Try it and good luck

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  • 2 months later...

It is quite difficult to quit smoking for those who are the heavy smokers but not impossible. And for those who smoke not at very heavy scale us quite easy to quit smoking. Electronic cigarettes are helping heavy smokers to reduce smoking and then to quit smoking.

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  • 3 months later...

Oh, I did that too. Actually, I have been smoking occationally more then I want (out of habit), I become ssso sick, then quite, and at the first moment I get back to smoking regularly.Eeverything used to work for me in the past, and I'd quite smoking for long periods of time. One time even for 5 years straight. But now, nothing seems to work for me.

Maybe somebody out there knows a hypnotherapist here in Bangkok. That helped me in the past and I had quite cold turkey without any will power.

There must be someone like this around.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Maybe you could extract some help from my experiences.

I was a heavy smoker for about 10 years. It helped in the bars in various parts of the world when I was alone, travelling on business. I found that my smoking was linked to (moderate) beer drinking. I became very concerned about the health issues, particularly as my hobby was flying and I needed annual medicals the results of which went off to Gatwick Medical Crew Centre. The checks were more regular when I obtained a professional ticket and became very stressed way before my medicals.

On one trip to Turkey about 20 years ago I caught a cold and it went on to my chest. I thought I was going to die, alone in an hotel room. I picked up an unfinished pack of 200 and straight into the bin it went. From that day on I never handled a fag or lit one for someone else, or indeed bought any 'duty free' for anyone. It worked, not because I was particularly self disciplined but because I wanted to get my sense of taste back, I didn't want crinkly skin through lack of oxygen, I hated the feeling of that heavy chest, and it made me cut down drastically on my visits to smokey bars. It boiled down to how healthy I wanted to feel and not wanting to abuse my body any longer.

Was it easy? Not particularly but boy! After a couple of months I felt so much better as my lungs started to take in more oxygen and I knew that my heart was also benefitting. After about 7 years the damage I had done to my heart and lungs as a smoker had been eradicated. My advice is to focus on the health issues i.e really understand to what extent your smoking is damaging your internal organs and your appearance. Do some research

on it. Try and see some organs extracted from a smoker, then compare them with those of a non smoker. Not easy to arrange but the shock factor was extra proof that I needed to pack it in, not cut down, but pack it in completely from that day onwards. It also helped me to cut down on my drinking because I no longer wanted to stand in a smokey bar for hours at a stretch. Crucially, get to know your body.

Will I live longer than you? Maybe not but for sure my basic health and quality of life will be far better for feeling well and fighting infections. Hope this helps in some way. Try it and good luck

Great post. Good luck to you, too.

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  • 11 months later...

I hear you my friend. Had the same issues. Quit smoking last year and still going strong. I highly recommend a book called "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" by Alan Carr. I think this was the sole reason for me to quit after having tried several techniques and quitting off and on.

The other thing I would recommend to you is a book called "The End of Overeating" by Dr David Kessler. I'm making my way through this book right now and it's really been helping me out.

Do some research on exercise programs because if you start exercising and taking care of your health, your desire to smoke and eat junk will go down as well.

Knowledge and information will help you out more than any voodoo crap out there.

Good luck!

Can you get "The End of Overeating" here in thailand? asia books maybe?

I don't know, never bought English books in Thailand.

I have a digital copy of both the books, if you want to borrow them.

I would really love to read "The end of Overeating" if your offer still available.

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