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Thai Police Probe Human Skulls Found In Fertilizer Bag


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Police Probe Human Skulls Found in Fertilizer Bag


PATHUM THANI: -- Five human skulls have been found in a fertilizer bag left by Rangsit Canal in Pathum Thani Province.

Police were informed by an undertaker from a local temple that human skulls were found inside a fertilizer bag by Rangsit Canal in Thanyaburi District of Pathum Thani Province.

At the scene, police found five human skulls with some crushed bones inside the fertilizer bag. Apparently, the skulls' foreheads, occipital bones and both temples were broken. The forensic team is currently gather evidence around the scene.

The undertaker said that he was told about the skulls by a local who found the bag while fishing nearby. Police were promptly contacted afterward.

The investigation team said that the holes found on the skulls were not caused by bullets but more likely drilled. The skulls will be thoroughly inspected to check where they came from.

Police Major General Kamronwit Thoopkrajang, acting commissioner of Region 1 Police Bureau, reported that it has not yet been determined if the skulls belonged to men or women or how long they had been left there. They will be sent to the forensic unit for further examination.

Police suspect that the skulls were drilled for some kind of superstitious ritual or dug up from an old grave. The bag was probably placed there on purpose, not swept by last year's floods.


-- Tan Network 2012-04-20


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I've used bone meal in the past when planting. rolleyes.gif

To me the holes don't look drilled, but cut off with a saw as maybe a medical examiner looking at the brain or maybe brain surgery that doesn't look very successful. Or maybe skulls from a medical school

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I’m no expert but I would guess that if the holes were caused by bullets then the skulls would have been shattered, but I cannot see any signs of shattering.

Also if any blunt instruments were used to smash the skulls than again there would have been evidence of shattering.

The holes appear consistent so yes; in this case I would agree with the police.

The only mystery is, how did these people die? Could it have been some horrific type of gangland execution where drills were used to kill the victims? A most painful and awful death if that is the case.

I doubt whether there will be any follow-ups to this story, so I suppose we will never know.

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Looks like the holes were cut out so that the brains could be removed. Probably not from an autopsy or dissection, because it is not the normal way they remove the brain - it is normally done by cutting around the back and top of the skull, not the forehead. I would agree with the police about some black magic ritual.

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Must be a core drill barrel if they were, but they are not a consitantly round pattern.

Yes, that would certainly be a pretty heavy duty piece of equipment.

Verses what seems so clear in the photo. Each circle was cut by hand(or jig saw) and it looks like three disks / bowls were taken from each skull. (Probably ended up in China as a special serving bowl for Rhino horn or whatever else they think will fix their "tiny problem.") Or carved into some magical symbol to wear around the neck.

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I used to commission cremators and this looks like what they do for autopsy in the UK except the entry hole is at the front of the skull instead of at the back. The cutout bone used to fall out when the flesh burnt away, I think it's compulsory on every autopsy in the UK.

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All will be considered "suicides" in a few days time. Just give it time for the realization of the forensic difficulties ahead to sink in.

Police: If any person (after checking) finds that their skull is missing we will be happy to reunite the lost piece with it's original owner!

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All will be considered "suicides" in a few days time. Just give it time for the realization of the forensic difficulties ahead to sink in.

True, especially when they find the hands and feet tied, the bag over the head, rag in mouth etc.

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"The forensic team is currently gather evidence around the scene."

They have forensic teams here? I thought they were just cops with pickups scooping up the bodies.

So much Thai/Thailand bashing on this forum. Anyway, Thailand has one of Asia's best known forensic pathologists ...she is very well-respected and has even been brought in by other governments to help out with investigations. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pornthip_Rojanasunand

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