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Are Thais People Really That Aggressive, Revengeful, Mafia & Fearless ?

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All the long when im here in this country.. Kept hearing dun <Snip!> with the Thais even u are right. Keep your mouth shut even u have been swindled, u cant possibly win.

Dun start a fight with a Thai, they will gang up on you even u did nothing to them in the first place. Best to bow down humbly, suck your own pride and walk away.

Dun pissed a Thai off. They will coming hunting for you with guns and ambush you on ur way home. Depending on individual, some will even kill you for the thrill of it for some stupid trivial reason...

I mean, come on...Is this for real ?? Have been hearing this quite frequently from countless differ persons.

Been to drink with some Thai friends afew nights ago. There has been some "girl snatching" between our table and other table. And mind you, this is just some drunk party girl hopping from one table to another. I dun really know the full details on what going. But afew mins passed by. One of my Thai friend told me to get out of the pub first as there might be a fight brewing just waiting to explode. Might be deadly as it appear the other side could have weapons.

I mean &lt;deleted&gt; is all of this...? They (the other table) are mentally prepared to kill just bcos of some stupid reason? Cant they just fist it out in plain old good fashion? and laugh it off and forget about everything the next day and be friends?

The reason i am starting this post is because. To be honest, i dun really buy the fact that all Thais are fearless, an "im not afraid to die" race. I have come to know alot of Thais that will run without batting an eyelid before a corn could drop from its husk.

And the fact that if u hang out with rich & influence, Thai friends with some power to brag. Doest protect u either. I have seen alot of Thais, some of them who are quite influential in that area partying the night had been smashed to pulp by some senseless group of drunk youngsters before running away.

Does the average Thai really that mafiasy ? Are they really not afraid of anything? Has anyone succeeded in 'intimidating" a Thai before? What are your experiences? Do one always have to back down to a Thai and let him has his way OR Do one stand up for our humble rights and live the fact that one day u might get shot in the head while travelling on your way home ?

Please share. Thanks..

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I haven't backed down from Thai's but to be honest i never been in a situation where people are drunk or aggressive. I think i would back down for sure if confronted by a group. Group mentality is strong here. Besides its never smart to confront a group when your alone.

But backing down in normal situations no, if i'm right im right. But i never expect violence in situations like that. I prefer to avoid violence.

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I think you have been listening to all the generalisations too much,off coarse there are some crazy Thais about but alot depends on the place you live and the sort of people and places you hang out at,same as anywhere else in the world

Edited by taninthai
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Some Thais in some situations do go beserk, totally out of control, and there are plenty of guns and other weapons around. Statistically Thailand is pretty close to the top for violent deaths per capita.

So I'm afraid for those kind of Thais in those contexts the answer to your questions is YES.

However in 12 years of living here full-time, I have never been in a place or situation where any Thai has displayed any signs of violence. I have seen plenty of bar fights between farang though. Oh yes, street catfights between kateuys along lower Sukhumvit.

I admit I am the kind of person that goes out of his way to avoid any such situations whenever possible, and the fact that I don't drink probably helps.

The exception that proves the rule is the mother of my children, to me, within our home, and when she started to do so in front of the children I started the long process of extricating us from her life, now completed successfully.

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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Especially when alcohol is involved... They would rather fight and prove their strength than lose face.

I have never been in a fight with a Thai, however I have made one lose face. A dunken Thai guy tried to grab me and pull me away from my friends to the point where I snapped and went mental at him, screaming so everyone looked in our direction. However I wasn't trying to make him lose face. I was screaming because he was trying to drag me down some small alley soi and I wanted the attention diverted towards us so people saw. More for my own protection. When he realised that everyone was looking and some other Thai guys came to help me, it was just a sheer embarrassment look on his face and he smashed a bottle, threatened people with it and then just did a runner when he realised he was outnumbered. Of course the group of Thai guys who came to help me went running after him like a pack of wolves and after that I was suffering from shock so not quite sure what actually happened.

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Yet another story. Two on my Thai family members went to a Thai bar, the group on the next table didn't like the way they looked at them, so they left the bar. Were chased down on motorbikes and shot. One died and the other seriously wounded, but lived.

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Some Thais in some situations do go beserk, totally out of control, and there are plenty of guns and other weapons around. Statistically Thailand is pretty close to the top for violent deaths per capita.

I hope you are going to back that up with a reliable statistical source, because it's a big call.

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Some Thais in some situations do go beserk, totally out of control, and there are plenty of guns and other weapons around. Statistically Thailand is pretty close to the top for violent deaths per capita.

I hope you are going to back that up with a reliable statistical source, because it's a big call.

Here you go... As far as overall homicide rate, Thailand ranked in at 4th in the world with 41.4 murders per 100,000 people; do the Google search

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Here you go... As far as overall homicide rate, Thailand ranked in at 4th in the world with 41.4 murders per 100,000 people; do the Google search

And that assumes the official statistics are accurate, that Thai police don't classify some murders as suicide or accident.

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I've never encountered any crazy, violent or aggressive Thais (apart from my wife).

I have encountered several foreigners like that though.

If we could just get rid of the white football hooligan/muaythai/SAS types, Thailand would be almost perfect.


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OP, your post contains a couple of reference to alcohol fuelled violence.

Anywhere in the world where you get groups of people drunk you get violence and trouble. So called 'revenge acts' and 'fearless of dying' acts when drunk can hardly be taken seriously as an indicator of the population as a whole

Thailand has no monopoly on drinking and violence.

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No, not all Thai men are fearless.

Yes, many are scared of the 'Mafia'.

The problem with Thailand is a lack of law enforcement and the fact that money talks so we do not get or perceive justice here as we would when in our home countries in so many cases.

Add into that mix the Thai mentality and drink and it can be a volatile place. If you get into a fight you will not be fighting one Thai because they will have many others on their side against you.

OK., let's say you are a tough guy, so you slap a Thai around a bit, he loses face and you can almost guarantee that when you are seen in the future you will have even more trouble. Do you want to be watching your back all the time you are out? The jungle drums will be beating out your location and the Thai and friends will be coming.

In many ways it is like being a stranger in many areas in many countries and you cause trouble on their patch. They will want some revenge. After all you are not Charles Bronson or Clint Eastwood.

The simple thing to do is to avoid violent confrontations here.

Do you back down from being swindled? No. Why should you? I have used the courts here to get judgement against a Thai. All legal and above board. No repercussions.

There are different ways to do things and to resolve problems here. Learn what they are and how to utilise them.

You talk about being advised by your friend to leave a pub due to some incident that was arising. You say you do not really know what was going on and that is a big part of the problem, your lack of the language and understanding. I would have followed the advice of a Thai friend who could well see and understand a lot more than you, in the same way you would be able to understand back in your own county that trouble was brewing.

All in all, be sensible. Listen to the advice of friends. Do not use violence. Back down if you need to and walk away. Better to live to fight another day smile.png

That's good advice and can be used in any country. thumbsup.gif

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I dont feel any less comfortable in Pattaya than i did when in Blackpool for a stag do.

I also believe that most thais dont think of westerners as &lt;deleted&gt; too,just the ones who act like &lt;deleted&gt;.

Thailand is a safe country compared to many but one still has to be in control

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Some Thais in some situations do go beserk, totally out of control, and there are plenty of guns and other weapons around. Statistically Thailand is pretty close to the top for violent deaths per capita.

I hope you are going to back that up with a reliable statistical source, because it's a big call.

Why should he bendix? Do your own research its called google.

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I dont feel any less comfortable in Pattaya than i did when in Blackpool for a stag do.

I also believe that most thais dont think of westerners as &lt;deleted&gt; too,just the ones who act like &lt;deleted&gt;.

Thailand is a safe country compared to many but one still has to be in control

Just on a visit are you?

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I dont feel any less comfortable in Pattaya than i did when in Blackpool for a stag do.

I also believe that most thais dont think of westerners as &lt;deleted&gt; too,just the ones who act like &lt;deleted&gt;.

Thailand is a safe country compared to many but one still has to be in control

Just on a visit are you?

Been here 9 years mate,waht about u,just a visit

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Some Thais in some situations do go beserk, totally out of control, and there are plenty of guns and other weapons around. Statistically Thailand is pretty close to the top for violent deaths per capita.

I hope you are going to back that up with a reliable statistical source, because it's a big call.

Here you go... As far as overall homicide rate, Thailand ranked in at 4th in the world with 41.4 murders per 100,000 people; do the Google search

Wikipedia has Thailand at 33rd in the world for intentional homicide, just ahead of the US which is 34th. It's rate is more than 4 times that of the UK according to the same source.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Some Thais in some situations do go beserk, totally out of control, and there are plenty of guns and other weapons around. Statistically Thailand is pretty close to the top for violent deaths per capita.

I hope you are going to back that up with a reliable statistical source, because it's a big call.

Here you go... As far as overall homicide rate, Thailand ranked in at 4th in the world with 41.4 murders per 100,000 people; do the Google search

Wikipedia has Thailand at 33rd in the world for intentional homicide, just ahead of the US which is 34th. It's rate is more than 4 times that of the UK according to the same source.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

To be more specfic Thailand ranked in at 4th in the world with 41.4 murders (by gun shot) per 100,000 people

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Speaking of guns.

Has anyone come across those Thais with homemade guns in their possession? How effective & deadly are they ? It come to my attention that almost, not all though..Thai youngster, bike gangs, students from technical schools and their pet dogs own one. Be it a homemade bomb filled with nails spikes or ball bearings. A .22 caliber single shot in the shape of a thick pen. A blade shaped into a hammer like axe in their workshop. They have it all !

The most common piece of weaponry that they had is a single shot handgun that shoot a single shotgun shell. Anyone has any idea what im talking about? This is very deadly if shot directly into some poor sod face. Kinda like a sawed off shotgun but in pistol size, making it even more concealable....Worst thing about this is....it cost only about 3,500b - 4,500b to get one. It quite easy to get one. U just have to ask around bike gangs, Thai bar owners, tech students, your win motosai, bah bah bah or perhaps your friendly neighborhood bib to get one ! It crazy..

For adult Thais, it came to my conclusion that they prefer 9mm , .38 and .45. And they even told me once..that black market guns are good. Once used on a person, u can throw it away. Without a trail tracing back to u. And its cheap.. Jesus....they said it a manner like they are really gonna shot someone in the very near future. And it like a normal thing to them. No sweat they say. This is crazy..

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Yet another story. Two on my Thai family members went to a Thai bar, the group on the next table didn't like the way they looked at them, so they left the bar. Were chased down on motorbikes and shot. One died and the other seriously wounded, but lived.

yep, and that's the whole story, nothing more to it at all.

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