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Monkey See, Monkey Do

Gonzo the Face

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Remember the old saying.. " Monkey See, Monkey Do.??? Well that seems to be the way of life around this part of the world.

After all sez the local, If someone has already thought of it, why should I bother myself with thinking.

The latest example of our self serving local government, seems to be the popping up everywhere of the Saturday or Sunday, or Saturday and Sunday "Walking Street"

The latest, at least the latest where my ox is being gored, is the blocking off of a street or streets, east of the river, running from Doi Saket Road, to Kaew Nawarat. Doi Saket Rd is a major artery in and out of the city's North Side, crossing the Rama IX [Rattana Kosin] bridge.

Due in major part to the success of the Sunday Walking Street inside Thaepae Gate, which if you remember used to be Thapae Road Walking Street for a couple of years. As Thapae Rd Walking Street it was also a huge traffic nightmare. Relocating to inside the moat at Thapae Gate was a very good move on someones part. No doubt this official has be re posted to the Antartic somewhere.

Now the new walking street off Doi Saket Rd. is creating havoc and traffic like you cannot believe.. The street along the east bank of the river , Charoenrat" is now bumper to bumber almost all day long, and most of the time in both directions.

Three years ago there was little traffic, comparitivelyspeaking , to today, but along comes some genius who decides that the SuperHighway needs all new overpasses put in , which no doubt is a 10 -15 year project, and has caused many drivers to stay off the ?"SUPER?" Highway and cut directly cross the city, further jamming the streets. On top of this add in one or two brown uniformed PHD's, in traffic management working with a box of 3 crayons, 1 red, 1 yellow , and 1 green trying to match them up to the overhead traffic light.

Now the icing on the cake ,,, THE Walking Street" . It is with extreme difficulty that I can even approach my driveway from the outside and due to all the courtesy shown by Thai Drivers, almost an unbearable wait to get out of my driveway.

Come on City government. Lets do at least a little thinking. Like more than 10 metres in front of us and 10 minutes in the future. When you block off these streets [ and many on the same days] what other problems are you creating. Think not of 'how can I put some money in my pocket' of course you don't think that,, but rather think of doing something good for the people you are supposed to represent and be working for.

There I've gotten that off my chest.


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I heard that the powers-that-be were going to tear up the poorly-laid bricks on Ratchadamnoen Rd and replace them with a more conventional surface (asphalt or concrete). Perhaps the new location of the "Sunday walking street" is a temporary arrangement?

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I heard that the powers-that-be were going to tear up the poorly-laid bricks on Ratchadamnoen Rd and replace them with a more conventional surface (asphalt or concrete). Perhaps the new location of the "Sunday walking street" is a temporary arrangement?

I thought on Sunday the walking street is Wulai rd.. ?

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I thought on Sunday the walking street is Wulai rd.. ?

Unless it changed recently, I'm pretty sure the Wualai walking street is on Saturdays.

Thanks, sir.

I think 'THE' Walking Street is Ratchadamnoen Rd, directly inside Thaepae Gate, as Ovenman has said.

But this is my point exactly Monkey See, Monkey Do. Ever side of the city has to have THEIR walking street. There are too many of the streets blocked off to vehicular traffic on the same days. Add to this the ever increasing number of cars and trucks in Chiang Mai and you have a very big and ever growing problem.


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