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Wrist Cord?


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Each one is a blessing. They are typically given at weddings, birthdays, before going on long journeys, wedding anniversaries, or any other "special" occasion. At weddings I have been asked if I want to go bless the couple this way but I always decline the offer. I have blessed children on their birthdays before but not often. When I got married my mother-in-law blessed our marriage with a string for both my wife and myself. I wore mine for five days short of two years....yes....that's right....I wore mine for 1 year and 360 days. Our marriage was very turbulent at first while we got used to living together in the village and I truly believe that wearing the string saved our marriage on two occasions.....truly a blessing.

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They are also given if you take alms to the Monks in the Temples.

It is seldom that we take alms and are not given a wrist cord (normally white but sometimes orange.)

The Monk will tie the cord on a male's wrist but it is given to the female to do herself as no physical contact whatsover is allowed with a female by a Monk.

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OK. Time for my daft question. We were at the planetarium a couple of weeks ago (in Bangkok) and a monk who spoke very good English, gave me, husband and two girls a sort of slippery cord that he tied around all our wrists. Each cord dropped off within about 15 minutes (much to the girls distress). Why would we get a temporary one. He didn't want any donation by the way, but did give us his (very professional looking) business card with a photograph and contact details on. He invited us to stay with him in Samui too. I wondered at the time if there could be any connection with the young woman who was found dead there. If he was a one man tourist appeaser.........

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OK. Time for my daft question. We were at the planetarium a couple of weeks ago (in Bangkok) and a monk who spoke very good English, gave me, husband and two girls a sort of slippery cord that he tied around all our wrists. Each cord dropped off within about 15 minutes (much to the girls distress). Why would we get a temporary one. He didn't want any donation by the way, but did give us his (very professional looking) business card with a photograph and contact details on. He invited us to stay with him in Samui too. I wondered at the time if there could be any connection with the young woman who was found dead there. If he was a one man tourist appeaser.........

i tend to be suspicious of solo monks who operate outside temples, giving talisman/cords while asking for donations. Is it proper? Perhaps this monk conducts meditation classes or special classes of dubious nature? Monks are not supposed to touch women, so did he pass the cords to you or your husband first?

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OK. Time for my daft question. We were at the planetarium a couple of weeks ago (in Bangkok) and a monk who spoke very good English, gave me, husband and two girls a sort of slippery cord that he tied around all our wrists. Each cord dropped off within about 15 minutes (much to the girls distress). Why would we get a temporary one. He didn't want any donation by the way, but did give us his (very professional looking) business card with a photograph and contact details on. He invited us to stay with him in Samui too. I wondered at the time if there could be any connection with the young woman who was found dead there. If he was a one man tourist appeaser.........

i tend to be suspicious of solo monks who operate outside temples, giving talisman/cords while asking for donations. Is it proper? Perhaps this monk conducts meditation classes or special classes of dubious nature? Monks are not supposed to touch women, so did he pass the cords to you or your husband first?

You mean imposters right? Can't see why it should not happen, in the same way there are many people that pass themselves of as Policeman for some kind of thrill. I am not saying this is the case but how do you know without checking?

Interesting to know if he is actually known at the Temple he gave as his address, I suspect the number on the card was a mobile number so it is worth getting the number of the Temple to check IMO

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I don't read thai and the card is all in Thai. The phone numbers (two) start 07 so I suspect them t be mobile and no, he didn't hand the cord to Mr man to tie, he did it himself. This all happened in the planetarium in Ekkamai. apart from the physical contact with me (and his mobile and top of the range digital camera......) he appeared to be wearing undercrackers beneath his robe. Now I don't know much about monks, but as I understand it they go commando?

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3 things here..the white cord binds everyone togeter and forms a sort of united energy flow through the "circuit" a combined faith comfort zone and is usually done at a celebration wedding and funeral.Last time I got well tied up by our local 9 monks sitting on the floor in the house chanting the last rites. :D

Second..Monks in LOS cannot touch women and offerings etc. must be dropped into theier wee food bowl or given via a MAN... :o In Cambodia however this rule does not apply.

Last ..Yes as suggested like a good Jock out for the night nothing is worn underneath.....all in fine working.order.....yea Ok-OK...as suggested..full commando...no parachute....

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