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American Aircraft Carrier To Arrive In Phuket


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I have friends in the Tourist Police


I've never heard of a major incident.

Are you 5 years old?

Why the mirth and ridicule?

I too know of good expats who work in the Tourist Police and in my experience the US Sailors are very polite and well behaved..........when compared to some of the drunken UK and Antipodean louts roaming around the place, they are a welcome sight.

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I hope you Yank expats who find yourselves sitting next to these guys at a bar, offer up to buy them a swig or two...all the USA bashing that we tend to hear from time to time notwithstanding, Asia Pac would be in a lot worse shape without their presence. Show them some support!

Good point. Say what you want about American politicians.

But if it weren't for these guys and the ones that came before them, we'd be on a forum in a Japanese colony posting in either German or Russian.

As if the internet would exist...

I thought the computer was invented in England.

Or are the yanks taking credit for that now.

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I hope the ship's doctor has a good supply of penicillin.

.That's bull sh-t These are some of the best men and women in the world..

That may be so, but its not because of them that penicillin could possibly be needed....rather those onshore that they may *ahem* encounter during their R & R....

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Good point. Say what you want about American politicians.

But if it weren't for these guys and the ones that came before them, we'd be on a forum in a Japanese colony posting in either German or Russian.

As if the internet would exist...

I thought the computer was invented in England.

Or are the yanks taking credit for that now.

No, Al Gore invented the internet, remember?

During the cold war and even in the 90's there were bans on selling computers to soviet then former soviet bloc counties. In fact they were so worried about technology making it past the iron curtain that the hospital where my sister worked had a locked cabinet on the MRI machine which contained computer components advanced enough that there was a sign on it stating a US Department of Defense employee was required to be present if it was opened. In the 90's, there was a ban on selling commercially available "super computers" to Russia, and a "super computer" was anything with a processing power of 7000 megaflops or better. By comparison an off the shelf computer today does 16 million megaflops, or 16 teraflops.

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I did duty aboard three carriers and I wonder about the numbers. There are about 3000 ships company and 2500 air wing. for over 5000 sailors. I don't know what their escourts are but you can

bet there are a bunch of them too. Usually from 100 to 300 sailors on a destroyer. Don't know what else they have as escourts. Could be as many as 18 more ships.

It will be a big cash injection for the city.

Yeah I agree. It depends on the mission, but it appears the published numbers on board appear to be quite low, By half.

The article did say 2 other ships will join the Stennis. No way 18. When the Nimits was here the USS Chancelorville was also, and they have about 350 on board. The total number of ships isn't always published even to us involved with the Phuket US Navy League. For example they didn't announce there was a sub here then, but you could see one sitting off Cape Panwa, a Los Angeles class.

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post-61372-0-16064200-1348326911_thumb.jThis is a photo of a US Sailor working on the deck of the Stennis. Her name is Pham. She is a patriotic American. Just shows the changing demographic in the US Military. Every sailor leaving the ship won't be looking for the same R and R.

In past visits the Thai and English media interviewed the Thai crew members on board, which there usually are. I wonder if they will again this year.

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Phuket , once again awash in seamen.

I have friends in the Tourist Police


I've never heard of a major incident.

Are you 5 years old?

This thread as "awash" with 5 year old's that think they are clever because they think they are the first person to use the word "seamen" in this context. Unreal.

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I hope you Yank expats who find yourselves sitting next to these guys at a bar, offer up to buy them a swig or two...all the USA bashing that we tend to hear from time to time notwithstanding, Asia Pac would be in a lot worse shape without their presence. Show them some support!

Good point. Say what you want about American politicians.

But if it weren't for these guys and the ones that came before them, we'd be on a forum in a Japanese colony posting in either German or Russian.

As if the internet would exist...

I thought the computer was invented in England.

Or are the yanks taking credit for that now.

Actually, that depends on what you are calling a computer.

First programmable computer: German

First digital computer: US

First stored program computer:US

First commercial computer: Swiss

First computer with RAM: US

First computer with transistors: US

First personal computer: US


Edited by NomadJoe
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Hope they send out a warning flyer about the beach armchair mafia, the tuk tuk mafia, the double pricing standards, the motor bike accidents and bingle rip offs and let's not forget the jet ski's, the fire compliant disco's.... Did I miss anything apart from the floods? ohmy.png

... I hope they are warned about the jet skis and tuk tuk's.

Actually, they are expressly forbidden from renting motorbikes or jet ski's.

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Hope they send out a warning flyer about the beach armchair mafia, the tuk tuk mafia, the double pricing standards, the motor bike accidents and bingle rip offs and let's not forget the jet ski's, the fire compliant disco's.... Did I miss anything apart from the floods? ohmy.png

A warning on the American Embassy website would be good.

Is already.

"In Phuket, threats of violence may accompany excessive charges. Tuk-tuk and taxi drivers there have been described in media reports as being a “mafia.” They have organized against attempts to provide alternative services. For instance, they have blockaded van and bus services during U.S. Navy ship visits."

"You should be aware of a common scam that involves the rental of motorbikes, jet skis, and sometimes cars. ... We have received many reports of renters having been charged exorbitant amounts for damage to jet skis "

"Traffic accidents are common in Thailand, and those involving motorcycles can be particularly deadly. The Embassy strongly recommends Embassy staff and family members not use motorcycles (especially motorcycle taxis), mopeds, and tuk-tuks in Bangkok, and we advise you to follow this recommendation as well."

"Heavy rains and floods are frequent during the May-October rainy season. Be alert for floods and landslides near waterways, in low-lying areas, and along hills."


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Coincidentally, my buddy's wife is going to Phuket to care for an ailing relative that week. My friend asked me if she would be safe with all those sailors around (she likes high-heels and real short skirts).

I told him not to worry a bit, because she has lots of magic Lao tattoos on her body where the sun never shines. Also, I told him she'll probably win the lottery and come home with a whole load of 1000 baht notes.

see ... no problemo...

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I thought the computer was invented in England.

Or are the yanks taking credit for that now.

Oh, computers would still exist. But without the US Navy, Army and Marines, they certainly wouldn't be used for free expression over this interweb thing.

And if you think all that is in the past, read the headlines and remember that Bangkok was once an important trading port for China.

I'll let you guys ponder the implications of that one...

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'not too many problems' unless they hire a Tuk Tuk that islaugh.png

Well the Tuk Tuk mafia might be in for a suprise if they try to gang up on these boys and beat the hell out of them like they do regular tourist. These fellows are game for the game so to speak.

The sailors would have a lot of problems with the MP if they would be in a fight.

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'not too many problems' unless they hire a Tuk Tuk that islaugh.png

Well the Tuk Tuk mafia might be in for a suprise if they try to gang up on these boys and beat the hell out of them like they do regular tourist. These fellows are game for the game so to speak.

The sailors would have a lot of problems with the MP if they would be in a fight.

Actually...MP's are called SP's in the Navy...Shore Patrol.

Just FYI...

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I did duty aboard three carriers and I wonder about the numbers. There are about 3000 ships company and 2500 air wing. for over 5000 sailors. I don't know what their escourts are but you can

bet there are a bunch of them too. Usually from 100 to 300 sailors on a destroyer. Don't know what else they have as escourts. Could be as many as 18 more ships.

It will be a big cash injection for the city.

Yeah I agree. It depends on the mission, but it appears the published numbers on board appear to be quite low, By half.

The article did say 2 other ships will join the Stennis. No way 18. When the Nimits was here the USS Chancelorville was also, and they have about 350 on board. The total number of ships isn't always published even to us involved with the Phuket US Navy League. For example they didn't announce there was a sub here then, but you could see one sitting off Cape Panwa, a Los Angeles class.

I did a short stint on the Midway back in 71...can't exactly remember

the number of men aboard (no Waves on ships back then) but

it sure was more than 4000 and the Midway, which is now on

public display in San Diego is small compared to todays carriers.

She usually had 4 surface escorts with her plus a sub or two.

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Bad enough to be expending Trillions of USD on frivolous wars in the Middle East, when the US Taxpayer is continually being hammered by all the corrupt US Politicians. Better to spend that sort of discetionary US Navy Personnel Incomes in a place that actually appreciates, instead of exploits the ever gullible US Government. Send those sailors home and cut back all US Military spending drastically. It might improve the US financial outlook, which currently indicates severe bankruptcy. Even the Thai Baht is a better currency than the decrepit USD.

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'not too many problems' unless they hire a Tuk Tuk that islaugh.png

Well the Tuk Tuk mafia might be in for a suprise if they try to gang up on these boys and beat the hell out of them like they do regular tourist. These fellows are game for the game so to speak.

The sailors would have a lot of problems with the MP if they would be in a fight.

Actually...MP's are called SP's in the Navy...Shore Patrol.

Just FYI...

lol. I started to say that then decided I have been pedantic enough on this thread. :D

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Bad enough to be expending Trillions of USD on frivolous wars in the Middle East, when the US Taxpayer is continually being hammered by all the corrupt US Politicians. Better to spend that sort of discetionary US Navy Personnel Incomes in a place that actually appreciates, instead of exploits the ever gullible US Government. Send those sailors home and cut back all US Military spending drastically. It might improve the US financial outlook, which currently indicates severe bankruptcy. Even the Thai Baht is a better currency than the decrepit USD.

The military complex is a huge employer. Unemployment would skyrocket at a time when it is already high. Military spending can be cut by making a more effective, streamlined, technological military with less money. More oversight and budgetary discretion on projects that clearly wast money or are impractical would also help greatly. (Think Bradley)

US Navy is bigger than the next ten largest Navies combined. Politics aside, it's necessary in todays world as much as ever. Now, as long as we can keep republicans out of the white house so they can't lie and fabricate to create any more imaginary reasons for wars.

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Bad enough to be expending Trillions of USD on frivolous wars in the Middle East, when the US Taxpayer is continually being hammered by all the corrupt US Politicians. Better to spend that sort of discetionary US Navy Personnel Incomes in a place that actually appreciates, instead of exploits the ever gullible US Government. Send those sailors home and cut back all US Military spending drastically. It might improve the US financial outlook, which currently indicates severe bankruptcy. Even the Thai Baht is a better currency than the decrepit USD.

The military complex is a huge employer. Unemployment would skyrocket at a time when it is already high. Military spending can be cut by making a more effective, streamlined, technological military with less money. More oversight and budgetary discretion on projects that clearly wast money or are impractical would also help greatly. (Think Bradley)

US Navy is bigger than the next ten largest Navies combined. Politics aside, it's necessary in todays world as much as ever. Now, as long as we can keep republicans out of the white house so they can't lie and fabricate to create any more imaginary reasons for wars.

Let’s not forget about the hard working men and women, who spend a lot of time at sea, away from their families are going to have some well deserved R&R here.

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Might have to go to Phuket for the week.

I like sailors.

Isn't there another name for Sailors?

I used to date a sailor, my gun was bigger than his.

Those marines are not all they are cracked up to be and some of their hoohaa buddies should be thinking twice about huddling in any bunkers with them.

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I dont know why the world is so heavy on the Yank bashing, Spend any time in the USA and you will find some of the most friendly and hospitable people in the world. When I worked in the hospitality industry industry in Sydney all us waitstaff couldnt wait for the carrier groups to come in. They were fantastic tippers. The only fights I saw were the bogan Australians wanting to prove how tough they are.

Americans can be a little daft but its their leaders that suck.

You want rude and arrogant, mother England isnt so friendly to us colonial boys.

Also are the taxis planning to blockade and rip off the US navy again?

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Might have to go to Phuket for the week.

I like sailors.

Isn't there another name for Sailors?

I used to date a sailor, my gun was bigger than his.

Those marines are not all they are cracked up to be and some of their hoohaa buddies should be thinking twice about huddling in any bunkers with them.

Not that I am complaining mind, I like playing HooHaa.

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