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Bbq In Ubon


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A little extra to add before I switch off and go to 'AOD' - we have a very friendly tuk-tuk driver that lives down the Soi who could organise any tuk-tuks needed but we could pick up some people and transport them to AOD if we can organise it in advance - I can get my step-sons to do a few runs here and there if we know who is where and when.

The younger step-son and my son are not big drinkers and could be talked into dropping people off afterwards (if you promise NOT to puke in my car!!) so whichever you prefer us Ubon people can take care - be it a tuk-tuk or car, we'll get you back to your hotel/mansion/short time motel or cardboard box under the 'friendship' bridge!

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Sounds like this get together is gaining momentum.

I was in Ubon yesterday and dropped into a nice little place called the The Polar Bear cafe/wine bar. Its run by an english guy. I was telling him about the get together on 24th and he is also interested in it and said that quite a few of his clientel would be also

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@ Marco and everyone reading really.

I am going to the big one near to BigC tonight (Wednesday) and will take some pics of the place to post.

There is no problems with numbers because the place will seat about 300 people and I will confirm that there is live music every night, we can sit at the back if we need to talk! - I will also take pics of the Soi from Chiangkul road so there should be no problem finding the place.

The beer servers are in fairly skimpy get-up but nothing the wives will tut at. Draught or bottled Singha and Chang (cold if you drink it quick - it's getting hot here!) and most beers cold bottled.

There's a 'short time' motel about 5 mins walk from the restaraunt that will do any overnighters but I'm not sure of the rate for the night - I can check if anybody needs me to, lots of mansions close-by that do overnight for B400 - 500.

The name of the place is 'AOD'.


yeah AOD is what i looking for,, and as you are there really close could you book that for us,, i take care of the Press :o

So far as i have been contacted and informed,, we might go up to 50if every one turn up..

What time you guys would like to start_ 1900(7Pm) or 2000(8Pm)??

im not going to be so stupid and until what time,,,but next morning sun rise abt 5.30am :D

Bites,, can you call me when you have confirmed AOD????


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Apart from meeting people and having a good laugh, this is why we are going -

These might add a little spice to the evening -

And the place?

It was quite full and at half way through the month when Thai's are starting to budget the 'ngern dhurn' it just shows you how popular the place is! We have 2 choices of seating and the manager is quite happy to put a lot of these square tables together so we can sit in one long row.








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The forum will not let me add another post whilst my last post was the last post - getting complicated here but -

If this appears on the post with the pics I will point out that it was supposed to be 3 posts with 3 comments and 3 pics with the first, 2 pics with second and 2 pics with the last one.

I have more pics and most importantly, I have pics of how to get to the place. I will post them through the night and tomorrow.

Some updates - I talked to the manager and I have the owners card so we can phone and book the night but we need to confirm numbers by Wednesday next week but a round about figure will do (TIT to paraphrase Mr Trink!). They do not have draught Singa! They have Chang and Leo on draught but have EVERY beer in bottles (if we have any requests for outlandish beers - I'm sure they will have them on the night!).

Anybody needing help with digs needs to let Marco know so we can sort it out ASAP.

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No more pics unless I'm asked to post something to clarify but a quick update -

I met MarcoH this evening and showed him the place so he will either yes or no it. I talked to the Manager again and if we phone on 22nd Feb with any requirements (and numbers, get your name into Marco as a sure attendee ASAP) he will do whatever we need.

A new bit for you beer drinkers - they do a 'tower' with the 2 beers they have on draught and will bring you the 'tower' to your table and clamp 3L of beer there so you can serve yourself whenever you want! 3L of Chang runs you B285.

The cost for the evening? Last night was for 5 people and we had 2L of chang to go with the food you've seen and the bill was B455.

When I took Marco to show him the place we actually ate there again (the sister-in-law won on the underground lottery! B1750 and paid for the meal n beer!) but Marco had to go to the airport and missed out!

If my directions as to how to get to the place are not up to scratch - let me know!

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From the photos of the roads you dont really get much idea of how to get there. Maybe some sort of map would be a little easier to follow.

I spoke to Marco yesterday afternoon and he was going to try and scan a map of the area and post it.

Sounds good though. Looking forward to it.


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From the photos of the roads you dont really get much idea of how to get there. Maybe some sort of map would be a little easier to follow.

I spoke to Marco yesterday afternoon and he was going to try and scan a map of the area and post it.

Sounds good though. Looking forward to it.



TELL ME if you can read it....

ALSO GENT\Ladie's(If any)

what i need now is your confirmation who is really comming, this info is for Restaurant owner (Have to pile up some beer,,,oh yeah and food, i think)....

No, but i would like to know who is really attending so we can astimate of growd as need to put tables together, and as it's really popular restaurant, we need to reserve seat's.


Also if you comming alone or with Missus

Something like this

from my home comming

Marco (Finnish) and Bee (Wife)

DEAD LINE UNTIL 21ST Feb evening THAI TIME, as i will call to Rest Owner on Wednesday.

And Gentlemen, as this is 1st Ever time we try someting like this in large scale, please show up in large number's, im sure we will have fun night and for a long term we will gain nice friend ship and long term friend's.

I know how hard it was comming here on -98 and did not know any one annd eveny one whom we saw was not willing to talk, so my goal is that atleast(Hopefully) now all of us start to communicating and share ideas outside Inet as wellthere is always some one who can help new commers and awoid them to do same mistakes and paying too much for some thing's, at least i try to help if i can.

SO Friday 21st Feb 2006 at 1900Hrs (7PM) AOD Restaurant, dress code(atleast something), during night Hrs, one can run butt naked if want's, but remeber, it's family restaurant.. :D

my Hp is in 01-8799811 for any questions you might have..



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I think Marco meant -

Friday 24th for the night out and 21st for confirmation - if we get enough people going the owner will bend over backwards to make sure we have a good time!


YES 24TH IN THE 1900Hrs in the restaurant,, deadline for me to give in to the restaurant owner is 22nd, so PLS let me know BY 21st evening

there is also few interseting points comming up, but as soon they are confirmed i will let you know,,, :o

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It’s fantastic. :o

I have not really written anything about myself I’m 37 years old

I am living in Denmark, but I have a house approximately three to five kilometres from Ubon city and stays there for so long time as possible, around 1-2 month every year. It would be very nice to meet some farang friends when in town

I started the topic "Ubon Farrang's Search..." one year ago, I have not given it any attention, but can see things really happening now thanks to Marco and his Ubon Foreigner club, it’s definitely a good idea and something i wanes to be a part of. And hopefully the Bbg party on the 24th goes to be super and be repeated, sow I can participate next time. Now i can only look out at the window and dream about the fun in Ubon while the snow is falling. Hopefully there is a get to getter next time I am in Ubon.

Have a good party


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It’s fantastic. :o

I have not really written anything about myself I’m 37 years old

I am living in Denmark, but I have a house approximately three to five kilometres from Ubon city and stays there for so long time as possible, around 1-2 month every year. It would be very nice to meet some farang friends when in town

I started the topic "Ubon Farrang's Search..." one year ago, I have not given it any attention, but can see things really happening now thanks to Marco and his Ubon Foreigner club, it’s definitely a good idea and something i wanes to be a part of. And hopefully the Bbg party on the 24th goes to be super and be repeated, sow I can participate next time. Now i can only look out at the window and dream about the fun in Ubon while the snow is falling. Hopefully there is a get to getter next time I am in Ubon.

Have a good party




thnx for nice word's and i really hope that everything turn to be good.

2nd i start to look foreigners here in Ubon abt 4yrs ago,, that time thigns where not so good and mentality was ammong the foreigneräs"Leave me alone" so i did lay off few years, and now its really time to get know each other,,, BUT SO FAR i got ONLY 7 CONFIRMATION,,,,im sure that there is more than 7 here so pls if you want to be part of something nice and new so let me know....

we going to have Bowling and Golf events in the future as well...and so much more..

So wanna be part of something from the begining,,, now is your change...


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there is also few interseting points comming up, but as soon they are confirmed i will let you know,,, :o

Those girls dancing on the table had better be aware of the beer glasses! :D

TBites...man dont dont tell the new thing's,,,, :D

and mate's,,, ok lets get it all out now,,, i have contact 1 of the Ubon most influential magazines for making interviewes for us called wakeup, also i have been talking with Local cable tv Sophon and BOTH of them show really intrest of us but have not confirmed anything yet,, they told me that in the Monday they will confirm and i do hope that they will come and do report on us, THIS would be 1ST time EVER in the UBON history, if they come, So it's not just for us,, there is change get your faces to know abt 150.000-300.000 Ubon People as well, that is estimate what Ubon people looking for Cable TV, + Magazine.....

BUT like i said,, they have not confirmed yet, like i said,, why make it small if you can do it big,, im not use to settle for small thing's if can do it large than life.....(Thats what my wife do,,, dealing with them) im just writing this...... :D

But Lets meet ..........

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there is also few interseting points comming up, but as soon they are confirmed i will let you know,,, :o

Those girls dancing on the table had better be aware of the beer glasses! :D

TBites...man dont dont tell the new thing's,,,, :D

and mate's,,, ok lets get it all out now,,, i have contact 1 of the Ubon most influential magazines for making interviewes for us called wakeup, also i have been talking with Local cable tv Sophon and BOTH of them show really intrest of us but have not confirmed anything yet,, they told me that in the Monday they will confirm and i do hope that they will come and do report on us, THIS would be 1ST time EVER in the UBON history, if they come, So it's not just for us,, there is change get your faces to know abt 150.000-300.000 Ubon People as well, that is estimate what Ubon people looking for Cable TV, + Magazine.....

BUT like i said,, they have not confirmed yet, like i said,, why make it small if you can do it big,, im not use to settle for small thing's if can do it large than life.....(Thats what my wife do,,, dealing with them) im just writing this...... :D

But Lets meet ..........


I was just now talking to Thaibites and AFTER the join is closed 0000Hrs or later, if you wish to have trasportation to some where in town we can have tuk-tuk"s for you and few car's.

what would you choises??


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People say Ubon has no nightlfe but when 'AOD' (I have not got a Thai keybord on my laptop but that is 'orang maitree, orang, dordek - the sign is in one of the pics) closes at midnight (maybe a little later if you sweet talk the owner!) there are Disco's for the younger people and there is old time tango/waltz at a pure Thai dance hall, there are massage parlours for the unaccompanied and snooker halls for the sportsmen!

Just let Marco know if you will want to go on to another place after the meal, if you need transport to get home or back to the hotel/motel/cardboard box just let Him know when you confirm. We can sort out a fleet of tuk-tuks or my lads can take some in the car - just let Marco know.

Want to go home earlier than midnight? No problem - show your face for an hour or two and taste the food then take the tuk-tuk/transport offered.

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People say Ubon has no nightlfe but when 'AOD' (I have not got a Thai keybord on my laptop but that is 'orang maitree, orang, dordek - the sign is in one of the pics) closes at midnight (maybe a little later if you sweet talk the owner!) there are Disco's for the younger people and there is old time tango/waltz at a pure Thai dance hall, there are massage parlours for the unaccompanied and snooker halls for the sportsmen!

Just let Marco know if you will want to go on to another place after the meal, if you need transport to get home or back to the hotel/motel/cardboard box just let Him know when you confirm. We can sort out a fleet of tuk-tuks or my lads can take some in the car - just let Marco know.

Want to go home earlier than midnight? No problem - show your face for an hour or two and taste the food then take the tuk-tuk/transport offered.


Have we ever have this kind of this organized,,, NOOOO

so take a change and be part of something,, if nothing else been pissed in public......

let me know of every your need and we try to find solition for that....(No Girls), you know something you have to work by your own.....


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People say Ubon has no nightlfe but when 'AOD' (I have not got a Thai keybord on my laptop but that is 'orang maitree, orang, dordek - the sign is in one of the pics) closes at midnight (maybe a little later if you sweet talk the owner!) there are Disco's for the younger people and there is old time tango/waltz at a pure Thai dance hall, there are massage parlours for the unaccompanied and snooker halls for the sportsmen!

Just let Marco know if you will want to go on to another place after the meal, if you need transport to get home or back to the hotel/motel/cardboard box just let Him know when you confirm. We can sort out a fleet of tuk-tuks or my lads can take some in the car - just let Marco know.

Want to go home earlier than midnight? No problem - show your face for an hour or two and taste the food then take the tuk-tuk/transport offered.

Thanks for the very generous offer of transport. My wife and I will be staying in Ubon overnight but have our own transport - we can also offer a local lift in the back of the pickup for those who need it, but not too far as wifey hasn't got a license (shhhhh - I didn't say that :o ).


Have we ever have this kind of this organized,,, NOOOO

so take a change and be part of something,, if nothing else been pissed in public......

let me know of every your need and we try to find solition for that....(No Girls), you know something you have to work by your own.....


Once again, well done for organising this - looking forward to friday night and to seeing all you other "locals" !!

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we can also offer a local lift in the back of the pickup for those who need it, but not too far as wifey hasn't got a license (shhhhh - I didn't say that ).

Even the people who are not in Ubon City are trying to help (thank you Mike!) but Marco has only 17 confirmed attenders at 1300hrs on Sunday afternoon! Is there something else we can do to get you to attend?

Marco's phone is on 24/7 so give him a ring and lets make it a good night out - meet the locals that can help (Thai's and Farangs) or just enjoy a good meal, not a beer drinker? Don't drink beer then - soft drinks are served! Want hard drinks? Take your Farang bottle (there is no 'corkage charge - you just pay for the mixers and ice) or order a bottle of Mekhong.

Whatever you want or need can be arranged if you tell Marco before 22nd Feb so give him a ring. There is NO mark up on anything and Marco is doing this just to get everybody together - he spends time and gets just the chance to say 'Hello' in return.

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we can also offer a local lift in the back of the pickup for those who need it, but not too far as wifey hasn't got a license (shhhhh - I didn't say that ).

Even the people who are not in Ubon City are trying to help (thank you Mike!) but Marco has only 17 confirmed attenders at 1300hrs on Sunday afternoon! Is there something else we can do to get you to attend?

Marco's phone is on 24/7 so give him a ring and lets make it a good night out - meet the locals that can help (Thai's and Farangs) or just enjoy a good meal, not a beer drinker? Don't drink beer then - soft drinks are served! Want hard drinks? Take your Farang bottle (there is no 'corkage charge - you just pay for the mixers and ice) or order a bottle of Mekhong.

Whatever you want or need can be arranged if you tell Marco before 22nd Feb so give him a ring. There is NO mark up on anything and Marco is doing this just to get everybody together - he spends time and gets just the chance to say 'Hello' in return.



So as been said, dead line for me is 21st evening or absolutely 22nd morning b4 1000am thai time.

those of you who are coming,, have every one now CLEAR idea where we going to be???

And Hey sorry t inform but i keep my phone off during night time,, but from 08-23, it on usually

Also any of you guys need to pick up from hotel let Thaibites know so he can fix tuk tuk to pick u up...

Now we have nationality brake down like this









that would be awsome, if every one comes.....


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We have arrived in Phibun, have the map, and looking forward to meeting you all.

Well done for organising :o

Which hotel would you (or ThaiBites0 or anyone) recommend that is close, clean and comfortable and around the 1000 baht price range. We do not need pool and all that stuff, just a bed and a shower :D



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We have arrived in Phibun, have the map, and looking forward to meeting you all.

Well done for organising :o

Which hotel would you (or ThaiBites0 or anyone) recommend that is close, clean and comfortable and around the 1000 baht price range. We do not need pool and all that stuff, just a bed and a shower :D




what was the hotel where u guys stay??


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Which hotel would you (or ThaiBites0 or anyone) recommend that is close, clean and comfortable and around the 1000 baht price range. We do not need pool and all that stuff, just a bed and a shower

Phatumrat for a real hotel but a mansion with the same room with air will cost you 4-500 Baht - want me to book you somewhere?

Same goes for anybody else - if you need somewhere to stay, just ask - hotels or motels or mansions that do overnight stays - we even have some cardboard boxes for under the bridge if you need them!

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If you are coming to the BBQ and need somewhere to stay and directions on how to get there - how can I say this without being repetative? Phone Marco! Real Hotels? The nearest is Nevada Grand but a better (but older) bet is the Phatumrat. Short time motel is within walking distance and a mansion with the same roons with air as the Phatumrat is a 5 minute ride away.

Somewere to stay will run you B200 to B2000 and you get what you pay for - just errm phone errrrm you know :o

Edited by thaibites0
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We have arrived in Phibun, have the map, and looking forward to meeting you all.

Well done for organising :o

Which hotel would you (or ThaiBites0 or anyone) recommend that is close, clean and comfortable and around the 1000 baht price range. We do not need pool and all that stuff, just a bed and a shower :D




what was the hotel where u guys stay??


We are staying at the Sri Issan which is near the bridge going over the river (near the park where they have the candle festival). Thats about 600 baht per night. Its a way to go from the pissup venue but we are going to stop off at the Polar Bear cafe first.

Marco. I will send you a list of names by email tonight for the Khemarat mob.


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Hello guys

I will come up from NamYun and join U if possible.

Tell me when & where, and for you overnighters ........... where do you stay??




are you comming to Firday 24th?

alone or with wife??

pls confirm asap


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