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Where Can I Find A Good English Tutor?


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Let me tell you guys a little bit about myself. I have taken private English lessons with 2 native English speakers, 1-to-1 at my home. None of them could perform good teaching to me. The first so-call teacher is not qualified, so he just sits and talks with me in English. He never prepares anythings, just comes and talk to me. The other one is somewhat qualified. He has a degree from a university but he just keep talking until the time is passed. And same as the first so-call teacher, he never corrects my grammar mistake or pronunciation. He told me that he would do that if he heard my mistakes. (I know I speak ungrammatical sentences every once in a while.)

I also took a lesson with a Filipino teacher who told me that she is American. The first time I heard her accent, it didn't sound so America, so I asked her she told me that she just moved to the States for a few years. I have never wanted to learn with Filipinos anyway. :)

I am tried of looking for a good English teacher. Most of them are just travellers who tries to get some money while there are here.

I want to know how or where can I find a good teacher? And how much I have to pay for them?

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I have always corrected my private students´ grammar and to some extent, I believe that correct enunciation is critical.

I am in Phuket. Where are you, OP?

I live in Bangkok. If you plan to move to Bangkok or know someone who does the lessons like you please let me know. :)
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I agree with the English teacher who speaks of not correcting students as they go.. It can be very shattering to your self-esteem.

I am not even going to correct the teacher's spelling mistake as I am sure he/she is kicking himself for letting it slip through. :-)!

I*f you really want one-on-one, then send me a message; I've been teaching in Asia for the past 8 years, but have supposedly retired.

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  • 4 weeks later...

There are agencies or private Thai who do help you to find students to tutors. I had one last year and when I finished with one student, she would send me another one. Actually, I had two people. One was an agency who hooked me up with corporate training which was really flexable for both me and the students with excellent wages and benifits.

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Op. It sounds like YOU need to be clearer in telling the teacher what you want. Most students at your level want more conversation not less.

You will never speak like a native speaker unless you spend considerably time in an English speaking country. May I suggest you look at the book

'English for life'


sent from my Q6

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