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Computer Expert Required


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I am looking for someone who has some time to spare and would like to earn a bit of money by teaching me all there is to know about computers.

I am prepared to pay a reasonable daily rate to anyone who is qualified enough to teach a beginer -up to creating my own website for my Wife's restaurant.

I am sorry to admit that I am a complete computer nerd.

If you have the time, need the money and have your own transport please PM me.



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I've developed an 'instant web site', maybe you could be the one to test it ? Is very simple and set up for 'nitwits'. It's undergoing it's final tests. You'd just have to be a little patient but it'll cost you nothing, not even the site. However ... Besides then when I visit your restaurant in the future.:D



Edited by FlyingDutchman
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"All there is to know about computers" is quite of a mouthfull. However - assuming you are making you're posts in person - you're not an absolute beginner. You know the basics of computer usage - and that's actually a pretty good start.

I think you can refine you requirements to something like "..... someone who can introduce me to and teach me how to use that handful of tools required to build a website".

It'll take a few months before I'm ready to enter that sort of business (and it will be business, not hobby), but now you hereby have the means to put a limit on how long time your education might take.

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A very good friend of mine suggested a book I should read and learn years ago, when I was starting web page design. I'll make the same suggestion to you.....

HTML for the world wide web by Elizabeth Castro ISBN 0-201-35493-4

It's worth it's weight in gold as a reference book, and it will have you putting web pages together in a matter of days....Maejo

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Speaking of free programs, let me offer up webford 2.01 as one option I've been using for a number of years to do simple html coding, like with images, text, colors, etc. A WYSIWYG, in it's most basic form. Nothing as difficult-looking as most other html editors. Simple and fast. And free :o

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Thanks for the suggestions guys.

What I am really looking for is someone who would be willing to come to my place 3 days a week to as Rishi said to help me understand all the OTHER things that one can do with a computer besides write e-mails , letters, check Bank Accounts, etc....Like using Photoshop, how to upload pics onto the computer and e-mail them/edit them, troubleshoot when things go wrong, delete cookies etc. One TV Member has kindly offered to build the wesite for our restaurant for free, but I really still need to know all the other stuff .

I have had one offer of personal help so far but I don't know where it will lead.

Many thanks


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