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Leaving Los For Phillipines?

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visa is easy and cheap, business is possible as well. But go for it the girls will like you. I lived there for more then 7 years and its great. People actually understand you lol. Where do you plan to go? The Philippines are also much cheaper then LOS

Edited by yannic
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only visa but go go for it the girls will like you. I lived there for more then 7 years and its great. People actually understand you lol. Where you plan to go?

Don't know. Someplace clean and quiet. I'd like to build a small bungalow and own the land. Maybe later build a few and rent them as long-term rentals. I'm just tired of LOS.

What about the visa?

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My friend moved there after marrying a Filipino. He lived here a while and just returned for a visit. He says he likes it here better in Thailand, but go find out for your self. Go for 6 months and check it out

Absolutely, six months is minimal. I'd travel about for a year doing serious research before moving.

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you can not own land only Filipinos can, if you have a Filipina wife, she could. Only way to own land is with a corporation where the majority of the company is owned by Pinoys. Usually like 6 Pinoys each 10 percent on paper the rest is yours, they should not know each other and are exchangeable

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The Philippines are not as clean and as quiet as LOS but look at Dumaguete in Negros or South Cebu but there are many other choices

I saw the post mentiponing Palawan. Looked interesting. But then, so did Thailand six years ago biggrin.png . And Mexico before that.

But if I can't own land, I'll scratch it off my list. One of the many reasons I want to leave here. I want to move one more time, build, and die.

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Nice place but Manila is like any other big rough city.

Got a mate who (his wife) bought some land on the beach in La Union but he is still to build the Bl+++y house and I wish he would get a move on.

Visited a couple of time ...last about 12 years ago and parts are beautiful.

Sitting in a beach bar/hotel with the waves lapping on the sand,cool breeze from the ocean,chef in the kitchen...whatever you want until 2-00am and help yourselves to the San Migs ...just score the beer mat and pay tomorrow.

Thai infrastructures is much better (and food) and Phils got a bigger corruption problem although heard things getting better.

Mate gets a 1 year Visa on arrival and no problems opening a bank account.

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I asked a similar question on another forum - was keen to visit Cebu - and received a response from a guy who had lived there for many years and bailed for Pattaya. Always hard to separate facts from opinion, but he had posted a slew of photos of AC, Manila and Cebu dating right back to the early 80s, so I'm inclined to believe him. His words were 'they will constantly have their hands out' : it was enough to dissuade me, No shortage of beggars in Thailand, but most of them don't come running up to you : had enough of that in Cambo.

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having just spent 2 months in the phills after 27 years of going to thailand, i was not impressed at first, bad infrustructure, crappy food, and millions of kids, 25 years behind thailand for sure, but after a while, it grows on u, in a strange sort of way,lol, one things for sure its easy to stay there, 3 weeks on arival, extend at any immigration, a futher 39 days, takes 1 hour, then after that extend 1 year with a 1 year alien registration card , easy, non of the nonsense u get in thailand..

and by the way, get the card and u can open bank account, and get driving license no problem

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I go to the PI a couple times a year for 2 weeks thats enough. The food sucks, the corruption is out of hand, its dirty and all of the girls want to get married. Marcos set the country back 30 years with is plunder and pillage routine. Thailand much better by far. OP get over the I want my little bunkalo and then die, start living geez.

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Find a nice Phillipina and move with her to Thailand, like many of us do and you have the best out of both worlds.

In Thailand :

1. the food is better

2. the banking system is by far better

3. the infrastructure and the roads are better

4. You have much more ATM's

5. The busses are better

In the Phillipines

1. The girls are better, because they speak more languages and are far more adoptable to other cultures

2. The banks are better protected by machine guns

3. The system is more corrupted

4. The prices are a bit cheaper, but the value for money is less

5. They have more islands, so it is easier to disappear

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having just spent 2 months in the phills after 27 years of going to thailand, i was not impressed at first, bad infrustructure, crappy food, and millions of kids, 25 years behind thailand for sure, but after a while, it grows on u, in a strange sort of way,lol, one things for sure its easy to stay there, 3 weeks on arival, extend at any immigration, a futher 39 days, takes 1 hour, then after that extend 1 year with a 1 year alien registration card , easy, non of the nonsense u get in thailand..

Interesting visa info.

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I go to the PI a couple times a year for 2 weeks thats enough. The food sucks, the corruption is out of hand, its dirty and all of the girls want to get married. Marcos set the country back 30 years with is plunder and pillage routine. Thailand much better by far. OP get over the I want my little bunkalo and then die, start living geez.

You were doing fine until you sarcastically assumed I wasn't "living" happily where I am.

Thanks for the opinions. That's what I was looking for, that and facts. Not assumptions.

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Been to both places. Extremely happily married to a Filipina and now have plans to move to the Philippines. I agree on most accounts of the Thai/Philippines comparison, Thai infrastructure, food, cleanliness better but the people make up for the those differences. The Philippine people are more genuine, open, speak great English, easy to understand. The different islands are a treat and an adventure in itself.

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I saw guns everywhere. The crime level is much higher. Manilla is ridiculous. A guard will come out of the bank and stand next to you while you use the ATM. It's not a peaceful place. Might be the Catholicism? I remember being in a supermarket where everything stopped at 6 PM to say the Lord's Prayer and the Hail Mary. The single worst thing about the Phils is the food. All the Asian nations have wonderful spicy food. The Phils big dish is pork adobo, a vinegar based stewed pork. I'll stick with Thailand as long as the baht cooperates.

Guns are everywhere these days anyway,its the ones you don't see until its to late that should worry you and that can happen anyplace.

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But if I can't own land, I'll scratch it off my list. One of the many reasons I want to leave here. I want to move one more time, build, and die.

I don't understand why you have to own land for your plans? Using land for residential and business purposes in Thailand is easy and safe if you do it the right way and as far as I know it's similar in Philippines?

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The PI is a dirty, corrupt, dangerous, culinary and cultural wasteland that is a ex US colony whose 2 legacies left behind are fast food and a gun culture. It is cheaper to live in and English is more widely spoken than LOS and so attracts the real bottom of the barrel expats and retirees.

IMO, this post really tells it like it is. Edited by Ulysses G.
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I am there every 5-6 weeks for a week or 2 for current business, have a permanent place in Palawan, a crash pad in AC and have traveled around most of the county over the past 4 years.

The PI is a dirty, corrupt, dangerous, culinary and cultural wasteland that is a ex US colony whose 2 legacies left behind are fast food and a gun culture. It is cheaper to live in and English is more widely spoken than LOS and so attracts the real bottom of the barrel expats and retirees. As someone said earlier its infrastructure runs about 25 years behind LOS.

For me the most disturbing thing about the place is the subservience and "one day they will come back to save us" mentality that the citizens have towards the US. LOS stands on its own 2 feet as a nation whereas the PI is really just a beggar state. The citizens are always talking and planning and dreaming of getting out of the country to work and live overseas. That should tell you something.

I got about 3 more years of business left there and then I am done and for me good riddance to the joint.

Havent bothered reading all the other replies, the above post is the only one worth reading.

The citizens are always talking and planning and dreaming of getting out of the country to work and live overseas.

And once they get out, the first thing they do is try and find a way to bring the entire family with them.

PI, same same as Cambodia, last refuge for Cheap Charlies who cant afford Thailand.

For me the most disturbing thing about the place is the subservience and "one day they will come back to save us" mentality that the citizens have towards the US

Yeah that came back to bite them in the ass when they got gobby about Subic and Clark, give Uncle Sam his due he told them to poke it.

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