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No Travel Insurance Proves Costly For British Tourist


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Gareth Harnett, 30, a builder from Kent in England

From "KentOnline" - he's the one on the right:


A British man who travelled to Thailand without travel insurance is paying a hefty price

Actually, it's his friends who are paying. Final bill will be about 50,000 GBP.

Next time (if there is one), tick the little box that says "insurance".


But who would expect a heart attack at only 30!

I had three three heart attacks over a period of eighteen months in my late twenties. Nothing since thank Buddha!

Certainly unexpected to say the least, never imagined that to happen so early. Unhealthy British bachelor's diet, too much alcohol and smoking too much may have played a part in his and mine. He looks a little out of shape but I hope this is the health wake up call he needs, as I did.

Hope he recovers and has a healthier life.

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I just got an online quote from a leading UK travel insurance company.

The cost of a worldwide policy (excluding the USA and Japan) for 2 weeks, starting tomorrow (same time as this guy's holiday - high season) for a 30 year old was 24.95GBP.

This was the budget policy, but still covered 5,000,000GBP medical expenses and 5,000,000GBP repatriation expenses.

It also covered 1,000,000GBP personal liabilty, 10,000GBP personal accident cover and 10,000GBP legal expenses.

Really, you can't say it's unaffordable.

I wish him a speedy recovery and I hope news of his experience gets out back in the UK so others will not make such an oversight.

You may find it's more than that. If you have existing health issues it costs more and even then it doesn't always cover the pre existing conditions that are likely to be the ones that need the cover. Still better to pay for it though.

I would imagine that he might have some existing problems even if it's just high blood pressure and cholesterol. Of course the stupid thing is if you go and have a check up which shows these problems and then take medication you no longer have the high blood pressure but you have to pay more for insurance. If you have these blood and cholesterol issues but don't have a check up you're not diagnosed with the problem. Therefore you don't take anything for it so you're still suffering from it but don't have to pay extra.

You are correct, and I agree with your post.

Generally speaking, travel insurance companies do not require a medical examination and/or a "personal statement." Eg. height, weight, family history, smoke, drink etc etc but do ask if you have any pre-existing conditions.

Given that this guy is young, and probably has never been diagnosed with a heart condition, but smokes like a chimney and drinks like a fish, he would/should tick the box "no pre-existing conditions" which, like you say, is quite stupid, but, perfectly legal as far as his obligation for "full disclosure" and he would therefore qualify for the 24.95GBP policy, which, he should have purchased, regardless of hindsight.

Anyway, hopefully some others can learn from his experience.

Edited by NamKangMan
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They are charging 2,300 Gbp aday to keep him in hospital <deleted>

Welcome to the latest way to gouge naive farang tourists.

It's his choice to pay it. There are good hospitals with much cheaper options. Sounds like his friend just asked for the most expensive hospital. Can't blame the hospital if people are willing to pay the charges. It's the same in almost every country and in almost every industry. Companies charge what people are willing to pay. And many people are willing to pay way over the odds for many things. That's life.

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Regarding the best treatment for the fairest price - there have been a number of threads in the past which were highly complimentary about Thai military hospitals, who employ the same clinicians and surgeons as the private hospitals, but at about 25%-50% of the price. Always worth inquiring if there's a military hospital in the area you get sick.

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I do wonder what cover other young Brits who live long term in Thailand without working here have and how much it costs?

I wonder that because I should probably get it too...

Check BUPA. They allow payment per month and I pay like 5500 baht for 4 persons. No Claim, 10% off Every year.

And I went for one of the higher coverage packages..! The 5500 is our first year.

You can do everything by phone, fax, email if you want.

The coverage is worldwide except USA.

Checked out several, but within a day I had a lady from BUPA calling me after filling out the Internet info-request and she has been following through everything without a fuss. English communication was very good.

Stellar Customer Service...I mean considering Thailand....

Thanks for that, I was recently looking into insurance here in Thailand, now that I have a family.

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Som Nam Na!

If people want to be stupid, they should be allowed to be stupid!!!

But do NOT start complaining or moaning to other people, when things go wrong.... My compassion stops right here....

Yes, it serves him right for having a near fatal heart attack on his holiday and his friend for making sure his mate gets the best care he thought he could get in a foreign country. He deserves everything he gets, and if he still dies as a result of this then som nom naa.

And where does it say that the casualty, who is in such a bad condition he cannot even talk, is "complaining"? Seems you really just wanted to have a pop at a stranger who nearly died so you wayed in with your little rant before even reading the article. What a lovely person you must be to have around in real life.

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I'm 50 & as far as I can see I can't get insurance for the big things at all, ie. over 200000 bhts of problems without having to get a policy that includes all the small things & then they hit you for 5500 bhts a month at least, which is outrageous, dunno what the solution to this is, but as a reasonably healthy 50 year old without a lot of financial backing I can't afford to get insured... If anyone knows of a sensible policy that would cover me only for the big risks I'd be delighted to see it....

Try BUPA Thailand.


I tried them once. At the time I presented my then current CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) medical certificate which I need as an annual event to endorse my pilots licence. However, it was dutifully ignored because I had past 70 and so I was considered as all but brown bread already. Like most institutions, they are not allowed to consider exceptions to their rules. Hence, over here, I'm stuffed. Here endeth my tale of woe wink.png
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Must be a slow newsday in Phuket. some fat,drunk Brit has a heart attack and it makes news

And has cost him 2.5 million thb because he didn't take travel insurance ! News items like this help the naive to remember to take it out !

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

If only that were true. The naive will never do this, hence the name. Is not that they dont remember, the thought never crosses their minds. Fat people never believe they are unhealthily over weight. Heavy drinkers dont accept that description. Smokers are in denial about the irrefutable affects of their habit.

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Must be a slow newsday in Phuket. some fat,drunk Brit has a heart attack and it makes news

And has cost him 2.5 million thb because he didn't take travel insurance ! News items like this help the naive to remember to take it out !

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

If only that were true. The naive will never do this, hence the name. Is not that they dont remember, the thought never crosses their minds. Fat people never believe they are unhealthily over weight. Heavy drinkers dont accept that description. Smokers are in denial about the irrefutable affects of their habit.

What wisdom you possess. Shame it is all complete poppycock.

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Must be a slow newsday in Phuket. some fat,drunk Brit has a heart attack and it makes news

And has cost him 2.5 million thb because he didn't take travel insurance ! News items like this help the naive to remember to take it out !

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

If only that were true. The naive will never do this, hence the name. Is not that they dont remember, the thought never crosses their minds. Fat people never believe they are unhealthily over weight. Heavy drinkers dont accept that description. Smokers are in denial about the irrefutable affects of their habit.

What wisdom you possess. Shame it is all complete poppycock.

I agree about the wisdom here. Not all popppycock, just a tiny bit, OK That little bit is TVF writers licence

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What wisdom you possess. Shame it is all complete poppycock.

I agree about the wisdom here. Not all popppycock, just a tiny bit, OK That little bit is TVF writers licence

OK, well if you don't believe that obese people or heavy drinkers or smokers realise or understand the serious negative affect they are having on their health and lives then you are the naive one, and like you say, being naive you are too naive to know it.

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Must be a slow newsday in Phuket. some fat,drunk Brit has a heart attack and it makes news

And has cost him 2.5 million thb because he didn't take travel insurance ! News items like this help the naive to remember to take it out !

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

If only that were true. The naive will never do this, hence the name. Is not that they dont remember, the thought never crosses their minds. Fat people never believe they are unhealthily over weight. Heavy drinkers dont accept that description. Smokers are in denial about the irrefutable affects of their habit.

An insurer tried to double my premium due to my ballerina like appearance but were forced to back track when I asked how many of their 'normal' customers were smokers or drinkers...

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It`s about time people start to engage their brains when they are going on holidays to faraway destinationsangry.png !!! I wonder if ANY of these fools who arrives on a week trip from Europe or Australia has insurance at all ??

Seems to be that every day there is news about farangs who ends up in hospital without insurance or request on social media to help getting people home.

A speedy recovery to the unlucky one...........................having had heart-problems in LOS myself recentlyI know how expensive it is........then it`s good to see what an good insurance really means thumbsup.gif !!!

Edited by Yahooka
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Wow young bloke gets in trouble and many hear state how its all his fault.

Yes he should of had insurance but come on at 30 on a boys holiday to Thailand, how many just dont think about it, there minds are elsewhere.

Good on his mate for trying his best (as he knows) to help him out.

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There may be reasosn why he didn't get insurance - he may have a medical condition that makes it hard to get coverage. When my mother comes to visit she doesn't always get cover simply because she can't. Sometimes the company will allow it (it is often a lot of money several hundred pounds) sometimes the same company says 'no'. The goal posts shift all the time and the "yes"/"No" comes from the computer ("Computer says 'no'!") so no argueing. She can no longer get annual travel insurance at all - and when she can get individual trip insurance it is so restrictive that it is pointless anyway (and expensive). This is simply because she had a blood clot that cost her a lung ten years ago (was mis-diagnossed as asthma!) and now is on blood thinners for life. She takes her tablets and doesn't go jogging then she's fine - in fact probably safer than most of us on long distance flights - deep vein thrombosis and all that!

At the prices of care here it is often just as good to risk it (she has lots of tests throughout the year - so major stuff like needing bypass surgery etc would show well before coming anyway) - its cheaper than her buying insurance.

The cost for 2,300baht (fifty quid) or so for intemsive care is very low - in the UK an intensive care bed costs hundreds each day.

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Must be a slow newsday in Phuket. some fat,drunk Brit has a heart attack and it makes news

And has cost him 2.5 million thb because he didn't take travel insurance ! News items like this help the naive to remember to take it out !

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

If only that were true. The naive will never do this, hence the name. Is not that they dont remember, the thought never crosses their minds. Fat people never believe they are unhealthily over weight. Heavy drinkers dont accept that description. Smokers are in denial about the irrefutable affects of their habit.

An insurer tried to double my premium due to my ballerina like appearance but were forced to back track when I asked how many of their 'normal' customers were smokers or drinkers...

When I was back in the UK (OK few years back) - an insurance company sent me to Harley Street for a medical - as I came up high on ther BMI (which is all about weight versus height and not fat!) they were determined I must be unhealthy - I had a full set of blood works taken as well as usual blood pressure and pulse. It came back (according to the doctor I showed my copy of the results to) absolutely dead centre of the expected results for my age/gender (full spectrum including: LDL, HDL, Cholestrol etc etc) - so they sent me again - then sent me to another doctor in Kent. All three times came back fine - in the case of the Kent Dr he even said blood pressure was fine, bloods fine, and he couldn't see what they were playing at - in the end they still quoted me 200 a year above the initial quote price (their excuse was weight percentile), so I turned it down (their cost for 2 Harley St visits, private clinic in Kent and lab work).

I played rugby and weight trained twice a day every day right through secondary (high) school and college and beyond - I have never been exactly flyweight, I have a solid build - that throws out BMI.

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I just got an online quote from a leading UK travel insurance company.

The cost of a worldwide policy (excluding the USA and Japan) for 2 weeks, starting tomorrow (same time as this guy's holiday - high season) for a 30 year old was 24.95GBP.

This was the budget policy, but still covered 5,000,000GBP medical expenses and 5,000,000GBP repatriation expenses.

It also covered 1,000,000GBP personal liabilty, 10,000GBP personal accident cover and 10,000GBP legal expenses.

Really, you can't say it's unaffordable.

I wish him a speedy recovery and I hope news of his experience gets out back in the UK so others will not make such an oversight.

You may find it's more than that. If you have existing health issues it costs more and even then it doesn't always cover the pre existing conditions that are likely to be the ones that need the cover. Still better to pay for it though.

I would imagine that he might have some existing problems even if it's just high blood pressure and cholesterol. Of course the stupid thing is if you go and have a check up which shows these problems and then take medication you no longer have the high blood pressure but you have to pay more for insurance. If you have these blood and cholesterol issues but don't have a check up you're not diagnosed with the problem. Therefore you don't take anything for it so you're still suffering from it but don't have to pay extra.

I have High Blood Pressure (hypertension), and got travel insurance, no problem.

I just declared it and was refereed to HealthScreen247 who asked 4 questions, I was charged £3.00 extra...

With all the taxes and extra charges I paid £34.36. all in.

It annoys me the number of people who do not have insurance, I can understand why anyone with brains would not want to be an Honorary Consulate.

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They are charging 2,300 Gbp aday to keep him in hospital <deleted>

Welcome to the latest way to gouge naive farang tourists.

2,300 baht - less than 50 quid a day.

But the insurance would've cost less than one day's stay in hospital.


Oops, my mistake - it is 2,300 pounds / day!

Jesus wept!

Edited by JetsetBkk
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I'm 50 & as far as I can see I can't get insurance for the big things at all, ie. over 200000 bhts of problems without having to get a policy that includes all the small things & then they hit you for 5500 bhts a month at least, which is outrageous, dunno what the solution to this is, but as a reasonably healthy 50 year old without a lot of financial backing I can't afford to get insured... If anyone knows of a sensible policy that would cover me only for the big risks I'd be delighted to see it....

Try BUPA Thailand.


I tried them once. At the time I presented my then current CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) medical certificate which I need as an annual event to endorse my pilots licence. However, it was dutifully ignored because I had past 70 and so I was considered as all but brown bread already. Like most institutions, they are not allowed to consider exceptions to their rules. Hence, over here, I'm stuffed. Here endeth my tale of woe wink.png

I have the same considerations – a wish for a health insurance that covers incidents over 200,000-300,000 baht only. I have been wondering if others have a similar “problem”.

I moved to Thailand some eight years ago when I was 56. In my budget I had space for the best Bupa insurance, but I could see, that when I reached 60, the annual rate would exceed what I was prepared to pay and when I will reach 65 or 70, I most probably will be kicked out.

I decided for the second best and saved the remaining balance in the bank, in case of some cases not covered and at some point, I may later need to be self-insured and therefore need some savings. When I passed 60 I changed to the cheapest 14k/y Bupa – really not much cover – just to continue having insurance, as one may not be able to sign up when over 60 or 65, and in case of I needed a health insurance for my retirement extensions. There were some articles about a Phuket politician complaining about foreigners without health insurance had unpaid hospital bills and that a health insurance should be compulsory. Instead I saved a bit more up.

I have never been hospitalized or sick, but something may happen and it is the serious incident that worries me – some 300,000 baht are Okay, but when it gets more, it may knock your savings and future plans totally apart.

Perhaps a bit off-topic in this thread, but seems like others may have the same considerations and need, so will be useful if someone knows about the possibilities.

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There may be reasosn why he didn't get insurance - he may have a medical condition that makes it hard to get coverage. When my mother comes to visit she doesn't always get cover simply because she can't. Sometimes the company will allow it (it is often a lot of money several hundred pounds) sometimes the same company says 'no'. The goal posts shift all the time and the "yes"/"No" comes from the computer ("Computer says 'no'!") so no argueing. She can no longer get annual travel insurance at all - and when she can get individual trip insurance it is so restrictive that it is pointless anyway (and expensive). This is simply because she had a blood clot that cost her a lung ten years ago (was mis-diagnossed as asthma!) and now is on blood thinners for life. She takes her tablets and doesn't go jogging then she's fine - in fact probably safer than most of us on long distance flights - deep vein thrombosis and all that!

At the prices of care here it is often just as good to risk it (she has lots of tests throughout the year - so major stuff like needing bypass surgery etc would show well before coming anyway) - its cheaper than her buying insurance.

The cost for 2,300baht (fifty quid) or so for intemsive care is very low - in the UK an intensive care bed costs hundreds each day.

2300 GBP a day not Baht!

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Bob Hope (or one of his writers) said:

A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it.

Health Insurance is much the same.. Get it when you can answer 'NO' to as many of their "Have you ever ..." or "Do you ..." questions as possible.

Edited by JLCrab
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Looks like the consensus here is that he was not smart to get insurance.

Seems to me insurance companies are in business to make money.

And obviously they do, because I have 2 friends in the business and another retired.

They ALL make big money compared to me. (the retired one is a millionaire, and THAT gets me thinking)

So, if it's so wise to get insurance at say $30 a week, and the company insuring you is making millions, why is so smart to buy it?

Makes little sense to me.

Personally, I stopped paying for health insurance 28 years ago and have saved $315 a month ever since. (they refused to cover my cut finger)

Of course I haven't just put it in the bank like I should have, but the extra money has allowed me to travel all over the world.

ps. I do wear a motorbike helmet though. and many of you can tell me you do too, but I observed aprox 30% of farangs wearing them to go to the beach the other day.

Sometimes common sense is not so common.

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Looks like the consensus here is that he was not smart to get insurance.

Seems to me insurance companies are in business to make money.

And obviously they do, because I have 2 friends in the business and another retired.

They ALL make big money compared to me. (the retired one is a millionaire, and THAT gets me thinking)

So, if it's so wise to get insurance at say $30 a week, and the company insuring you is making millions, why is so smart to buy it?

If he'd paid £30 for travel insurance he wouldn't now be facing a bill of £50,000. Seems pretty smart to me. BTW it's travel insurance he didn't buy not health insurance.

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Re Post #56: So now you are age 62 with no insurance except what might be available to you in a few years via Medicare which will require that either you travel back to USA for treatment or, if in a Medicare Advantage plan that covers foreign travel, have an emergency within your first 60 days each stint in Thailand.

Traveling back to one's home country for medical treatment also assumes that one is in a condition that allows for such travel. Your doctor here in Thailand may say that you are barely in condition to travel to Bangkok let alone an extensive journey to your local hospital back home and then any wait for treatment .

Even the $100,000 or so you have saved on your premiums isn't such a big amount (assuming you still had it intact) for medical treatment for the rest of your life.

That all makes little sense to me.

Edited by JLCrab
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There may be reasosn why he didn't get insurance - he may have a medical condition that makes it hard to get coverage. When my mother comes to visit she doesn't always get cover simply because she can't. Sometimes the company will allow it (it is often a lot of money several hundred pounds) sometimes the same company says 'no'. The goal posts shift all the time and the "yes"/"No" comes from the computer ("Computer says 'no'!") so no argueing. She can no longer get annual travel insurance at all - and when she can get individual trip insurance it is so restrictive that it is pointless anyway (and expensive). This is simply because she had a blood clot that cost her a lung ten years ago (was mis-diagnossed as asthma!) and now is on blood thinners for life. She takes her tablets and doesn't go jogging then she's fine - in fact probably safer than most of us on long distance flights - deep vein thrombosis and all that!

At the prices of care here it is often just as good to risk it (she has lots of tests throughout the year - so major stuff like needing bypass surgery etc would show well before coming anyway) - its cheaper than her buying insurance.

The cost for 2,300baht (fifty quid) or so for intemsive care is very low - in the UK an intensive care bed costs hundreds each day.

2300 GBP a day not Baht!

Ah OK - that's a bit different (note to self - RTFM)

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You guys that live here can't go comparing travel insurance rates with health insurance. Travel insurance is only for travelers. It's not a long term solution for those of us living here.

And I'll admit that in all my years of traveling, I never once bothered to get travel insurance. Sounds like something much more common in the UK than in the US. I did however have full medical insurance that would cover me when I traveled but I had to give it up once I decided to move to Thailand as it only will cover me when outside the US for less than 90 days at a time.

Edit- I didn't have to give it up cause they were more than happy to keep collecting my premiums but I knew that if I ever needed to file a claim it would more than likely be disallowed and I would be stuck paying the bills and be out the premiums to boot.

Sent from my GT-I9100T

Edited by Jayman
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