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Health Warning To Fellow Farangs!


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I have only thoughts. I don't know your family history. Pay attention to what your mum, dad, and grands had, if any. Get a second check up and don't tell em a thing about what this doc said.

You might also want to consider supplementing your RDA with B1, B6 and B12, as well as magnesium, Lecithin, and pantothenic acid, among others. These will help take care of the absorption and eliminate the collection of these foreign bodies in your system.

Frankly, you sound alright to me; just a bit overly concerned is all.

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Fk that shit dont eat this don't eat that excercise yada yada yada I really dont care I see super fit people dropping down dead on footbal fields my gran smoked like a trooper ate bacon and eggs every day and lived to a rip old age of 83 my Dad smokes like a trooper drinks every single day eats a good english diet and for as long as I can remember and is 70 years old, I really think if you worry about what to eat you wont be able to eat or do anything cant drink etc etc whats the point life is for living not worrying about what your eating every minute and you are a prime example, your trying hard and you still found out your not healthy

If your time is up mate its up no matter how it is coming and for me I am going to enjoy every day eat what I like and if I peg it so be it I have had a great life and i don't have to eat like a rabbit

Im off to MCDonalds for Big Mac and Fries

I would go as well but McDs is 170 km away from me.

Oh well I will just have to eat beff Masaman curry with no rice or peanuts made by my own fair hands.

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Fk that shit dont eat this don't eat that excercise yada yada yada I really dont care I see super fit people dropping down dead on footbal fields my gran smoked like a trooper ate bacon and eggs every day and lived to a rip old age of 83 my Dad smokes like a trooper drinks every single day eats a good english diet and for as long as I can remember and is 70 years old, I really think if you worry about what to eat you wont be able to eat or do anything cant drink etc etc whats the point life is for living not worrying about what your eating every minute and you are a prime example, your trying hard and you still found out your not healthy

If your time is up mate its up no matter how it is coming and for me I am going to enjoy every day eat what I like and if I peg it so be it I have had a great life and i don't have to eat like a rabbit

Im off to MCDonalds for Big Mac and Fries

You need to learn to use punctuation properly! blink.png

It's your own choice what you choose to do with your life with regards to your diet. The OP is obviously conscious of their diet and health, where as you are obviously not! :P

I have never found Thai food to be exactly healthy. I've gained a lot of weight since living in Thailand...

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No thoughts needed for me personally. I can confirm what your saying. When I came here my triglycerid and cholestrol levels was to laugh off but now they are on dangerous high levels. I do a check up with two years intervalls between and have recently been warned by my doctor. I have however always eaten what I want and never been even thinking about triglycerids or cholestrol do to a healthy and active lifestyle but now with help of my wife the daily menu is changed totally.

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Well, okay then. I happen to like a lot of the rabbit food here. In fact since moving here 4 years ago I have lost nearly 30 kg (was a tad heavy when I moved here) strictly through a better diet.

My family is very aware of the fact I do not eat msg (ie rot dee), or use a lot of oil, or use a lot of sugar, or use a lot of salt, or use a lot of coconut milk. All of which in moderation is "okay". But we eat a lot of vegetables which I love and have slowly stopped using the flavor enhancers and sauces.

But good luck to you.

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Have you never watched them cooking this type of food? Never seen what they put in it?

I prefer home cooking any day of the week. You can't beat it and you know what is in it. Get the pans out and start cooking for yourself.

Some people are pre-disposed to excess cholesterol that they produce naturally - we all produce cholesterol but the majority do so within tolerances. But add a lot of Thai food to a body that produces too much fat in the first place and you are looing for trouble.

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I have only thoughts. I don't know your family history. Pay attention to what your mum, dad, and grands had, if any. Get a second check up and don't tell em a thing about what this doc said.

You might also want to consider supplementing your RDA with B1, B6 and B12, as well as magnesium, Lecithin, and pantothenic acid, among others. These will help take care of the absorption and eliminate the collection of these foreign bodies in your system.

Frankly, you sound alright to me; just a bit overly concerned is all.

you're right - actually my health is still very good - I just think many of us are fooled into thinking we're healthy just cos we avoid Maccas and KFC

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Mcdonalds and KFC are probably healthier and have more nutrition than most Thai street food.

Think about it. Chicken skin is pure cholestoral same as squid and most non-fish seafood served with tiny bits of meat which are usually the fat and skin deep fried first in high cholestoral oil. All either fried again in lots of high cholestoral oil or like the OP says in water flavoured by animal fat or served in very high cholestoral coconut milk or just plain deep fried.

Served with none or very little vegetables with have often sat cooking in liquid all day having all the vitamins removed and either high starch rice or dried noodles which are dehydrated by deep frying them at the factory.

At least mcdonalds actually has sonme meat and potatoes. Not saying it's healthy at all but better than most street food.

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Fk that shit dont eat this don't eat that excercise yada yada yada I really dont care I see super fit people dropping down dead on footbal fields my gran smoked like a trooper ate bacon and eggs every day and lived to a rip old age of 83 my Dad smokes like a trooper drinks every single day eats a good english diet and for as long as I can remember and is 70 years old, I really think if you worry about what to eat you wont be able to eat or do anything cant drink etc etc whats the point life is for living not worrying about what your eating every minute and you are a prime example, your trying hard and you still found out your not healthy

If your time is up mate its up no matter how it is coming and for me I am going to enjoy every day eat what I like and if I peg it so be it I have had a great life and i don't have to eat like a rabbit

Im off to MCDonalds for Big Mac and Fries

btw, it would help if you read what I'd posted - I never said I wasn't healthy. I'm just interested in staying healthy. For every story "my gran ate rubbish and smoked like a chimney and lived till 90" there are millions of people conking out before their time for that very reason, so please respect the fact we don't all think like you and that doesn't make you any cleverer than the rest of us.

LOL Okaaaaaay no one said I was any cleverer than the rest of you your words dude Im just saying you were trying hard but still had medical issues I dont have none of that on my last check up and I dont worry about what I eat drink I JUST LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST hope you get better soon biggrin.png

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To the original poster; How has your body weight changed over the last say 20 years? I ask because mine had been creeping up for years. My triglycerides have been an issue for 12 years( on medication). even though I have been working out here in Thailand regularly for the last five years, my weight would not go down. Last June I had a triglyceride reading of 185 on medication. I was surprised as I rode my bike 4 or 5 times a week 20 to 40 kilometers plus weight lifting. I had never tried a diet to lose weight. I stopped eating bread, noodles, potatoes, and rice down by 90%. My diet consists mainly of vegetables, Chicken breasts and legumes with occasional fish and pork, nonfat milk with nuts for snacks. I really avoid Thai fried foods. After 3 months my Triglyceride reading dropped to 107. I stopped medication . My weight has dropped from 93 kilos to 76. That is the same I weighted 25 years ago. I only increased my exercise regime 10 or 15%. My average cycling speed has increased to 25 to 27 kpm from 20 to 22 kpm. As my weight dropped, my strength has increased as well. I am lifting heavier weights and doing more sets.

The main thing for me is how much better I feel generally. For me the trade off of what I gave up is well worth it.

Good luck to you.

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The amount of salt, sugar and msg added to Thai food is crazy. I now stick to meat, veggies and fruit. No processed foods and no starches. (That eliminates most foods in the supermarket). Keeps the weight down and don't get food comas.

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I lost 5 - 6 Kg in the 6 months since coming to Thailand. I drink a lot of beer, try to vary my diet as much as possible, plenty of vegetables coming along in the garden now as well as guaranteed organic chicken (we can't afford not to). I work hard in the garden and on renovating the house. I make my own muesli.

I avoid street food since I read that they buy recycled cooking oil from the better restaurants, since I saw the difference between good Isaan rice and the second/third/fourth ranking quality rice they give you, since drinking water offered made me ILL (oh I was ill..)

I used to think that Thais that I saw cooking up a meal on the back of their pickup were impoverished peasants, if so, that's what I have become.

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The amount of salt, sugar and msg added to Thai food is crazy. I now stick to meat, veggies and fruit. No processed foods and no starches. (That eliminates most foods in the supermarket). Keeps the weight down and don't get food comas.

It's already been said but cook at home and do it using Extra Virgin Olive Oil,which is free from cholesterol.Take regular walks,it's a very simple formula,if you burn more calories than you eat you lose weight.If you don't you gain weight.

It's just very difficult to strike a balance,that's the problem!

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