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Stop Smoking In Bangkok


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I try to stop smoking and I live in Bangkok,

where is it possible to find some solutions like special filters and patch ?

I guess some special shops exists, but where, a cigar shop ? Could I find this in pharmacies ?

If you have stopped to smoke in Thailand, what is your experience about that ?

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There's was a news article here last week saying 9/10 quitters who used e cigs successfully managed to kick the habit. Although there were also question marks over any potential health risks with those too. Not to mention there is also a huge counterfeit market for these things and I suspect Thailand would be full of them.

Perhaps try replacing your fag breaks with mints .

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Pharmacies will be able to help. I'm a non-smoker but I can sympathise, I tried a few cigarettes when I was young and just never saw the point, but quite a few guys I've met over here over the years have told me that they re-started when they came because it's just so cheap. Best of luck the OP, a pharmacist will be able to advise you further.

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I would suggest you beg, borrow or steal a copy of Allen Carr’s The Easy Way to Stop Smoking and read it before you do anything else. After this you can use a variety of aids but in the end, IMHO, it comes down to will power. I quit over seven years ago with a 40-60 cigarettes a day habit and a serious heart condition. I had probably been smoking a packet a day for about 25 years which had escalated in the previous 15 years. I had recently watched my mother die slowly from lung cancer. I wanted to smoke everyday for the first two years of giving up. As a full blown addict I adapted AA mantras to help me: the first cigarette is the one that does the damage and is the one to be avoided; one cigarette is too many and twenty is not enough; if I don’t have the first cigarette I can’t have the second or third….. I was undoubtedly helped by the fact that I was living in the UK at the time and that smoking in restaurants and other public places had been banned. And then one day, probably about two years in, I became aware that I didn’t want to smoke and there was no voice in me telling me I should. I get occasional urges which I have been able to manage. The general restriction on smoking, even here in Thailand, undoubtedly helps. But you can quit and you will if you set your mind to it. Good luck!

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Smoked for 40 years, tried innumerable time to quit! About a year and half ago I bought an electric cigarette, have not smoked in over a year! It might not be for everyone, but it works for most! PM me and I will help you find them in Bangkok if you are interested.

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I have e-cigarette, it works fine about the "taste and nose smelling" who are coming back after 2-3 days

but I have the feeling to miss something, not sure it could be a chemical component, else it could be psycosomatic...

will go back to the electronic cigarette to help me...

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  • 2 months later...

1) Lobelia. You might have to order it online, but it's a miracle herb for nicotine cravings. It really works.

2) Ibogaine. Low wave dosing of ibogaine for a period 3-8 days. This is how I quit three years ago.

3) Mullein. Smoke mullein to repair your lungs.

4) Skullcap for any fidgety-anxious feelings post smoking.

Lungs start regenerating almost immediately with nicotine cessation. So that is the good news!

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