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Beer -- U.s. West Coast Craft Beer


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What brand of IPA and hopped pale ale is at Rimping? Some of the big producers are sullying the name of craft beers by putting swill in a pretty bottle with a fancy name. True craft beer, transported carefully since it is a delicate thing, would be great.

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The Rogue beers are 199 THB, and the Anderson Valley beers are 189 THB. (both 355ml)

There's a shop in that Kantary plaza thingmybob selling Bewdog beers too, not sure of the price though.

Good news that the choice of beers here is starting to widen, but those prices are too steep for me. I'll stick with 99 THB Coopers.

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Wholesaler ผู้ค้าส่ง and sole distributorผู้จัดจำหน่าย of Craft beers in the North of Thailand เหนือของประเทศไทย
Mobile : 0898500961 (English) 0810342417 (Thai)


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What brand of IPA and hopped pale ale is at Rimping? Some of the big producers are sullying the name of craft beers by putting swill in a pretty bottle with a fancy name. True craft beer, transported carefully since it is a delicate thing, would be great.


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Another one who went to Rimping Rumchok and just got home empty handed. I agree with heybruce and don't really consider Sieraa Nevada a craft brew but still a good one that I'd love to be swilling right now!

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What's a craft beer? Is it something made with bits of cloth and sequins? or is it knitted at home?

Or just a kitch name for beer brewed in a small brewery?

It is no wonder that the IPA beers travel well as they were originally designed to be transported to India!

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What's a craft beer? Is it something made with bits of cloth and sequins? or is it knitted at home?

Or just a kitch name for beer brewed in a small brewery?

It is no wonder that the IPA beers travel well as they were originally designed to be transported to India!

a craft beer is any well-made, interesting beer that tends to cost more than the big macro-brands, even when it is of the same beer style category. Craft beers have distinct character, specific tastes and generally pair well with food. A craft beer may be made by a small artisan brewer or by a larger brewery, imported or domestic. It’s not so much the size of the brewery, but the commitment to high quality that determines whether or not a beer is a craft beer.

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Which Anderson Valley Ales are available?

Strong recommend for Anderson Valley Boont Amber Ale and Poleeko Pale Ale, both excellent.

Anderson valley : Poleeko pale Ale - Boont Amber Ale - Hop Ottin' IPA

Coming Next month : Summer Solstice Cream Ale - Heelch o'hops imperial IPA

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American craft beers trending in Germany.

Something has changed.


"What we've found in the United States is this amazing variety of styles
and the openness of customers to new things," said Marc Rauschmann, who
is importing beer from California-based Firestone Walker Brewing Co. in
air-freighted coolers. Other beer is shipped by sea. "We were really

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What's a craft beer? Is it something made with bits of cloth and sequins? or is it knitted at home?

Or just a kitch name for beer brewed in a small brewery?

It is no wonder that the IPA beers travel well as they were originally designed to be transported to India!

a craft beer is any well-made, interesting beer that tends to cost more than the big macro-brands, even when it is of the same beer style category. Craft beers have distinct character, specific tastes and generally pair well with food. A craft beer may be made by a small artisan brewer or by a larger brewery, imported or domestic. It’s not so much the size of the brewery, but the commitment to high quality that determines whether or not a beer is a craft beer.

I gather it is an American thing? Right? From what I can discover Beer Lao would qualify as a craft beer.

I wish you well with your venture.

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What's a craft beer? Is it something made with bits of cloth and sequins? or is it knitted at home?

Or just a kitch name for beer brewed in a small brewery?

It is no wonder that the IPA beers travel well as they were originally designed to be transported to India!

a craft beer is any well-made, interesting beer that tends to cost more than the big macro-brands, even when it is of the same beer style category. Craft beers have distinct character, specific tastes and generally pair well with food. A craft beer may be made by a small artisan brewer or by a larger brewery, imported or domestic. It’s not so much the size of the brewery, but the commitment to high quality that determines whether or not a beer is a craft beer.

I gather it is an American thing? Right? From what I can discover Beer Lao would qualify as a craft beer.

I wish you well with your venture.

Yeah those damn Americans and their commitment to high quality

p.s. I like Beer Laos too

Edited by junglechef
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What's a craft beer? Is it something made with bits of cloth and sequins? or is it knitted at home?

Or just a kitch name for beer brewed in a small brewery?

It is no wonder that the IPA beers travel well as they were originally designed to be transported to India!

a craft beer is any well-made, interesting beer that tends to cost more than the big macro-brands, even when it is of the same beer style category. Craft beers have distinct character, specific tastes and generally pair well with food. A craft beer may be made by a small artisan brewer or by a larger brewery, imported or domestic. It’s not so much the size of the brewery, but the commitment to high quality that determines whether or not a beer is a craft beer.

One of the things that Chiang Mai lacked until recently was a diversity of decent beers, I'm not really up on the US beers, being British I have always been partial to the home grown stuff as well as some of the German, Belgium and Czech beers. Out of my price range to drink on a regular basis but I might treat myself from time to time.

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Small: Annual production of 6 million barrels of beer or less. Beer production is attributed to a brewer according to the rules of alternating proprietorships. Flavored malt beverages are not considered beer for purposes of this definition.

Independent: Less than 25% of the craft brewery is owned or controlled (or equivalent economic interest) by an alcoholic beverage industry member who is not themselves a craft brewer.

Traditional: A brewer who has either an all malt flagship (the beer which represents the greatest volume among that brewers brands) or has at least 50% of its volume in either all malt beers or in beers which use adjuncts to enhance rather than lighten flavor.

The following are some concepts related to craft beer and craft brewers:

  • Craft brewers are small brewers.
  • The hallmark of craft beer and craft brewers is innovation. Craft brewers interpret historic styles with unique twists and develop new styles that have no precedent.
  • Craft beer is generally made with traditional ingredients like malted barley; interesting and sometimes non-traditional ingredients are often added for distinctiveness.
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