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Canadian expat, 64, faces deportation from Phuket for visa overstay


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There is nothing wrong with emigration if it is controlled, us expats are contributing to the Thai economy, if we all suddenly go back to our own countries, do you think the Thais would be happy about it? most of the emigrants to the UK are there for the free hand outs, free housing and benefits. What country are you from?

Of course, we are good, the others are not.

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At least he screwed 3 years out of immigration. Now time to face the punishment. Thought there was a Max 20,000 baht fine for this.

Yes, max 20k fine + deportation if they want to make an example of him, which it seems they do.

if one gets to the airport without getting caught by immigration first then there the 20.000 applies if arrested like that he will get the bill a 500 Thb per day that's what i've been told

Ouch that sort of fine must hurt

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Maybe more people will stay legally if the Thai Govt keeps this up ... instead of staying illegally and making it harder on the rest of us.

I am interested to know just how overstayers and other immigration offenders have been making it harder on those of us who have legit Visa's, border runners included. The red tape here is a headache for most Foreigners, Farang especially, but from what I understand is that these laws are not drafted just for farang but really the laws are meant to cover all sorts of people not just farang with a job or deep pockets.

I do wonder really how negative farang overstays are for Thailand besides for when Immigration comes upon an overstayer where then Thailand has to foot the bill for Transport, Remand, Court etc etc. It is unfair, and they only get 20K THB per guilty offender to cover the costs. So yeah just how overstayers are impacting other visitors and residents as from my experience and from all indications the VAST majority of visitors to thailand are here legally how to discern?

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I don't feel much or any sympathy for this guy. He had to know he was breaking the law, and what the consequences would be. He rolled the dice (for 3 years) and eventually lost.

I don't, however, see the point of keeping him in jail for any extended period. If he's got the money for a 1 way ticket back to Canada, put him on a plane (in handcuffs if you need to make an example of him) and place his name on a black list so that he can never re-enter the country.

And by the way, somebody definitely dropped a dime on him, and it was probably someone he owed money to--GF, landlord, (supposed) friend, etc...

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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Do away with the cash penalty and use fear instead. If found guilty of overstay, you are blacklisted from re-entry for 1-5 years depending on the length of overstay.

That would be a deterant but why would you sentence someone who has just not conformed to this year's beurocracy more time in prison than some murderers get here?

Immigration violations are victimless crimes as anyone who has spent a day doing a visa run and reflecting on the real world aspects of just travelling 50m outside of a place, paying some money and then walking back to the same place you were 1 hour ago will probably agree that at the end of the day that this is all nonsense that we jump through hoops for to line someone's pocket.

Sure the guy deliberately ignored the rules but really he hurt nobody at all, so everyone saying he needs to be locked up or his life ruined should think about all the things that they do every day which actually negatively impacts other people and I'm betting this guy's "crime" is nowhere near as damaging to anyone else's life.

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Before he called himself Jim from Canada. Maybe some guys know him from parking lot at Big C, Lotus or Central. He was a good con artist in Phuket Town in the last years. About 2 years ago had a topic here in thaivisa.

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Before he called himself Jim from Canada. Maybe some guys know him from parking lot at Big C, Lotus or Central. He was a good con artist in Phuket Town in the last years. About 2 years ago had a topic here in thaivisa.

What was the nature of his con? Was he the guy begging in the carpark and promising to pay it back?

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I suppose he had reasons for not renewing his visa......???? Surely not for lack of money.

Why surely?

Host of other reasons would be surely.... Many just get drunk, dumb and lazy. If he had only 11,000 a month then he definitely was not going to benefit from a pleasant stay. Sure, I seen guys eat ant eggs/fish from the pond. A hundred baht of cheap local whiskey can last the whole day. Living with a retired mamasan might get you some good laughs and a place to sleep for 3 or 4 thousand. Seems a miserable way to live. I would much rather be in Canada at that age/income. I do believe they have some help for guys like this. Just makes me thinks that he is not taking care of his situation and trying to improve it. Not that I condone going around and making babies, but i met one Canadian man that went around making babies with the ladies, then somehow getting subsidies from his government for care. Quite a loser in the moral sense....but he did keep his visas ..ummmm......up. Now please don't think I want people to follow that example....

Dude .... shock1.gifshock1.gif

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Yes, max 20k fine + deportation if they want to make an example of him, which it seems they do.

if one gets to the airport without getting caught by immigration first then there the 20.000 applies if arrested like that he will get the bill a 500 Thb per day that's what i've been told

It's 500 THB per day overstay up to a MAXIMUM of 20k . . . as he's 3+ years on overstay, I would guess he'll get the maximum.

you're right he could also be facing a serious jailtime with so long overstay


Ine cannot be given any jail time for a visa overstay.

He will however be sent to the IDC (Immigration Detention Center) until he can pay the fine and for a ticket to his country of origin.

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Before he called himself Jim from Canada. Maybe some guys know him from parking lot at Big C, Lotus or Central. He was a good con artist in Phuket Town in the last years. About 2 years ago had a topic here in thaivisa.

What was the nature of his con? Was he the guy begging in the carpark and promising to pay it back?


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Before he called himself Jim from Canada. Maybe some guys know him from parking lot at Big C, Lotus or Central. He was a good con artist in Phuket Town in the last years. About 2 years ago had a topic here in thaivisa.

What was the nature of his con? Was he the guy begging in the carpark and promising to pay it back?


That is unbelievably pathetic.

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At least he screwed 3 years out of immigration. Now time to face the punishment. Thought there was a Max 20,000 baht fine for this.

20,000 baht fine if you turn yourself in, deportation if you are caught. Just follow the simples rule here and there is no problem. Tried to beat the system and got caught. The US and the UK wish that laws such as this would be enforced in their countries.

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Before he called himself Jim from Canada. Maybe some guys know him from parking lot at Big C, Lotus or Central. He was a good con artist in Phuket Town in the last years. About 2 years ago had a topic here in thaivisa.

What was the nature of his con? Was he the guy begging in the carpark and promising to pay it back?


Sounds like someone has informed on him, probably due to his continual BS.

Are immigration performing random passport checks on foreigners now? I never carry mine, but do carry a photocopy.

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pay 20000..you get deported..you can come back the next day..a stamp goes in your passport and on the computor...

Only if you give yourself up.If they apprehend you,off to the monkeyhouse and 40k baht,then deported and black mark.
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Once at a traffic check point I was asked for my passport.

Production of a valid Thai driving licence was enough to satisfy the police officer. ( My wife also told him we kept our passports at home in the safe)

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In my opinion, deportation is enough punishment. Jail time for overstaying is OVER the top.

Well he will be 'held' until he can be deported which I think is perfectly fair.

I think a bit of time in custody is appropriate, he not only broke Thai law with a very long overstay, he lied to the authorities too.

It appears he may have had some association with 'Thailand Direct Real Estate' so do we add working without a permit to the list?

how is it perfectly fair to hold him,hes piss-ed off enough,nothing to gain for anyone,here,put him on his plane and move on,,i hope hes ok,obviously hasnt been on the radar before either burtied up or really unlucky,,,,safe trip i say old fella,,,,thumbsup.gif wheres the compassion,,

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In my opinion, deportation is enough punishment. Jail time for overstaying is OVER the top.

Well he will be 'held' until he can be deported which I think is perfectly fair.

I think a bit of time in custody is appropriate, he not only broke Thai law with a very long overstay, he lied to the authorities too.

It appears he may have had some association with 'Thailand Direct Real Estate' so do we add working without a permit to the list?

how is it perfectly fair to hold him,hes piss-ed off enough,nothing to gain for anyone,here,put him on his plane and move on,,i hope hes ok,obviously hasnt been on the radar before either burtied up or really unlucky,,,,safe trip i say old fella,,,,thumbsup.gif wheres the compassion,,

Has he got money for the 'plane ? ---

If not seems like tough luck bought about by ignoring the "rules"

Will his Embassy help him out ? -----

The most the British Embassy will do is contact relatives -------

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I really have problems getting my brain around these types of things. The law is the law, it seems as if those with BIG NOSES appear to think they are above the laws. Lock him up and throw the keys away, that may stop other chancers trying it on. People like this give us law abiding citizens a bad name

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It costs me a $h!tload of money every year to pay my company taxes, pay the accountant and the auditor, to renew my work permit, to pay social insurance for me and the employees, etc. to keep my Visa and papers in proper order, because I respect and follow the law of the country I am allowed to dwell in as a welcome expat guest. Never had any problems with renewals or anything in 22 years in Tailand EVER, because all I do is to follow the laws and guidelines and approach any offical here with a smile and an open heart and open mind. If I am interviewed, there is nothing to hide and no questions I would not answer - very simple!

This said, I have no pity whatsoever for the old man since he easily could have applied for a retirement visa like hundreds of thousand other Thailand-loving retirees do by putting the required amount of 400.000 to 800.000 THB into a fixed deposit account and run the proper application sequence.

I say: Yes, please send him home and let him learn the lesson! At the end of the day: He should praise the Lord that he was granted three years of holidays here for a mere 20k fine.

To round it out, I would be not surprized if our illegal Canadian here would be one of the first to shout "Illegal immigrants out!" in his own country whenever the situation allows...

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz,,,,,,,,,,open heart open mind,,do me a favour,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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I really have problems getting my brain around these types of things. The law is the law, it seems as if those with BIG NOSES appear to think they are above the laws. Lock him up and throw the keys away, that may stop other chancers trying it on. People like this give us law abiding citizens a bad name

+1001 !

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Did he not realize he could have done it the easy way and applied for a retirement visa 3 years ago?

Typo? Could've done it 13 (or 14) years ago at age 50.

Apparently he is broke and only getting 11,000 baht/month in pension income, so wouldn't qualify for a retirement visa any ways (though there are ways around that supposedly).

Not the first time, won't be the last time, that someone arrived with good intentions and "lost their way". There has been plenty of people that have come to Thailand and realized that they could actually live here on their meagre pensions without having to resort to trying to survive on a can of dog food a day. Maybe they started off with the proper visas and as time went by, realized it was an expense they couldn't deal with, couldn't afford to go "home" again (or survive there) and decided to roll the dice and take their chances.

You can easily get by on 11,000 a month if you are willing to live/eat like a local. I had it worked out 7 years ago that I could have lived in my Thai-style apartment, eaten 3 times a day, had my phone/internet/cable (and air-con of course) and perhaps a couple of beers a week for about the same amount as this guy was getting. Not a great life, but perhaps a lot better than he could expect back home (and yeah - I know what Canada is like).

I do find it hard to believe he's only getting 11,000 baht ($375 Cdn)/month in pension though. Between CPP and OAP I would have thought he'd be getting considerably more, even if it was subjected to early withdrawal and "snow bird" tax penalties. I think frikken welfare gives you way more than that, but there may be extenuating circumstances.

He might not be getting Canada Pension but maybe a Disability Pension of some sort as 11000 Baht is not much for the Canadian Pension. Even if he took it out at early Retirement he should be getting more depending how long he worked and how much he paid into it. Perhaps he had some kind of disability while working and couldn't pay that much into the Canada Pension Plan, As far as Old Age Pension is concerned he would only get that at age 65 and he's only 64. If he is getting the Canada Pension it would be taxed before he got it which is why the pension is so low here. Perhaps he didn't know that he could apply under Section 217 of the Income Tax Act for a Reduction in Taxes and he wouldn't be paying any tax at all due to his low pension when and if he filed Income Tax at all. I can see why he wanted to stay here in Thailand being it so cheap and affordable and not having to harsh out the cold winters in Canada. How he's going to survive on $375.00 in Canada is a mystery to me due to the high cost of living there but it's a heck of a lot better than being in a Thai prison. But he knew what he was doing and now he must pay the price for it.

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Good they caught him kick his sorry a-- out blacklist him. Yes I know some here think that it is cool to screw the man, people who cheat on their taxes cause other people to pay more and losers like this guy puts the spot light o0n people who follow the immigration rules

if you follow the rules THERE are no problems are there,,,,?????,,,,,taxes,,,,?????,,,,,,re-read,,,,,,

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Once at a traffic check point I was asked for my passport.

Production of a valid Thai driving licence was enough to satisfy the police officer. ( My wife also told him we kept our passports at home in the safe)

I have a 1 year Thai licence, but I'm here on a tourist visa. I doubt they will continue to access a Thai licence in the future.

Edited by NamKangMan
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Once at a traffic check point I was asked for my passport.

Production of a valid Thai driving licence was enough to satisfy the police officer. ( My wife also told him we kept our passports at home in the safe)

I have a 1 year Thai licence but am only here on a tourist visa. I doubt that will continue to work in the future.

As they say --"up to you" - Your driving licence should include your passport number.

However by law you should carry your passport with you at all times.

I choose not to carry my passport so but can rapidly produce my passport if required to do so.

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