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Norwegian beaten to death, soi 7 Pattaya


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There are some sleazy parts of many towns and cities anywhere in the world. Pattaya has more than its fair share and anyone who lives here or visits regularly knows it, but comes here anyway knowing the risks and acting accordingly. The proliferance of ladyboys in Pattaya corresponds to the demand for their services. Same applies for bargirls and drug dealers. Each individual can make up their own mind whether they stay or go. No-one has to visit Pattaya; we all make an informed decision.

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Quite a bit of sound & fury over something without any confirmation or even a reference... Isn't it? I, too, did a search and can't find this incident mentioned online anywhere.

OTH - if what was intended was a "What would you do if...." or "What would you think about..." type thread, then I guess this is that.

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One has to wonder why this crime described by the OP has not been reported anywhere, not even in Pattaya One who is really reporting every petty crime where foreigners are involved... so questionable whether true or not.

I am pretty disgusted by the people who generalize kathoey as "low life" or "thing" or otherwise... in my years coming to Thailand, I met many ladyboys who are hardworking, decent, nice, caring people in jobs like reception, sales, beauty and so on. None of them ever was violent or showed any kind of strange psychological behaviour

In my years in Pattaya, I have walked down all the soi mentioned and also others where kathoey are working in bars, i did sit in some of those bars and have drinks with those persons and talked with them. Yes, I was approached and grabbed and yes, they try to pull you inside the bars - it is their job and that's how they try to make money. But a friendly mai krap / no thank you has always been respected and I never got into any trouble with them. And just by the way, the girls in those soi do the same thing.

It is true that in Pattaya, you find kathoey that take too many hormones and drugs and are drunk on top of it... and yes, they do commit crimes like bag / necklage snatching and yes, they can be very agressive if they feel insulted - and "f*** off" is an insult for Thai people as well as showing the middle finger, whether girls or kathoey or men.

I don't say that that such a crime did not or could not occur... but given my own experience and given the fact that thousands of tourists walk down those sois every month, it not only seems a pretty rare thing (if it happened), but also, I do doubt that "f*** off" alone would have caused that reaction, more likely it would have been combined with pushing / punching each other before the escalation.

Thus said, NO blame to the victim (RIP), NO excuse for the crime (if it occured).

comparing the nature of a bar lb to a bar girl makes exactly as little sense as comparing the nature of a man to a woman.

I had written a lenghty reply to another post describing the difference, but it was deleted, and I am to lazy to write it all over again, sorry.

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They should move the sex industry to the dark side and let the majority of tourists in Pattaya be able to enjoy themselves. Anyone wants a sex for sale area can then go the other side of Suk .

No lets not throw the babes out with the bathwater. Alot of folks like a beach full of hookers. If I had to go to the darkside , may as well stay in Seaside, CA.

The solution is to roll the Army into Pattaya with trucks and take these lowlifes , including the moto jerks, away to some " re - education camp "

Fascism is not all bad.

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ScandAsia has not been able to verify this incident. We have talked to the normal police in Pattaya, the Tourist Police in Pattaya, The Norwegian Embassy and the Norwegian Consulate in Pattaya. My conclusion is, that if this crime took place, it was not a Norwegian man that died.

I am very interested in hearing from anyone who can confirm his Norwegian nationality. Thank you.

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