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Mystery surrounds fatal stabbing of Englishman's wife at East Pattaya home


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Again an Englishman and Pattaya in the news. Just another reason for me never to step foot in the ***t hole of a city! Honestly when will people learn, especially the Brits about falling in love with these bar girls. Balcony falls, drugs overdoses, missing and dead girlfriends. Moral of the story? Don't fall in love with a bar girl! Especially from Pattaya, and with the track records of the Brits. Stay home in England a d when you get the urge go to Amsterdam Lol!

Must be very bad in England if the many british prefer to go to warm and sunny Pattaya enjoying the beauties there and taking into account that they might die earlier and not of natural reason!

Yeah England must be a very nice place to stay?!

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Tomboys give me the creeps!!!! Whenever (back in my Phuket single years) I was into a girl who had a Tomboy as ex or was in the process of leaving "it", I retreated and left her to her own devices. If one in this forum ever has experienced a Tomboy in action over a "lost love", he/she knows what I am talking about. Those "Wai Loon" boy punks with their pimped-up Honda Clicks already are a handful, but easy to predict. Yet a "heart-broke" Tomboy is a psyched-up bundle of terror you don't really want to <deleted> with...

My suspect is the TB - guess there was more than just business partnership involved. Attacked the victim her in the house and she tried to make it to the hospital - in vain, unfortunately.

RIP to the victim and family. Punishment without pardon to the culprit.

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Brutal Death

A girl found dead in her car after being stabbed four times, three on her chest and one on her back, the police are investigating the case.

PATTAYA– August 276, 2013 [PDN]; at 10.00 am Police Thinat Trungchan , Inquiry Police officers. Nong Prue, Chonburi, received a report regarding death in a car in front of house number 111/7 Moo 6, Nong Prue, Banglamung, Chonburi. Police officers that are responsible as well as rescue team made their way to investigate the case.

In the accident scene a four door black Toyota pickup truck license plate number 1446 Chonburi , was found in in condition where the car was smashed into the house walls. Ms. Kulanit Peymat, 37 year old was found dead on the driver’s seat. After investigating the body, the body showed signs of being stabbed at the middle of her back, and four wounds were found on her chest along with blood stains found on the left door and on the left seat of the driver.

After investigation it has been found that the deceased had been living with Mr. Christopher James, 73 years old. Mr. James reported o gave found two stains of blood in front of the window on the first floor of the house. The blood stains will be investigated to see whether it is of the deceased or not.

Mr. Christopher James the boyfriend of the deceased claimed that he is shocked that his girlfriend was killed because she never had any problems with anyone, they themselves also never fought. Mr . Christopher stated that 3 people lives in this house himself, his girlfriend and a housemaid who is 57 years old. On 25 August the deceased ordered some food at about 7 PM before leaving to see a friend, the housemaid claimed that she did not know when her boss returned. She had just been informed that she has passed away.

Full story: http://www.pattayadailynews.com/en/2013/08/27/brutal-death/

-- Pattaya Daily News 2013-08-27

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Really applaud the fact, a lot of the posts here are actually damning the meaningless comments with no regard to the actual topic.

I think I can say as a reasonably long-time member, this forum when it comes to opening up to comments re news items, particularly those of a nature referring to personal tradgedy, is more than ever going off the rails.

Yes, I know a forum of this type is infact for comments and infact free speech, but, are there just too many members here, throwing in comments just for the sake of it without due regard or respect for the topic at hand?

I see just prior this, my post, which is also technically off-topic, a number of posts have been deleted..........


The replies to too many newsworthy topics are becoming just plain boring and in the main repeditive and predictable, often referring to this land and people where a lot of you are here to enjoy the good times available.

For goodness sake, get out into the often lovely weather and don't just punch away at your keyboards for the h_ll of it.

Have something meaningful and worthy to say, or simply don't contribute at all!

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Amazing how you geniuses can come to the conclusion there was no love between this couple and it was all about money when you didn't know either of them.........wish I was as clever as you guys.

That's pretty much the typical attitude of some on this forum. Anyway, who gives a rat's ar*e if it was a financial arrangement or not, as long as both parties are satisfied. I'm pretty sure old Hugh Hefner's bimbos aren't with him for his good looks.

I don't care either and in general its the older guy that gets killed after the wife has found a way to have the money and not him. I wonder if the guy killed her lets wait for the police because I really have no idea.

You make it sound like it's a common occurrence . I have yet to meet anyone in four years of living in Thailand who even knows of some old guy being killed for his money by his young wife. I'm sure it's happened, but it happens in every country in the world. Watch the CI channel (true crime) and see how many husbands (plenty of young ones) who have been killed (for money) by their wives in America.

Yes here I know of many cases like this so yes id say its quite common here. If i had the time id go through Thai visa and put them all up for you but still you would not be convinced.

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I am just about through reading some of the comments on this site. So many morons making assumptions when they know nothing about the incident. Its amazing that there are so many uneducated people on this forum


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Amazing how you geniuses can come to the conclusion there was no love between this couple and it was all about money when you didn't know either of them.........wish I was as clever as you guys.

That's pretty much the typical attitude of some on this forum. Anyway, who gives a rat's ar*e if it was a financial arrangement or not, as long as both parties are satisfied. I'm pretty sure old Hugh Hefner's bimbos aren't with him for his good looks.

Don't tell Hef's plastic surgeon that!

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Note to self: Stay far away from Ladyboys and Tomboys!

Old man young wife Pattaya. Says it all.

What does it say exactly? That if you're old you can expect your young wife to be stabbed? Another flippant meaningless remark.

You will have to excuse him as he suffers from the syndrome "fails to engage brain before keyboard!"

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I am just about through reading some of the comments on this site. So many morons making assumptions when they know nothing about the incident. Its amazing that there are so many uneducated people on this forum

For uneducated read cretinous.

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Sorry guys but its true! Everyday I get te email about Pattaya about a dead farang or hi girlfriend!

Much the same as Phuket then. If only half of the Press reports about that particular cesspit have substance then surely only the brain dead would live there.

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'It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.'

'There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.'

'How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?'

'I think that there are certain crimes which the law cannot touch, and which therefore, to some extent, justify private revenge.'

'Having gathered these facts, Watson, I smoked several pipes over them, trying to separate those which were crucial from others which were merely incidental.'

'I consider that a man's brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose. A fool takes in all the lumber of every sort that he comes across, so that the knowledge which might be useful to him gets crowded out, or at best is jumbled up with a lot of other things, so that he has a difficulty in laying his hands on it. Now the skillful workman is very careful indeed as to what he takes into his brain-attic. He will have nothing but the tools which may help him in doing his work, but of these he has a large assortment, and all in the most perfect order. It is a mistake to think that little room has elastic walls and can distend to any extent. Depend uon it - there comes a time when for every addition of knowledge you forget something that you knew before. It is of the highest importance, therefore, not to have useless facts elbowing out the useful ones.'

All quotes by Sherlock Holmes

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Note to self: Stay far away from Ladyboys and Tomboys!

Old man young wife Pattaya. Says it all.

My, how succinct. You should join the Thai police force - they also love opening and shutting their cases with sweeping assumptions.

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Note to self: Stay far away from Ladyboys and Tomboys!

Old man young wife Pattaya. Says it all.

What does it say exactly? That if you're old you can expect your young wife to be stabbed? Another flippant meaningless remark.

giddy up, my sentiments exactly. I am amazed at the jokes and base comments various posters make concerning people dying, being injured or assaulted. If these posters find human misery a vehicle to make fun or entertain, they are a sad lot indeed.

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Note to self: Stay far away from Ladyboys and Tomboys!

Old man young wife Pattaya. Says it all.

What does it say exactly? That if you're old you can expect your young wife to be stabbed? Another flippant meaningless remark.

Not exactly the way you put it, but

37/73 are bad unnatural numbers. Hence you may expect bad unnatural things to happen around. It could be all happy-glossy, it could be bad for her, it could be bad for him, it could be bad for both given more time.

Not natural => expect not natural. In any life situation. Sorry, but this is my opinion and there is no flippancy here.

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A number of posts in violation of this forum rule have been removed:

1) Bangkok Post do not allow quotes from their news articles or other material to appear on Thaivisa.com. Neither do they allow links to their publications. Posts from members containing quotes from or links to Bangkok Post publications will be deleted from the forum. Please note that this is a decision by the Bangkok Post, not by Thaivisa.com and any complaints or other issues concerning this rule should be directed to them. Quotes from and links to Phuketwan are also not allowed and will also be removed. In special cases forum Administrators or the news team may use these sources.

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Note to self: Stay far away from Ladyboys and Tomboys!

Old man young wife Pattaya. Says it all.

My, how succinct. You should join the Thai police force - they also love opening and shutting their cases with sweeping assumptions.

Right on. Isn't it something to read as these self-appointed experts solve crimes and other sundry subjects from their keyboards?

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