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Syria's Assad says Western strike could trigger regional war


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DAMASCUS, SYRIA (BNO NEWS) -- Syrian President Bashar al-Assad warned Monday that a Western strike on his country could trigger a regional war, and urged the United States and France to provide evidence that his regime carried out a deadly chemical weapons attack last month.

Assad, who has led Syria for more than 13 years since the death of his father in 2000, made the comments in an interview with the French newspaper Le Figaro. He rejected a question from journalist Georges Malbrunot who asked him to provide proof that his army did not use chemical weapons during an attack near the Syrian capital of Damascus on August 21.

"It is for those who are making the accusations to provide the proof. We have challenged the United States and France to put forward a single proof," Assad said, according to excerpts published on late Monday. "Obama and Hollande have been unable to do so, even to their own people."

Although then-Foreign Ministry spokesman Jihad Makdissi confirmed in July 2012 that Syria posses chemical and biological weapons, Assad would not confirm their existence during Monday's interview. Western governments have long accused Syria of having an active chemical weapons program.

"Let's suppose that our army wishes to use WMD (weapons of mass destruction): is it really going to do so in an area where it is actually present and where soldiers have been wounded by these weapons, as the UN inspectors found during their visit to the hospital where they were being treated?" Assad said. "Where is the logic in that?"

Monday's interview came just days after the U.S. government accused Assad's regime of using chemical weapons during last month's attack. A report based on information from U.S. intelligence agencies claimed at least 1,429 people, including 426 children, were killed in the attack.

Obama said on Saturday that the alleged attack presents "a serious danger" to the United States' national security and "risks making a mockery" of the global prohibition on the use of chemical weapons. He said he decided the U.S. should take military action against Syrian regime targets in retaliation for the alleged chemical weapons use, but announced he would first seek Congressional authorization.

During Monday's interview, Assad warned of a regional war if the West decides to attack Syria. "The Middle East is a powder keg, and today the flame is coming very near," he said. "Nobody knows what will happen. Everyone will lose control of the situation when the powder keg explodes. Chaos and extremism will spread. There is a risk of regional war."

But with a possible U.S. strike on Syria at least a week away, as U.S. lawmakers will not debate the proposed military action before September 9, French President François Hollande has continued his efforts to build international support and find partners for a strike against Assad's regime.

A French intelligence memo released on Monday accused the Syrian government of carrying out a "massive and coordinated" chemical weapons attack, and that more attacks may be imminent. It came only a day after U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said the U.S. had found signatures of the nerve agent sarin in hair and blood samples taken from first responders in east Damascus.

Obama and Hollande's efforts to form an international coalition were hampered last week when British lawmakers rejected a proposal that would have paved the way for Britain to carry out military action in Syria, marking a stunning defeat for Prime Minister David Cameron whose government had been expected to join the U.S. and France in possible airstrikes.

(Copyright 2013 by BNO News B.V. All rights reserved. Info: [email protected].)

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This is the only time I would agree with Assad.

The west has waited so long to help the rebels, that al-qaeda is already embedded with them, hezbollah is embedded with Assad and any further action will be a horrible scene for all countries surrounding Syria.

This war needs to be fought between Syrians. Way too complex a situation, now.

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Assad, Putin and the rebel extremists have played this very cleverly. There is absolutely no win available to UN, USA, France, UK, etc.

They've played you people very cleverly.

And this thing ain't over 'till the fat lady sings.

Edited by Publicus
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John Kerry is dusting off Colin Powell's powerpoints from Feb. 5, 2003. Globally replace WMD with chemical weapons, Iraq with Syria and Saddam with Assad. Job done.

My colleagues, every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources. These are not assertions. What we're giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence. - Colin Powell

Seriously, a lot of Congress-persons are up for re-election in 2014. Unless they can be bribed, or otherwise coerced, and without another compelling atrocity, any vote on a resolution will go down to defeat. Given our 3+ year presidential election cycle Obama's a lame-duck, already.

Just let Iran build the dam_n gas pipeline, and let Europe have a "green" energy supply, and let's be done with this.

Edited by lomatopo
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John Kerry is dusting off Colin Powell's powerpoints from Feb. 5, 2003. Globally replace WMD with chemical weapons, Iraq with Syria and Saddam with Assad. Job done.

My colleagues, every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources. These are not assertions. What we're giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence. - Colin Powell

Seriously, a lot of Congress-persons are up for re-election in 2014. Unless they can be bribed, or otherwise coerced, and without another compelling atrocity, any vote on a resolution will go down to defeat. Given our 3+ year presidential election cycle Obama's a lame-duck, already.

Just let Iran build the dam_n gas pipeline, and let Europe have a "green" energy supply, and let's be done with this.

This of course means nothing to you.

As you don't recall, France was a country that said its intelligence services saw no WMD in Iraq and voted against the war in Iraq.

Now France can confirm Assad used chemical warfare against the Syrian people. And, in this instance, France is even willing to engage with the US in punitive military action against Assad.

I'm trying hard not to confuse anyone with the facts. I must be succeeding because the facts aren't confusing anyone at all. You still say the same stale old line from a decade ago, and that it applies here.

What France says means nothing to you.

French report claims Syria staged three chemical attacks

French authorities declassified an intelligence report on Monday which claims that the Bashar al-Assad regime has staged at least three chemical attacks in Syria since April, including the August 21 attack.

The report also alleged that nobody but the Bashar al-Assad regime could have carried out the August 21 chemical attack outside Damascus, which it said at least 281 deaths could be attributed to. The analysis based that count in part from dozens of videos culled by French intelligence services.


Edited by Publicus
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The last refuge of a despot: to say that 'such-n-such' will bring regional havoc.

>>> In Cambodia, Hun Sen said, repeatedly, that if former Khmer Rouge leaders were brought to trial, the whole of Cambodia would erupt in riots. Of course, he was wrong.

>>> In Iraq, S.Hussein said if the Coalition of the Willing attacked, it would be the 'Mother of All Battles'. It became the 'mother of all quick routs'

>>> N.Korea keeps asserting that if there was a major outbreak of hostilities, it would bury America in nuclear rubble.

>>> Now Syria's Assad, who is in a corner, is saying a missile attack on his military installations would trigger regional war.

Saber rattling by any other name........

Russia has a huge vested interest in propping up Assad. We must remember that Russia has over 30 million Muslims who could easily radicalize if the Islamists were to ever take control of Syria. I believe that Putin would rather have a bloody dictator who murders civilians than Al Qaeda at his doorstep.

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I strongly doubt that Sarin was used in the attacks in Damascus. Three hours after the alleged attack we had reporters on the ground reporting from that vicinity without hazmat suits. It would have taken at least 72 hours before it would have been safe for them to walk about freely. One of the side effects of Sarin is that it leaves blisters around the mouth. None of the pictures of the dead and of the survivors show those blisters. Assad, or the rebels, though could have used a military grade tear gas that could have caused this carnage.

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What France says means nothing to you.


Just as when the U.K. supported the WMD/Yellowcake claims a decade ago, it means nothing to me.

Why do these "French Intelligence" claims sound so familiar: wink.png

A declassified document from French intelligence services, published by weekly newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche, and confirmed as legitimate by a government official, detailed Syria's chemical weapons arsenal, which it said included sarin, VX nerve agent and mustard gas.
The document described Syria's chemical arsenal as one of the world's largest, amounting to 1,000 metric tons, and that Syrian scientists had been developing it since the 1980s to enable Damascus to create an autonomous and massive national production program.
The agents could all be delivered with either long-range missiles such as SCUDS, aerial bombardments, or short-range artillery, according to the document.

If France wants to engage in punitive military action against Assad, what's stopping them? They should feel free to proceed. Why wait for the U.S.?

I suspect that the only reason France is willing to go along with this is more to do with Franco US relations than anything to do with what is happening in Syria!

But this situation has come about because of Bush and Blair, if they hadn't lied about Iraq!

on another level better to leave the Arabs to it, better they kill each.

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Are Westerners Ready to Bomb Syria?

Should we take these threats seriously coming from states having announced as imminent the

fall of Syria for more than two years? Although one should not exclude this option,

Thierry Meyssan thinks it is less likely that an intervention organized by Saudi Arabia.

Western agitation would rather aim to test the responses of Russia and Iran.

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"According to Infowars.com"

Ah OK, them pesky shapeshifting lizard headed aliens again eh?


Actually that was in the general internet news of quite a few places.

Here is a response to it back then


But that is all besides the irony

Which is all I thought it was.

Regardless of who said it then I thought it ironic that today we discuss such a possibility.

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What France says means nothing to you.


Just as when the U.K. supported the WMD/Yellowcake claims a decade ago, it means nothing to me.

Why do these "French Intelligence" claims sound so familiar: wink.png

A declassified document from French intelligence services, published by weekly newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche, and confirmed as legitimate by a government official, detailed Syria's chemical weapons arsenal, which it said included sarin, VX nerve agent and mustard gas.
The document described Syria's chemical arsenal as one of the world's largest, amounting to 1,000 metric tons, and that Syrian scientists had been developing it since the 1980s to enable Damascus to create an autonomous and massive national production program.
The agents could all be delivered with either long-range missiles such as SCUDS, aerial bombardments, or short-range artillery, according to the document.

If France wants to engage in punitive military action against Assad, what's stopping them? They should feel free to proceed. Why wait for the U.S.?

I suspect that the only reason France is willing to go along with this is more to do with Franco US relations than anything to do with what is happening in Syria!

But this situation has come about because of Bush and Blair, if they hadn't lied about Iraq!

on another level better to leave the Arabs to it, better they kill each.

You suspect?

So is France knowingly and deliberately misrepresenting its findings in Syria so it can buddy up to the United States and to President Obama?

That France is ready, willing and able to commit its military resources to action under false pretenses and for ulterior motives?

That President Hollande is sinister and duplicitous?

That Francois Hollande is George W. Bush all over again, this time from the other side of the Atlantic? Or maybe the new Tony Blair?

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So is France knowingly and deliberately misrepresenting its findings in Syria so it can buddy up to the United States and to President Obama?

Correct. You are very astute.

It appears, to me anyway, that M. Hollande is reluctant to launch an attack without a "coalition", of at least two countries, including France.

Apres vous.

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whistling.gif I would have thought there already was a regional war in Syria at this time.

The evidence is the following:

  1. Iranian volunteers are already the on the Ground fighting in Syria.
  2. Hezbollah has, by it's own admission, sent over 2000 Hezbollah volunteers mostly from Lebanon into Syria to help the Syrian government side.
  3. And "Jihadists" from all over the middle east have been streaming into Syria, with the aid of and the welcome of the Syrian government side.
  4. Not to mention the active military support, including offensive artillery and aircraft weapons, from the Syrian government from the Russian Government.

So, it's a little late for the Syrian government side to claim that strikes against them will "start" a mid-eastern war.

In fact it has been mid-eastern war, with non-Syrians involved, for at least 6 months and probably closer to a year now.

That's NOT to say I support a military strike against the Syrian government forces.

All I want to say is that the honest fact is that the Syrian war has involved combat forces from outside Syria for nearly a year now .... and saying anything else is just bulls--t.

As always, usually the first casualty of any war is the truth. Usually on both sides of the conflict.


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Assad, Putin and the rebel extremists have played this very cleverly. There is absolutely no win available to UN, USA, France, UK, etc.


I'm sorry, I disagree with that statement.

In fact they haven't played it well at all.

It's just that the western powers have played their hand so stupidly that by comparison Assad looks intelligent compared to them.

It's the disadvantage of western "democratic" governments.

To be elected to power in a "Democracy" these days you don't have to be smarter or more honest than your political opponents.

You just need to get more votes than they do.

Money, looks, and the perception that can get a politician are what wins elections these days.

Being "correct" in your opinions has nothing to do with elections.

If we had that, we would have had George McGovern as president as president during the Vietnam war rather than Richard Nixon.

But McGovern made the mistake of saying that the Vietnam war was unwinnable, so he didn't get elected.

Nixon did.

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Wonder whats in it for France this time?

They had a deal with the rebels in Libya (along with UK) for oil.

From what I read Al- Qaeda is backing and in there fighting with the rebels in Syria.

Would that be the same Al-Qaeda that the US is fighting elsewhere?

So clean out Assad and an Al-Qaeda backed govt takes over, oops.

Would it not be that long ago that the US stopped producing chemical weapons and still has the biggest stockpile in the world?

Could be a good time to check their inventory.

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France is particularly concerned, because Syria used to be a French possession. It's a bit like a parent still concerned about a wayward son, even though the son left home decades ago. It's part of the reason the Brits were particularly concerned about problems in Iraq. Similarly, for example, if there were dire problems in Laos, we wouldn't be surprised if the Chinese took particular interest.

France is not trying to win Brownie points with the US. French analysts are making judgments on evidence and their sense of doing what right. In this case; punishing a regime for using chemical weapons.

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