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Hundreds of westerners living on the streets of Thailand


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Every farang arriving in Thailand for the first time should be locked in a rubber room and forced to read the Marriage and Divorce section on this forum for 24 hours straight.

Oh well, if some guy is determined to drink and/or drug himself to rags or to death with some bar girl no one can stop him. Even if he's completely sober but chooses to throw it away on some cute thing half his age no one can stop him.

Life has choices.

Agreed but the the one thing I can never get my head round are the farangs who are not the drink and drug types, some pretty wealthy, educated etc who manage to lose their lot in Thailand, for the most part one assumes these people are not stupid and are fully aware of the reputation of Thai ladies, and even if they truly believe, she is different, they haven't had the foresight to have a plan B in case thing do go tits up......for me personally if after nearly 12 years with Mrs Soutpeel, I had the dirty done to me, I know almost exactly what she could get away with financially, based on what i have " invested" in thailand, and this is the amount i have prepared to "risk" or walk away from if need be

I have further taken the liberty of keeping the bulk of my finances offshore in an account she can't get at directly, to me it's just common sense, you don't throw your lot in and hope for the best, you need to make provision for the rainy day that might happen

Which reminds me of the Kenny Rogers song called "The Gambler". Personally I hate the song, but some of the lyrics are quite sage:

You've got to know when to hold 'em

Know when to fold 'em

Know when to walk away

Know when to run

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In regards to this, I truly believe that if the law's where to change allowing farangs to own property in their own name then this would solve a lot of problems and then there would be less of this.

I think this is not true, after all a lot of victims have not even used the legal protections available to them, and they buy cars in their girlfriends name when it's easy enough to do so in their own name.

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How about the Thai government allow reciprocity in buying land? Or, Western governments disallow citizens from making purchases of land/houses etc. e.g. Thais and Thaksin types. Turn around is fair play as they say.

I mean seriously if a Westerner buys land can he take it back to his Mother country??? Restricting land purchases only keeps the rich and powerful/ rich and powerful. And it prevents a Thai land owner from possibly receiving a more substantial amount for said land - when sold.

Um.....regarding a foreigner being allowed to purchase land in Thailand, I note below the translation of the first two lines of the Thai National Anthem.

"Thailand embraces in its bosom all people of Thai blood,

Every inch of Thailand belongs to the Thais."

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Most of the points have been covered and some blame Thailand and of course some blame the indiviual-what i have not seen is an answer to the very basic question Which is How are they the "supposed homeless" beating the Visa requirements ?

Edited by metisdead
Unnecessary usage of bold font removed.
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Whilst here i read the following

Um.....regarding a foreigner being allowed to purchase land in Thailand, I note below the translation of the first two lines of the Thai National Anthem.

"Thailand embraces in its bosom all people of Thai blood,

Every inch of Thailand belongs to the Thais."

This is vert true and at home we often rue the day that our government lets other nationalties buy and occupy our Lands, and we have every right to object as we fought to retain ownership of our country - it's a shame the Thai people did not do the same. If you do not know what i mean Go and read your history books.

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Well here a great plan why not give these homeless people a job teaching English in exchange of a flight home or whatever as ASEAN 2015 is just around the corner win win situation if you ask me ...whistling.gifwai.gif

Believe it or not, you actually need some training to teach English. Turning a semi-literate, drunken loser loose on a classroom full of children is not the answer, and it gives the rest of us a bad name.


True, but it happens all too often. hahaha

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I was once asked to show the ropes to a young English man. I don't mind an excuse to rewind and visit some of the old haunts. As he had specifically asked that I help him avoid the scams I said I would take him to the worst places I could think of. This would teach him what to avoid. He loved it. At the third bar and probably the fourth bottle he said he needed cigarettes. I said I would ask one of the girls to go to the local 7 11. He went with her (against my advise) She came back and was embarrassed he had poured his life story out to the point of tears.He went back to visit this girl and then married her. 3 years have gone by he is trying to divorce this girl but sending large amounts of money from England.


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Far too many of them wouldn't listen, they just wouldn't listen. Even in that article it says there are plenty of stories to warn them of the dangers,

We even had guys on TV boasting last week that were ready to make the same mistakes, even on here, they won't listen.

You can't stop a fool being a fool.

They wouldn't listen. Up to them.

The problem is that with some of a certain age, they seem to find a second youth when hooking up with young ladies! and the problem with that is you just can't tell them. Just like kids they think they know it all. They say they won't fall into the same traps", only to fall into the same trap.

Pit bulls and local wives......."But mine is different."

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Far too many of them wouldn't listen, they just wouldn't listen. Even in that article it says there are plenty of stories to warn them of the dangers,

We even had guys on TV boasting last week that were ready to make the same mistakes, even on here, they won't listen.

You can't stop a fool being a fool.

They wouldn't listen. Up to them.

I seriously doubt any person would knowingly forfeit living in a home and all financial assets whether they were previously informed or not, blaming the victim is truly unfair and the causes of victimization are far more complex than "the victim was warned and should have known better, so they got what they deserved".

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Every farang arriving in Thailand for the first time should be locked in a rubber room and forced to read the Marriage and Divorce section on this forum for 24 hours straight.

After you!

or, as a second thought, no thanks! smile.png

Maybe of a certain age (60+) or a certain group (western welfare lowlifes and failures)...i believe a avarage guy with a functioning brain just wouldnt fall for the things like bargirl, sin sot, etc.

Those who broke after buying a car for girlfriend, and left with nothing on their name to buy their own ticket home...well, they fall in the above mentioned groups for sure.

Everyone in a right mind the least has a failsafe, some money outside of Thailand, out of easy reach of anyone but themselves!

Those mentioned, homeless, and happy to scavage for food with other homeless, and boost to share a smoke or a drink with...they deserve what they have!!

Maybe what should happen, and I am being serious here, is if someone is coming to live long term in Thailand, they should lodge some sort of bond with the government, yes of course the specific government department may end up putting their hands in the till, but lets assume for a minute they didn't and if said farang falls on hard times at least the goverment has have access to some cash to at least buy a ticket out of dodge for these people, this is assuming of course they want to leave....idealistic I know, impractical maybe, but at least this may some ways to saving these people from themselves

Lets NOT assume that even for a millisecond. There are more than enough scams flying around. A rescue fund would soon be swallowed up in 'administrative costs' which may, or may not, include meeting the costs of visits to overseas venues like the Maldives or Las Vegas on 'fact finding missions'.

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Hundreds? Really?

About 200 the OP said.

There are more than that in the shopping centre at STOKE .Lets get back to reality,out of the 200 ish,how many have been ripped off by a thai girl,how many have succumbed to drink,and how many de cided to do this,spend the money and die there.

The post did say a growing population,but i think now that the multi o visas rules have been tightened,we will see less of these unfortunate people.

200, one has got to laugh anout this massive amount,and we will still have a few nerds say al of em have been ripped off by an Issan bargirl hehehehehehehehe

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So, in effect this article, in part, confirms, by admittance, that all too many Thai women (do ) scam their western foriegner boyfriends or husbands and leave them abandoned.

I am so happy, happy I never married a Thai woman.

Not to say that all Thai women are like that, obviously, but man oh man the percentages are not in a guys favour here in Thailand.

I personally know foriegners who did not marry a bar girl or a girl from any questionable background but years down the road they regetted getting married to the women...big time.

A number of the married to Thai women men I do business with have, all too often, talked at length about the wide variety of drama and highly frustrating, stressfull BS behaviour their Thai wives and her familily members continually subject them to.

And they thought or actually believed their married lives would be all "Sabai, Sabai" while their loving, nurturing and attentive Thai women wife of theirs would make for a wonderfull choice in life...as compared to those nasty, selfish, overbearing, and entitled western women..right?

Meantime...I guess it shoud be other foriengners that should help out those foreigners in need while I am pleasantly surprised that there are some Thai charity foundations that are making an effort to resolve the situation.

It could be the same mentality--the charity business--as the Thai wife syndrome. So long as funding will be forthcoming there will be somebody with a hand out to accept it.

Regarding the guys that have bought into the fantasies perpetuated by the "Mine is different" Thai wives, it must be recognized that the reason the extortion works so well is that it is done gradually and, whether by appearances or by fact, is always at the behest of the family and "husbrother."

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Well here a great plan why not give these homeless people a job teaching English in exchange of a flight home or whatever as ASEAN 2015 is just around the corner win win situation if you ask me ...whistling.gifwai.gif

Believe it or not, you actually need some training to teach English. Turning a semi-literate, drunken loser loose on a classroom full of children is not the answer, and it gives the rest of us a bad name.

Well said. Why don't we get them to do a stint as an accountant, a carpenter, bricklayer, plumber or electrician before we buy their ticket and send them home. Just dry them out and they'll be equally capable of performing those jobs too.

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Hundreds? Really?

About 200 the OP said.

There are more than that in the shopping centre at STOKE .Lets get back to reality,out of the 200 ish,how many have been ripped off by a thai girl,how many have succumbed to drink,and how many de cided to do this,spend the money and die there.

The post did say a growing population,but i think now that the multi o visas rules have been tightened,we will see less of these unfortunate people.

200, one has got to laugh anout this massive amount,and we will still have a few nerds say al of em have been ripped off by an Issan bargirl hehehehehehehehe

Give 'em time.

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