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Hundreds of westerners living on the streets of Thailand


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Reading " Money number one " should be made mandatory before you can purchase a ticket to Thailand.

Further mandatory reading should be

" your not really a Hansoom man"

"Pattaya bar girls for dummy's"

" Don't invest more than your prepared to walk away from"

That's like insisting that everyone receive a vaccination against a disease that only a small handful of people will ever get.

The vast majority of men coming to Thailand have actually learned how to manage the money they've accumulated over the years and, if they want to hook up with a local, they have a realistic understanding of what makes them "attractive" to a some women/men and where to draw the line when it comes to spending money.

For those who have addictive personalities and already have booze or drug issues, reading books or going through the horror stories of those like them who didn't have the intelligence & restraint to manage their own affairs isn't going to suddenly transform them into sensible, sober individuals.

"Just say no" is a cute sound bite promoted by people who already know how to say no and ignored by those who are unable to fathom the need.

Words of "wisdom" from those who have already displayed monumental stupidity are not likely to cause a radical change in someone who is working on the assumption that he is too intelligent to be outsmarted by a bargirl/boy. And there certainly are a fair number of people on this forum who mistakenly think themselves intellectually superior to all Thais.

There will always be self-destructive types who will be unreceptive to advice. Unfortunately we'll all end up paying for their foolishness if their numbers increase and the financial requirements for staying here become more onerous as a consequence.

Edited by Suradit69
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Odd, I came here 4 years ago with $2500 and have never left. I have no rich family/friends, no assets back home, no investments to cash in (I lost everything to escape from my last divorce to a farang woman). However, I have never had to sleep on the street. Granted, I don't drink or do drugs (had enough in my younger days), I have never been conned or given a sob story (that I bought into)by a bar girl (but I know many bar girls). My wife I met here is NOT hi-so Chinese-Thai with a rich family and 2 MBA's. She is an Issan ex-factory worker and I am the only support for the family as she stays home and cares for our child. What did I do that kept me off the streets?

1. When I knew I was running out of money I got a job (and I wasn't picky, or arrogant, anything that pays the rent).

2. I didnt quit my job until I had a new one.

3. When my job ended unexpectedly I lived off what little I had saved, leaned back, and looked for another job,

4. I don't loan money I cannot afford to get back (and I NEVER loan to a farang anymore). Only time I was ripped off was by farangs.

5. I dont shop at Paragon or Emporium, I shop at Big C or the markets.

6. I don't spend 500 baht on a frang meal because the same amount would buy 10-15 Thai meals.

Now I don't live a rockstar lifestyle but i also dont live in misery. I am happy living within my means and have all my needs met. While I am just being honest and open, I am sure I will receive some type of critism, but my point is, most farang who bottom out here do so because of their own actions or stupidity. For ever case of asset theft or medical problems that spiraled out of control, there are 20 cases of blatent stupidity and arrogance; "Its the 3rd world, I am a European God, what could possibly go wrong???"

As it has been stated many times in this thread, most just don't listen. It is hard for me to feel sorry for them...

Yeah, good for you. tongue.png

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So I'm supposed to feel sorry for a Fxxxxx drunk, who abused his family in his Home Country,

was stupid enough to give what money he had to some Bar Girl 30 years his junior (to stroke

his ego????????...555555555) Put a new car and house in Her Name, Please, let them stay

on the street; no one "back home" wants them either. Stupid, stupid people..........

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Sad but who in their right mind meets a girl in bar to start a meaningful relationship? After all, that's why they are called bar girls.

I suspect the women from their home country would have nothing to do with these guys. So, rather than face up to and correct their own shortcomings these guys come here to seek out fabled 'perfect- quiet- loyal- loving-Asian woman' - IN A BAR.

Note to self: tell my Thai-American wife how lucky I am and that I appreciate her in so many ways more often.

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The thing is westerners want to believe that they have found the 'she's not like the others' girl, when frankly 95% of them are. The old saying 'you can take the girl out of the bar, but...........' is oh so true.I sometimes think that most come to Thailand in body only, and leave their brains at home. There are some good ladies here, but not in bars. It took me 4 1/2 years to find a good one, and i think most are still searching. The adage of 'there's one on every plane' should be ...........there's loads on every plane...............ready to be the gullible, arrogant, know everything in a week Farang. They listen to the bar drivel put out from others who they believe are the 'experts' on Thailand. We all know there are plenty of people here who will rip you off, and that is not limited to the Thais. It is a learning curve that few seem to follow, they prefer to meander on, contributing to their own downfall. Is it any wonder that the Thais think so lowly of us, when all they see is bars full of westerners day and night ? 90% of the Farangs here are people i wouldn't associate with if i were in my own country. And folks before the replies come in...............no, i am not perfect..........i have made mistakes here like most of us.........but.........some of us do learn by them !

Agreed but the the one thing I can never get my head round are the farangs who are not the drink and drug types, some pretty wealthy, educated etc who manage to lose their lot in Thailand, for the most part one assumes these people are not stupid and are fully aware of the reputation of Thai ladies, and even if they truly believe, she is different, they haven't had the foresight to have a plan B in case thing do go tits up......for me personally if after nearly 12 years with Mrs Soutpeel, I had the dirty done to me, I know almost exactly what she could get away with financially, based on what i have " invested" in thailand, and this is the amount i have prepared to "risk" or walk away from if need be

I have further taken the liberty of keeping the bulk of my finances offshore in an account she can't get at directly, to me it's just common sense, you don't throw your lot in and hope for the best, you need to make provision for the rainy day that might happen
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"Left penniless by Thai girlfriends"


Still, it's sad when anyone hits rock bottom I suppose.

Some men just don't think like men, that's the problem. They are too soft.

Good luck to them all.

cheesy.gif "Some men just don't think like men, that's the problem. They are too soft." I used to know a guy that talked like you. His lady got sick of his act and dumped him. She did not take his money and he is not on the street. He lives in cheap hotels on a grunt job salary- Guess he was all attitude and no cajones.biggrin.png

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Friends and family back home are sounded out for a loan, but should none be forthcoming the government will stump up the cost to be repaid upon return. Other embassies work on a similar basis.

That policy must have been introduced overnight.

You learn something new every day, isn't it ?

What it doesn't mention is that the passport is confiscated/revoked so the returnee is doomed to spend his days back in the US [or where ever] until his debt is paid off. And as far as a bagain fare back 'home'? Out of the question -the consulates pay full fare - what do they care?

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Odd, I came here 4 years ago with $2500 and have never left. I have no rich family/friends, no assets back home, no investments to cash in (I lost everything to escape from my last divorce to a farang woman). However, I have never had to sleep on the street. Granted, I don't drink or do drugs (had enough in my younger days), I have never been conned or given a sob story (that I bought into)by a bar girl (but I know many bar girls). My wife I met here is NOT hi-so Chinese-Thai with a rich family and 2 MBA's. She is an Issan ex-factory worker and I am the only support for the family as she stays home and cares for our child. What did I do that kept me off the streets?

1. When I knew I was running out of money I got a job (and I wasn't picky, or arrogant, anything that pays the rent).

2. I didnt quit my job until I had a new one.

3. When my job ended unexpectedly I lived off what little I had saved, leaned back, and looked for another job,

4. I don't loan money I cannot afford to get back (and I NEVER loan to a farang anymore). Only time I was ripped off was by farangs.

5. I dont shop at Paragon or Emporium, I shop at Big C or the markets.

6. I don't spend 500 baht on a frang meal because the same amount would buy 10-15 Thai meals.

Now I don't live a rockstar lifestyle but i also dont live in misery. I am happy living within my means and have all my needs met. While I am just being honest and open, I am sure I will receive some type of critism, but my point is, most farang who bottom out here do so because of their own actions or stupidity. For ever case of asset theft or medical problems that spiraled out of control, there are 20 cases of blatent stupidity and arrogance; "Its the 3rd world, I am a European God, what could possibly go wrong???"

As it has been stated many times in this thread, most just don't listen. It is hard for me to feel sorry for them...

I have nothing but admiration for you sir, I am certain you are an asset to Thai society. Certainly, you have a work ethic and having your wife look after your child is now a dream in most developed nations.

I agree with you, it is hard to feel sorry for them and generally, I do not.

I certainly would never lend money to farang, if I did feel so inclined, I would give it to them to free myself from the problem.

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My pal's Thai wife had been married to three Westerners with good life insurance policies before she met and married him.

The first two husbands died from eating poisonous mushrooms, the third died from a broken skull.

I asked her what happened to the third husband.

She said "He wouldn't eat the bloody mushrooms..."


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sure there are many FOOLS who lose all the money from drink and drugs and girls, but they should only have Tourist visa's ?

and then there are the ones who built houses bought cars and bikes ect and lived there until they are kicked out by their girl friends and have very little but their pensions.

BUT still should have there 800k in the bank for the visa

so maybe i am wrong

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I find it amusing that we all feel obliged to comment on this topic, yeap, even me! Perhaps we can divide ourselves into two camps. Those who have stepped into the land of blinking lights and winking ladies, and those who are offended by the mere suggestion. Either way we are all human and maybe, just maybe, it will be our turn to lost the plot or the lot.

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sure there are many FOOLS who lose all the money from drink and drugs and girls, but they should only have Tourist visa's ?

and then there are the ones who built houses bought cars and bikes ect and lived there until they are kicked out by their girl friends and have very little but their pensions.

BUT still should have there 800k in the bank for the visa

so maybe i am wrong

I have known men who lived in the Boonies for decades with no Visa, and indeed, no Passport either. There are still plenty of them out there.

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Well here a great plan why not give these homeless people a job teaching English in exchange of a flight home or whatever as ASEAN 2015 is just around the corner win win situation if you ask me ...whistling.gifwai.gif

Believe it or not, you actually need some training to teach English. Turning a semi-literate, drunken loser loose on a classroom full of children is not the answer, and it gives the rest of us a bad name.

There are enough alcoholics teaching already and from my experience the standard of teaching of English by "Native" speakers is generally not good.

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My opinion is that those that end up penniless and living on the street, would have arrived at the same destination in their home country. Dependency on drugs, alcohol, sex, etc., is self-destructive and the catalyst in the LOS is the availability of the aforementioned.

It's sad to see people that had/have so much opportunity waste away in the quagmire of despair. Admitting that they are powerless over their addictions is the first step to recovery and no power on earth can bring them to that conclusion.

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Is that guy who sat outside the skytrain station soliciting for donations for his ticket home some years ago still there? He seemed to be making a tidy sum.

That Dutch bloke?? he sat on the flyover outside Phantip as well, and worked in the nighttime as an English teacher, but he's living a great life on the islands now

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Well here a great plan why not give these homeless people a job teaching English in exchange of a flight home or whatever as ASEAN 2015 is just around the corner win win situation if you ask me ...whistling.gifwai.gif

Believe it or not, you actually need some training to teach English. Turning a semi-literate, drunken loser loose on a classroom full of children is not the answer, and it gives the rest of us a bad name.

There are enough alcoholics teaching already and from my experience the standard of teaching of English by "Native" speakers is generally not good.

But you do know why this is ? ........when the alcoholics heard the word "Teachers" they thought they were getting a free bootle of scotch

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This is an old article from the BP. The commenters were of like mind in that this was a rubbish headline grabbing storm in a teacup to pour yet more scorn on the farang, again. 200? laugh.png Seriously?

Now. What's happened to the 'What Abbisit didn't actually say' thread coffee1.gif

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