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Molesting Phuket taxi driver gets suspended sentence

Lite Beer

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Seems unanimous that evreyone posting on this topic are disgusted & appalled at the ludicrous sentence handed down to the despicable taxi driver with the possible feeble mitigating circumstances of alcohol &/or drugs or the Thai male mindset of females being an inferior species. I hope the prosecutor appeals this. This is a perfect example of what Thais should be protesting about rather than the colour coded type.

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When it comes to sexual assault on women, this is the usual result and it's unusual that a conviction is even made at all.

This also includes the unlawful imprisonment of person.

Had an taxi driver in Melbourne (indian) who I charged with unlawful imprisonment. He picked up a male and female and was taking them home, along the way he was apparently driving like a complete idiot and the passengers requested that he stop enroute so they could get out. When he stopped the male passenger got out and as the female was doing so he took off. He then drove her 5 kms to our police station. He had held her for approximately 20 minutes and refused to stop andlet her out of the vehicle. His reason was that he feared they weren't going to pay him although he gave her no opportunity.

He was charged with false imprisonment and unlawful assault (placed her in fear) He went to trial and was found guilty on all charges and received 3 months imprisonment (1st offence) He appealed the guilty finding and the severity of penalty and got an extra month. (The extra month suspended for 12 months) time to serve 3 months. His taxi licence was cancelled and never to be re licenced.

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I've totally run out of words sad.png absolute disgrace! This young lady will be scarred for the rest of her life!

The thai justice system is rotting to the core just like their policing and government systems.

I hope that the chinese government protest and threaten to withdraw trade and tourism to the land of lunacy until proper justice is carried out for this poor young lady!

The taxi driver should have been sent to china ..he would surely have received a death penalty if not life imprisonment

From my recollection, EACH of these charges in China (abduction, molestation and driving under the influence) carries multi-year sentences, whether first or subsequent offence. 1-5 years for abduction, 5-10 years for molestation, and driving under the influence of methamphetamines, the judges will throw the book at you. You're looking at a minimum of 10-15 years.

BUT, if you do these to a tourist, the news will be front-page, and you'll get the maximum sentences for causing loss of face for China.

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here to start...

They say Phuket successfully went thru a police crack-down on crime...

Then the judge does this.........????

"The judge initially sentenced Paitoon Kruain to 26 months in jail and a fine of B21,000, but both were halved because he had pleaded guilty.

The judge then decided to suspend the sentence because the offences – abduction, molestation and driving under the influence of alcohol and methamphetamine, were all first convictions."

If I was on the Police Force.... Never mind! What I was about to say get me Banned here!

Cleaner Example: You spend 5 hrs cleaning and Polishing floor in Kitchen... Then a "Family Member - Same Legal Team..." Dumps a 5 liter bucket of Shit in the middle of the room! Then gets Pissed because he got some on his "Patent Leather Shoes". Post starts off with "Black Taxi Driver" and this wasn't even concidered in Offenses???

If I was a Police Officer, trying to do the Best Job I could. Day in and Day out... Responses like this would lead me to resign... Open up and tell all about Operations and the why's and how's and who gets what envelope and why... Only then could I raise my face and look at Abbot or even enter Temple... or look my Parents eye to eye...

That's presuming thus culture has any sense of honor or belief in 'my word is my bond'. All it has is money and face.

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I can (sort of) understand this if the culprit getting away with this is the son of a politician of something. Classic corruption.

But this is a taxi driver. Additionally, this penalty kind of makes the victim the guilty party. It was your fault. You are a non-Thai girl.

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So do terrorists get a suspended sentence for their first offense? How about murderers?

Thailand yet again sends a clear message to tourists - clubbed with a flag pole for refusing to pay into a scam - sentence 1000 baht fine; Molestation, kidnap, and assault one year suspended sentence. Read this as: We don't give a flying fudge what our citizens do to your tourists, we just want your money and then you can flick off.

Utter disgrace -0 I hope the Chinese Embassy launches a serious complaint and pushes for an appeal of the sentence. And lets hope the Chinese Premier, Li Keqiang, brings it up in no uncertain terms on his visit next week.

Judge should be retired, completely out of touch.

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That's out of order, I thought Phuket was trying to improve protection for tourists? ( okay I know already ).

Repeated molestation over several hours should never have resulted in a suspended sentence. Quite frankly ridiculous.

A little more than " out of order" !!! As usual there is one law for them and another for everyone else. It would be great if this victim's parents are influential people. There are a lot of Cinese and Thai/Chinese here and i sincerely hope that they will subjugate this taxi driver to a fitting punishment for the crime. He will then speak a lot higher and be unable to repeat his offence.

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When first reading this, I also though it was an absurd sentece.

But when reading a bit deeper - it seems at least clear that it wasnt a rape, but she said "the driver had touched her leg".....

I find the sentence to be relatively "appropriate" - if there wasnt any actual real attempt to rape her.

He wasn't tried for rape - he was tried for molestation (I.e. sexual assault) and that is what touching someone up without permission is. He was also dui, under the influence of a class 1 drug (many people floundering in gaol right now in this country just because of that charge!), working in a licenced trade without a license and kidnap. Now are you seriously suggesting that back in your own country - or any other civilised country in the world - a suspended sentence is "appropriate"?

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I know that I'm taking a long shot here but I can't help but notice that since the rise in the minimum salaries for various segments of society as well as the subsidy programs, that the attitude of Thais when it comes to working at earning money has changed dramatically. Many display bad attitudes, want more money and feel that they're grossly under paid. I'm not quite sure how its all inter connected psychologically wise, but I imagine that the judge in this case may've felt similar and compromised his job accordingly (more than perhaps he would've done previously). It's a national disgrace.

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I just want to add that there are many unsolved murder cases involving foreigners. Instill remember the deaths of the people at the Phi Phi guest house in 2009 and a similar case in Chiang Mai and for both of thses nobody was charged. It seems that if you're a foreigner and you don't stay here then the authorities take the view that they're wasting their time looking for justice.

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Currently, China's contribution to the economy of Phuket is immeasurable. This seemingly endless abuse and/or neglect of Chinese nationals in Phuket is surely going to reap reprocussions. Not quite daily, but often, reports of drownings, robberies with increasing levels of violence, and this, a travesty of justice application ultimately points to a total disregard for the welfare of Chinese tourists here in Phuket. Not without irony, they (Chinese) are probably the nation that causes the least problems in Phuket.

I don't wish the tourist business owners any ill will, however I'll confess to being more than a little happy if the Chinese government pulls the rug on any of their nationals visiting Phuket in the foreseeable future.


if thailand can't clean its own tourist pit up

external influences will have to do it

albeit at the cost of genuine local small business owners sadly

but its on their government for neglecting the problem for too long

the tourist court is too little too late

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But the next time he does this they will be down on him like a tone of bricks.

No, the next time he is caught, arrested and tried (without any pay off in between) he will have his suspended sentence turned into a custodial one (if still under the constraint) and whatever sentence then new judge hands down.

This of course does nothing to helps or protect citizens or tourists from this person - or is much of a compensation to the victims that are likely to follow this travesty.

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When first reading this, I also though it was an absurd sentece.

But when reading a bit deeper - it seems at least clear that it wasnt a rape, but she said "the driver had touched her leg".....

I find the sentence to be relatively "appropriate" - if there wasnt any actual real attempt to rape her.

He wasn't tried for rape - he was tried for molestation (I.e. sexual assault) and that is what touching someone up without permission is. He was also dui, under the influence of a class 1 drug (many people floundering in gaol right now in this country just because of that charge!), working in a licenced trade without a license and kidnap. Now are you seriously suggesting that back in your own country - or any other civilised country in the world - a suspended sentence is "appropriate"?

What Planet does bkkflyer come from ????? You say that his sentence, or the lack of, was " realatively appropriate " !! Sure would like to hear what you got to say if it was YOUR WIFE OR DAUGHTER !!!

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Well does it really matter seeing as how the "Better Class" of tourist expected to be attracted here by the government, probably will not use common taxis.

because there is so much choice of safe licensed transport at the airport. Maybe the Chinese should insist their citizens use only Chinese - approved tour buses.

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Well does it really matter seeing as how the "Better Class" of tourist expected to be attracted here by the government, probably will not use common taxis.

because there is so much choice of safe licensed transport at the airport. Maybe the Chinese should insist their citizens use only Chinese - approved tour buses.

and how long before they are blockaded by the taxi mafia? Just as the pleasure boat tour buses were.

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There are times when I would like to see crimes committed against tourists by Thais, as in this case, being subjected to the laws of the visitor's country.

I believe a crime such as this committed in China would carry the death penalty.

It also makes you (me) wonder as to the power behind the taxi drivers on Phuket and the influence the bosses hold to be able to go against the government's attempts at cleaning the island up. This decision will set that cleanup back a decade.................sad.png

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I’m speechless. The Judge is demonstrating he has no respect for safety and the wellbeing of 19 year old Chinese girls when the visit Thailand.

It has the effect of sending a message to the taxi drivers that this behavior will be tolerated. What a disgrace.

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Just going to pop out and rob a bank and molest a couple of beauties, will be my first offence so don't expect any problems if they catch me.

Yes, seems to apply to murder or manslaughter too. As long as its the first offence of course. Plead guilty and get a reduced sentence suspended or simply leave the country until the statute of limitations has expired.

If a Chinese man had committed these offences against a Thai girl, would the response have been the same?


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