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School period to not be changed


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School period to not be changed

BANGKOK, 10 October 2013 (NNT) – Vocational schools and schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC) will be opened as scheduled, as the Education Ministry has decided not to go ahead with the idea of schools starting their first semester on June 10th.

Speaking after his meeting with executives of the Education Ministry, Education Minister Chaturon Chaisang said schools under the supervision of OBEC and the Office of Vocational Education Commission (VEC) will operate as usual and the first semester will start on May 16th and end on October 11th, while the second semester will be from November 1st to April 1st.

According to him, the reason not to push forward the idea for schools to start on June 10th is attributed to several factors including weather, energy consumption, festivals and holidays, and job hunting for vocational school graduates.

The minister went on to say that the decision will be good for high school graduates as they will have approximately 4 months to prepare themselves academically before entering college.

Mr. Chaturon also said a survey also suggested that 54 percent of the people do not want schools to change their opening and closing schedule.

-- NNT 2013-10-10 footer_n.gif

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So, OBEC schools will start in May, as usual, but other schools will start in June! If this doesn't change again, it could be the first step back from trying to coordinate school dates with the other ASEAN countries.

Quite frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if this whole AEC business ends up with so many exceptions and points that are not implemented, that it won't have any impact whatsoever.

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There was an editorial on 27 September in the non TV sanctioned BKK English newspaper a few weeks ago titled "Changing our education timetable is a really dumb idea" (a quick google search will locate it for you), that really hits several of the important points regarding the Thailand University president's decision to switch the academic year to a "western" schedule. My faculty dean at Mahidol University refused - citing many of the reasons listed in the editorial. No one wants to be in school in April, when its hot at blazes, or in October when half of Thailand is underwater.

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All universities in Thailand, public and private, will change. 18 August, 2014, is already posted on our website here.

Doubtful - many universities can't even agree among their individual units - nothing substantial will move until primary/secondary moves

Wow..as soon as I posted 18 August, my university changes the date to start earlier. Aug 4th in order give teachers time to grade 1st semester finals in early December and immediately followed by the Christmas break. This translates to a month off for students in December.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Thailand never wants to cooperate with any countries... I don't see how energy consumption is a reason... and all the other stupid reasons...it's just like was reported the other day about not leaving the area that ICJ voted in favor of Cambodia... will leave when they want to leave... so not following ASEAN should ensure THAILAND WON'T GET to be the Edu hub for the ASEAN countries because they don't follow the rules they said they would... and the current situation in Bangkok is proving that true too... (its too bad that hurricane didn't swing on over here to clean house... ) :P

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I don't believe any schedule that is handed to me. Classes are cancelled with 5 minutes notice, days are randomly switched around (today we're using tomorrow's schedule!) and my administration says they're not sure which week we will have mid term exams (which, according to the "schedule" are supposed to happen four weeks from now). I don't know why they bother planning anything if they're not going to stick to the plan.

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I don't believe any schedule that is handed to me. Classes are cancelled with 5 minutes notice, days are randomly switched around (today we're using tomorrow's schedule!) and my administration says they're not sure which week we will have mid term exams (which, according to the "schedule" are supposed to happen four weeks from now). I don't know why they bother planning anything if they're not going to stick to the plan.

My experience is much the same. I once asked someone why they bothered to plan things and I was told "because the foreign teachers are always asking for the plan."

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