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PS: Forethat, I presume you are saying, by the way you responded to my earlier post, that everything you know was learned from a book and you never raised or helped raise any children. Tell us otherwise and I will happily admit my presumption is a mistake.


What I am saying is that perhaps the world's leading scientists and the greatest philosophers who's ever lived might be on to something, but if you want to oppose their view I'm not going to stop you - knock yourself out!

Edited by Forethat
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I missed the other thread but have read this one, so here's my two bobs worth.

I raised my 3 kids the same way my parents raised me. It wasn't until I was an adult and actually had kids that I realised my parents' method and could put a tag to it, particularly my Dad.

He raised me as though he was a benevolent dictator. I'm not sure if I worked out the way he wanted me too, but I have 3 adult children that I'm proud to say are mine.

R.I.P Dad, I still miss you.

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PS: Forethat, I presume you are saying, by the way you responded to my earlier post, that everything you know was learned from a book and you never raised or helped raise any children. Tell us otherwise and I will happily admit my presumption is a mistake.


What I am saying is that perhaps the world's leading scientists and the greatest philosophers who's ever lived might be on to something, but if you want to oppose their view I'm not going to stop you - knock yourself out!

Are these the same leading scientists that have been running around the barnyard like Chicken Little claiming the world is ending because of global warming?

These "greatest philosophers who's (sic) ever lived" would include Plato, Socrates, Redd Foxx or who exactly...and what pertinence would a philosopher from the 18th century or earlier have to do with today's world?

I respect an opinion from somebody that has been there, done that and has the T-shirt to prove it. Not somebody that learned everything he/she knows about raising children by reading a book.

PS: Looks like I don't have to admit my mistake.

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Let me point something out .Polls can't be rigged or not allow certain people not to vote.

If you have voted & you changed your mind, you can't simply delete the vote & start again.

So can we stop with the accusations please.

I never voted, I came on to the thread looked at the poll, and decided not to vote, posted that and signed off.

I change my mind about not voting, and decided to vote (at no time did I vote prior to this attempt) after I voted for point 1 and 2, did not understand point 3 and did not vote on that issue, I attempted to vote my choices and the Message came up "Oops you already voted" which I clearly did not do.

I informed the OP of that on my post #8, at 8:38 PM the post received no response I posted post #11, I followed up with my last post at 12:10 midnight, 3 1/2 hours later and still no response.

All I asked for is how I could get my right to vote, the OP needed to simply respond to that request. The information you stated would have been informative enough to allow me to vote on my opinion and there would have been no need for any accusations, As I have not voted I do not know how to be able to delete a vote I never voted. if possible please inform me how!

Thank you!

You two obviously have issues, and I'm not interested in that.

But a brief probable explanation of the problems you encountered with your vote is, I feel, in order.

Many times when posting I have clicked on the post now button and got a message saying that I cannot post because it is too soon since my last post.

On checking, I have found that the post is there.

I have also sometimes found that despite only clicking once, the post appears twice.

This leads me to believe that for some reason although I am only clicking once, it is registering twice.

The regular appearance of duplicate posts by others leads me to believe that the problem is at ThaiVisa's end, not mine.

So, considering the above, I suspect that the same thing happened when you voted; i.e. the forum software for some reason thought that you had voted twice.

Seems to me this is a far more reasonable explanation than your assertion that Forethat has somehow rigged the poll; something which, as Rooo has told you, is impossible.

If my theory is correct and you have in fact voted then you should see a button labelled 'Delete my vote' at the bottom of the poll results.

If that button isn't there, then you obviously have a technical problem which maybe you should take up in Forum support.

As for his not responding to your posts on the matter, has it occurred to you that he may have better things to do than sitting at his computer awaiting you posts?

Particularly between 8pm and midnight!

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Let me point something out .Polls can't be rigged or not allow certain people not to vote.

If you have voted & you changed your mind, you can't simply delete the vote & start again.

So can we stop with the accusations please.

I never voted, I came on to the thread looked at the poll, and decided not to vote, posted that and signed off.

I change my mind about not voting, and decided to vote (at no time did I vote prior to this attempt) after I voted for point 1 and 2, did not understand point 3 and did not vote on that issue, I attempted to vote my choices and the Message came up "Oops you already voted" which I clearly did not do.

I informed the OP of that on my post #8, at 8:38 PM the post received no response I posted post #11, I followed up with my last post at 12:10 midnight, 3 1/2 hours later and still no response.

All I asked for is how I could get my right to vote, the OP needed to simply respond to that request. The information you stated would have been informative enough to allow me to vote on my opinion and there would have been no need for any accusations, As I have not voted I do not know how to be able to delete a vote I never voted. if possible please inform me how!

Thank you!

You two obviously have issues, and I'm not interested in that.

But a brief probable explanation of the problems you encountered with your vote is, I feel, in order.

Many times when posting I have clicked on the post now button and got a message saying that I cannot post because it is too soon since my last post.

On checking, I have found that the post is there.

I have also sometimes found that despite only clicking once, the post appears twice.

This leads me to believe that for some reason although I am only clicking once, it is registering twice.

The regular appearance of duplicate posts by others leads me to believe that the problem is at ThaiVisa's end, not mine.

So, considering the above, I suspect that the same thing happened when you voted; i.e. the forum software for some reason thought that you had voted twice.

Seems to me this is a far more reasonable explanation than your assertion that Forethat has somehow rigged the poll; something which, as Rooo has told you, is impossible.

If my theory is correct and you have in fact voted then you should see a button labelled 'Delete my vote' at the bottom of the poll results.

If that button isn't there, then you obviously have a technical problem which maybe you should take up in Forum support.

As for his not responding to your posts on the matter, has it occurred to you that he may have better things to do than sitting at his computer awaiting you posts?

Particularly between 8pm and midnight!

First let me explain that I went back as the mod advised, this time there was a delete my vote button, so I voted the same as I stated in post #8, I did not enter a vote on item #3 (as I do not know what in fact I was voting on (for any of the options) pressed the Vote button and the following message was displayed! "Oops something went wrong, you must cast your vote on each question in the poll"

To be able to vote on this poll you "MUST" vote for an option you disagree with to be able to Vote.

1 a vote to say you "must" (are required) to vote on something you choose not to vote for is not a fair vote!

2 If I did not vote A valid vote the first time, Who's vote did I delete, when I pressed the delete your vote button.

3 If Chuckd voted the same way as me (as he stated in his post), then his vote also was not counted.

In reading the other post, the OP answered a question in a roundabout way that suggested he received all his parenting experience from reading books! Another active poster on all three threads stated that he received his parenting skill from baby sitting his niece / nephew and other baby sitting experience.

How many of the poll takers in fact have raise their own children, even those that raise their own kids, have no experience in the raising of non-blood related children 24/7 in their homes and then add the variable of raising non blood related children in their home from a different culture and in a different country!

Beachproperty and I have that experience, I raise 6 children of my own and one step son and three step daughters in the old country and 2 Thai step daughters here in Thailand., (8) years of on the job 24/7 for me raising two Thai daughters and Beachproperty (7) years of raising his step children!

The poll, Question #1 was fair as a yes or no vote, Question number two is a no brain-er who in this world has never made a mistake, so it was a loaded Question, Question Number 3 was one of the OP response in the other threads so if you are voting on it you are requested to"validate" his opinion, not an unbiased question!

The OP immediately before I posted Post #8 requested for me to state why I thought the poll was unfair, also as I was posting on other threads I noticed that the OP was in fact at his computer during that time frame posting to other threads!

Also I stand by my decision not to cast a vote as per my first post, The poll is not an adequate, fair,, unbiased poll for the reasons I stated, It still leaves in question why must you be required to vote on items that are against your principals, not doing so you will be denied the right to vote. Also who vote did I delete when i pressed the delete vote button?


Edited by kikoman
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The problem with only accepting opinions of experience parents is just the fact that they have done it, doesn't mean anything. There are people who spend their who lives doing a job and do the bare minimum.

The only validity is in the judgement, that is because until as a parent and you are in that particular situation, you have no idea how you would react. WE all make mistakes as human beings and quite frequently as parents.

The specific example of how one poster handled a situation is kind of funny. Because people are taking sides. You might not agree with one's way of doing something and even think that it is wrong, or you might support the way that he/she has dealt with something. Neither are correct. Both perspectives are wrong.

As a parent there is never a right or a wrong way. Every choice, decision and path that we take has both negative and positive after affects.

Just because the way Beach handled it didn't back fire in his face, you cannot say that it actually worked. I am certain that the love and close bond that he has with his family has little to do with his archaic methods of quid pro quo.

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kikoman, what is it about the phrase 'I don't know' that you don't understand? ('I don't know......' is an option in Q3.)

If you don't want to vote at all, then don't.

Are you picking a fight just for the sake of it?

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I can guarantee that a lot of those posting have bugger all experience at raising kids of their own or left their other half before gaining any knowledge in it. What we seem to get are a lot of opinions only, no experience in reality. The biggie in all this is that very rarely do various parents raise kids the same way, they each do it their own way and reckon its best. To that end these polls will get us nowhere, if you want to blame someone, blame the parent/s that allow their kids to do as they please because they are the ones at fault, not the kids. Coming into a situation like the one in question requires a totally different approach as it is already to late to change the child habits. Whether you agree or not is immaterial, beach did it his way and it worked in bloody quick time, I would have approached it differently but that is my perogative. If you dont like what he did, stiff, too late to change it and any bitching about it gets us nowhere.

I would rather read the dunny diaries than all this crap and thats saying something........ lets just dump this and leave parenting to the childs parents not TV members in general.

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I can guarantee that a lot of those posting have bugger all experience at raising kids of their own or left their other half before gaining any knowledge in it. What we seem to get are a lot of opinions only, no experience in reality. The biggie in all this is that very rarely do various parents raise kids the same way, they each do it their own way and reckon its best. To that end these polls will get us nowhere, if you want to blame someone, blame the parent/s that allow their kids to do as they please because they are the ones at fault, not the kids. Coming into a situation like the one in question requires a totally different approach as it is already to late to change the child habits. Whether you agree or not is immaterial, beach did it his way and it worked in bloody quick time, I would have approached it differently but that is my perogative. If you dont like what he did, stiff, too late to change it and any bitching about it gets us nowhere.

I would rather read the dunny diaries than all this crap and thats saying something........ lets just dump this and leave parenting to the childs parents not TV members in general.

so why did YOU bother??

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I can guarantee that a lot of those posting have bugger all experience at raising kids of their own or left their other half before gaining any knowledge in it.

I'd be interested in challenging this statement.

Would you care to elaborate how you came to this conclusion (I presume you have some sort of underlying substantial fact)?

I can only speak for myself, but I take pride in never getting involved in a discussion where I dont have anything to contribute.

Edited by Forethat
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PS: Forethat, I presume you are saying, by the way you responded to my earlier post, that everything you know was learned from a book and you never raised or helped raise any children. Tell us otherwise and I will happily admit my presumption is a mistake.

I think you'd be better off if you tried to control your morbid fascination over other posters private life and focused on the topic. Just saying...
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Let me point something out .Polls can't be rigged or not allow certain people not to vote.

If you have voted & you changed your mind, you can't simply delete the vote & start again.

So can we stop with the accusations please.

I never voted, I came on to the thread looked at the poll, and decided not to vote, posted that and signed off.

I change my mind about not voting, and decided to vote (at no time did I vote prior to this attempt) after I voted for point 1 and 2, did not understand point 3 and did not vote on that issue, I attempted to vote my choices and the Message came up "Oops you already voted" which I clearly did not do.

I informed the OP of that on my post #8, at 8:38 PM the post received no response I posted post #11, I followed up with my last post at 12:10 midnight, 3 1/2 hours later and still no response.

All I asked for is how I could get my right to vote, the OP needed to simply respond to that request. The information you stated would have been informative enough to allow me to vote on my opinion and there would have been no need for any accusations, As I have not voted I do not know how to be able to delete a vote I never voted. if possible please inform me how!

Thank you!

You two obviously have issues, and I'm not interested in that.

But a brief probable explanation of the problems you encountered with your vote is, I feel, in order.

Many times when posting I have clicked on the post now button and got a message saying that I cannot post because it is too soon since my last post.

On checking, I have found that the post is there.

I have also sometimes found that despite only clicking once, the post appears twice.

This leads me to believe that for some reason although I am only clicking once, it is registering twice.

The regular appearance of duplicate posts by others leads me to believe that the problem is at ThaiVisa's end, not mine.

So, considering the above, I suspect that the same thing happened when you voted; i.e. the forum software for some reason thought that you had voted twice.

Seems to me this is a far more reasonable explanation than your assertion that Forethat has somehow rigged the poll; something which, as Rooo has told you, is impossible.

If my theory is correct and you have in fact voted then you should see a button labelled 'Delete my vote' at the bottom of the poll results.

If that button isn't there, then you obviously have a technical problem which maybe you should take up in Forum support.

As for his not responding to your posts on the matter, has it occurred to you that he may have better things to do than sitting at his computer awaiting you posts?

Particularly between 8pm and midnight!

First let me explain that I went back as the mod advised, this time there was a delete my vote button, so I voted the same as I stated in post #8, I did not enter a vote on item #3 (as I do not know what in fact I was voting on (for any of the options) pressed the Vote button and the following message was displayed! "Oops something went wrong, you must cast your vote on each question in the poll"

To be able to vote on this poll you "MUST" vote for an option you disagree with to be able to Vote.

1 a vote to say you "must" (are required) to vote on something you choose not to vote for is not a fair vote!

2 If I did not vote A valid vote the first time, Who's vote did I delete, when I pressed the delete your vote button.

3 If Chuckd voted the same way as me (as he stated in his post), then his vote also was not counted.

In reading the other post, the OP answered a question in a roundabout way that suggested he received all his parenting experience from reading books! Another active poster on all three threads stated that he received his parenting skill from baby sitting his niece / nephew and other baby sitting experience.

How many of the poll takers in fact have raise their own children, even those that raise their own kids, have no experience in the raising of non-blood related children 24/7 in their homes and then add the variable of raising non blood related children in their home from a different culture and in a different country!

Beachproperty and I have that experience, I raise 6 children of my own and one step son and three step daughters in the old country and 2 Thai step daughters here in Thailand., (8) years of on the job 24/7 for me raising two Thai daughters and Beachproperty (7) years of raising his step children!

The poll, Question #1 was fair as a yes or no vote, Question number two is a no brain-er who in this world has never made a mistake, so it was a loaded Question, Question Number 3 was one of the OP response in the other threads so if you are voting on it you are requested to"validate" his opinion, not an unbiased question!

The OP immediately before I posted Post #8 requested for me to state why I thought the poll was unfair, also as I was posting on other threads I noticed that the OP was in fact at his computer during that time frame posting to other threads!

Also I stand by my decision not to cast a vote as per my first post, The poll is not an adequate, fair,, unbiased poll for the reasons I stated, It still leaves in question why must you be required to vote on items that are against your principals, not doing so you will be denied the right to vote. Also who vote did I delete when i pressed the delete vote button?


You've been whining about this for days now. "Buuuhuuuu, everybody look how nasty everybody is to me...buuhuuu".

Instead of moaning and crying like a little girl who's wee'd her Hello Kitty panties, wouldn't it be better if you started your own POLL...? Provide some useful arguments. Refer to research. Get hold of some empirical facts.

No one is forcing you to participate. No one has ever claimed that this is scientific research. I even stated that I doubted that this could even be used to scan the average opinion. That said, if you don't like this poll or the topic, don't stick around then.


Edited by Forethat
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Can one set of rules be generic enough to cater to all people?

You do what you think is best and you hope you made the right choice.

I think you are on to something here. I agree with your first statement (no, you can't).

However, what IS changing is the way we have access to information. Plato had a decent theory that was applicable until Gutenberg came about. And since then there's been all sorts of stuff happening.

You don't have to "hope you made the right choice" anymore, you can find out how to increase your chances of success.

It's not just parental issues and behavioural science, medical issues are easier to prevent using the same type of cultural and technological advances. One of the posters mentioned Plato earlier, Plato was right in one thing; we must differentiate between having and possessing knowledge. In the modern world almost everybody "have" the knowledge.

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PS: Forethat, I presume you are saying, by the way you responded to my earlier post, that everything you know was learned from a book and you never raised or helped raise any children. Tell us otherwise and I will happily admit my presumption is a mistake.

I think you'd be better off if you tried to control your morbid fascination over other posters private life and focused on the topic. Just saying...

...and exactly what caused you to start this thread other than a morbid fascination in beachproperty's manner of disciplining his daughter?

I'm outta here on that one.coffee1.gif

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I can guarantee that a lot of those posting have bugger all experience at raising kids of their own or left their other half before gaining any knowledge in it. What we seem to get are a lot of opinions only, no experience in reality. The biggie in all this is that very rarely do various parents raise kids the same way, they each do it their own way and reckon its best. To that end these polls will get us nowhere, if you want to blame someone, blame the parent/s that allow their kids to do as they please because they are the ones at fault, not the kids. Coming into a situation like the one in question requires a totally different approach as it is already to late to change the child habits. Whether you agree or not is immaterial, beach did it his way and it worked in bloody quick time, I would have approached it differently but that is my perogative. If you dont like what he did, stiff, too late to change it and any bitching about it gets us nowhere.

I would rather read the dunny diaries than all this crap and thats saying something........ lets just dump this and leave parenting to the childs parents not TV members in general.

so why did YOU bother??

why did I bother to what?, I mean this is a pretty stupid comment as it doesnt define anything, I didnt tell beach what to do, I suggested we leave parenting to parents not half wits that have never fathered a child of their own.

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PS: Forethat, I presume you are saying, by the way you responded to my earlier post, that everything you know was learned from a book and you never raised or helped raise any children. Tell us otherwise and I will happily admit my presumption is a mistake.

I think you'd be better off if you tried to control your morbid fascination over other posters private life and focused on the topic. Just saying...

...and exactly what caused you to start this thread other than a morbid fascination in beachproperty's manner of disciplining his daughter?

I'm outta here on that one.coffee1.gif

If you had read the first post you would have noticed I actually give the exact reason why I started this thread...

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Only proves you can get any answer you want by any poll!

That is not in a simply yes or no, agree or disagree format !

"If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, confusion them with BS"


Edited by kikoman
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PS: Forethat, I presume you are saying, by the way you responded to my earlier post, that everything you know was learned from a book and you never raised or helped raise any children. Tell us otherwise and I will happily admit my presumption is a mistake.

I think you'd be better off if you tried to control your morbid fascination over other posters private life and focused on the topic. Just saying...

...and exactly what caused you to start this thread other than a morbid fascination in beachproperty's manner of disciplining his daughter?

I'm outta here on that one.coffee1.gif

I agree with your comment such an unstable, morbid fascination with other posters experiences?

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