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Protests will continue until Thaksin regime is out


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Protests will continue until Thaksin regime is out


BANGKOK: -- Anti-government protests at Ratchadamnoen Avenue, the Finance Ministry and Chaeng Wattana government office complex will continue until the Thaksin regime is toppled, said Aekkanit Promphan, spokesman of the protesters Thursday.

As for the protest in front of the National Police Office by members of the so-called People’s Army to Overthrow Thaksin Regime who also cut off power supply to the office, Mr Aekkanit said the group was independent from the Ratchadamnoen protesters and could act whatever they deemed fit.

However, the group had been told to follow the same method used by protesters at the Finance Ministry which means that the protesters must not intrude into the police office and must not cause any damages to the police properties.

The power cut is limited within the compound of the National Police Office and does not affect the adjacent Police Hospital.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/protests-will-continue-thaksin-regime/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=protests-will-continue-thaksin-regime

--Thai PBS 2013-11-29

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They can " act whatever they deemed fit"( sic). So a faction not controlled by the centre...these people are out of control already and cutting electricity to essential services is beyond the pale. They are out of touch with the middle class Thais who supported the initial protests. They will lose more support as their actions become more extreme

Yingluck hopes.

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They are playing right into her hands...

They can " act whatever they deemed fit"( sic). So a faction not controlled by the centre...these people are out of control already and cutting electricity to essential services is beyond the pale. They are out of touch with the middle class Thais who supported the initial protests. They will lose more support as their actions become more extreme

Yingluck hopes.
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So long as the protest movement keeps up momentum, it should be gathering in strength each day , there's no reason why the Shinawatra regime is not pushed out, the crux to all this is the UNI students , they have proven in the past to change the establishment direction, the democracy mostly talked about in Thailand needs a complete up-grade with xcross checks and balances , dot the I and xcross the T as they say, to stop corruption and all the other baggage that Asian politics encourage.clap2.gif

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The Democrats should resign, force the dissolution of the house and keep the heat on the people that have acted in Thaksins interests, like the policeman who went to Dubai and the guy who gave him a Thai passport.

I agree.

en masse resignations from the entire Democrat party to show the people that they are willing to start the reform by stepping down first... Now let the Thaksin government follow. Then the protests can end, and we can all move forwards to a better system... a true democracy.

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Until they start locking up dodgy politicians and those associated with them, this cycle is crap will continue.

Could not agree more.

That goes for all politicians.

Process all 666 NACC cases involving politicians as a priority. and reform the constitution to make it concrete, final and devoid of any elements that make it vulnerable to manipulation and misinterpretation. Reform the election commission systems to make elections more policed with party dismissals for any vote buying, to also include scrutiny of policies so that they conform as being within the national interest rather than a targeted vote buying exercise.

I do believe that this is exactly what the Dems want..

Up to now, the demands of Suthep and the Dems seem to be to targeted to a specific single focus... To remove the House of Thaksin from politics... Which is all well and good, and something that I totally agree with. But it is now time for them to explain to the people exactly what happens after.

If they came out with much more detailed information on their ultimate goals for the reform of the country's political scene and then sell it to the people, they may just get a massive thumbs up from the all round populous.

But at the moment, just shouting demands, even though I agree with them as a first step to reform, their strategy continues to promote division rather than a coming together for a fair and non-corrupt democracy.

I think Suthep's idea of a 'people's committee' will work, so long as it is in keeping with un-bias fairness, and it is appointed by the a combination of the NACC and constitutional court perhaps and sanctioned by the head of state. I say the NACC because they are currently in the role of monitoring corruption, whereas I think prevention is better than cure, so they should have a say in setting up the mechanisms to be uncorruptable from the outset.

I will not accept that the people of Thailand want corruption in politics and I doubt that many will be bothered about not earning 500 baht every few years.

All governments should be voted for because of their own merit, and their ability to deliver policies that are realistic and serve the entire country, of all classes with a fair and even hand.

Massive jail sentences for those who attempt to corrupt the new system.

Thank you TT for all your posts always very informative.

The democratic system here is the same as used in many countries around the world and it would not matter what mechanisms that were introduced its the people that operate them that are the problem. As long as the rich can avoid prosecution for everything including murder nothing will change.

I agree with "Massive jail sentences for those who attempt to corrupt the new system" but if that happened with the old system would Thailand then have a truly democratic system that worked?

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Wake up lads. Politicians everywhere in the world are all corrupt, why do you think they work for peanuts? Taksin was clamping down on corruption and you can't do that, which is why they ousted him.

They have stable government in the west because the media fools enough of us, here the media isn't that influential, so they play ring-a-ring-a-roses instead.

This is helping make sterling stronger anyway....and those multinationals left will hasten their departure to cheaper countries.

Buying votes is a great idea, cuts down on hypocrisy.

Edited by AllanB
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So what happens when they kick them out. Then get voted back in? I just don't get it.

The idea is to kick them out and then change the whole process to make the system of politics more democratic and uncorruptable so the likes of Thaksin can not interfere with politics. To eradicate vote buying and populist policies, and install more rigorous checks and balances.

Then whoever gets voted in, it will be the democratic way.... They are trying to repair the laughable system of politics basically.

Don't be so sure about PTP getting back in that easily. With no vote buying or populist policies.

The democratic way, with Suthep at the helm of "the peoples government", hahahahaha

it will not be Sutheps peoples government - any proposals or political changes that they come up with will need to be approved by the people in a referendum - if they do it right and people accept it then they will vote for it - seems all good to me

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Who the hell is this guy?

He is Suthep Thaugsuban's step-son. He studied at St. Gabriel's School in Bangkok, spent some time studying in Australia, and later studied at Oxford University. He has been directly involved with the democrats since about 2009.

Wow, well in that case guess who'll be getting a big job with plenty of "opportunity" in Khun Suthep's people's council....whatever that is.

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