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I'm Quitting !


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This method has a 95% success rate.

Find somewhere quiet, either sit in a comfortable chair or lay on your bed just as long as you are comfortable.

Now let your mind wonder back in time (lets call it daydreaming), looking for something you achieved something you didn’t think you would achieve, anything, driving test, exam pass, just about anything as long as it made you feel good and remember it.

Next allow yourself to wallow in that good feeling for just about as long as you want, why not wallow in good feeling there yours.

Feels good doesn’t it?

Then every time you refuse a smoke allow that good feeling to enter you thoughts and feel good about being a non smoker.

By the way smoking is not an addiction it is a habit, a bad habit because it will shorten your life and who will profit from you smoking and your shortened life?

Les :o

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Hi Mr Jones,

Welcome to the Stop Smoking Forum.

By the way smoking is not an addiction it is a habit, a bad habit because it will shorten your life and who will profit from you smoking and your shortened life?

Les :o

You've made quite a bold statement there. Could you enlighten us further as to why you believe smoking is not an addiction?

Any one else with opinions on why people smoke?

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Quite simple, if you where addicted to tobacco you would be climbing the walls for a smoke on you 12 hour flight to Thailand. Or any flight over 4 hours.

If you don’t smoke in certain places like bedrooms, do you really think it would matter where you are if it was addictive?

Most people sleep 7/8 hours at night; tobacco/nicotine only stays in your system for 4 hours, you would be climbing the walls again.

I know lots of people that don’t smoke first thing in the morning one guy I know doesn’t smoke until after lunch, so does that sound addictive?

The problem with stopping smoking is tobacco is very available and with the exception of the UK is also cheep.

The governments tell you it’s addictive.

The tobacco manufactures tell you it’s addictive.

The pharmaceutical companies tell you it’s addictive.

The one thing they all have in common is, it is in their financial interest for you to believe you are addicted to tobacco,

One more point, I know of not one country that allows addictive drugs to be used openly, I don’t know of one country that has banned tobacco.

When you get it into your head that tobacco is NOT addictive and that you won’t be rolling on the floor in withdrawal pains, then you are on the first step too being a non smoker.

Les :o

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You've made quite a bold statement there. Could you enlighten us further as to why you believe smoking is not an addiction?

Any one else with opinions on why people smoke?

My understanding is that it is both an addiction and a habit. The addiction coming from the nicotene which is as addictive as many narcotics. The habit from physically accessing a cigarette on a daily basis and in familiar circumstances over an extended period of time. The latter pretty easy to identify when you stop smoking by reaching for a cigarette that you no longer have or when you are smoking, lighting another cigarette up only to find one still burning in the ash tray.

Today is 7 weeks having stopped smoking for me.

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When you get it into your head that tobacco is NOT addictive and that you won’t be rolling on the floor in withdrawal pains, then you are on the first step too being a non smoker.

I don't buy your arguments.

"Addiction is a chronic disorder proposed to be precipitated by a combination of genetic, biological/pharmacological and social factors. Addiction is characterized by the repeated use of substances or behaviors despite clear evidence of morbidity secondary to such use.

There is a lack of consensus as to what may properly be termed 'addiction.' Some within the medical community maintain a rigid definition of addiction and contend that the term is only applicable to a process of escalating drug or alcohol use as a result of repeated exposure. However, addiction is often applied to compulsive behaviors other than drug use, such as overeating, sex or gambling. In all cases, the term addiction describes a chronic pattern of behavior that continues and is perceived to be hard or impossible to quit at any time. It is quite common for an addict to express the desire to stop the behavior, but find himself or herself unable to cease."

"The medical community now makes a careful theoretical distinction between physical dependence (characterized by symptoms of withdrawal) and psychological dependence (or simply addiction). Addiction is now narrowly defined as "uncontrolled, compulsive use"; if there is no harm being suffered by, or damage done to, the patient or another party, then clinically it may be considered compulsive, but to the definition of some it is not categorized as "addiction". In practice, however, the two kinds of addiction are not always easy to distinguish. Addictions often have both physical and psychological components."

Source: wiki

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I have no intention what-so-ever in getting into a discussion on addiction with you or anyone else, this thread is on quitting smoking, I gave an opinion and you can take it or leave it, makes no difference to me.

Congratulations on 7 weeks smoke free by the way.

My self I gave up 7/8 years ago but then I stopped counting after 2 days, not because I’m a smart arse but after 2 days I felt better and started waking up with a dawn buster, still do, what better reason not to smoke.

Les :o

Ps the chap who is coughing up sh1t in the mornings its normal in lots of people, natures way of cleaning your lungs.

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No smokes today. Ye! This is not too bad. I guess the first couple of days are the worst. I do sometimes think of a nice cigarette. But then telll myself i dont really need it. I have a cold at the momenet and i'm coughing up alot of gunk. Better out than in i say!

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No smokes today. Ye! This is not too bad. I guess the first couple of days are the worst. I do sometimes think of a nice cigarette. But then telll myself i dont really need it. I have a cold at the momenet and i'm coughing up alot of gunk. Better out than in i say!


Be careful not to become complacent, take care of your recovery and please go and read this.


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Was on the piss last night and had a few. Me bad. Off out again tonight. Guess i gotta start all over again.

In 24 hours it will have been two months since I quit. On the occasion that I feel the urge I still have the Nicorettes to puff on, but that is rare now. You might think about getting them, I found them very helpful. But your drinking buddies might think you a bit odd if you take it out in public. :o

Edited by tywais
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