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Retirement visa extension restrictions for foreign married couples

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Sorry, but totally f***ed up. So, in the Thailand's quest of rid itself of farang tourist, they are going to pick upon foreign married couples, who in any other country, would be view as a household. Amazing Thailand.

I'm wondering when they'll require my Thai wife to have her own income in order for me to stay. Coming soon.

"farang tourist", "foreign married couples", chalk and cheese. Totally nonsense post.

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How many people making the worthless comments will be affected by this new, and make sense, law?

No, sorry, you don't know what your talking about. If you think a couple now need 1.600,000 Bt to be worthy to live and spend money in Thailand

then ask for that. And if you are going to mess with peoples lives who have been living in Thailand for years by not grandfathering it in then be up front and say so.

It's the same old story... they came for my friend and I said nothing..... I guarentee you that however you are in Thailand you can be affected by the prescident of

not grandfathering in. Oh.... tomorrow, you need 3 million baht in the bank at 1% interest... so sorry it's policy now.

Ok, I guess we are clear, IMO who had the worthless comment.

The law is the law, if a person doesnt like it, they can always go back home. Thailand was never meant to be a retirement village.If you were back in your own country and some old age pensioners from another country who move there complained about govt. policy, what would you have to say about that?

most likely I would agree with them. But I would understand what I was talking about before I started talking at the big peoples table.

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How many people making the worthless comments will be affected by this new, and make sense, law?

No, sorry, you don't know what your talking about. If you think a couple now need 1.600,000 Bt to be worthy to live and spend money in Thailand

then ask for that. And if you are going to mess with peoples lives who have been living in Thailand for years by not grandfathering it in then be up front and say so.

It's the same old story... they came for my friend and I said nothing..... I guarentee you that however you are in Thailand you can be affected by the prescident of

not grandfathering in. Oh.... tomorrow, you need 3 million baht in the bank at 1% interest... so sorry it's policy now.

Ok, I guess we are clear, IMO who had the worthless comment.

I'm not quite sure what you are implying...that Thailand is not a sovereign country and thus has no right to ever amend its residency requirements for foreigners? Do they even have the right to have any requirements IYO...or are we back to the days of Western extraterritoriality and unequal treaties?

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The best analogy I can find to describe this is the motorbike taxi charging twice to (illegally) carry two people. Typical Thai mentality when the fishes are baiting.

Also gotta love the apologetics here. One comment described 1.6 mil as penauts. Would send these people back at earning that, if they ever did.

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So they think "farangs" will marry each other to get a thai visa? Yeah, we are the scammers here,right?

...and what married retired couples in Thailand have a joint annual income equivalent to GBP 32,000...? If we placed such a restriction on Thais entering the UK, they'd be screaming "racists"....!!

If this happen in the UK, they would be screaming 'racists" in the world community, they would have every global anti-racist organization up-in-arms.

But LOS...who cares. No social welfare programs available for the farang masses to suck on, so who cares?

It only harms Thailand. Fine. What a stupid f***ing piece of legislation.

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Can anyone clear this up for me. At the beginning it mentions "with retirement visa" is this only talking about the old guys? Im 30 on a marriage visa and cant even afford 400,000 in my account. Is this going to affect me at the moment? I dont know what I would do if it jumped to 800,000.

Presumably you're using the Baht 400,000 because you're married to a Thai wife, so it wouldn't apply to you regardless of your age.


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How many people making the worthless comments will be affected by this new, and make sense, law?

No, sorry, you don't know what your talking about. If you think a couple now need 1.600,000 Bt to be worthy to live and spend money in Thailand

then ask for that. And if you are going to mess with peoples lives who have been living in Thailand for years by not grandfathering it in then be up front and say so.

It's the same old story... they came for my friend and I said nothing..... I guarentee you that however you are in Thailand you can be affected by the prescident of

not grandfathering in. Oh.... tomorrow, you need 3 million baht in the bank at 1% interest... so sorry it's policy now.

Ok, I guess we are clear, IMO who had the worthless comment.

I'm not quite sure what you are implying...that Thailand is not a sovereign country and thus has no right to ever amend its residency requirements for foreigners? Do they even have the right to have any requirements IYO...or are we back to the days of Western extraterritoriality and unequal treaties?

They can and will do what they want. Enjoy.

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This is not my group being expat/expat partners in Thailand - however - this is blatantly another nail in the coffin for Thailand’s expat community and the ability to retain desperately needed expat managers at many global companies in Thailand such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and other big or not so big companies with global offices.

You have obviously never worked for a global multinational company. They pay for everything.

Now, you and the misses want to retire here on a limited income. You're just got screwed. Try South America. Actually, I"m sort of sorry I didn't see this before, otherwise I'd have retired in South America. Still might be an option.

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The humane thing would be to grandfather couples already using this old method. Its bad news. The only bright side is that we won't be talking about "piggybacking " anymore on this forum.

Sent from my GT-S5360B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Is that anything like "tea-bagging"?

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This is not my group being expat/expat partners in Thailand - however - this is blatantly another nail in the coffin for Thailand’s expat community and the ability to retain desperately needed expat managers at many global companies in Thailand such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and other big or not so big companies with global offices.

These women are for the most part majority career mothers and even if the kids are gone they do not have pensions. The younger set of stay at home mothers of younger managers cannot support this requirement either. This equates to senior management expats that cannot sustain their lifestyle with their mate and thus will look for assignments elsewhere other than Thailand.

It also is a determining factor for companies to open offices in Thailand and would at times prohibit growth in the new company start-up as well.

Another shoot yourself in the foot move by immigration and taxation offices in Thailand - sadder things are to come for sure - soon expats will leave and so will the tourism when the entire world see's through the smiles and gets to the truth of how Thai's really feel about foreigners.

"the ability to retain desperately needed expat managers at many global companies in Thailand such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and other big or not so big companies with global offices."

Generally foreigners managing global offices in Thailand are not here on retirement extensions.

"this is blatantly another nail in the coffin for Thailand’s expat community "

Ah, it's been awhile since we heard the "nail in the coffin" pronouncement. Usually a surge in the number of tourists and long-stay expats follows such declarations.

Not really sure if an expat community even exists except in small isolated pockets and considering the number of single farang males or farang males married to Thai women, this may have a relatively small impact on the numbers remaining here. Sorry for the pain this will cause for some, but these global announcements of the demise of the expat "community" are naïve at best and decidedly ego centric as far as the significance is concerned.

Suradit - plz explain this comment you have made which you bundled both visitors and expats into the same group ["Usually a surge in the number of tourists and long-stay expats follows such declarations."] this just does not make sense and does not add value to the discussion. Are you suggesting I am a newbie to Thailand ? - Far from it and I have many friends living here for 10 to 30 years that work for major companies that will agree totally with my opine.

I must comment your thinking very narrow minded if you think the success of the various companies are not led totally by expats. Only the successful companies are led by expat senior managers (all) upper tiers such as law firms, food processing, shipping, import/export commodities, stock trading, latex, garments, super major oil & gas such as Chevron, ESSO, Shell, Caltex, major brand drinks, and a multitude of other companies and your opinion does not have a significant impact on Thailand (?). Plz elaborate with everyone what industry you work that would have been sheltered from the knowledge of basic corporate influences and information which is commonplace in every continent in the world.

Not sure how you can justify your statement unless you simply do not acknowledge the amount of expats that are in Thailand steering the money making success of these companies. These companies are the ONLY successful companies that are led by expatriate management. Even Red Bull has a multitude of expat managers to drive its success. Anything less and you have a Thai run company that cuts corners, abuses its employees and robs the profits right off the top inhibiting the company’s growth potential and success.

You need to re-read what was written. The topic is about potential changes affecting RETIRED FOREIGN MARRIED COUPLES.

I'll give you a hint -the managers of the various companies you mention are in all likelihood, by definition, NOT RETIRED and as such are unaffected by the changes.

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They can and will do what they want. Enjoy.

Until asean fully kicks in. Then enjoy seeing'em run and cry to remain the jaded one and maintain rapacity and unfairness. Edited by paz
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The rapaciouness of the Thai government never ceases to amaze me.

Agree with you !






It,s a shame the country (Thailand ) can make this for us falang, who care about the Thai family included the parents.

Live in our house in Thailand, and keep the parents since 15 year with us.

Now I cannot stay anylonger in Thailand, and have to live in my homecountry in Europe, as I have to low pension to be accepted of the Thai Governments.



Why do you take it so personally? I'm pretty sure the immigration authorities weren't thing about you when they closed this marriage loophole. Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Can anyone clear this up for me. At the beginning it mentions "with retirement visa" is this only talking about the old guys? Im 30 on a marriage visa and cant even afford 400,000 in my account. Is this going to affect me at the moment? I dont know what I would do if it jumped to 800,000.

No problem if you are married a Thai.
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This is not my group being expat/expat partners in Thailand - however - this is blatantly another nail in the coffin for Thailands expat community and the ability to retain desperately needed expat managers at many global companies in Thailand such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and other big or not so big companies with global offices.

These women are for the most part majority career mothers and even if the kids are gone they do not have pensions. The younger set of stay at home mothers of younger managers cannot support this requirement either. This equates to senior management expats that cannot sustain their lifestyle with their mate and thus will look for assignments elsewhere other than Thailand.

It also is a determining factor for companies to open offices in Thailand and would at times prohibit growth in the new company start-up as well.

Another shoot yourself in the foot move by immigration and taxation offices in Thailand - sadder things are to come for sure - soon expats will leave and so will the tourism when the entire world see's through the smiles and gets to the truth of how Thai's really feel about foreigners.

Yeah yeah yeah...give it a rest why don't you. Why are you talking about working aged managers and their partners when the op is discussing a policy change affecting people of retirement age living in Thailand? If a manager is working with a wp and has his partner here as well that's a totally different visa situation.

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We know it's game over when the guberment decides that you need to put 400k in the bank for your Thai wife tool I really don't believe that level of stupidity is out of the question. Give it time.

Edited by connda
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i am due to renew visa with a joint letter of income tomorrow, will it be accepted?

"Visas" are never renewed !

If you explain exactly what you are trying to achieve you may receive good advice .smile.png

forgive my ignorance. my retirement visa expires soon. i am married for nearly 50 years to a uk girl. i would like another 1 year retirement visa. we have joint incomes which excede requirements but not independently for my wife. we do not have enough time to set up bank account for required time. help!
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i am due to renew visa with a joint letter of income tomorrow, will it be accepted?

I guess you are going to apply for a new one-year extension of stay for the reason of retirement. It is up to the immigration officer to accept a certification of joint income at his discretion but in view of this new development I consider it unlikely that it will be acceptable if the officer correctly understands that it is not for your income alone.

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Please explain...one person = 800k...two persons = 1.6k. If more, e.g., kids, should be more still. The past policy was basically a loophole in the rules that has now been fixed.

What's rapacious about it? The money doesn't go to the Thai government, it is for the maintenance of the retired couple while in Thailand and it doesn't even all have to be spent. Your post just looks like more generic Thailand bashing to me.

There is no loophole. There is a rule for this dependent extension in Police order 777/2551 that specifically allows it. If it is no longer allowed now it is not closing a loophole but changing the rule in such a manner as to disallow it.

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i am due to renew visa with a joint letter of income tomorrow, will it be accepted?

"Visas" are never renewed !

If you explain exactly what you are trying to achieve you may receive good advice .xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.TZt5dYe8BC.webp

forgive my ignorance. my retirement visa expires soon. i am married for nearly 50 years to a uk girl. i would like another 1 year retirement visa. we have joint incomes which excede requirements but not independently for my wife. we do not have enough time to set up bank account for required time. help!

You are still talking about a visa which you don't have !

Where are you and when is the extension of stay due for renewal.

Please do not worry I am sure a solution can be found .

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I have removed some off-topic posts and an abusive rant and the replies to them.

This topic is about married couples, both foreigners, who are retired in Thailand and apply for extension of stay on the basis of retirement. Please do post about the extension for the reason of living in Thailand with a spouse or child of Thai nationality, as this is an entirely different matter and not covered by this topic.

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i am due to renew visa with a joint letter of income tomorrow, will it be accepted?

"Visas" are never renewed !

If you explain exactly what you are trying to achieve you may receive good advice .smile.png

forgive my ignorance. my retirement visa expires soon. i am married for nearly 50 years to a uk girl. i would like another 1 year retirement visa. we have joint incomes which excede requirements but not independently for my wife. we do not have enough time to set up bank account for required time. help!

In theory Immigration could refuse your visa extension application on the grounds that you do not have enough funds in the said joint account.

But in these circumstances Immigration will usually make allowances.

My advice is, set up separate bank accounts for yourself and your wife with balances of a minimum of 800000 baht prior to applying for your retirement visa applications, or in other words; pronto.

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When does this policy take effect? Is this an actual new policy or just the experience of one farang who decided to post it here? I have spent the past hour researching the internet and Immigration websites. I can find no information anywhere other than this website.

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