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Foreigners Arrested for Not Carrying Passport


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Technically all foreigners are required by law to have an official ID on their person at all times (just like Thai people). This means their passports. Copies of this or that page are not official IDs, though in certain instances may suffice, as may a Thai driving license.

The purpose is to not only identify people, but to see if their visa status is valid. Having photo copies of your picture page is therefore not sufficient. Even with a copy of the visa/entry stamp page it's still insufficient as they could be from another passport.

All that being said, I live in Thailand and do not carry my passport with me and in 15 years have yet to be asked to show it at any time. Just bad luck for these folks.

Standard police are not qualified nor trained to determine your visa status or validity .

I am not sure but I believe I read somewhere, if person does not have passport to produce on the spot, there is a time frame when they must show it.

Under normal situations you probably would be given time to produce. If your in a region or district where the local constabulary are less than scrupulous (which can vary if you live in Bangkok) the Boys-in-Brown will see it as an opportunity to extort some money out of you. If you're a lawyer you might be able to talk your way out of it, but they will usually intimidate you into cashing-out. That's why it's always a good idea to carry as little cash with you when ever possible. If you're packing a wad of 1000 baht notes in your wallet they'll probably turn up the heat to see how many units they can extract. It's totally illegal but then WHAT is legal in Thailand? Even the laws they create are rarely enforced.


Not all Thai police are like that. I've got to know many that were fine upstanding individuals that really took pride in their work and weren't out to rip people off. Most were in the Thonglor police station.

Wow! No arguement, but gotta say that is the first time in

20 years I've ever heard anything good about the Thonglor Station.

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You *are* required to present documentation of your immigrations status on demand, and for 99% of us that is our passport.

"Presenting" doesn't mean "presenting the passport that you must be carrying on you at all times."

This has been discussed ad nauseam here on TV. Look up the many previous threads. Nobody's ever been able to find any law saying that foreigners must carry their passports, specifically, at all times. Nobody's been fined or deported for not doing so. (If you think there is such a law, then quote it.) They must have a passport, yes. So you can be detained until you produce it, if BiB or Immigration so chooses. If you have no passport, the obvious follows. What else is new?

Keep carrying those copies and DL.

I was find ฿300 in Patong in 1998 for not carring a passport. I did have an ID card at the time Stating my UK address and phone Number along with the passport number. It did not have a photo so this may have been the reason, but the BIB were doing there usual spot checks. The ID I had was taken from me by the officer concerned and I was directed to the police station in one of the back roads. There I was met with a long queue of other foreigners paying fines for the same offence. So, unless I have misread your posting people have been find for not carrying passports.

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During the past 20 years I have never been asked for any ID or passport in Thailand. Once whilst driving, I was asked for my driving licence before the police realised my passenger was a monk & I was waved on & saluted.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand.

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i have never been stopped or asked for any id in 28 years of living here EXCEPT when driving on out of the way on small roads on the Burmese border up north and had to produce my passport (being from Phuket and heading to laos i had it with me)

But i was told that if u cant produce ur passport immediately if asked, that they will give u a certain amount of time to have it produced, so they can verify your on a valid visa

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I renewed my US passport last year and ordered the new "passport card." Has my photo and passport number on it, but it allows me to leave my passport book in the room safe. cool runnings...

It's not the passport number or picture they want. It's your visa showing you are legally allowed to be in the country.

Just because you haven't been asked for a passport in 24 years doesn't mean it won't happen, or hasn't happened to others. It does happen. As reported in this news article. Rare, but it can happen.

I think that's a bit far sought, with picture they can verify if this is indeed your passport, and with the passport number they should be able to check in their system if you have a valid visa.

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Thai drivers license has passport number but in 3 years I have never been asked to produce a passport,

Means nothing, that was the passport number you had when you got your license. It now may be expired or even worse you are here on an overstay. Don't count on the police accepting your license as proof of your legality

I check in to Hotels with a Thai driving lic never any issues

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

My favourite haunts don't ask for any id any more,tax dodge i'm guessing.Of course if there is a fire and i perish,they will wonder who i am.

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You *are* required to present documentation of your immigrations status on demand, and for 99% of us that is our passport.

"Presenting" doesn't mean "presenting the passport that you must be carrying on you at all times."

This has been discussed ad nauseam here on TV. Look up the many previous threads. Nobody's ever been able to find any law saying that foreigners must carry their passports, specifically, at all times. Nobody's been fined or deported for not doing so. (If you think there is such a law, then quote it.) They must have a passport, yes. So you can be detained until you produce it, if BiB or Immigration so chooses. If you have no passport, the obvious follows. What else is new?

Keep carrying those copies and DL.


You must be able to prove who you are with an accepted ID.

For foreign tourists and foreigners on a visa, any visa, in Thailand that seems to be a passport only.

The only exemption seems to be a foreigner registered in the Amphur, yellow Tambien Baan.

That means having a Thai ID number.

Before that number was on your driving license, now it is your passport number.

That said, as a rule, if You have a passport AND an ID-card from your own coutry, the ID-card, if it is in English it should be enough.

A good copy of the ID-page of your passport and a copy of the extension of stay page might be enough, as is the Thai Driving License.

There are shops all over Thailand that can make a copy of your passport on a credit card sized "ID-Card".

Mind, it must bear the title COPY, on both sides.

Kind of alternative ID-card, so to say.

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I renewed my US passport last year and ordered the new "passport card." Has my photo and passport number on it, but it allows me to leave my passport book in the room safe. cool runnings...

It's not the passport number or picture they want. It's your visa showing you are legally allowed to be in the country.

Just because you haven't been asked for a passport in 24 years doesn't mean it won't happen, or hasn't happened to others. It does happen. As reported in this news article. Rare, but it can happen.

Several tourists were checked at Chiang Mai airport back in 2010 by a roving immigration officer and I had copy of my passport and visa pages but not the original. The officer took my Thai driver's license and my wife's ID and we were detained for a short while. He would not even look at the passport copy as he stated adamantly that I needed to produce the original. (The officer was rather clear that the law states we must carry the original!) We were not fined and were let go after a bit, and I carried my passport after that any time I went out as it was not a pleasant experience. A bit more lax these days but I hope I never run into the same officer again. Copies or other picture ID are not sufficient in some situations. Like craig says, it can and does happen.

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This topic strikes home for me. I have resided in the realm for the better part of

20 years and have never in those years been sounded for my credentials until

recently and both times were at the BIB checkpoint dropping down into Mea Sot

while a passenger on the Green Machine. Both times were in the past year at the

same point but by different officers. When I produced my laminated copies of

passport facepage and current visa status I was told to produce my passport.

The first time the officer was plenty pissed but couldn't figure out what to do so

gave me a pass (and I wouldn't speak any Thai). The second was a rookie female

officer who was about to pull me off the bus when I gave her the copies until her

senior looked, saw the viable status and pointed this out to the rookie (she lost face

and was also not too thrilled w/me). The fact of the matter is, both times the copies

ultimately cleared me but hard telling if the 3rd time won't be the charm. Both officers

just did not have any clue outside their limited knowledge and were hard pressed to

make a quick call on the matter even with me handing them my two (motcy and car)

drivers licenses at the same time as the passport copies. So, bottom line is, all depends

on the people/attitudes/time of day/weather conditions/provinence and IMHO ... phase of the moon whistling.gif

Good luck to y'all but better carry somthin' to show em' than not or a sufficient amount of dosh biggrin.png

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This topic strikes home for me. I have resided in the realm for the better part of

20 years and have never in those years been sounded for my credentials until

recently and both times were at the BIB checkpoint dropping down into Mea Sot

while a passenger on the Green Machine. Both times were in the past year at the

same point but by different officers. When I produced my laminated copies of

passport facepage and current visa status I was told to produce my passport.

The first time the officer was plenty pissed but couldn't figure out what to do so

gave me a pass (and I wouldn't speak any Thai). The second was a rookie female

officer who was about to pull me off the bus when I gave her the copies until her

senior looked, saw the viable status and pointed this out to the rookie (she lost face

and was also not too thrilled w/me). The fact of the matter is, both times the copies

ultimately cleared me but hard telling if the 3rd time won't be the charm. Both officers

just did not have any clue outside their limited knowledge and were hard pressed to

make a quick call on the matter even with me handing them my two (motcy and car)

drivers licenses at the same time as the passport copies. So, bottom line is, all depends

on the people/attitudes/time of day/weather conditions/provinence and IMHO ... phase of the moon whistling.gif

Good luck to y'all but better carry somthin' to show em' than not or a sufficient amount of dosh biggrin.png

I forgot about this! I was on a bus somewhere up near Chiang Rai several years ago. The police were mainly looking for Burmese, but I had to produce a passport. Luckily, I had it. I always take my passport with me when I'm traveling away from home.

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I renewed my US passport last year and ordered the new "passport card." Has my photo and passport number on it, but it allows me to leave my passport book in the room safe. cool runnings...

It's not the passport number or picture they want. It's your visa showing you are legally allowed to be in the country.

Just because you haven't been asked for a passport in 24 years doesn't mean it won't happen, or hasn't happened to others. It does happen. As reported in this news article. Rare, but it can happen.

I think that's a bit far sought, with picture they can verify if this is indeed your passport, and with the passport number they should be able to check in their system if you have a valid visa.

I don't think the BiB have a system that can quickly look up your visa status. Maybe, but doubt about those in the field. Again, it's a money maker. You don't have your passport, pay up!


By law, you must carry your passport with you at all times in Thailand. Tourists have been arrested because they were unable to produce their passport on request.
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Thai drivers license has passport number but in 3 years I have never been asked to produce a passport,

Means nothing, that was the passport number you had when you got your license. It now may be expired or even worse you are here on an overstay. Don't count on the police accepting your license as proof of your legality

"Means nothing"? Based upon what ... your actual experience or your assumption?

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Thai drivers license has passport number but in 3 years I have never been asked to produce a passport,

Means nothing, that was the passport number you had when you got your license. It now may be expired or even worse you are here on an overstay. Don't count on the police accepting your license as proof of your legality

"Means nothing"? Based upon what ... your actual experience or your assumption?

Depends on what you are being stopped for. If a driving infraction, then your IDP or DL will be fine. If it's a passport check, your DL won't suffice. And perhaps even a copy won't suffice. Just depends on the situation and the officer.

My friend was pulled over in Thong Lor while on the back of a scooter taxi a few months ago. Right at the intersection with Sukhumvit. Passport check. No passport on him, so he got fined. He's lived here for many years, has a Thai DL. No good.

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The times I have seen someone detained were several years ago but if anything things have got stricter her not less.

On one occasion I was staying at a large Bangkok Hotel popular at the time with travellers. One morning I was awoken by a knock on the door and greeted by two policemen who politely asked me for my passport. Unfortunately mine at the time was with my lawyer for an extension and at 6am in the morning in the pre mobile phone era hard to contact. About 40 of the guests were kept waiting in the lobby while we made varying attempts to regain our freedom. fortunately the young lady I had staying with me that night was able to go to the lawyers office and at 9 am the police received a phone call from him and I was told I was free to go. About 20 got taken to the station an hour or so later.10 returned varying times later.

On the other I was in a restaurant/hotel and the front of it became a sea of cops. We were all kept there while they politely but slowly (only one officer was processing) had to present our pasports and in some cases were subjected to other questioning. At least 5 who had no passport on them were kept asside for later processing. I never saw them again.

In 40 years of comming here this has happened to me twice, but I do know of others.

In each case it was a specific raid for passsports and possibly drugs, not a random stop. Money would not have worked then either. I have been asked for my passport when travelling but have allways had it on me. It is possible that money would have solved these if I had not had the passport on me.

Edited by harrry
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Source or news article please? Because I would like to read details of the said case that the OP is quoting from..

I was there. IIt was not an article. Hotel The Hotel Malasia Bangkok year about 1970 the second was the TaisonGeet Hotel (restaurant) which was just near the railway station. Year 1974.

Sorry Beetlejuice I never published it but if you want to call me a liar so be it.

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There is more to this story..........

Feel free to tell us then as you know so much. All I know is that those without passports were detained until someone got the passports for them they definitely did not take you to gett them and several overstays were sent ot IDC and deported.

In those days it was not drugs as in 1972 ganga was still almost legal and opium was still commonly used by older people. Yabba had not started its scourge which did affect thais. The US round the 1974 period had persuaded Thailand to enact drug laws and they were occasionally used on foreigners, I know of one person who ended up getting caught with one joint because it was a joint (no pun intended ) operation who got a month for it and was then deported as his visa expired when he was inside but as I said these were mainly immigration raids.

Edited by harrry
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This topic strikes home for me. I have resided in the realm for the better part of

20 years and have never in those years been sounded for my credentials until

recently and both times were at the BIB checkpoint dropping down into Mea Sot

while a passenger on the Green Machine. Both times were in the past year at the

same point but by different officers. When I produced my laminated copies of

passport facepage and current visa status I was told to produce my passport.

The first time the officer was plenty pissed but couldn't figure out what to do so

gave me a pass (and I wouldn't speak any Thai). The second was a rookie female

officer who was about to pull me off the bus when I gave her the copies until her

senior looked, saw the viable status and pointed this out to the rookie (she lost face

and was also not too thrilled w/me). The fact of the matter is, both times the copies

ultimately cleared me but hard telling if the 3rd time won't be the charm. Both officers

just did not have any clue outside their limited knowledge and were hard pressed to

make a quick call on the matter even with me handing them my two (motcy and car)

drivers licenses at the same time as the passport copies. So, bottom line is, all depends

on the people/attitudes/time of day/weather conditions/provinence and IMHO ... phase of the moon whistling.gif

Good luck to y'all but better carry somthin' to show em' than not or a sufficient amount of dosh biggrin.png

I forgot about this! I was on a bus somewhere up near Chiang Rai several years ago. The police were mainly looking for Burmese, but I had to produce a passport. Luckily, I had it. I always take my passport with me when I'm traveling away from home.

I agree that it's the best course of action but really hate taking the risk of losing the passport while out and

about. Although that said, I will take it along on the next trip out to Mae Sot just cuz' I figure "stoopid" comes

into play if I press my luck laugh.png

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You should carry a color copy of your passport, entry stamp, visa page and exit card with you at all time. If you have a Thai driving license it shows that you are a long time resident of Thailand and your passport number is also mentioned there. So that may help. But I never take the chance and carry all the copies with me too.

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By the way the reason they are checking the hotels is if you all remember about a year back there was some bombing problems in Bangkok, those people had stayed in Pattaya and the hotel did not report to the police who stay there. So now all hotels are suppose to inform the police the moment a foreign tourist stay with them. So if you are not carrying passport and stay in the hotel, police will probably visit you.

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Source or news article please? Because I would like to read details of the said case that the OP is quoting from..

I believe this was the incident the OP was refering to


Thanks for the link.

I was just interested to read how this situation came about because I am also guilty of often not carrying my passport with me when I`m out.

Once I was pulled up by the police on my motorbike and I wasn`t carrying my passport, but the nice policeman accepted my driving licence as proof of my identity. But of course it depends on the police officer and his mood at the time.

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Thai drivers license has passport number but in 3 years I have never been asked to produce a passport,

Means nothing, that was the passport number you had when you got your license. It now may be expired or even worse you are here on an overstay. Don't count on the police accepting your license as proof of your legality

I always thought only immigration officer's could demand to see your passport, police could only request a photo id?

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

What do you think a passport is? Hint it has a photo and has your identification (passport#)

That being said i have travelled a great deal and the Cdn Gov't word was to carry a copy of your passport with you at all times. Keep the passport in a safe place that you and one other person you trust can get it.

I also carry other id cards but that is the main thing that I carry.

i agree clubbing or JJ market, walking St and such would not be good places to carry a real passport BUT if you run into trouble a copy of your passport at least tells them what embassy to call.

The CAD Gov't asks you to carry a copy of your passport on you, but not to show I.D. to the foreign police department as proof of citizenship and legal entry. Thus not for the reasons you mentioned. The main reason why they ask you to do this is that in the event that someone breaks into your hotel room, and room safe, which happens all the time, then steals your passport. Your photo copy just makes it easier for you to retain a new one. So they ask you to carry this copy on you at all times because obviously if it is locked in the safe with your passport, you could lose both. So nothing to do with Immigration Spot Checks.

Having said that, I agree with you and I to think it is a good idea to carry this photo copy with you and show it to the police when required to produce a passport. Not sure if you have a Visa on Arrival, or a Residence Visa, but if I recall my Retirement Visa has my Passport Number written on it in Thai, so a copy of this to won't hurt. Anything else you have to, like a Driver's License, won't hurt either. If you can't produce your passport then be nice and baffle them with B.S. Works for me!

But lets face it guys, and this part is not directed at you per say, that the BIB are not that ignorant and what many people here want us to believe. They deal with tourists everyday, and for sure a lot more than we will ever deal with them. Sadly though, mostly the ones of not so good character like us. But as it stands they know already that most of us, or almost all of us, don't carry our passports with us. Especially on a night out full of wine, woman, and song. They probably think it is a good idea not to, otherwise they will be involved in a lot of new cases for stolen or lost passports from some drunk who just misplaced it.

So contrary to what many people are saying and think, the BIB are not that stupid and put here to spoil the tourist industry in Thailand. Or even on the hunt for easy money all the time. Otherwise they would ask everyone for their passport and over 95% of us would be in jail right now. Why bother to go to a night club when you can ask anyone on the street at any time for their passport, and have a Paddy Wagon full of us around the corner waiting to be filled like a Baht Bus? With an empty one waiting to be filled right behind it.

So personally, I think it has more to do with being in the wrong place at the wrong time. If you are at a place full of Bar Girls who are all under age, by accident or otherwise, then it is going to make them wonder what you are doing their in the wee hours of the morning. Or even just in a place they hand picked to be raided that night for some reason. So perhaps to them further investigation of you later might be required and thus taking your name down. But by presenting yourself with a smile, photo copies of your passport, and somewhat sober, you will probably get out of this situation easily. Most others won't even have this, so it makes you look better then that, if nothing else.

I to never heard of anyone being put in jail or deported strictly on not having their passport on them when asked for. Although by law it probably could happen. They could keep you if they feel they have reason, and until you prove you are not an Overstay or them checking if you are a Wanted Criminal. But I highly doubt they will throw you in some dungeon then, along with the key. But then they could still hang horse thieves in the some states in the US as well, which also doesn't happen much anymore either. So I think just old laws that they haven't gotten around to changing yet, but technically can still be used to their advantage.

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May I suggest to the thai cops that they start asking all those American folks here to visit Cobra Gold that they annoy them. After all, they won't have a passport on them, just those little tiny military ID cards. Oh, and please demand the passports after the boys have drank cobra blood and got some beer in them. Interesting-news footage at 7pm

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