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Mentally Unstable Songtow Driver


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Last week three of us stopped a red songtow driving down Nimmanhemin. We asked the driver if he could take us to Dukes, on the river. He agreed, and we entered the back of the songtow. It was an older model vehicle with the rear covering head room being much lower than the average songtow. When we arrived at Dukes, I gave the driver 60 baht. He looked at me in disbelief and demanded 1000 baht. Then I was looking in disbelief. I explained, if he had mentioned he wanted 1000 baht we would have never went with him. The driver started screaming at us demanding we hand over 1000 baht. Not wanting to agitate him further, I calmly explained we were not going to pay 1000 baht and I was going to call the police.

After the driver realized this is going nowhere, he drove off at a high rate of speed almost causing a collision with a tuk tuk. Unfortunately, there was a western tourist in the back of his vehicle with his eyes bugged out, since he knew he would be next to deal with this guy. Please be on your guard for a red songtow fitting the above mentioned description with an older unstable driver. This guy is a danger to himself and others. sad.png

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I have found almost all Songtow Drivers to be Good, decent folk.

Off Hand I can only think of one occasion when I had problems with a bad one.

Returning from Thaepe Area about 8 one night I offered B100, for a trip to Tannon Suthep, Lang Mo, or Back gate of University.

Never had a problem before as this is over the odds for the journey.

I jumped in front and driver dropped off a young girl on the Irrigation canal quite close to where I was going then as he pulled away demanded B150.

Stop I get out No pay.

He mumbled in Thai and kept driving and dropped me off as agreed.

I paid the agreed B100 and he apologised.


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"Please be on your guard for a red songtow fitting the above mentioned description with an older unstable driver." That's a really useful description cheesy.gif

I apologize for not taking a photo of the driver and his songtow, but at the time we were more concerned about the drivers unstable demeanor. This is just a public service announcement and nothing to get hysterical about. I have been here for about 6 years, and have never experienced an encounter like this before.

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Twenty baht a head doesn't make the nut anymore (See fuel prices!) but 1000 baht is somewhat excessive. To say the least.

you should have negotiated the price before getting in. 60 Baht for 3 passengers from Nimman to the Dukes is unreasonable as that is not a normal route but a private hire. i agree that 1,000 is too high but you should have expected to pay much more than 60 Baht.

When we returned to Nimmanheimn from Dukes, the songtow driver charged us 20 baht apiece. When the drivers are going in the general direction you are requesting, 60 baht for three people is normally what is charged. Almost without exception, if the drivers want more than 20 baht apiece, they will share this information with you before embarking on your journey.

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I pay 20B from Canal Road to Kaad Luang, nearly Dukes, never a problem.

People paying more are causing problems like the OP experienced.

And whoever said 20B doesn't cut it, fuel prices are up, needs to check the price of diesel. Been 30B a litre for years.

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Twenty baht a head doesn't make the nut anymore (See fuel prices!) but 1000 baht is somewhat excessive. To say the least.

you should have negotiated the price before getting in. 60 Baht for 3 passengers from Nimman to the Dukes is unreasonable as that is not a normal route but a private hire. i agree that 1,000 is too high but you should have expected to pay much more than 60 Baht.

When we returned to Nimmanheimn from Dukes, the songtow driver charged us 20 baht apiece. When the drivers are going in the general direction you are requesting, 60 baht for three people is normally what is charged. Almost without exception, if the drivers want more than 20 baht apiece, they will share this information with you before embarking on your journey.

True enough.

But you might want to consider changing your avatar on a topic like this.tongue.png

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all I know is when we needed a songtaew in January for about 5 of us - me and 4 Thais - from Airport Plaza, not a single songtaew would take less than 30 Baht per head. all of the Thais, including students, were paying 30 Baht without questioning it at all. i did over-hear some of them chatting among themselves wondering if fares had gone up, but they did not make a big issue of it.

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Do you really think that Thais are paying more than 20 baht for that journey when the driver does not inform them in advance? Having a guarantee of 3 customers makes it a pretty average price during daylight hours. Drivers of red songteaws have no "normal" route.

And going that route isn't so bad there's often someone wanting to go in the Kad Luang direction. Sounds like the driver was pissed off that this time there was no one.

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My Thai wife says that it is not just farangs that are getting ripped off. Songteow drivers are increasingly asking for higher prices. If she is coming back home to the Moo Baan from Central Airport she is asked for 150 or so the moment they hear the name of this Moo Baan. She mumbles something about 'Mae Baan' and immediately the price drops to 50 baht. She won't pay. A frequent trip for her is from Airport Central to the new Festival. Standard fare is 20 baht. She heard them tell some farangs that it was 200 baht and she countered that and told the driver that the fare is just 20 baht. "Oh no" he said "That is the price for Thai people". But he then tried to charge a young Thai girl 60 baht. When my wife complained again, he said "We need the money for the new Lanna Republic!". That was a new one on her but she still only paid 20 baht.

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Having paid my dues for a year, driving a taxi at night in a major American city, I have a natural feeling of brotherhood for the taxi, songtaew, and tuk tuk drivers of Thailand. Driving around all night and day in this smog and heat is worth more than 20 baht a head, in my worthless and very humble opinion.

While I might sympathize with you/them, the official rate is something like 15 baht and most Thais and English teachers could not afford more. Rich Thais pay the same rate as poor ones. In Pattaya it is only 10 baht and in some places even cheaper.

As a former English teacher who had to live on Thai salary, I don't think that farangs should have to pay more than Thais unless someone chooses to do it voluntarily and leaves a nice tip.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Red songthaw are NOT a taxi so its going to be 20 or 25 bath per head all the way for both Thai and all Tourists and farangs. Prices controlled by the Department of Transport . Unless the price was initially negotiated I would advise everyone including visitors to Thailand to help enforce this price rule. Otherwise soon all local Thai will have to start paying more like some farang tourists. Red songthaw already monopolize the local mass transit and got away with many things including sabotaging other public transport including the Chiang Mai Bus and the Taxi Meter company!


Nim to river is quite a way for 20 baht a head.

Always check price first if going off-route/chartering even if you've been here 20 years.

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