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patong too expensive for the average joe


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Seems to me that its easy to meet women in Patong, on the street, in markets and shops even

Jungceylon, if you have some dress standards, not flip flops, black shorts and a singlet or tee shirt

with writing on it, women are happy to talk to you if you know how to have a conversation

never paid for a bar girls company and never been out with a professional lady in my home country

I would not pay excessive prices for drinks or entrance fees just to meet a woman who's company

i could buy although i understand why some men would

I would suggest to you that alcoholism and crime is more a problem here umongst forigners, than men paying for sex. That said, yes, I know prostitution is illegal in Thailand.

I'm getting the feeling you are a little jealous of us single guys, Ned. cheesy.gif

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No expert, common knowledge for anyone living on Phuket who has their eyes open.

As for being a "sexpat" - to save any confusion, similar to another thread running, please give me YOUR definition of a "sexpat."

Someone with a huge knowledge of bar girls, how they operate and what they charge

So you have all the qualifications cheesy.gif

I would say someone who takes away many different ladies of the night, on a regular basis.

Lot of us never involved in that trade but who have heard a lot of information and become 'knowledgeable' by default.

"Lot of us never involved in that trade but who have heard a lot of information and become 'knowledgeable' by default." - I'm sure if we took a survey of Phuket Forum members, it would reveal that NONE of member's girlfriends/wives ever worked in a bar girl or massage shop or freelancer, which would be simply unbelievable, because, "their girl is different." cheesy.gif

This post is not aimed at anyone in particular, and is not meant to offend.

It's undeniable that that many on Phuket, and Thailand in general, have started a relationship with a Thai women who previously worked in the sex trade. They have "knowledge" of the "trade" because they were once a customer of it.

Are they to called "reformed sexpats?" cheesy.gif

None of the Thai ladies with farang partners i know have worked in the sex trade

Its quite plain to me we move in different circles

I do know of farangs who were involved with bar girls even one who had a child with one but they are no longer together

I know a few Thai women who would kick your ass if you insinuatated they had been involved in the sex trade to their face

Which we all know you would not be game to do wai2.gif

There are massage shops and massage shops as everyone knows, i am sure there are a few members who would like to kick your ass as well

For insinuating their partners were prostitutes

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Yes mate, but do you know all the different current prices at bars and clubs

sexpats do they use their services on a regular basis

I have a good idea, as I read many posts here on Thaivisa that reveal that sort of data.

Naughty boy does your mrs know you are keeping up to date on prices

Yes, she knows I spend a lot of time reading Thaivisa. As you well know. And I spend no time whatsoever at girlie or any bars. Just saying that your argument of your definition of sexpats is using incomplete data.

"Just saying that your argument of your definition of sexpats is using incomplete data." - I agree, and talk about being judgemental.

The degree qualified, office worker, professional, divorced and lonely male, who is overweight and balding, comes here for a holiday and has a few shags. Big deal. Good luck to him I say.

Edited by NamKangMan
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@ nedkellylives

How would one know what their Thai spouse did for work before they met them, with 100% certainty? That's a serious question.

There are even private inquiry agencies operating so foreigners can be more informed about their prospective partner's history. However, love is blind, and I doubt many use their services.

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@ nedkellylives

How would one know what their Thai spouse did for work before they met them, with 100% certainty? That's a serious question.

There are even private inquiry agencies operating so foreigners can be more informed about their prospective partner's history. However, love is blind, and I doubt many use their services.

Living In Kata knows how i met mine and that she has never been involved in the tourists or sex trade

Another Thai lady friend is a Accountant with a english husband, had 120 clients on her books at last count

She is the money maker at present

I know others as well but have no intention of listing them for someone who thinks all Thai women are prostitutes when its

none of your business anyway

Stick to bar girls they are the only Thai women you have met or know, probably the same type of women in other countries

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Plenty of aging male farangs come here to meet people both female and male and

are happy to pay for the company, its not expensive, they are sexpats and i have no

problem with them, they do not whinge about the price charged

Its the sexpats who never stop whinging about the price they pay for the service they

get on Internet forums i have no time for

Ring a bell with anyone

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@ nedkellylives

How would one know what their Thai spouse did for work before they met them, with 100% certainty? That's a serious question.

There are even private inquiry agencies operating so foreigners can be more informed about their prospective partner's history. However, love is blind, and I doubt many use their services.

Living In Kata knows how i met mine and that she has never been involved in the tourists or sex trade

Another Thai lady friend is a Accountant with a english husband, had 120 clients on her books at last count

She is the money maker at present

I know others as well but have no intention of listing them for someone who thinks all Thai women are prostitutes when its

none of your business anyway

Stick to bar girls they are the only Thai women you have met or know, probably the same type of women in other countries

I have just removed some posts that go well beyond the bounds of a personal insult.

I'll reply to that last post - yes, I know how Ned met his wife, by my wife's introduction. And she had nothing to do with the Phuket or any other tourist scene.

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Plenty of aging male farangs come here to meet people both female and male and

are happy to pay for the company, its not expensive, they are sexpats and i have no

problem with them, they do not whinge about the price charged

Its the sexpats who never stop whinging about the price they pay for the service they

get on Internet forums i have no time for

Ring a bell with anyone

Aren't they "sex tourists" not "sexpats." Isn't it you who said an "expat" is someone who lives here?

Now, you are saying that someone who holidays here for 2 weeks a year and goes with a hooker is a "sexpat" as well.

You will know I'm quite vocal on the transport situation here, which is directly related to an out of line pricing system, due to a monopoly and corruption.

I've never complained about the price of "services" on Phuket, but have compared them to other places in Thailand. A little like comparing Australian and New Zealand lamb in Thailand to Australia. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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@ nedkellylives

How would one know what their Thai spouse did for work before they met them, with 100% certainty? That's a serious question.

There are even private inquiry agencies operating so foreigners can be more informed about their prospective partner's history. However, love is blind, and I doubt many use their services.

Living In Kata knows how i met mine and that she has never been involved in the tourists or sex trade

Another Thai lady friend is a Accountant with a english husband, had 120 clients on her books at last count

She is the money maker at present

I know others as well but have no intention of listing them for someone who thinks all Thai women are prostitutes when its

none of your business anyway

Stick to bar girls they are the only Thai women you have met or know, probably the same type of women in other countries

Once again, you are taking my post personally.

I'm not interested who your friends are, or how you met your wife. I could't care less and you don't have to justify anything to me.

It was a general comment.

Have a look around you. Do you see foreigners that live here, expats as you call them, with obvious ex-hookers as partners? If you do, and I would be surprised if you don't, are they "expats" or "sexpats?"

LIK says his idea of a sexpat is someone who goes with multiple hookers, regularly.

What about someone who goes with only the same hooker, regularly? What about someone who falls in love with a hooker and takes her out of the industry? What about someone who goes with different women, but not so regualrly?

"someone who thinks all Thai women are prostitutes" - I've been accused of this before. I take offence to this accusation and it couldn't be further from the truth.

Do you feel you are better than a Thai prostitue? We are all equal in this world. I wish you would stop looking down on bar girls etc. They are people as well.

You are quick to judge everyone because they have an association with a prostitute. You accuse me of thinking "all Thai women are prostitues" and anyone who has been with a prostitute, ever, as a "sexpat."

What makes you so perfect, Ned? You have no more legal right to be in Thailand than any other foreigner and no all Thai people have the advantage of a good upbringing and education.

I do not know of any farang bar girl relationships that have lasted in the 8 years i have been here

except for one and she retired from the scene

As far as Thai peopes upbringing and education its far better than some posters on this forum

The Thai people we know personally are all very nice and could show a lot of farangs a thing or two about being that way

End of conversation NKM, but i would be happy to debate you personally any time at a reasonable hour of the day

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@ nedkellylives

How would one know what their Thai spouse did for work before they met them, with 100% certainty? That's a serious question.

There are even private inquiry agencies operating so foreigners can be more informed about their prospective partner's history. However, love is blind, and I doubt many use their services.

Living In Kata knows how i met mine and that she has never been involved in the tourists or sex trade

Another Thai lady friend is a Accountant with a english husband, had 120 clients on her books at last count

She is the money maker at present

I know others as well but have no intention of listing them for someone who thinks all Thai women are prostitutes when its

none of your business anyway

Stick to bar girls they are the only Thai women you have met or know, probably the same type of women in other countries

Once again, you are taking my post personally.

I'm not interested who your friends are, or how you met your wife. I could't care less and you don't have to justify anything to me.

It was a general comment.

Have a look around you. Do you see foreigners that live here, expats as you call them, with obvious ex-hookers as partners? If you do, and I would be surprised if you don't, are they "expats" or "sexpats?"

LIK says his idea of a sexpat is someone who goes with multiple hookers, regularly.

What about someone who goes with only the same hooker, regularly? What about someone who falls in love with a hooker and takes her out of the industry? What about someone who goes with different women, but not so regualrly?

"someone who thinks all Thai women are prostitutes" - I've been accused of this before. I take offence to this accusation and it couldn't be further from the truth.

Do you feel you are better than a Thai prostitue? We are all equal in this world. I wish you would stop looking down on bar girls etc. They are people as well.

You are quick to judge everyone because they have an association with a prostitute. You accuse me of thinking "all Thai women are prostitues" and anyone who has been with a prostitute, ever, as a "sexpat."

What makes you so perfect, Ned? You have no more legal right to be in Thailand than any other foreigner and no all Thai people have the advantage of a good upbringing and education.

I do not know of any farang bar girl relationships that have lasted in the 8 years i have been here

except for one and she retired from the scene

As far as Thai peopes upbringing and education its far better than some posters on this forum

The Thai people we know personally are all very nice and could show a lot of farangs a thing or two about being that way

End of conversation NKM, but i would be happy to debate you personally any time at a reasonable hour of the day

Please stop talking about your own situation. I am not talking about you personally. I am only ever commenting "generally."

"I do not know of any farang bar girl relationships that have lasted in the 8 years i have been here" - I believe you are from Australia. Have a look at the below link. It clearly shows a very high divorce rate and an average of around 11 years per marriage in Australia.

http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/Products/3310.0~2012~Chapter~Divorces?OpenDocument

These statisitcs are pretty shocking for non-bar girl relationships, also considering there is no cultural divide between the couples. :)

Relationship breakdown seems to be a western problem as well, and is not just isolated to Thailand.

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Often tourists have complained to me about high beer prices in Patong. I never quite understand, when I occasionally go there myself, I always find the prices are normal, like usually 70 - 80 at the most 90 Baht for a Leo beer. But then, I only go there in the low season, and do my drinking in open air beer bars, never in discotheques or a gogo's.

"open air beer bars" - is that a new term for the steps outside a 7/11?


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Seduction,Tiger and Hollywood 300baht entrance, last 10 years i seen the old farts move out from these places and being replaced by younger guys i think the only one who complains are the old farts as the bar girls rather go with the more younger handsome guys...

there's the contradiction , why on earth does a young handsome man need to go to Thailand to pay for boom boom.

you be surprised how many young guys that don't need to pay because the bar girls already have some old fart sending them money every month and believing it will make them stay away from the bar..555

If they are going to give it away its to their Thai boyfriends

sure! but money already coming in from some old fart oversea so lets buy bottle service and have fun with some young guys for free and how about you head up to hollywood and see it by yourself..

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Often tourists have complained to me about high beer prices in Patong. I never quite understand, when I occasionally go there myself, I always find the prices are normal, like usually 70 - 80 at the most 90 Baht for a Leo beer. But then, I only go there in the low season, and do my drinking in open air beer bars, never in discotheques or a gogo's.

"open air beer bars" - is that a new term for the steps outside a 7/11?


I mean all bars that don't require you to go through a door first! Exceptions besides, they are really not expensive, even in Patong. Right, even lower cost options are the sitting area in front of the mom and pop store, and sure, the pavement in front of the 7/11. No matter how hi-so or low-so you are, there is always the right place to go.

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You have to wonder how old some people are who post on this forum

I know of men in their late 30's early 40's who were sending money

To bar girls until told what is going on

You guys who keep on about old guys, how old are you???

At 24 I was old enough to know that sending money for the sick buffalo was not a good idea!

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Often tourists have complained to me about high beer prices in Patong. I never quite understand, when I occasionally go there myself, I always find the prices are normal, like usually 70 - 80 at the most 90 Baht for a Leo beer. But then, I only go there in the low season, and do my drinking in open air beer bars, never in discotheques or a gogo's.

"open air beer bars" - is that a new term for the steps outside a 7/11?


I mean all bars that don't require you to go through a door first! Exceptions besides, they are really not expensive, even in Patong. Right, even lower cost options are the sitting area in front of the mom and pop store, and sure, the pavement in front of the 7/11. No matter how hi-so or low-so you are, there is always the right place to go.

Yes, sorry, I knew what you meant - I was just trying to make a cheap joke. wai2.gif

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Often tourists have complained to me about high beer prices in Patong. I never quite understand, when I occasionally go there myself, I always find the prices are normal, like usually 70 - 80 at the most 90 Baht for a Leo beer. But then, I only go there in the low season, and do my drinking in open air beer bars, never in discotheques or a gogo's.

"open air beer bars" - is that a new term for the steps outside a 7/11?


I mean all bars that don't require you to go through a door first! Exceptions besides, they are really not expensive, even in Patong. Right, even lower cost options are the sitting area in front of the mom and pop store, and sure, the pavement in front of the 7/11. No matter how hi-so or low-so you are, there is always the right place to go.

Yes, sorry, I knew what you meant - I was just trying to make a cheap joke. wai2.gif

"Cheap" jokes belong in the Pattaya forum. laugh.png

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  • 7 months later...

Unfortunately Patong has out-priced itself.


You will be shocked at the price difference of many other Asian countries which are far cheaper.

Great site , but I was a bit shocked at how much for a pint at Willywanger these days!

The last time I was there it was half that price!

Willywanger, Australia

Lager in Willywanger is $0.15 AUD

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I do not think its only Phuket, Pattaya and Bangkok are no different.

Prices for drinks, bar fines and girls is simply getting crazy.

Price for drinks in BKK clubs -240 baht

Pattaya 180-220

Barfines up to 2000 baht

Girl prices 3000-5000

And all these rises have happened in the past year.

A night out "shopping" can easily end up costing 10 000 baht, not exactly an average Joe's daily spending money

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I do not think its only Phuket, Pattaya and Bangkok are no different.

Prices for drinks, bar fines and girls is simply getting crazy.

Price for drinks in BKK clubs -240 baht

Pattaya 180-220

Barfines up to 2000 baht

Girl prices 3000-5000

And all these rises have happened in the past year.

A night out "shopping" can easily end up costing 10 000 baht, not exactly an average Joe's daily spending money

I agree, prices are out of control. Another problem is that the product has gone down hill .... from bad to worse over the years. It is difficult to spot a really hot girl these days working in the bars.
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Unfortunately Patong has out-priced itself.


You will be shocked at the price difference of many other Asian countries which are far cheaper.

Fantastic! Great news!

First step in getting back the quality tourists (as per TAT's goal) is to stop the poor people coming.

We have enough of them already.......

Edited by KarenBravo
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Seduction,Tiger and Hollywood 300baht entrance, last 10 years i seen the old farts move out from these places and being replaced by younger guys i think the only one who complains are the old farts as the bar girls rather go with the more younger handsome guys...

there's the contradiction , why on earth does a young handsome man need to go to Thailand to pay for boom boom.

you be surprised how many young guys that don't need to pay because the bar girls already have some old fart sending them money every month and believing it will make them stay away from the bar..555

Falkan I doubt even you believe the trash that you persist in posting! keep up the Teaching!

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Unfortunately Patong has out-priced itself.


You will be shocked at the price difference of many other Asian countries which are far cheaper.

Great site , but I was a bit shocked at how much for a pint at Willywanger these days!

The last time I was there it was half that price!

Willywanger, Australia

Lager in Willywanger is $0.15 AUD

I think that site is well out of date.

£3 for a pint of lager in Pootong.In your dreams.

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Unfortunately Patong has out-priced itself.


You will be shocked at the price difference of many other Asian countries which are far cheaper.

Great site , but I was a bit shocked at how much for a pint at Willywanger these days!

The last time I was there it was half that price!

Willywanger, Australia

Lager in Willywanger is $0.15 AUD

I think that site is well out of date.

£3 for a pint of lager in Pootong.In your dreams.

My post was satire. From Google, it appears Willywanger is a gay dating site, not an actual place.

This could be an indication of the value of the beer site.

Edited by Old Croc
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Unfortunately Patong has out-priced itself.


You will be shocked at the price difference of many other Asian countries which are far cheaper.

Great site , but I was a bit shocked at how much for a pint at Willywanger these days!

The last time I was there it was half that price!

Willywanger, Australia

Lager in Willywanger is $0.15 AUD

I think that site is well out of date.

£3 for a pint of lager in Pootong.In your dreams.


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Many bars in the new Tiger are charging around 220 baht for a lady drink and a 1000 baht bar fine. The focus of these bars went from selling alcohol, to sell sex, because their rents are so high compared to the old Tiger.

wow, good i got the bar girl thing out of my system a few years back when it was still reasonable prices

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