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Hua Hin’s new road system is scrapped after causing chaos for drivers

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Hua Hin’s new road system is scrapped after causing chaos for drivers


Hua Hin:-- The start of the Hau Hin’s planned new one way road system suffered a major setback on Wednesday when authorities were forced to halt the trial of the new road system after just one day.

Commuters and road users were left confused by the addition of new road markings on Sra Song Road, close to the market and the entrance to the Royal Pavilion Hotel.

Despite new road markings being installed, some road users were either not aware of the markings or chose to ignore them altogether.

It had been planned that drivers approaching the market would instead have to make a u-turn outside the Esso Petrol station on Phetkasem Road. However, this caused considerable congestion throughout the area as chaos ensued prior to the arrival of traffic marshals who were sent to try and direct traffic and assist confused drivers.

In addition to the problems the new road layout caused for drivers, many local market traders were up in arms that road markings had meant that people had difficulty reaching the market and consequently traders were angry that businesses were suffering.

By Thursday morning, the markings on the road in question had returned to their original state and traffic flow was back to normal.

-- 2014-04-25

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Police to Thai driver going the wrong way on a one way street: "Don't you know this is a one-way street?" Thai driver: "But I am only going one way, my way!"

Since Thailand is one of the Countries noted for having 6 way traffic on a one way street why is anyone surprised?

When crossing the road remember the Thai road drill for crossing a one way street as the traffic can come from all directions: Look left, look right, look up, look down, look behind, look straight ahead.

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I was driving up Soi 70 last week and saw them putting up signs, and noticed that they were forcing people to turn left onto Petchakasem and make a u-turn to go south (instead of just letting people turn right to go south.) Took 10 minutes to get from Soi 70 to the Esso. I said "well this s*** won't last for very long."

Called it.

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Police to Thai driver going the wrong way on a one way street: "Don't you know this is a one-way street?" Thai driver: "But I am only going one way, my way!"

Since Thailand is one of the Countries noted for having 6 way traffic on a one way street why is anyone surprised?

When crossing the road remember the Thai road drill for crossing a one way street as the traffic can come from all directions: Look left, look right, look up, look down, look behind, look straight ahead.

I always say that one day the teachings of Charles Darwin about selection (and adaptation) of the species will be proven in Thailand : people will grow eyes on the back of the their heads to survive in the traffic....

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The approved budget for the road markings and hiring of road marshals was officially listed as 7.6 million US dollars.

You could put up a helluva lot of road signs for that kind of money. Don't you just love the tenacity of the 'Local Authorities' ???

Now if it was us 'Farangs' who didn't obey the new road signs we'd be fined to kingdom come, but Thai's ---- OK carry on, sorry for the trauma it's caused you. It's a wonder that the Thai's are not suing the local authorities for upsetting their day; how dare they make me change my route???? I suppose that the biggest problem, is that very few (if ANY) Thai's would even recognise a 'NO ENTRY' sign. Yet another great step forward for the Hua-Hin road traffic control upgrade. Well, at least they can all go out and have a blxxdy great piss up this weekend on the money they were intending to spend on this new 'system'.

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I live in HH and I got caught up in this stupidity. The way they set the one way streets was causing people to go in circles. Total chaos. It worked perfectly fine before they messed it up. If it ain't broke, don't fix it seems lost on the imiciles down here. The traffic police here are morons. Even before this latest blunder, they routinely block off turns on to the main drag. So if you want to go south you must go north first and then all north bound traffic is backed up because half the cars are now trying to make a U turn to head back south...... When the idiot in the police box takes control of the traffic lights, watch out, it backs up traffic in all directions. I often think its a game the cops in box play to see how many cars they can get backed up before changing the light to green. Then they turn it red in 20 seconds.

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Significant traffic pattern changes would seem to require:

Planning and testing

Community/merchant involvement and input

Prior public education

Media blitz concerning affected areas

Implementation on a non-work day

Positioning traffic assist personnel well in advance of changeover

Enforcement with warnings at first/fines to follow/towingwhen appropriate

This doesn't seem to happen in Thailand from my experience. Very little publicity, very little input and then implementation. The end result is chaos, frustration and back peddling.

Edited by Benmart
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I live in HH and I got caught up in this stupidity. The way they set the one way streets was causing people to go in circles. Total chaos. It worked perfectly fine before they messed it up. If it ain't broke, don't fix it seems lost on the imiciles down here. The traffic police here are morons. Even before this latest blunder, they routinely block off turns on to the main drag. So if you want to go south you must go north first and then all north bound traffic is backed up because half the cars are now trying to make a U turn to head back south...... When the idiot in the police box takes control of the traffic lights, watch out, it backs up traffic in all directions. I often think its a game the cops in box play to see how many cars they can get backed up before changing the light to green. Then they turn it red in 20 seconds.

I'm in Cha Am area.....it's the same here when the cops try to control the traffic on the weekends...chaos reigns!

Keystone Cops were amatuers compared to these guys...

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The approved budget for the road markings and hiring of road marshals was officially listed as 7.6 million US dollars.

You could put up a helluva lot of road signs for that kind of money. Don't you just love the tenacity of the 'Local Authorities' ???

Now if it was us 'Farangs' who didn't obey the new road signs we'd be fined to kingdom come, but Thai's ---- OK carry on, sorry for the trauma it's caused you. It's a wonder that the Thai's are not suing the local authorities for upsetting their day; how dare they make me change my route???? I suppose that the biggest problem, is that very few (if ANY) Thai's would even recognise a 'NO ENTRY' sign. Yet another great step forward for the Hua-Hin road traffic control upgrade. Well, at least they can all go out and have a blxxdy great piss up this weekend on the money they were intending to spend on this new 'system'.

It was joke.

Check out what 4.5m US Dollars buys Thai city councils though. :D

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The approved budget for the road markings and hiring of road marshals was officially listed as 7.6 million US dollars.

7.6 million dollars--not bad for one day's work! Life (meaning pervasive corruption) here as usual.

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Police to Thai driver going the wrong way on a one way street: "Don't you know this is a one-way street?" Thai driver: "But I am only going one way, my way!"

Since Thailand is one of the Countries noted for having 6 way traffic on a one way street why is anyone surprised?

When crossing the road remember the Thai road drill for crossing a one way street as the traffic can come from all directions: Look left, look right, look up, look down, look behind, look straight ahead.

Police to Thai driver going the wrong way on a one way street: "You are going the wrong way!"

Thai driver: " How do you know where I'm going?"

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some road users were either not aware of the markings or chose to ignore them altogether.

It had been planned that drivers approaching the market would instead have to make a u-turn outside the Esso Petrol station on Phetkasem Road.

lack of forewarning or communication by the authorities, no police presence to assist drivers, the driving culture, the 'if i'm not sure what to do just plough on' culture, the thai love of U turns... a recipe for chaos.

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Thais don't do change. Imagine the chaos if they ever change to driving on the other side of the road.

Considering the number of people who drive down the middle of the road or on the wrong side of the road, I'd think Thai drivers would hardly notice. rolleyes.gif

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Significant traffic pattern changes would seem to require:

Planning and testing

Community/merchant involvement and input

Prior public education

Media blitz concerning affected areas

Implementation on a non-work day

Positioning traffic assist personnel well in advance of changeover

Enforcement with warnings at first/fines to follow/towingwhen appropriate

This doesn't seem to happen in Thailand from my experience. Very little publicity, very little input and then implementation. The end result is chaos, frustration and back peddling.

That's because the Thai mentality is 'Well, I know about it, so why don't you too'.

They think we are all 'maw doo' and should be able to read what passes for their minds ...

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