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Another one - 7:57 - 59 - 8:01


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Sorry but Phan,Mae Saui and Mae lao where do they belong????

The after shocks and new earth quakes in Thailand right now-which this thread is about is going on at those places - any doubt about that take a look for your self please.


We have one topic about this closed and I do not know why some one have problems about having this one running...if you do not have any interest in this - just do not open and read about it....but let us who have keep this.

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But flooding in Serbia is perhaps out of the province!?!?!?!?!?

When I checked last, it was not in Chiang rai .... and you do not understand that when you are debating as this can sometimes be forced to use examples from other places.

So you think that because it has been made here, the thread should be removed - or at least to be moved???

If we all were to ask the admin to remove or move a thread every time there is something we do not like it could be a terrible mess.

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brianmarinus, yes, you are right that it would be chaotic. But in truth, this thread has really boiled down to a dialog between you and scarpolo which could probably be best handled with a steady stream of PM's between you both. But when we have posters who begin to use the thread to post immature attacks on other members, then it really is best to be discontinued as a public thread.

I too am concerned about the ongoing tremors as it poses a threat to my safety and I appreciate the link to the website that shows the number and severity of the aftershocks. But since the only serious posts of late have been made back and forth between you can Scarpolo perhaps you and he can chat via PM's and let this thread die.

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There are really only two forms of preparation that I feel are worthwhile.

1. Practicing bending far enough between one's knees to be able to kiss your own backside goodbye,

2. Making sure the house insurance is topped up.

Making a Will? nah, I've had to fight for everything in this life, so let the family fight out the spoils whilst I'm on my way to the next one!

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Ok. as I looks like no one take this serious I will stop posting about this.


Keep posting If you like and don't be put off by others who don't agree with the content.

You're right, it is CR related. If things go off topic, which they usually do, the mods can

action as they seem fit.

If someone thinks a post breaches the rules, they can report it to the mods and let

them deal with it. I think we already have enough moderation without posters taking

up the mantle

Or better yet, like you suggested, if people aren't interested in it, don't bother reading it.

Edited by Will27
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I can see the sense in being prepared for unforeseen circumstances. Especially if like me you have young children. Food and water and unnecesary trips out are the last thing you need to have to worry about while there is chaos around you. But that said, it doesn't matter how stocked your larders are, if you haven't got a calm head on your shoulders when problems arise, and if you live your life constantly in a state of high alert, always preparing for a worst case scenario, you are almost certainly not living the life that you are trying to preserve to its full potential.

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the serbia post was an example,

examples are useful to some, and not others.

anyone who looks at any thread will see there is generally a great disparity between the amount of view (lurkers, readers) vs posters

there is also, a block feature

I have been primarily posting about the ingoing earthquakes in ghe immediate vicinity, and, there have been a deluge of 6.0's worldwide,

I believe they are related,

no one else has too.

one person doesnt like a posting, maybe two, maybe ten,

only one raised a fuss.

on this thread there are 28 readers to 1 poster

just for perspective

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I see the earthquakes have began to do visa runs to burma. I hope immigration does not let them back in.


If you cannot do anyting about it why worry.

If you can and it is easy maybe.

If not sit back and have a new experience.

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That and the fact that most are 3 or less so unless you are sitting right on top of it, the chances are you won't feel it. We only felt the first one and a couple of aftershocks. It is hard to maintain a constant state of anxiety, so people tend to move on to other more pressing issues in their lives. I feel sorry for the people who lost their homes and hope they are well on their way to being rebuilt.

I am guessing the coup aftershocks will continue for a while as well but hopefully with diminishing magnitude, same as the quake.

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Ok. as I looks like no one take this serious I will stop posting about this.

It's a very relevant thread Brian, some are blase about it because they are not even in Thailand, others perhaps because they are a long way from the epicentres. My friends in Phan, Mae Suai and Mae Lao don't have the luxury of a blase pretence.

I just felt a strong shake 10 minutes ago, the met office records it as a 4.7 centred on CR city. I hope you and yours are safe.

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Thanks ajarnsiam - - We just got a telephone call from our Auntie in Mae Suai - the quake at 7:20 was strong enough there to shake lose tiles and a lot of cracks.

Ok. as I looks like no one take this serious I will stop posting about this.

It's a very relevant thread Brian, some are blase about it because they are not even in Thailand, others perhaps because they are a long way from the epicentres. My friends in Phan, Mae Suai and Mae Lao don't have the luxury of a blase pretence.

I just felt a strong shake 10 minutes ago, the met office records it as a 4.7 centred on CR city. I hope you and yours are safe.
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I agree that this is a relevant thread, especially for those living on fault lines or for those who know people in the affected areas

There is nothing wrong with following the quake reports and counting each day’s results. There is also nothing wrong with going about your daily life in Chiang Rai if you have suffered no ill effects to date. It all depends on your situation and temperament.

If you live in an affected area then to be cautious is prudent, if you live in an area where you felt the initial quake but very little sense then, I don’t see anything wrong with going about life as usual. That is not being a quake denier, it is simply a qualified and measured choice.

I don’t think it is helpful to criticize those who are not worried as being somehow stupid or blaze. Not everyone is in the same situation and we should all be allowed to share our experience and perspective. A variety of voices is a good thing and should not be stifled, in my opinion.

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Not sure if you're referring to my post VF, and as I'm writing this from my phone it's not convenient for me to review the whole thread, but as far as I remember you are the first and only person on this thread to describe your attitude to what is a serious problem for many, as blase.

Re your followup point about stifling comment, anyone who cares to read some of the historical threads on the CR forum can form their own opinion as to how a once lively forum is now largely silent.

Have a good evening.

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I am in Mae Rim (N of Chiang Mai) and felt a minor tremor this evening. I didn't note the time but probably around 8PM. I didn't see anyone else mention it so I came here to make sure I wasn't imagining it. I hope everyone stays safe in your area.

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I think you are right Vf-it is up to each person to decide what he/she will worry about.

I am worried as I really as said before feel every little shake...and as we have family in both Mae Suai and Phan.

Every one deal whit the same thing in a different way and it was not you who pissed me of but the guy who wanted this thres closed to as i see it as very imortant that we can share and give information when things like this happen.

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The aftershock at 7:22 last night was enough to shake my computer display here in Mae Taeng. Interesting to note that all the quakes up in Myanmar are on a straight line north of Chiang Rai. Must be where the tectonic plate lies? Maybe Chiang Rai is the creaky hinge point! wink.png

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Just felt a shake some min. ago and look at it but only thing to see was a 5,2 in northern India....but for the last 15 min I feel shaking most of the time and can see it at my bottle of water in front of me.

Wife told me that they have said at t.v.that it will continue through the rainy season.

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Yes, it seems to be going on in Myanmar and China right now.

Was at Central Plaza yesterday ans saw a hole wall cracked from top to bottom - wonder how much more damage the building have taken and what could happen if another big one hit...a bit scary to think about.

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