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4-year-old Lahu boy found living alone since two in Chiang Rai


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Three things. A two year old kid would have died very quickly without help, so anybody that believes that he didn't have any help is gullible in the extreme.

Second, the story of the nine year old girl above who survives by selling fruit and giving shoulder massages etc but "refuses to sleep with any of the villagers" is a lot more sad. To the guy who casually recounts the story here....... why don't YOU or your wife/gf get help for this girl? You know she is in danger.

Third. The "not my business" is not a general Thai concept, seems to me that it only applies when any degree of unpaid work is concerned. Most Thais are quite happy to venture into areas that are not their business.... at least when it comes to visitors to your house asking how much everything cost, how much you make, and opening any door, drawer or cupboard that they see.

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