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Total Farang Idiots


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We have all meet some one we don't like or would like to belt but, Why couldn't you just move to another part of the bar?

and you had to be restrained by the owner several times, and this guy is 70 years old, what's wrong with you? HE'S 70, it really doesn't matter what he said.

Now if he was 20/30 years old then you could give it a crack, but hey man hands off the pensioners!!!

Maybe the OP didn't want to take the old guy on in case he came off second best.

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We have all meet some one we don't like or would like to belt but, Why couldn't you just move to another part of the bar?

and you had to be restrained by the owner several times, and this guy is 70 years old, what's wrong with you? HE'S 70, it really doesn't matter what he said.

Now if he was 20/30 years old then you could give it a crack, but hey man hands off the pensioners!!!

And he wouldn't probably remember what he said to you the next day....smile.png

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The best way I have found to deal with people like that is to turn the tables on them. A bit of a brain game.

The very fact that he had you wound up so tight that you wanted to use physical force against a 70 yo shows, that in his mind, he has won the day.

Reverse the roles and become the windup artist, humiliate him.

That would give you a lot more satisfaction than slapping him.

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Man I got lumbered with this guy from London who has been here 30 years, and views everyone who has entered Thailand in the last 10 years as being married to whores and they should not be here.

Not only did he hit on farang that were 10 years or less, but he hates all Americans here, and also hates all UK people whether thay are expat or living in their homeland.

A guy have different opinions than yours, and you get all worked up. blink.png

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I wouldn't think that this situation is in anyway alien to you. Since you obviously couldn't defeat him intellectually you resorted or tried resorting to violence instead of just moving to another table or phoning your GF to tell her to meet you somewhere else.

Some people can smell fear others ignorance and stupidity.

I suggest you get a copy of Conversing with Old Farts For Dummies.

Otherwise ask your Doctor for a Valium prescription. Just tell him Thailand winds you up big time and you are afraid you are going to hurt someone. He's heard it all before.

Not necessary, he's probably back in the UK after his short holiday, probably bitter at some old guys having young chicks and he has none. Maybe misdirected anger towards the visa situation. wink.png

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One can only apologise, on behalf of the UK, and point out that most Brits aren't like this one. wai2.gif

It's probably stating the obvious to say that, for some of our former-colonies to have plonkers as citizens, we necessarily had some to export there, whether as convicts or free-emmigrants.

Unfortunately not all of them went !

So we still produce these types, and in this modern age, some still escape Border-Control & settle elsewhere, including Thailand.

One makes allowances for age/mental-condition/sad-life-experiences, and the fact that older generations were less-well-educated/globally-oriented/politically-correct, than our own.

And even we aren't perfect, although obviously present company comes close to it. rolleyes.gif

My own particular favourite, is the typical-expat who sits (often but not exclusively in Pattaya) & bemoans the prevalence of immigrants 'back home', seemingly oblivious of the fact the he himself is now an immigrant or economic-migrant, here in LOS. facepalm.gif

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The 70 yo has probably been winding folk up all his life,not bothered if he get's a smack or not!!!...It's not difficult to do ,just cast off with a few leading statements ,there's always some fool willing to bite.whistling.gif

You're like the travelling wildebeest.

All wilderbeest travel...What's your point ?

That's gnus to me.

And no gnus is bad news, at least for the local crocodiles, eh ? rolleyes.gif

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Met quite a lot of this type.

Ruins your night, doesn't it. Pessimistic, angry, disgruntled, know it all. Had one run in with somebody who just couldn't Shudafuqup about Americans..and this and that.

Why do you need to quote yourself?

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Plenty other places to drink in Korat....don't suffer....just walk....leave it to the bar boss to ban the M.

more than likely he is the bossw00t.gif providing the entertainment that's why its so popular,when someone like the op takes the bait.clap2.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

All jokes aside, I would have just walked off and left him to it

I would have loved to do that, but it meant a 6 KM walk home.

No way was I doing that just for this prick.

He has probably changed my view of all long termers in Thailand, and I really don't like that.

But now I am suspicious.

I think next time I will just flatten the idiot.

I think I would have asked him if it was in the last 30 years he became an ar$ehole or whether he was one when he arrived......I know I would not have taken kindly to having my wife insulted........might have been easier to wait outside for the wife or call her & arrange a different place - that being said you probably didn't want to give him the satisfaction of driving you away.....personality wise it would a difficult situation for me too with wife comments thrown it & it takes quite a bit usually to get me riled....it does sound like you have some working history with him......

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One can only apologise, on behalf of the UK, and point out that most Brits aren't like this one. wai2.gif

It's probably stating the obvious to say that, for some of our former-colonies to have plonkers as citizens, we necessarily had some to export there, whether as convicts or free-emmigrants.

Unfortunately not all of them went !

So we still produce these types, and in this modern age, some still escape Border-Control & settle elsewhere, including Thailand.

One makes allowances for age/mental-condition/sad-life-experiences, and the fact that older generations were less-well-educated/globally-oriented/politically-correct, than our own.

And even we aren't perfect, although obviously present company comes close to it. rolleyes.gif

My own particular favourite, is the typical-expat who sits (often but not exclusively in Pattaya) & bemoans the prevalence of immigrants 'back home', seemingly oblivious of the fact the he himself is now an immigrant or economic-migrant, here in LOS. facepalm.gif

Nothing like introducing a little Pattaya bashing into a thread that has absolutely nothing to do with the city, eh Captain Hyphenation ? BTW, there's only one 'm' in emigrant - clearly, standards have slipped at Harrow.

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Did the bar have no doors that you could have walked out of? Is there only one bar in Korat?

Why should I leave?

I was in waiting for my wife to pick me up.

When my wife turned up, he turned all coy.

He had been insulting her beforehand.

For those thinking I am just as much to blame as this guy.... I have been in that bar and talked to many farang, and we are all good mates.

I have nothing bad to say about anyone.

If you sat and had a beer with me, there would be nothing negative between us.... But this guy just wanted trouble from the word go.

If this had happened in a bar in the UK... this idiot would have been put down in seconds.

His entire motivation was that anyone who has not lived in Thailand as long as him is a <deleted> and everyone in their home country are no better..

I take your point and I believe your sincere, but you don't want to even think about hitting a guy that age. Just do what a previous poster said, pour a glass of beer over him.

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One can only apologise, on behalf of the UK, and point out that most Brits aren't like this one. wai2.gif

It's probably stating the obvious to say that, for some of our former-colonies to have plonkers as citizens, we necessarily had some to export there, whether as convicts or free-emmigrants.

Unfortunately not all of them went !

So we still produce these types, and in this modern age, some still escape Border-Control & settle elsewhere, including Thailand.

One makes allowances for age/mental-condition/sad-life-experiences, and the fact that older generations were less-well-educated/globally-oriented/politically-correct, than our own.

And even we aren't perfect, although obviously present company comes close to it. rolleyes.gif

My own particular favourite, is the typical-expat who sits (often but not exclusively in Pattaya) & bemoans the prevalence of immigrants 'back home', seemingly oblivious of the fact the he himself is now an immigrant or economic-migrant, here in LOS. facepalm.gif

He sounds very much like a Yorkshire man to me.

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Unfortunately there are quite a few guys like this here but on the flipside, I've also met quite a few guys who have invaluable snippets of info to make life here easier.

Life isn't perfect, you've just got to get on with it, it's also too short to let people wind you up and stress you out. Smile at people like this and walk away....

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May I suggest you hang out with electrical engineers rather than farang pensioners who spend their days in bars in North-East Thailand. You will find the proportion of a***holes is far, far lower.

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May I suggest you hang out with electrical engineers rather than farang pensioners who spend their days in bars in North-East Thailand. You will find the proportion of a***holes is far, far lower.

One problem there. Sparks are the most boring people on earth haha

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So we have an old cynic who talk semi-nonsense.

And we have one who want to beat him for talking nonsense.

Considering that it is not hard to decide who is the bigger idiot...the cynical nonsense talker or the violent person.

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