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ED visa - new rules apply as to-day!

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I believe nonformal schools does apply to language schools. By "formal schools" they mean schools with a curriculum set by the government, like high schools and Universities. Language schools would be classified as "tutoring schools".

Edited by pokerspiv
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Yes, the law has always said 90 day stamps. However, many immigration offices used to give longer extensions in exchange for backhanders (and because it was less work for them). It's not so common any more. The first time I extended my visa I paid a 3000 baht bribe and got 15 months. Since then it has only been 3 months at a time.

So considering I paid for my 3rd year last month and only have 90 day stamps to show, will they have data on their little computers to let them know I in fact have just started a new visa and will I need to take a trip to Laos? It may be good if I do anyway, inspect the life style and maybe shed this headache which is mounting with each week, there will be more changes to come be sure of that

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I think people get confused over the word extension.p My visa is valid for a year. But the chef superintendent of the local immo. I report not extend every 90 days. As you would with a marriage extension for example. Granted some people may have to extend but I don't know as that is not what I do. We are all trying to get answers regarding the same topic so I stand by what I say why split hairs.

You can stand by but that doesn't make you right. "Split hairs" means discussing on things of no importance.

For people on an ED visa, paying or not paying Bt 1,900 every 90 days, and having to leave country for new visa every years it is of importance.

Here's another person paying 1,900 Bt. every three months

I have gone to immigration every 3 months to get the visa extended by another 3 months.


Yet another, read above in this thread.

It was known already that some school only get three months extensions and so they advertise. e.g Walen school:

you will be able to extend your stay every 90 days at the local immigration office for the duration of the course. At present extensions cost 1,900 Baht.


So, good that you and everybody else in your district is getting longer extension, but is not the same for others, so understand that you can't speak for everybody else.

dear paz, thanks for jumping on the band wagon. Please don't try to belittle me or patronise me. I know what splitting hairs meant and it wasn't in relation to the extension not being important but merely the reply from the poster stating I haven't got a years ed visa just a 3 month which is incorrect. The splitting hairs reference was made due to the fact that either way me having a 3 month or year visa is no important but the fact we are ALL trying to determine the correct answer is. So fella get off your horse and drink your milk and stop trying to make something out of nothing when you my friend clearly did not understand the meaning of my reply to someone else. Which again frankly had nothing to do with you. Once again thank you for you two pennies and I trust its made you feel some what superior and important. I shan't reply to you any further as I actually just want to get the correct answer as do many other without the need to start a war of whose right and wrong. Should you wish to continue then please feel free to message me in private and we can debate this one out.

Thank you

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dear paz, thanks for jumping on the band wagon. Please don't try to belittle me or patronise me. I know what splitting hairs meant and it wasn't in relation to the extension not being important but merely the reply from the poster stating I haven't got a years ed visa just a 3 month which is incorrect. The splitting hairs reference was made due to the fact that either way me having a 3 month or year visa is no important but the fact we are ALL trying to determine the correct answer is. So fella get off your horse and drink your milk and stop trying to make something out of nothing when you my friend clearly did not understand the meaning of my reply to someone else. Which again frankly had nothing to do with you. Once again thank you for you two pennies and I trust its made you feel some what superior and important. I shan't reply to you any further as I actually just want to get the correct answer as do many other without the need to start a war of whose right and wrong. Should you wish to continue then please feel free to message me in private and we can debate this one out.

Thank you

Seeing your attitude and pointless verbosity, i'll pass on that, thanks.

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I've sent an email to my school to see if they say they same thing about the attendance requirements for new students. This is the boat that I'm in since I've already paid for the program but haven't received my Non-O visa and won't enter the country to begin classes until January.

I'll let you know what they say.

On the plus side, I'd be fluent in Thai in no time flat if I'm in class for 25 hours a week. On the minus side, I'd be in class for 25 hours a week, which is about 13 hours more than when I was in college full time getting my BA. Not exactly what I had planned on, but if it's true, I'll just have to find a way to make it work.

I suppose you have paid for a regular course of about 200 hours / year.

25 hours a week is 1,250 hours a year, so it should be paid about five times more. Few if any students if any will pay for that.

Beside, schools do not have enough infrastructure to host that many classes for all their students, and do not have enough teachers

That is the reason why 25 hours a week are an unreasonable and untenable requirement, that has been set at random and circulated with the intention of looking very serious and dissuade people.

I included a question about any price increase in my email to the school. I'll report what they say on that as well. And, if I'm paying five times the amount that is required now (personally, I don't think it will be that extreme) then the school will be able to afford more teachers and more classes to satisfy the new requirements for the visa. Again, this is all conjecture right now since we have seen nothing official.

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that's bs about spending 1,900 every 90 days.

for someone with your username, you don't fact check well. 1.9k baht every 90 days is the norm, you were one of the lucky ones up until now.

Yes my user name good one. Maybe it is the norm for some but not everyone. I'm not the only person even if some do pay that and fair enough if they do. Seriously though luck has got nothing to do with it. That's how it is for some people here and no I am not even suggesting that its the case for everyone as I know full well I that things change and every one is different. I just explained that's what happens for my self and a lot of other people I know. Doesn't make me special at all its just the procedure I have been told to follow and will continue to do so.

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that's bs about spending 1,900 every 90 days. [/quote

for someone with your username, you don't fact check well. 1.9k baht every 90 days is the norm, you were one of the lucky ones up until now.

Yes my user name good one. Maybe it is the norm for some but not everyone. I'm not the only person even if some do pay that and fair enough if they do. Seriously though luck has got nothing to do with it. That's how it is for some people here and no I am not even suggesting that its the case for everyone as I know full well I that things change and every one is different. I just explained that's what happens for my self and a lot of other people I know. Doesn't make me special at all its just the procedure I have been told to follow and will continue to do so. The truth is none of us are experts and can only go by our own experiences. Doesn't matter how many years we have lived here we all know things change like the wind agreed? So I see no point In the bickering when we are all trying to find out the SAME information. Sometimes this forum is like a playground full of bullys

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that's bs about spending 1,900 every 90 days. [/quote

for someone with your username, you don't fact check well. 1.9k baht every 90 days is the norm, you were one of the lucky ones up until now.

Yes my user name good one. Maybe it is the norm for some but not everyone. I'm not the only person even if some do pay that and fair enough if they do. Seriously though luck has got nothing to do with it. That's how it is for some people here and no I am not even suggesting that its the case for everyone as I know full well I that things change and every one is different. I just explained that's what happens for my self and a lot of other people I know. Doesn't make me special at all its just the procedure I have been told to follow and will continue to do so. The truth is none of us are experts and can only go by our own experiences. Doesn't matter how many years we have lived here we all know things change like the wind agreed? So I see no point In the bickering when we are all trying to find out the SAME information. Sometimes this forum is like a playground full of bullys

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Your school seems to be saying something different from you- they're saying that 90 days reporting is going on as normal, and not everybody with a current Ed Visa has to go and reapply for a new one, and others are saying that this Aug 29th date thing only applies to visas that have reached 12 months.

Can I ask how many months you've got left on your visa? It might help clarify things a bit more because what you've been posting is a massive change in how every single Ed Visa works- essentially cancelling every single one in the country and making everybody reapply- and that doesn't seem to be what the school is saying.

I am well over 24 months. So any 2nd or more year student must reapply. What they told me was "everybody" but in a hurry they forgot to tell me that "with more than 12 months". Quite busy there, customers coming and going.

Don't people have to leave the country to get a new Ed Visa anyway every year..? It's what I've always had to do- leave when my admitted until stamp expires when the "enter before" date on the visa expires, travel to another country with documents, get a new visa.

Maybe that's just my school, that's what I've always done. Has everyone else just been getting yearly "enter before" extensions put on their visas in country..?

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Your school seems to be saying something different from you- they're saying that 90 days reporting is going on as normal, and not everybody with a current Ed Visa has to go and reapply for a new one, and others are saying that this Aug 29th date thing only applies to visas that have reached 12 months.

Can I ask how many months you've got left on your visa? It might help clarify things a bit more because what you've been posting is a massive change in how every single Ed Visa works- essentially cancelling every single one in the country and making everybody reapply- and that doesn't seem to be what the school is saying.

I am well over 24 months. So any 2nd or more year student must reapply. What they told me was "everybody" but in a hurry they forgot to tell me that "with more than 12 months". Quite busy there, customers coming and going.

Don't people have to leave the country to get a new Ed Visa anyway every year..? It's what I've always had to do- leave when my admitted until stamp expires when the "enter before" date on the visa expires, travel to another country with documents, get a new visa.

Maybe that's just my school, that's what I've always done. Has everyone else just been getting yearly "enter before" extensions put on their visas in country..?

Yep went to Penang back in 2011 and since then I have not had to leave the country at all.

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Guess I've been doing it wrong then. :) Maybe it's because I always wanted a multi entry Ed Visa which meant going to the UK to get mine... interesting to know, wondered why people were getting up in arms about the 'new' rules because I was thinking "Isn't that the same as before..?"


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So I see no point In the bickering when we are all trying to find out the SAME information. Sometimes this forum is like a playground full of bullys

You gave incorrect information and were corrected. The fact that you hate being wrong doesn't make us bullies. Nobody has said anything aggressive towards you, they have just said you are wrong.

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Your school seems to be saying something different from you- they're saying that 90 days reporting is going on as normal, and not everybody with a current Ed Visa has to go and reapply for a new one, and others are saying that this Aug 29th date thing only applies to visas that have reached 12 months.

Can I ask how many months you've got left on your visa? It might help clarify things a bit more because what you've been posting is a massive change in how every single Ed Visa works- essentially cancelling every single one in the country and making everybody reapply- and that doesn't seem to be what the school is saying.

I am well over 24 months. So any 2nd or more year student must reapply. What they told me was "everybody" but in a hurry they forgot to tell me that "with more than 12 months". Quite busy there, customers coming and going.

Don't people have to leave the country to get a new Ed Visa anyway every year..? It's what I've always had to do- leave when my admitted until stamp expires when the "enter before" date on the visa expires, travel to another country with documents, get a new visa.

Maybe that's just my school, that's what I've always done. Has everyone else just been getting yearly "enter before" extensions put on their visas in country..?

That's just your school. There is no requirement to leave each year up until now.

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So I see no point In the bickering when we are all trying to find out the SAME information. Sometimes this forum is like a playground full of bullys

You gave incorrect information and were corrected. The fact that you hate being wrong doesn't make us bullies. Nobody has said anything aggressive towards you, they have just said you are wrong.

I'm sorry but the information I gave wasn't incorrect. People are obviously doing different things so doesn't mean what I said was incorrect or what they say incorrect. I am merely following what I have been told. I also didn't not name anyone as a bully I said it is like a playground full of bullys so don't twist my words. You also do not know me to make a personal judgement one about hating being wrong when you do not know me personally. I gave another side to the coin in that I shared my experience. One person picked up on something and its sky rocketed from there with people like you jumping on and getting a little dig in. I also recall posts you made before on other threads and if I recall you didnt like it eithe only a few days ago in fact. So please leave me alone. I apogise if my information that I previously gave seems wrong to you but it is what it is. Dont try to make something that it isn't. I really am bored of this subject now. Thank you to the people o have enjoyed conversing with an who hold valuable information like ubon joe. Everyone else I wish you all the best in your studies. Thank you to the people like yourself also pokerspiv. Goodnight all Edited by Getyourfactsright
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So for those applying for a fresh visa it looks like it's best to wait it out a month to avoid having to leave the country again in 90 days? Any more info about possible tourist - ED visa straight swaps without leaving the country?

That has never been possible.

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So for those applying for a fresh visa it looks like it's best to wait it out a month to avoid having to leave the country again in 90 days? Any more info about possible tourist - ED visa straight swaps without leaving the country?

That has never been possible.

I've read several posts on here of people who managed it and was thus possible (I realise most people couldn't do it), nevertheless I was referring to new (normal) policy as point 3 here is unclear.

[*]All new applicants on a tourist visa can apply for the student visa but will loose the length of the tourist visa from the length of the ED Visa ( for example if you have 30 day tourist visa you will loose 1 month from your 12 month ED Visa, if you have 60 days + 30 days then you would loose up to 3 months of the visa dependent on entry stamp and when you got the ED Visa

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So for those applying for a fresh visa it looks like it's best to wait it out a month to avoid having to leave the country again in 90 days? Any more info about possible tourist - ED visa straight swaps without leaving the country?

That has never been possible.

I've read several posts on here of people who managed it and was thus possible (I realise most people couldn't do it), nevertheless I was referring to new (normal) policy as point 3 here is unclear.

You can link these posts for anyone to read and decide who to believe. Conversion to non-imm ED visa is never done.

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So for those applying for a fresh visa it looks like it's best to wait it out a month to avoid having to leave the country again in 90 days? Any more info about possible tourist - ED visa straight swaps without leaving the country?

That has never been possible.

I've read several posts on here of people who managed it and was thus possible (I realise most people couldn't do it), nevertheless I was referring to new (normal) policy as point 3 here is unclear.

Those people were confused or lying.

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Just to let everybody know my situation, I have had an ED visa for a couple of years yet never had to leave the country and I have had to pay the standard 1,900 every 90 days. I was very unsure about this whole 29th of August situation so I contacted my school and they said that I did not have to leave until my current yearly visa runs out which will be next year, so that dispels that myth at least for me... How many hours we need to study I forgot to mention but she didn't bring it up so I am assuming nothing has changed.

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Just to let everybody know my situation, I have had an ED visa for a couple of years yet never had to leave the country and I have had to pay the standard 1,900 every 90 days. I was very unsure about this whole 29th of August situation so I contacted my school and they said that I did not have to leave until my current yearly visa runs out which will be next year, so that dispels that myth at least for me... How many hours we need to study I forgot to mention but she didn't bring it up so I am assuming nothing has changed.

Thanks for posting your experience after speaking to your school. I am in a similar situation to you, i have been on an ED visa for close to 2 years now, and mine will need renewing again at the beginning of next year (i still have one more 90 day reporting to do in October). What school are you attending StomBoobah?

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Just to let everybody know my situation, I have had an ED visa for a couple of years yet never had to leave the country and I have had to pay the standard 1,900 every 90 days. I was very unsure about this whole 29th of August situation so I contacted my school and they said that I did not have to leave until my current yearly visa runs out which will be next year, so that dispels that myth at least for me... How many hours we need to study I forgot to mention but she didn't bring it up so I am assuming nothing has changed.

Thanks for posting your experience after speaking to your school. I am in a similar situation to you, i have been on an ED visa for close to 2 years now, and mine will need renewing again at the beginning of next year (i still have one more 90 day reporting to do in October). What school are you attending StomBoobah?


Yea I have to go to get my next 90 day stamp in October, well at the very end of October, I recently just renewed my year visa last month, so I was a bit annoyed by this rumor. However straight from the school's word so I will take that, they are a good school and are always in good contact with immigration in my town (not Phuket or Pattaya or Bangkok), the school is TLC by the way, great school and teachers, hard working staff as well.

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If someone from the top level army read this let me tell you this:

These new ED visa rules are a total farce and make the new self appointed junta looking like kids playing with the laws.

No respect over anyone who got these visa before. No grace period. No official announcement.

This is looking totally ridiculous. I understand that some country have strong visa requirements because there are a lot of opportunity of jobs in US or Europe for example.

But in Thailand?

If I knew it will become so complicated, I would not have put my feet in this country.

Now my girlfriend who is making 8500 baht a month working in a hotel will have to sell her ass to pay for her kid school next year? be ready to see many more girls available in the bars as their boyfriends and husband have to leave the country.

Well done. I am out of here, and will not send a dime in this country, good luck, Falang have good memory and will not forget how you spit in their face when your economy will return back to middle age.

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Not a big problem go to laos once a year and reapply. People were doing visa runs every 30 days...

This is one change among many such as the need for ID at all times reinforced again as well as notifying change of residence, and I sense there is more to come such as testing at immigration, speaking reading and writing, and who knows what else they are going to come up with. But, things are changing rapidly, you have to look at the bigger picture and see all of these changes that are taking place and why. Even people with retirement visas and non B have to report every 90 days and now non B have to leave every 90 days...

Non B have to leave every 90 days?????
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Hey all so I contacted the school I am at and this is the reply I copied for you all to see. Hope it clears it up as it has for me. Regards!

`Regarding to your question about 90 days report, today two of our

students have just been to the immigration office for their report,

everything is going well as it used to be. There is no requirement to

leave the country to apply for a new visa outside Thailand. So the

information you heard must be wrong. (for now everything is still the


The changes on rules and regulations for ED visa is applied when it is

renewed. As school needs to present student attandance record and the

test paper. The officers also will interview the students in Thai to

check if they really come to school and learn something before they

get the visa renew for another year.

Right now to apply for the ED visa aboard, students must participate

in the class for 5 days per week and 5 hours everyday (means full time

students), my school will have to obey this rules too from the next

course as it is the new regulation, but this is not for our old


There are so many changes now and noone knows what is coming up.'

5 days a week, 5 hours a day?



5h 5 days is that true??
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Just to let everybody know my situation, I have had an ED visa for a couple of years yet never had to leave the country and I have had to pay the standard 1,900 every 90 days. I was very unsure about this whole 29th of August situation so I contacted my school and they said that I did not have to leave until my current yearly visa runs out which will be next year, so that dispels that myth at least for me... How many hours we need to study I forgot to mention but she didn't bring it up so I am assuming nothing has changed.

If your visa is not older than one year, you are ok.

If your visa is older than one year, you should have to leave the country and take a new one.

Here is a mail sent by my school, about my situation :

From 29th August all the students who have extended their ED visa past one year have to apply for visa again by the date of their next extension. If I'm not mistaken, your next extension will be on 1st November, which means that you will have to apply for visa again by that date. It takes about 2 weeks to prepare documents for visa but since there are going to be more people applying, I suggest that you come to school earlier (3 weeks- 1month) to be sure (so, in the beginning of Oct)

You will need to bring your passport, 12 pictures in colour (3.5 by 4 cm and, according to the new law, you need to be wearing a shirt with a collar and long sleeves on the pictures), your address in Thailand.

It's wallen school, in Pattaya.

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